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Extreme Weight Loss Hypnosis & Positive Affirmations For Women (2 in 1): Lose Weight Rapidly, Overcome Insomnia & Rewire Your Brain Using Self-Hypnosis, Meditations & Affirmations
Extreme Weight Loss Hypnosis & Positive Affirmations For Women (2 in 1): Lose Weight Rapidly, Overcome Insomnia & Rewire Your Brain Using Self-Hypnosis, Meditations & Affirmations
Extreme Weight Loss Hypnosis & Positive Affirmations For Women (2 in 1): Lose Weight Rapidly, Overcome Insomnia & Rewire Your Brain Using Self-Hypnosis, Meditations & Affirmations
Ebook163 pages2 hours

Extreme Weight Loss Hypnosis & Positive Affirmations For Women (2 in 1): Lose Weight Rapidly, Overcome Insomnia & Rewire Your Brain Using Self-Hypnosis, Meditations & Affirmations

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Introducing The 10 Hour Collection Of Self-Hypnosis & Positive Affirmations To Help You Lose Weight, Fall Asleep Fast & Get The Body You Desire By Rewiring Your Brain! 


Release dateMay 9, 2023
Extreme Weight Loss Hypnosis & Positive Affirmations For Women (2 in 1): Lose Weight Rapidly, Overcome Insomnia & Rewire Your Brain Using Self-Hypnosis, Meditations & Affirmations

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    Book preview

    Extreme Weight Loss Hypnosis & Positive Affirmations For Women (2 in 1) - Charlotte Piper

    Table of Contents

    Table of Contents

    Affirmations for Self-Love

    Affirmations for Anxiety

    Affirmations for Depression

    Affirmations for Wealth

    Affirmations for Confidence

    Affirmations for Happiness

    Affirmations for Success

    Positive Affirmations for Health

    Affirmations for Self-Esteem

    Table of Contents

    Envisage Your Long-Term Goal

    Diving Deep into our Behaviors and Beliefs

    The Motivation Myth

    Heal Your Body

    Water Weight Loss

    Weight Loss Hypnosis

    Exercise Ingrained in Your Brain

    Live More Actively

    Getting Enough Sleep

    Positive Affirmations for Exercise

    Affirmations for Healthy Eating

    Affirmations for Weight Loss

    Affirmations for Self-Love

    I deserve to be loved and respected.

    I deserve everything good that comes my way.

    I feel good about who I am and what I can do.

    I am fine the way I am.

    I know that I can reach my goals and dreams.

    I'm proud of everything I've done.

    I am grateful for my unique qualities and talents.

    I am strong and can handle things.

    I treat myself and others with kindness and care.

    I'm happy with who I am and what I choose to do.

    I'm always getting better and growing.

    I have a lot of love and support around me.

    I have a lot of good energy and life force.

    I'm sure of what I can do and what skills I have.

    I've made peace with my past and am concentrating on the present.

    I'm getting better at letting go of things that don't help me anymore.

    I'm open to trying new things and getting new chances.

    I am patient with myself and my journey.

    I'm happy with how far I've come and what I've done.

    I deserve to be forgiven and shown kindness.

    I am a unique and valuable person.

    I'm sure I can handle anything that comes my way.

    I'm getting better at putting my own needs and care first.

    I'm thankful for the people who help me and keep me going.

    I can be myself without being judged.

    I'm ready to get love and kindness from other people.

    I deserve to take time to relax and reenergize.

    I decide what makes me happy and how well I feel.

    I'm proud of myself for getting through problems and problems.

    In every part of my life, I'm always learning and growing.

    I deserve love and respect from everyone I'm close to.

    I am committed to growing and improving myself.

    I have faith in my ability to make good choices.

    I am okay with my flaws and mistakes.

    I'm getting better at loving myself no matter what.

    I deserve to have plenty of money and success.

    Positive and helpful energy is all around me.

    I'm happy to have love and good things in my life.

    I can make my wildest dreams come true.

    I deserve to live a happy, full life.

    I'm happy with the person I'm turning into.

    I am always trying to get along better with other people.

    I am sure that I can deal with any problem that comes my way.

    I'm learning to believe in myself and my gut.

    Due to my hard work and dedication, I deserve respect and praise.

    I'm thankful for the chances and experiences that have made me who I am today.

    I am responsible for my own happiness and health.

    I'm always getting better as a person and learning from my mistakes.

    I deserve love and care from the people around me.

    I'm getting better at accepting both my strengths and weaknesses.

    I'm sure I can make the life I want for myself.

    I'm thankful for the help and support of the people around me.

    I can do anything I want to if I put my mind to it.

    I deserve all the good things that happen to me.

    I am happy with who I am and where I am going.

    In every part of my life, I'm always learning and growing.

    I'm happy with the person I've turned into.

    I'm learning to let go of negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones.

    I deserve to be loved and helped by other people.

    I'm thankful for the life lessons I've learned.

    I am strong and can get through any problem.

    People love me because of who I am, not what I do.

    I deserve kindness and respect from myself and from other people.

    I'm always changing and getting better as a person.

    I am sure that I can make the best choices for myself.

    I'm learning how to set healthy limits and say what I need in a clear way.

    I deserve to take care of myself and give myself time.

    I'm proud of the things that make me different and unique.

    I can find peace and balance within myself.

    In every part of my life, I am surrounded by good things and plenty.

    I'm getting better at loving myself without judging or criticizing myself.

    I deserve to be happy and have fun in my life.

    I want to live my life with purpose and meaning.

    I'm thankful for the people who love me and help me no matter what.

    I am sure that I can deal with hard situations with grace and ease.

    I deserve for people to forgive me and let go of my mistakes.

    I'm always trying to get better and grow as a person.

    I can make my own happiness and success happen.

    I'm getting better at accepting change and adjusting to new situations.

    I'm proud of myself for getting over my fears and leaving my comfort zone.

    Because of my unique skills and gifts, I deserve respect and appreciation.

    I promise to be kind and caring to myself and to other people.

    I'm thankful for the chances I've been given to learn and grow.

    I am sure that I will be able to reach my goals and dreams.

    I'm learning to have faith in the journey and the universe.

    I deserve all the good things that happen to me.

    I'm happy with my past and looking forward to my future.

    I'm always getting better as a person and learning from my mistakes.

    I can make my life what I really want it to be.

    I'm happy that I stood up for what I believe in.

    I deserve love and acceptance because I am who I am, not because I am who I should be.

    I have made a promise to live my life honestly and with integrity.

    I'm thankful for how much my friends and family care about me and help me.

    I am sure that I can deal with any problem that comes my way.

    I'm getting better at putting myself and my needs first.

    I deserve to take time to relax and reenergize.

    I can reach a place of peace and happiness inside myself.

    I'm happy with how far I've come and with the person I'm becoming.

    I deserve all the love, wealth, and happiness that life can give me.

    I have the power to make my life full of happiness and plenty.

    I deserve love and respect, and I freely give them to myself.

    I know that my intuition always leads me in the right direction because I trust it.

    I'm always changing and getting better, which is a beautiful thing.

    I love myself, flaws and all, no matter what.

    I'm thankful for my body and try to be kind and respectful to it.

    I deserve to be happy and successful in every part of my life.

    I believe that everything happens for a reason and that the journey is what matters.

    I am tough and strong, and I can handle any problem.

    I deserve to laugh and have fun every day of my life.

    I am always learning new things and growing my knowledge.

    I'm proud of what I've done and enjoy my successes.

    I can make relationships that are healthy and satisfying.

    I'm thankful for all the good things in my life.

    I believe that the universe always has my back and will take care of me.

    I need rest and relaxation, and taking care of myself is important to me.

    I love and accept myself right now, just as I am.

    I am committed to growing and getting better as a person.

    I am sure of my skills and talents and believe in them.

    I deserve to be treated with kindness and understanding.

    I believe I'm on the right path and trust the journey.

    I'm happy with the person I'm becoming and how far I've come.

    I am able to make all of my goals and dreams come true.

    I'm thankful for the lessons I've learned and how they've made me who I am today.

    I deserve love and respect, and I am happy to give it to others.

    I'm always getting better at letting go of things that no longer help me.

    I believe the universe has a plan for me and that I am right where I should be.

    I deserve to do well at work and in my personal life.

    I like and love myself just the way I am.

    I promise to love and take care of myself every day.

    I am sure that I can make good decisions on my own.

    I'm thankful for all the beautiful things in the world.

    I believe that everything will work out well for me.

    I have the power to make my life have purpose and meaning.

    I deserve respect and admiration from other people.

    I love myself and accept all of my flaws.

    I'm always getting better at letting go of things that no longer help me.

    I believe that my journey is unique and will take me where I am supposed to be.

    I'm happy with how far I've come and with the person I'm becoming.

    I deserve to be loved and happy with the people I'm with.

    I'm thankful for all the good things in my life.

    I am sure that I can learn from my mistakes and grow from them.

    I deserve to live a happy, fun, and exciting life.

    I love and respect my body, so I take good care of it.

    I am committed to making a life that fits with what I believe and what I value.

    I believe that everything is going the way it should and is for my best.

    I can set healthy limits and let people know what I need.

    I deserve to be loved, supported, and cared for by the people around me.

    I am enough the way I am, and I don't need to change to be loved.

    I deserve to have my needs met and my wishes come true.

    I'm thankful for all the people and things in my life that make me happy.

    I believe that I am right where I need to be right now.

    I can get through any problem

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