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Mastering Frustration: Dealing with Stress, Anger and Toxic Relationship
Mastering Frustration: Dealing with Stress, Anger and Toxic Relationship
Mastering Frustration: Dealing with Stress, Anger and Toxic Relationship
Ebook177 pages2 hours

Mastering Frustration: Dealing with Stress, Anger and Toxic Relationship

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Are your worries and hurdles keeping you awake at night? Discover a practical method to turn stress into satisfaction.

Do you feel like your goals are always out of reach? Does your job make you tear your hair out? Are you fed up with dead-end relationships? Having enjoyed a broad career spanning continents, author, teacher, and speaker Elisha O. Ogbonna is passionate about helping others overcome roadblocks to loving and enjoying life. Now he's here to share his straight-to-the-point insights so you can push those troubling tensions away and focus on your dreams.

Mastering Frustration is a hands-on approach to conquering everyday fears, annoyances, or challenges that can end up ruining your world. Divided into three specific areas of Personal, Occupational, and Home, Ogbonna provides guidelines for resolving a wide span of issues. By handling your obstacles and stresses, you'll soon be building a bridge back to the happy life you deserve.

In Mastering Frustration, you'll discover:

- Tools and techniques to change unfavorable situations into fulfilling experiences

- How to triumph over the damaging effects of despair, sadness, and depression and find your true resilience

- Ways to create permission for yourself to transform unhealthy scenarios into positive outcomes

- Specific turning points to give you leverage over the changes you desire

- Helpful descriptions of problems, identifying persistent sources of aggravation, actionable steps, and much, much more!

Mastering Frustration is a detailed guide to help you regain sanity. If you like expert assistance, pragmatic strategies, and easy-to-follow advice, then you'll love Elisha O. Ogbonna's game-changing resource.

Release dateMay 8, 2024
Mastering Frustration: Dealing with Stress, Anger and Toxic Relationship

Elisha Ogbonna

Elisha O. Ogbonna hails from Enugu in Igbo land, and Igbo language is his first language. Elisha started reading Igbo book and the Bible at the age of nine to help his late parents who lacked the skill to read and write the Igbo language. He started teaching and translating English words and sentences into the Igbo language by the time he entered high school (secondary school). His performance was excellent in the West Africa examination during high school. He had done translation and interpretation, both in traditional and religious settings. He once taught the Igbo language in adult class, when he was a teacher. He is happy to help anyone interested in learning Igbo language and has set up a platform for such a project. His next upcoming book will be for advanced learners.

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    Mastering Frustration - Elisha Ogbonna

    Mastering Frustration

    Dealing with Stress, Anger and Toxic Relationship

    Elisha O. Ogbonna

    Mastery Frustration: Dealing with Stress, Anger and Toxic Relationship

    by Elisha O. Ogbonna

    This book is written to provide educational and Self-help purposes.

    First Published: July, 2020

    Revised Edition: May, 2024

    Copyright © May 2024 by Elisha O. Ogbonna

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, transmitted, or distributed in any form by any means, including, but not limited to, recording, photocopying, or taking screenshots of parts of the book, without prior written permission from the author or the publisher.


    978-1-7772771-6-1 (Hardcover)

    978-1-7772771-4-7 (Paperback)

    978-1-7772771-5-4 (eBook)

    978-1-7772771-7-8 (Audio)

    Manufactured in Canada

    Prinoelio Press

    For Elisha Ogbonna


    Amanda and Rebecca,


    To those who are going through tough times and

    seek to become out strong and fulfilled

    Table of Contents



    Chapter 1 

    Unveiling the Hidden Foe

    Chapter 2 

    The Nature of Human Emotional Energy

    Chapter 3 

    The Spectrum of Our Emotional Energy

    Chapter 4 

    Types of Frustration and Stressors

    Chapter 5 

    The Telltale Signs of Frustration

    Chapter 6 

    The Price of Frustration

    Chapter 7 

    Battling with Inner Demons

    Chapter 8 

    Releasing Inner Frustration

    Chapter 9 

    Navigating Workplace Difficulties

    Chapter 10 

    Navigating Frustration in Education

    Chapter 11 

    Navigating Frustration in Relationships

    Chapter 12 

    Dealing with Angry Children

    Chapter 13 

    Handling Your Angry Teenager

    Chapter 14 

    Navigating the Financial Challenges

    Chapter 15 

    Frustration Management Techniques

    Chapter 16 

    The Power of Effective Communication

    Chapter 17 

    Your Frustration Detector

    Chapter 18 

    The Hidden Benefits of Frustration

    Chapter 19 

    Self-Examination – Your Survey

    Chapter 20 

    Further Self-Help on Frustration Management



    Oftentimes, frustration begins quietly, like a whisper in the breeze, and it's simple to ignore until it takes root in our lives. Consider the times you've found yourself frustrated by a stubborn jar lid that refuses to be opened, tapping your fingers on the steering wheel in traffic congestion, or attempting to assemble a piece of furniture with unclear instructions. All of those are instances of frustration in action.

    I worked as a quality inspector from 2012 to 2017; my responsibilities included visual inspections as well as mechanical and functional part verification to make sure that the parts met the requirements and quality standards. I was scheduled to work at an automotive production plant at some point.

    On that day, I prepared to carry out the standard inspection activities that had been delegated to my colleague and I. Our workspace was just 40 feet from the production center, in the bustling Finished Product section of the facility. Little did I know the unexpected drama awaiting us.

    Suddenly, a series of loud booms broke the normal hum of activity as my colleague, and I were carefully carrying out our auto part inspections. Startled, we shifted our attention to the source of this industrial percussion.

    To our surprise, we discovered a lone worker standing defiantly outside a robot cell. It appeared that this robot, which was meant to handle processed pieces with grace and deliver the part to the next in line, had gone berserk and was dropping each piece indiscriminately to the ground. The furious employee attempted in vain to reset the unruly robot in an attempt to fix the problem.

    The worker in overalls, enraged, unleashed a barrage of bare-handed strikes against the metal fence that contained the robot. Every punch was met by the machine's opposition rather than cooperation. Despite several resets and program updates, the robot descended into a chaotic state of dysfunction.

    This worker, due to the enraging situation, lost every form of common sense and situational awareness. He was blindsided and didn't realize that he could have asked a colleague for assistance or called the supervisor. Instead, each time that the robot dropped a part, he would hit the metal cell of the robot out of persistent frustration.

    We intervened. However, this tenacious worker would eventually learn, though, that his bare-handed attack on the robot metal cell would cause more process downtime and aching hands.

    Frustration is part of the internal and common human emotional reaction to challenging barriers experienced by an individual. It has a significant impact on all the many aspects of our lives including our inner world. Frustration has an immense capacity to affect how we live in many kinds of scenarios, from the turbulence of the battle within, a difficult relationship, to the world of the workplace. To understand the complexities of these emotional experiences, we will examine the various forms of frustration, clarify the warning signals that indicate its existence, shed light on the dangerous outcomes it may unleash, and finish up with how you can navigate any challenging situation.

    In relationships, persistent frustration may lead to tension, misunderstandings, and strained connections between individuals. Frustration of this kind can result from unfulfilled expectations, conflicts, or communication breakdowns. The effects of frustration extend further than just the immediate relationships involved and may spill over into other aspects of a person's life, affecting their overall well-being.

    Unresolved frustration in relationships can create a cycle that negatively affects mental health. For example, ongoing conflicts may lead to chronic stress, which, in turn, can contribute to mental health issues. Additionally, the emotional toll of strained relationships can impact self-esteem and overall life satisfaction.

    Frustration typically persists beneath the surface in a poisonous work environment, especially among senior people. According to a survey conducted in November 2018 by the human resources company Robert Half, employees 35 years of age and older are more likely than younger employees to be dissatisfied with their jobs.0F[1] many different things might contribute to job discontent, from unfulfilled professional goals to difficulties striking a healthy balance between work and personal life.

    At its core, frustration is a powerful emotion capable of destroying relationships, crushing dreams, and weakening the very fabric of our lives. It manifests in numerous forms of significant problems, including domestic violence, suicide, divorce, job resignations, and much more. Every area of our lives is impacted by frustration, including the workplace, classroom, home, and personal endeavors. While some people turn their frustrations into a personal journey of change and growth, others go on an unrelenting wild goose chase, taking actions that would deepen their problems and erode their opportunity to escape their troubles.

    Understanding that frustration could have devastating consequences beyond the immediate situation shows that it is of optimal importance to address and manage it effectively to have a sound and flourishing life. When frustration is left unaddressed, it can have a broad impact, not only affecting interpersonal relationships but also influencing mental health.

    The distressing statistics of suicide, especially among young adults, depict a somber reality. Depression, the quiet companion that frequently coexists with frustration, is recognized as the primary contributor to global disability. The proportion of the global population living with depression is estimated to be 322 million people, which is 4.4% of the world’s population.1F[2]

    This underscores the significant influence of frustration on mental health. We will be exploring these vital factors and analyzing the intricate connection between frustration, mental well-being, and living a wholesome life.

    Our objective is to arm you with the information and resources needed to recognize, address, and ultimately triumph over frustration in all of its forms during this in-depth investigation. Whether the source of our dissatisfaction is internal conflict, strain in our relationships, a family crisis, or challenges at work, learning to handle frustration will help you comprehend and deal with the difficult circumstances you find yourself in. Recall that achieving emotional well-being, promoting personal development, and reaching your objectives all depend on your ability to manage irritation.

    Chapter 1

    Unveiling the Hidden Foe

    Frustration is a complex emotional state that arises when individuals encounter obstacles, setbacks, or challenges that thwart their efforts to achieve a desired goal or fulfill a particular need. It is characterized by dissatisfaction, disappointment, and agitation resulting from the inability to overcome hindrances or attain expected outcomes. Frustration can manifest in various aspects of life, including personal relationships, work, academic pursuits, or the pursuit of personal goals.

    The way we feel when we're frustrated is quite important. It affects how our bodies and minds react to the things that are happening to us. Negative emotions like rage, disappointment, and stress are frequently brought on by frustration. These feelings are reasonable reactions to perceived impediments or challenges that impede growth. Frustration-induced emotions have the potential to cause physiological reactions, such as tense muscles, heightened stress hormones, and an accelerated heart rate. The body uses these reactions as a component of its adaptive process to get ready to act when it senses danger or difficulty.

    In addition to feelings like helplessness, hopelessness, and indifference, numerous circumstances, including difficulties finishing a task, delays in receiving feedback, not feeling appreciated for one's efforts, disagreement with others, and not achieving the desired result, can set it off. In addition, outside variables like bad weather, gridlock in the streets, or broken equipment can also lead to frustration.

    Anger is a multidimensional and ever-changing emotional reaction that frequently follows frustration. It is a natural reaction to perceived threats, injustices, or difficulties. People who encounter situations that do not live up to their expectations or that hinder their ability to move forward in life may become angry. This emotional reaction might range from slight irritation to intense, boiling rage.

    When someone has hopes for a personal relationship or a career and those expectations are not fulfilled, anger might result. When faced with challenges or obstacles that make it more difficult for them to achieve their goals, people often get frustrated. Perceived injustice in any circumstance can also lead to frustration. Perceiving injustice or feeling as though one is being treated unfairly can set off a strong wrath reaction.

    People's actions and expressions of anger reveal the impact of anger on behavior: Anger can be shown vocally by using aggressive language, raising one's voice, or giving harsh criticism. Sometimes irritation-induced anger shows up physically, as in the case of someone slamming doors, hitting objects, or acting aggressively. Unresolved dissatisfaction can lead to persistent wrath, which is bad for mental health and can make stress and anxiety worse.

    Resentment is the act of holding onto sentiments of annoyance and outrage, particularly when people believe they have been treated unfairly or have not been given adequate recognition for their accomplishments. Resentment may arise from someone feeling that they are being treated unfairly or biasedly. This can happen at work, in personal relationships, or other social situations.

    Resentment may become intensified by comparing one's growth or accomplishments with the achievements of others, particularly when it appears that other individuals are being treated differently. Because resentment makes people feel mistreated or unappreciated, it can lower motivation and decrease engagement and excitement. Negative emotions compound with resentment over some time, which can strain connections between people and can cause distance and communication problems. Long-term resentment can affect one's general mental health by causing tension, worry, and even despair.

    Aggression is a strong and often impulsive expression of dissatisfaction, taking various forms like verbal or physical

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