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Coveting Thy Neighbor’s Trophy Wife: Part 4
Coveting Thy Neighbor’s Trophy Wife: Part 4
Coveting Thy Neighbor’s Trophy Wife: Part 4
Ebook51 pages48 minutes

Coveting Thy Neighbor’s Trophy Wife: Part 4

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About this ebook

“Coveting thy Neighbor’s Trophy Wife: Part 4” is the final installment of Edward Daniels’ “Coveting” series. Proving that life in a secluded New York lake town isn’t anywhere near as dull as people think, the erotic escapades of Kelly, Anne, Laura, and Jack mean that there is adventure at every turn – as long as you know where to find it. They say an amazing sex life is the cornerstone of a good relationship. Find out how true that is, especially when three twenty-something girls consider you their own personal sex toy.

This book contains highly explicit descriptions of oral sex, masturbation, lesbian sex, threesomes, and more. If you are offended by sexual material or not of legal age to view it, please do not purchase this book.

Release dateApr 21, 2013
Coveting Thy Neighbor’s Trophy Wife: Part 4

Edward Daniels

Edward Daniels is a proud erotic fiction author with a focus on telling short stories. His interests exploring the world of BDSM, sugar relationships, cheating spouses, prostitution, students and teachers, and even several stories “based on the true story” of his misspent youth. Many of his short stories are available in collections for those who want to find out how everything turns out in the end or who want to sample a range of different erotic possibilities. Based in Maryland, the author enjoys sharing his stories, and the filthy ideas inside his head, with the world.

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    Book preview

    Coveting Thy Neighbor’s Trophy Wife - Edward Daniels

    Coveting Thy Neighbor’s Trophy Wife: Part 4

    By Edward Daniels

    Copyright 2013 Edward Daniels

    Smashwords Edition

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only and may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your ebook retailer and purchase a copy.

    Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1: Routine

    Chapter 2: Taking Delivery

    Chapter 3: Private Time

    Chapter 4: When the Cat’s Away

    Chapter 5: Home Again

    Other ebooks by Edward Daniels

    A Sample Chapter from A Slut’s Perspective: Spring Break

    Chapter 1: Routine

    It took most of that first winter together to figure out what our new habits were going to look like. By the time the first buds appeared on the trees, we were well on the way to figuring out how to all live under one roof. It took a few months, but new routines slowly emerged and we found being together was much easier than any of us had anticipated. With Anne more or less running the house, Kelly focused on finishing her last semester of school, and Laura managing the business decisions, all that was left for me was to focus on doing the actual writing. I was still writing the occasional article, but mostly I was focused on turning out the next book. The publisher had given me a year before they wanted to see a draft, so I wasn’t exactly working against the clock.

    Laura has become my jack-of-all-trades – personal assistant, business manager, and almost an alter ego. She had a knack for looking at problems and handling them more or less the way I would myself. As much as I enjoyed being freed from managing the day-to-day details, having someone who knew what you wanted before you even thought of it was a bit unnerving. I put up with it at as much because Laura was an absolute freak in the sack as I did because she was incredibly good at what she did. There’s no better solution to writer’s block than bending a good looking redhead over your desk and banging out your frustrations. Maybe that doesn’t work for everyone, but I’ve had more moments of inspiration with my cock inside Laura’s hungry slit than I’ve ever had from running through writing exercises or taking a long walk.

    The major concession I’d made to having Anne, Kelly, and six tons of their clothes packed into the cottage was recognizing the need to move my growing business out of the house and into somewhere where both Laura and I could work without disturbing everything else. Renovation of the boathouse took six weeks, but resulted in what I considered the best space on the property. Laura still had her private space on the second level, but the first floor now extended out over the water and had glass walls on three slides. From my desk, there was nothing but a 180-degree view of the lake. It was still a little harsh and gray since winter hadn’t quite given up it’s hold, but as the weather warmed I knew it would be one of the best views on Lake George. I never asked how Laura had managed to get the permits and make sure the work got done ahead of schedule. It’s probably for the best that I don’t know some things.

    With a cold wind still blowing off the water, the walk from the house across the yard to the office was always bracing. Most mornings, Laura was already up and working by the time I wandered in to start the day – no small feat since my days usually started when the morning sky was just starting to lighten. She proved as much a morning person as I was myself. Nights when she didn’t stay with us in the house, the

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