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Coveting Thy Neighbor's Trophy Wife: Part 3
Coveting Thy Neighbor's Trophy Wife: Part 3
Coveting Thy Neighbor's Trophy Wife: Part 3
Ebook53 pages49 minutes

Coveting Thy Neighbor's Trophy Wife: Part 3

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About this ebook

“Coveting thy Neighbor’s Trophy Wife: Part 3” follows the lives of Kelly, Anne, and Jack as they learn what it means to live as a threesome. As winter grips the east coast, the three depart for a warmer climate, where the girls have arranged a “surprise” for the unsuspecting head of their little family to help him celebrate his newfound success. Great sex should be the foundation of every relationship... and Part 3 explores how three people make sure their foundation stays strong in every possible way.

This book includes highly explicit descriptions of oral sex, masturbation, lesbian sex, threesomes, and more. It also includes a sample of “She Needs to Be Used”, a short story about a young girl just learning her place in the world in the service of a sadistic older man.

WARNING: This book contains highly explicit descriptions of sex between consenting adults. If you are offended by sexual material or not of legal age in your jurisdiction, please do not purchase this book.

Release dateNov 5, 2012
Coveting Thy Neighbor's Trophy Wife: Part 3

Edward Daniels

Edward Daniels is a proud erotic fiction author with a focus on telling short stories. His interests exploring the world of BDSM, sugar relationships, cheating spouses, prostitution, students and teachers, and even several stories “based on the true story” of his misspent youth. Many of his short stories are available in collections for those who want to find out how everything turns out in the end or who want to sample a range of different erotic possibilities. Based in Maryland, the author enjoys sharing his stories, and the filthy ideas inside his head, with the world.

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    Book preview

    Coveting Thy Neighbor's Trophy Wife - Edward Daniels

    Coveting Thy Neighbor's Trophy Wife: Part 3

    By Edward Daniels

    Copyright 2012 Edward Daniels

    Smashwords Edition

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only and may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your ebook retailer and purchase a copy.

    Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1: Three's Company

    Chapter 2: Christmas Presents

    Chapter 3: Getting Away

    Chapter 4: Final Fling

    Chapter 5: And Then There Were Four

    Other ebooks by Edward Daniels

    A Sample Chapter from She Needs to Be Used

    Chapter 1: Three's Company

    The drive home from the city had been as eventful as it's possible to be in the close quarters of a speeding automobile. For most of the ride, I felt more like a chauffer than a part of the action. Mercifully, somewhere south of Albany, Anne had fallen asleep and Kelly climbed over the seat back to join me for a few minutes and administer a skilled hand job while I tried to focus on keeping us out of the median. After watching the two of them go at it in the back seat for the last few hours, I lasted about as long as a 16 year old boy on his first date with a fast girl.

    Kelly seemed happy with her work, though, and ducked her head into my lap to clean up the mess before it had a chance to cool. Each time her tongue made contact with my overly sensitive cock, I jerked involuntarily and the car followed suit. Without a word she tucked my now soft cock back into my pants, she kissed my cheek and slid back over the seat and made herself comfortable next to Anne. Before long, both girls were dead asleep and I wished I could do the same.

    Neither of the girls stirred in the back seat until we slowed to make the turn into the driveway. As the hum of rubber on asphalt gave way to the crunch of gravel under the tires, Anne and Kelly both sat up, groggily rubbing their eyes and looking slightly out of sorts. Both looked as relieved as I was to see the floodlights illuminating the house as we made the final turn towards the garage.

    WTF, Anne finally asked when she saw the shipping container sitting in front of the garage door.

    What's wrong? I tried to play it off, but struggled to suppress a smile.

    Ummm… There's a giant box sitting in the driveway, Jack. She shook her head as if trying to push back the cobwebs from a couple of hours of uncomfortable sleep.

    By now, Kelly was almost giddy with excitement. She was trying to contain herself, but losing the battle badly. The shiteating grin that was spreading across her face should probably have been a dead giveaway.

    It's my stuff, Kelly finally explained. Anne still looked slightly lost. I'm not going back to the city next semester. I'm staying.

    Staying was what seemed to finally cut through Anne's foggy mind. Suddenly she was wide-awake and squealing. Nearly throwing herself across the back seat, Anne wrapped her arms around Kelly's neck as if never intending to let her go.

    Easy killer, I'm not going anywhere, Kelly said planting a kiss on the top of Anne's head.

    For a few seconds I thought they were going to stay in the car and go for another round, but just as I stepped into the house, I heard two car doors slam and rapid footsteps on gravel. They apparently decided that without coats or the heater running, staying outside any longer wasn't going to be a good idea.

    We usually stopped somewhere for dinner on the trip back from the city, but given the circumstances and the girls focus on licking, sucking, and groping one another for most of the drive, the only stop

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