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Summary of Deception By Rand Paul: The Great Covid Cover-Up
Summary of Deception By Rand Paul: The Great Covid Cover-Up
Summary of Deception By Rand Paul: The Great Covid Cover-Up
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Summary of Deception By Rand Paul: The Great Covid Cover-Up

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Summary of Deception By Rand Paul: The Great Covid Cover-Up


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Senator Rand Paul, a physician, challenges Anthony Fauci, who misled the country about the origins of the Covid pandemic and shut down scientific dissent. Paul presents evidence that the virus was likely the product of gain-of-function research at the Wuhan lab in China, funded in part by the U.S. government. Fauci and his scientific allies knew about the virus's origin and tried to cover it up. Paul argues that funding bioengineering in a totalitarian country is madness and warns against further pandemics.

Release dateOct 12, 2023
Summary of Deception By Rand Paul: The Great Covid Cover-Up

Willie M. Joseph

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    Summary of Deception By Rand Paul - Willie M. Joseph


    Li Wenliang, a young ophthalmologist in Communist China, was a force for truth and care for COVID patients. He was accused of spreading misinformation and disturbing the social order. American government scientists buried his grave to cover their asses, while Anthony Fauci worked to obscure any connections between the NIH-funded Wuhan lab and COVID-19. Media platforms labeled anyone suggesting COVID could have originated in the Wuhan lab as a purveyor of this misinformation, aiming to control the narrative.

    Li Wenliang, a Chinese scientist known as the bat scientist, died from COVID at the age of 33. The death rate for adults aged 30 to 39 is about 0.04 percent, which is quite rare in an authoritarian society. His death led to whispers regarding the veracity of official causes of death. The wistful responses of China's youth to his death remind us of the Parveen Shakir poem: They insist upon catching the firefly in the daylight; they have grown wiser. It remains to be determined whether a new generation of Chinese youth will rise up, remembering the hope that came when Deng Xiaoping dismantled Mao's brutal shackles.

    In the wake of the COVID pandemic, Dr. Shi Zhengli, known worldwide as the bat scientist, had to act quickly to survive. She knew there was no tolerance for criticism and that no one in China is truly safe. She had to stay ahead of the curve and avoid the hangman's ax.

    Shi's lab was now under direct military control, and she had to follow orders from military scientist General Zhou Yusen. She provided him with samples of the mutant virus and promised a general vaccine for all coronaviruses. Shi knew that her survival depended on demonstrating her usefulness and party loyalty by expertly covering up all traces of the virus's true origin.

    In September 2019, Dr. Shi destroyed the online coronavirus database she had compiled over the years, much of which was financed by the U.S. taxpayer. The rest of the world would have to wait until January 2020 to learn of the COVID pandemic, and even the Chinese government would

    PART I

    The Cover-Up

    The COVID Cover-Up Begins in a Whirlwind

    In January 2020, reports of a mysterious pneumonia emerged in Wuhan, China, which was quickly shown to be contagious and deadly. The Chinese government's cover-up likely began before Fauci knew the danger of the pandemic. Professor Yong-Zhen Zhang of Fudan University sequenced the virus in a forty-hour sprint, but the Chinese government withheld the truth about the pneumonia-causing virus from Wuhan. The Chinese government withheld the RNA sequence from the public for several weeks and only revealed it after Zhang and Eddie Holmes revealed it online. The Chinese government released their own sequencing analysis by late December 2019.

    Virologists worldwide scrambled to analyze the new virus's genome, with Robert Redfield, head of the CDC, voiced his concern that the virus might have originated in the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Redfield was excluded from Fauci's meetings concerning COVID-19, as he was open to the possibility that COVID-19 could have leaked from the Wuhan lab. Fauci later revealed emails that a federal judge forced Fauci to reveal under the Freedom of Information Act.

    The origin of COVID-19, whether it arose naturally from an animal host or leaked from a lab, was crucial to understanding its spread. Previous coronaviruses that came from animals never adapted to transmit easily from human to human, but COVID-19 was exploding in growth, showing no difficulty transmitting between humans. The true nature of COVID-19's contagiousness would become apparent within the next several weeks, and Redfield brought his concerns to each meeting with Fauci and others.

    Redfield and Fauci had tangled before, with Redfield sided with those who believed it was dangerous to perform gain-of-function studies to mutate bird flu so it could be aerosolized. Fauci argued that the scientific knowledge obtained was worth the risk. Americans were deliberately kept ignorant of the raging debate in the scientific community over gain-of-function research, as there is rarely overwhelming consensus in science.

    Most insights into the timeline of the cover-up come from documents held by Fauci and the NIH and were only released when demanded by a federal judge through the Freedom of Information Act. Jeremy Farrar of Wellcome Trust, perhaps the largest private provider of research dollars, remembers seeing email exchanges among respected scientists suggesting the virus had characteristics that appeared to be manipulated or even engineered to infect human cells.

    In trying to unravel the cover-up of COVID-19's origins, one finds a recurring intersection between spies and infectious diseases. Government scientists have circled the wagons to deny COVID-19 leaked from a lab, knowing that it is a real possibility that spies across the world are constantly searching for dangerous bioweapons research or unintentional leaks of what they euphemistically refer to as dual-use research.

    In January 2020, rumors of the virus leaching from the Wuhan Institute of Virology arose, with Farrar's wife insisting on contacting people close to them to understand the situation. Farrar was alarmed by the sudden and spectacular spillover event from animals to humans in a city with a bio lab. The furin site telltale, an enzyme that activates the genetic code that initiates protein synthesis in cells, was a cause for concern. The genetic code that creates COVID-19's furin cleavage site is the most often found in humans, not in bats.

    Fauci and his team knew that a lab leak would boomerang and direct blame back on them. Emails obtained by Freedom of Information court orders show that by January 27, the level of alarm had risen to a fever pitch. Farrar sent an email to Fauci, urging him to use different phones and ditch their normal email addresses and phone contacts.

    On January 28, Farrar called Eddie Holmes, a British evolutionary biologist and virologist, to discuss a preprint journal article that reported that the COVID-19 RNA sequence was 96 percent similar to another Wuhan virus known as RaTG13. Kristian Andersen, a professor of immunology and microbiology at Scripps Research, shared a journal article that suggested researchers could have created COVID-19 in a lab. Andersen emailed Holmes, revealing that the nucleotide sequence between the restriction sites was likely inserted by scientists. The back-and-forth between virologists concerned that COVID-19 came from a lab reached a fever pitch.

    On January 31, 2020, Jeremy Farrar contacted Tony Fauci about rumours over the origins of COVID-19 and asked him to speak to Kristian Andersen at Scripps. Farrar was in a frenzied twenty-four-hour-a-day back-and-forth with international virologists, all of which were over concerns that COVID-19 might have originated in a lab in Wuhan. Jon Cohen's article Mining Coronavirus Genomes for Clues to the Outbreak’s Origins dispelled any possibility of a lab leak and even refers to any such hypothesis as a conspiracy theory.

    A few hours later, Fauci emailed the article indicating that gain-of-function research was going on in Wuhan but its products were safely contained to Farrar and Andersen. At 10:32 p.m., the COVID cover-up began to take shape. The RNA genome of the Wuhan virus had only been released by Chinese scientists a few weeks earlier. A mad scramble of the nation’s elite virologists contacted Tony Fauci to alert him of what he already should have suspected—the Wuhan virus appeared to have been manipulated in a lab to make it more infectious in humans.

    Kristian Andersen, a confidant of Fauci, sent an email to Fauci stating that some of the features (potentially) look engineered. Eddie Holmes, Bob Garry, and presumably Mike Farzan also found the genome inconsistent with expectations from evolutionary theory. Garry described in sheer wonderment the genetic sequence of COVID-19, describing it as essentially identical at the amino acid level.

    In 2020, four virologists from the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) were concerned that COVID-19 might have

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