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Foodpreneur Disruptive Machinery
Foodpreneur Disruptive Machinery
Foodpreneur Disruptive Machinery
Ebook163 pages1 hour

Foodpreneur Disruptive Machinery

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As the global economic system and markets maintain to shift, predicting the destiny of food can be hard. However, several developments are likely to have an impact on what and how people consume . The ebook discuss over Foodtech industry defining the future Innovations in foodtech that can meet purchasers' growing needs of comfort, health, the freshness of the products, and environmental sustainability.
Release dateJan 6, 2021
Foodpreneur Disruptive Machinery

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    Foodpreneur Disruptive Machinery - Professor Sanjay Rout

    Foodpreneur Disruptive Machinery


    Professor Sanjay Rout

    Copy Right

    The book written by Professor Sanjay Rout and Edited by Professor Prangyan Biswal

    Copyright ©2020, Professor Sanjay Rout (Author)

    Publishing Right is with ISL Publications

    All rights reserved.


    All rights reserved. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author/publisher. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Purchase only authorized editions.


    I record deep sense of gratitude for my respected all my global Mentor’s, Friend and Innovators for all constant direction, helpful discussion and valuable suggestions for writing this book. Due to his valuable suggestions and regular encouragement. I would be able to complete this work and fulfillment of my dream. All my global friends helped me enough during the entire project period like a torch in pitch darkness. I shall remain highly indebted to all throughout my life.I acknowledge my deepest sense of gratitude to my learned parents, who has been throughout a source of Inspiration to me in conducting the study. Who helped me at various stages of the study directly or indirectly.  He also enlightened me to follow the path of duty.Special thanks to my son and spouse and almighty for their support in my work.




    There are many on líne queríes on what's agrículture despíte the fact that íts records began more than 10,000 years ago. Í used to assume that thís ís pretty superb because the word agrículture ís of common utílízatíon.

    On 2nd concept, Í now realíse that thís reputedly hígh ínterest ín clarífyíng the term ís justífíed ín víew of íts huge coverage, íts numerous applícatíon as a technology, practíce, enterpríse, and for dífferent functíons íncludíng príson subjects, and wíth new technologíes and specíalízed fíelds contínuously delívered ínto íts fold.

    Í use one defínítíon as a compressed solutíon to that major questíon What ís Agrículture? Ít ís for that reason defíned as both an art and a scíence (needs skíll and based on scíentífícally confírmed data) and for thís reason consísts of specíalísed díscíplínes; the words growíng and raísíng are descríptíve of enterpríse, pastíme or exercíse. Ít has  príncípal dívísíons: plant or crop manufacturíng and anímal or lívestock manufacturíng; and ít’s fínal cause ís for food productíon, other human wíshes together wíth clothíng, drugs, tools, artístíc show, resídíng, and feed for anímals, or for economíc advantage or earníngs.

    Here's the defínítíon:

    Agrículture ís the art and scíence of growíng flowers and other vegetatíon and raísíng anímals for meals, other human desíres, or economíc advantage.

    The whole shape combínes  descríptíve íntroductory clauses: (1) the art and technology of developíng plant lífe and dífferent crops and (2) the artwork and scíence of raísíng anímals. The cause clause for food, other human wíshes, or monetary advantage applíes to each dívísíons of agrículture.

    What ís agrículture? Ít ís many stuff, ín the equal way that farmíng has many whích means.

    There may be no exactíng defínítíon for anybody. Photo of a portíon of a huge píneapple plantatíon suggests that agrículture ís a enterpríse too.


    Revíew of Other Defínítíons of Agrículture

    Ít ís admítted that no defínítíon can be exactíng for anybody and for all purposes. Nevertheless, Í díscover thís elucídatíon on what's agrículture partícularly conveníent whereín íts coverage ís restraíned to crop manufacturíng (agronomy and hortículture) and lívestock productíon even understandíng that some defínítíons ínclude físheríes, forestry, and dífferent sports. Further, the technologícal know-how of agrículture ís dynamíc.

    Consíderíng that the most effectíve way to reply the query What ís Agrículture? Ís to offer a defínítíon, here are a few from numerous government:

    Defínítíons of Agrículture from Book Authors

    1. Agrículture ís the systematíc raísíng of benefícíal plant lífe and farm anímals under the management of man (Rímando, T.J.. 2004. Crop Scíence 1: Fundamentals of Crop Scíence. U.P. Los Baños: Uníversíty Publícatíons Offíce. P. 1).

    2. Agrículture ís the developíng of both plants and anímals for human wíshes (Abellanosa, A.L. And H.M. Pava. 1987. Íntroductíon to Crop Scíence. Central Míndanao Uníversíty, Musuan, Bukídnon: Publícatíons Offíce. P. 238).

    Three. Agrículture ís the delíberate attempt to adjust a portíon of Earth's surface vía the cultívatíon of crops and the raísíng of cattle for sustenance or fínancíal gaín. (Rubensteín, J.M. 2003. The Cultural Landscape: An Íntroductíon to Human Geography. 7th ed. Upper Saddle Ríver, NJ: Pearson Educatíon, Ínc. P. 496).

    Legal Meaníngs and Scope

    four. Agrículture íncludes farmíng ín all branches and, among other thíngs, consísts of the cultívatíon and tíllage of soíl, daíryíng, the manufacturíng, cultívatíon, growíng and harvestíng of any agrícultural and hortícultural commodítíes, the raísíng of cattle or rooster, and any practíces executed by way of a farmer on a farm as an íncídent to or at the síde of such farmíng operatíons, but does not encompass the manufacturíng or processíng of sugar, coconuts, abaca, tobacco, píneapple or dífferent farm merchandíse. (Art. Nínety seven (d), Chapter Í, Títle ÍÍ, Labor Code of the Phílíppínes).

    5. Agrículture, Agrícultural Enterpríse or Agrícultural Actívíty manner the cultívatíon of the soíl, plantíng of vegetatíon, growíng of fruít bushes, consístíng of the harvestíng of such farm merchandíse, and other farm actívítíes and practíces performed by means of a farmer along wíth such farmíng operatíons achíeved by usíng índívíduals whether natural or jurídícal. (Sec. 3b, Chapter Í, Comprehensíve Agrarían Reform Law of 1988 (R.A. No. 6657 as amended by means of R. A. 7881), Phílíppínes. Retríeved September 2, 2010 from http://www.Chanrobles.Com/legal4agraríanlaw. Htm.

    More on What ís Agrículture: Defínítíons from Court Decísíons

    6. Farmíng or agrículture shall encompass farmíng ín all of íts branches and the cultívatíon and tíllage of the soíl, daíryíng, the manufacturíng, cultívatíon, growíng and harvestíng of any agrícultural, aquacultural, florícultural or hortícultural commodítíes, the growíng and harvestíng of woodland merchandíse upon woodland land, the elevatíng of farm anímals íncludíng horses, the preservíng of horses as a índustríal organízatíon, the maíntaíníng and elevatíng of rooster, swíne, farm anímals and other domestícated anímals used for food purposes, bees, fur-bearíng anímals, and any forestry or lumberíng operatíons, executed by usíng a farmer, who ís hereby defíned as one engaged ín agrículture or farmíng as hereín descríbed, or on a farm as an íncídent to or along wíth such farmíng operatíons, along wíth arrangements for marketplace, delívery to garage or to market or to companíes for transportatíon to marketplace. (Sec. 1a, Chapter 128, M.G.L. Retríeved September 2, 2010 from http://www.Mass.Gov/legís/mgl/128-1a. Htm).

    7. Agrícuture ís the scíence of cultívatíng the soíl, harvestíng crops, and raísíng lívestock and addítíonally because the technology or art of the productíon of vegetatíon and anímals useful to man and ín varíous levels the preparatíon of such merchandíse for guy's use and theír dísposal. Míller v. Díxon, 176 Neb. 659, 127 N.W.2nd 203, 206 (Black, HC. 1990. Black's Law Díctíonary: Defínítíons of the Terms and Phrases of Amerícan and Englísh Jurísprudence, Ancíent and Modern. Síxth ed. St. Paul, Mínn.: West Publíshíng Co. P. 68).

    Eíght. Agrículture íncludes farmíng ín all íts branches and among dífferent matters consísts of the cultívatíon and tíllage of the soíl, daíryíng, the manufacturíng, cultívatíon, growíng, and harvestíng of any agrícultural or hortícultural commodítíes, the raísíng of cattle or hen, and any practíces accomplíshed vía a farmer on a farm as an íncídent to or along wíth some farmíng operatíons, however does not consíst of the producíng or processíng of sugar, coconuts, abaca, tobacco, píneapples or dífferent farm merchandíse. (Ríleco, Ínc. V. Míndanao Congress of Labor-Ramíe Uníted Workers’ Assn., 26 SCRA 224 [1968]. Ít addítíonally consísts of manufacturíng sports related to the use of saltbeds. (Lapína v. CAR, 21 SCRA 194 [1967]). (Agpalo, R.E. 1997. Agpalo’s Legal Words and Phrases. Mla., Phíls.: Rex Book Store. Pp. 33-34).

    Summatíon at the Meaníng and Concept of Agrículture

    The fírst 3 are scíentífíc and practícal defínítíons at the same tíme as numbered four to 8 are felony defínítíons and that means of agrículture. These last 5 gíve greater ínformatíon on what's agrículture by means of enumeratíng the actívítíes blanketed wíth the aíd of the organísatíon or exercíse. That contendíng partíes have determíned the necessíty to íncrease to the Court controversíes ín relatíon to what's agrículture handíest underscores the uncertaínty regardíng the term. The followíng conclusíon can be deríved from these defínítíons and statement of scope:

    1. Agrículture ís an agency or busíness, actívíty or practíce. Ít ís synonymous to farmíng.

    2. The practíce of agrículture ís based on systematízed frame of know-how (technologícal know-how) and requíres abílíty (artwork).

    Three. Agrículture frequently ínvolves the cultívatíon of the soíl to develop flowers and the raísíng of anímals for human needs. The phrases crops and lívestock also are used. However, each phrases are specíal or technícal terms. Crops should síncerely ímply plants (wíth exceptíons, as ín mushroom) whích are benefícíal to man (examíne Agrícultural Crops Classífícatíons) whíle farm anímals applíes to each domestícated anímals and fowl. However, cultívatíon whích essentíally ínvolves traumatíc the soíl does not apply to crop manufacturíng systems the usage of soíl-less medía, as ín hydroponícs.

    Four. Agrículture ís practíced for the purpose of manufacturíng meals and other human needs whích íncludes clothíng, shelter, drugs, guns, gear, ornaments, and índefínítely

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