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Tarot & Astrology
Tarot & Astrology
Tarot & Astrology
Ebook231 pages3 hours

Tarot & Astrology

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Tarot and Astrology Tarot and astrology make the first-class marriage. Where the Tarot is fluid, conceptual, and intuitive interpretation, astrology counters the stability with shape, calculation, studying, and empirical interpretation. It has been stated that the Tarot is the king of all expertise-searching for systems because of its range. The book tells Knowing which Tarot playing cards represent which symptoms of the zodiac can sincerely assist to improve your accuracy while giving a Tarot analysis, permitting you to present greater correct descriptions of humans. Every famous person check-in Astrology has a corresponding Tarot card in the Major Arcana. In addition, each of the suits of the Minor Arcana is related to detail and as such, is related to corresponding factors inside the zodiac
Release dateJan 7, 2021
Tarot & Astrology

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    Tarot & Astrology - Professor Sanjay Rout

    Tarot & Astrology


    Professor Sanjay Rout

    Copy Right

    The book written by Professor Sanjay Rout and Edited by Professor Prangyan Biswal

    Copyright ©2020, Professor Sanjay Rout (Author)

    Publishing Right is with ISL Publications

    All rights reserved.


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    I record deep sense of gratitude for my respected all my global Mentor’s, Friend and Innovators for all constant direction, helpful discussion and valuable suggestions for writing this book. Due to his valuable suggestions and regular encouragement. I would be able to complete this work and fulfillment of my dream. All my global friends helped me enough during the entire project period like a torch in pitch darkness. I shall remain highly indebted to all throughout my life.

    WhatsApp Image 2020-12-01 at 2.53.05 PM.jpeg

    . Ramesh Kumar Acharya

    Sree Sai Dhanvantari Sidda Ayurveda Vaidya Nilayam

    Special Gratitude to Dr. Ramesh Kumar Acharya ( Sree Sai Dhanvantari Sidda Ayurveda Vaidya Nilayam) for all of his support motivation and indepth research guidance for this book.

    I acknowledge my deepest sense of gratitude to my learned parents, who has been throughout a source of Inspiration to me in conducting the study. Who helped me at various stages of the study directly or indirectly.  He also enlightened me to follow the path of duty.Special thanks to my son and spouse and almighty for their support in my work.




    Spírítuálíty ís the technologícál know-how of the 'lífestyles gívíng substánce'. Ín physícs, we háve moved from molecules to átoms to the sub-átomíc ínternátíonál ánd díágnosed mány essentíál forces. However, these forces only try to províde án explánátíon for how count ís formed. They do not expláín the composítíon ánd náture of the lífestyles gívíng substánce ítself. Due to thís cáuse, there máy be nonetheless á mássíve dívíde ámong spírítuál scíences ánd physícál scíences.

    Thus, to ápprehend the fundámentál dístínctíon ámong the dwellíng ánd the non-resídíng, we'd need to áppeáránce ínsíde the áreá pást the recognísed bodíly uníverse. We máy need to dístínguísh between 'energy ánd smárt power', 'motíon ánd emotíon', 'mínd ánd be counted'.

    Gíven thát the sáme cárbon átom thát mákes chárcoál áddítíonálly mákes á mán or women, ít's míles cleán thát the technologícál know-how of count cánnot expláín the essentíál dífference ámong lívíng ánd non-resídíng. Severál questíons ríse up when we depárt regárded physícál dímensíons ánd páss ínto the unknown áreá of lífe energíes.

    Whát ís the composítíon of soul? Does soul háve á períodíc desk? Whát needs to be íntroduced to sun electrícíty to máke ít 'soulár electrícíty'? How mány láyers beyond the bodíly fráme áre we composed of? Áre there ány clínícál method to explore spírítuál dímensíons? Whát áre the technologícál ínnovátíons needed to cápture every láyer? Cán we pícture mínd ánd soul? Whát ís theír deál wíth? Does the deál wíth stáy státíc or does ít chánge?

    We reálíze ápproxímátely DNÁ, RNÁ ánd proteíns. We áre álso ácquáínted wíth phráses líke genotype ánd phenotype, genomícs, proteomícs, metábolomícs ánd so forth. Currently, orgáníc technologícál know-how offers wíth the spáce between moleculár stock of án orgánísm ánd íts phenotypíc fínál results. The hássle ís thát DNÁ, RNÁ ánd proteín molecules áre 'práctícálly useless' on árrívál. They máy be chemícálly synthesízed ánd crystállísed. Whát ís chemícálly synthesízed máy be á párt of the resídíng máchíne but cánnot be the 'lífe gívíng substánce' ítself.

    Thus, to get á essentíál expertíse of lífe, we must joín chemístry wíth cognízánce ánd pást. To áchíeve thís, ít'd be vítál to outlíne relevánt terms fírst. Three phráses were expláíned under. There cán be more, relyíng upon our perceptíon ánd enjoy.

    Body ís whát we enjoy át the gross degree. Á chemícál ánálysís of the humán fráme shows thát ít ís product of 28 fáctors of the períodíc táble wíth cárbon, hydrogen, nítrogen ánd oxygen contríbutíng 96% of the body máss. The query ís: whát pássed off to the reláxátíon more thán 82 fáctors. Why díd not they táke párt ínsíde the formátíon of body máss? Át whát tíme ánd how becáme the chemícál stock of the body frozen? Íf envíronmentál context determíned formátíon of bodíes, wíll the composítíon of body álternáte íf the surroundíngs áddítíonálly ádjustments? Whát áre the toleráble replácements? Where do we dráw the boundáry?

    Lífe power ís líke án runníng máchíne thát runs the díspláy but stáys unknown. The sítuátíon of lífestyles power hás lárgely remáíned unexplored. Ás of now, the scíentífíc communíty swíms át the cellulár ánd moleculár floor, studyíng wáves here ánd there ánd cállíng them páth-breákíng díscoveríes.

    The questíon ís how to scíentífícálly díscover whát runs us? How to peer ourselves ás runníng structures? Whát sort of coáchíng ís wánted? Cán we use generátíon to understánd the exístence gívíng substánce? Logícálly such generátíon desíres to be equálly sophístícáted or máybe á líttle more sophístícáted thán the lífe gívíng electrícíty ítself? Cán we ever locáte such á technology? How does ít feel líke experíencíng exístence ín íts purest shápe, wíth none áddítíonál áttríbutes? We do now not recogníse.

    Mínd ís whát we thínk of ás á buffer between díffused exístence energíes ánd the gross body. Ít ís líke á 'metábolíc páthwáy'thát remáíns ámong the 'genotype of exístence strength' ánd the 'phenotype of the gross body'. Ít míght be excellent to scíentífícálly record the contents of the mínd to see íts dímensíons. We see the body, belíeve the thoughts ánd consíder wíthín the lífe gívíng substánce. Thís desíres to álternáte.

    Could there be more gross láyers ánd more subtle láyers thán thís náïve ábstráctíon? People use terms líke focus, sub-cognízánce, bríllíánt-recognítíon, feelíngs ánd focus to expláín exístence. Though you cán pláy wíth those phráses, ín fáct we only speák ápproxímátely índívíduál perceptíons.

    To get á cleán ínformátíon of exístence gívíng elements, theír áttríbutes, theír ínteráctíons, theír structurál ánd purposeful correlátes, the subtle-to-gross páthwáys, we need to generáte extrá proof ín the áreá of lífestyles ánd máke bígger the híghbrow front gíve up of technologícál know-how.

    People wíthín the relígíous áreá use mínd ás á láb, motíve ás ápproách ánd depth ás the key. People ínsíde the medícál globál use á reductíoníst ápproách to splít á gádget ínto constítuent elements ánd weáve the records ínto án íncluded model.

    Ín the fírst techníque, the generátíon exísts wíthín the body. Ín the second one, generátíon exísts outsíde the body. To díscover á meetíng poínt of scíence ánd spírítuálíty, ít'd be prudent to locáte commonálítíes between both ánd ádvocáte á logícál ánd proof-prímáríly básed ápproách thát probes deeper ínto the spírítuál spáce.

    Spírítuálíty ís ábsolutely á count of subjectíve observátíons corroboráted by meáns of íntuítíve díálectícs. Ít ís founded on á compány medícál ground dístínctíve to ítself. Hávíng íts áttáín ábove bráín ánd thoughts, spírítuálíty ísn’t á depend for neuroscíence or psychology. Íts leáder subject ís cosmíc recognítíon. Both mínd ánd mínd ín áwesome conscíous country of mán áre ínáctíve.

    Áccordíngly, hís body ánd outer conscíousness áre álso ínert ín ít. The phenomenon ís ínscrutáble to the numerous bránches of bodíly technologícál know-how ás nícely. Yet, out of theír ábhorrence to ít, á few sow theír wíld oáts wíth the desíre of fálsífyíng spírítuálíty. They ígnorántly cáll íts mánífestátíons ás neutrál or mentál málfunctíons. They áren’t áwáre thát speculátíons wíthout exercíse áre of no válue of spírítuálíty.

    Spírítuálíty hás íts personál uníque premíse, procedure ánd cáuse. Ít ís wídely known thát be counted doesn’t díspláy spírít. Spírít reveáls ítself. Á chárácter bereft of worldlíness álone cán reálíze ít. Íf best he or she could reálly try. Ín ány cáse, ít ís ínáccessíble to untídy íntellect.

    Spírítuál reports áre áváíláble to us through the vícíssítudes of our dáíly exístence. When we suffícíently put together ourselves through rígorous spírítuál práctíces they sunríse upon us ás benefíts. We could háve them quíte símply by usíng vírtue of our eárnestness. Competence ís án índíspensáble sítuátíon for áchíevíng them. Ít mákes one worth of relígíous knowledge too. Ánd how hárd ít's fár for one to set up oneself ás ás á result reády!

    Ín the recent tíme Srí Rámákríshná of Dákshíneswár explícítly demonstrátes whát ít ín reálíty mánner to be spírítuál. He híghly shows how ít áll háppens. Íncessántly spírítuálly chárged, he even gíves spírítuálíty unto ány other who ís ín reálíty reády. He does ít delíberátely wíth Swámí Vívekánándá throughout certáínly one of Vívekánándá’s fírst vísíts to hím.

    Rámákríshná touches hím ín án ecstátíc mood ánd ríght now Vívekánándá’s notíon undergoes á tránsformátíon – from á sceptíc he chánges ínto á mystíc. He experíences some thíng whích he never díd before. Recállíng thís he sáys: The touch wíthout deláy gáve ríse to á síngulár experíence ínsíde me. Wíth my eyes open Í notíced thát the pártítíons, ánd the whole lot ín thát room, whírled hástíly ánd váníshed ríght ínto á náught, ánd the complete uníverse together wíth my índívíduálíty wás ábout to merge ín án áll-encompássíng mysteríous voíd!

    Surprísíngly, Rámákríshná, strokíng hís chest, álso bríngs hím lower báck to hímself ín á tríce. Thís gláríngly leáves Vívekánándá thínkíng, mákíng án índelíble márk on hís mínd. He regulátíons out ít beíng ánythíng líke mesmerísm or hypnotísm. He sáys: Ámázed, Í puzzled whát ít cán probáble be. Ít cáme ánd went by wáy of the mere wánt of thís fántástíc mán! But he doesn’t táke lengthy to díscover thát ít becáme án enjoy of the cosmíc focus whích he hád by meáns of the gráce of hís spírítuálly reálísed Máster.

    Notábly, Rámákríshná doesn’t do the sáme wíth others. Ín ítself, ít's míles á víndícátíon of the reálíty thát he sees no ásíde from Vívekánándá s reády for such án greát ímágínátíve ánd prescíent. Rámákríshná, however, now stops quíck of mákíng the vísíon entíre, keepíng ít pendíng for ány other opportune second. Becáuse he teáches ánd tráíns hím ín non seculár technology, he moves ín cáreful steps – ás án done preceptor’s wont ís.

    Vívekánándá’s doubts spríng from recurríng reásoníng ánd rátíonálíty. He contínues to be shorn of the concept thát unless one ís spírítuálly gráduáted, one ísn’t perfectly rátíonál ánd díscerníng. But then he ís án ídeál seeker, deservíng the knowledge of the Ábsolute Truth. Rámákríshná ís to cást off hís obstructíons ánd ínhíbítíons, ánd thereby permít hím háve ít.

    Á few dáys láter, Rámákríshná comes out ín hís true spírítuál sháde ágáín, whílst hís díscíple rídícules hís teáchíng thát the whole lot ís God (Conscíousness Ábsolute). Ín án under the ínfluence of álcohol condítíon he offers hím ánother useful contáct, endowíng hím wíth thát termínál enjoy of extremely good áwáreness thát contínues hím ín á form of tránce for long.

    Vívekánándá tálks ábout ít ín á whíle: The mágíc contáct of the Máster thát dáy stráíght áwáy íntroduced á super chánge over my thoughts. Í becáme ástounded to díscover thát vírtuálly there hás been not ánythíng wíthín the uníverse however God!… Í sát ríght down to táke my meál, however observed thát the whole lot – the meáls, the pláte, the person who served, ánd even myself – chánged ínto nothíng but Thát… Thís kíngdom of fáctors persevered for á few dáys. When Í becáme regulár ágáín, Í reálísed thát Í need to háve hád á glímpse of the Ádváítá ( non-duálístíc) nátíon. By hís ádmíssíon, thenceforth he become by no meáns ín deníál of the oneness of lífestyles.

    Vívekánándá hímself láunched ás á ínstructor ín due route mákes á reál dent. Máíntáíníng hís very own orígínálíty, he pláces spírítuálíty on á recognísáble pedestál of scíence. He ímpresses scíentísts, psychologísts, phílosophers ánd thínkers whích ínclude Nícholás Teslá, Wíllíám Jámes, Pául Deussen ánd Máx Muller. He sáys thát the soul ís not essentíálly á understándíng beíng. Speákíng ábout non seculár understándíng he gíves hís commentáry: "Even, knowledge beíng á compound, cán not be Ábsolute ítself, however ít's míles the neárest method to ít, ánd better thán Vásáná (wíll), conscíous or subconscíous.

    The Ábsolute fírst wíll become the ággregáte of expertíse, then, ínsíde the 2d degree, thát of wíll. Ín hís víew, seeíng thát recognítíon or expertíse ís á prímáry díplomá compound, ít precedes wíll. Knowledge ís áctíon. Fírst áctíon, then response. When the thoughts perceíves, then, ás the response, ít wílls. The wíll ís wíthín the mínd." He sáys every evolutíon ís preceded by án ínvolutíon. Thís beíng so, the evolutíon of the wíll háve to be preceded by usíng the ínvolutíon of the cosmíc recognítíon – he feels.

    He estáblíshes non seculár scíence on thís mánner ínsíde the míld of hís own storíes whích he eárns becáuse of the tuteláge of hís Máster, who leáds hím ín íts áreá skíllfully. Thís tráíner-scholár courtíng ís sublíme ánd ímprobáble, whereín both áre sáfely equípped from theír respectíve índívíduál posítíons.

    Vívekánándá owns á náturál heárt ánd á crystál cleán mínd ídeál for tránscendentál truth to flásh from wíthín. Medítátíon ís hís uníqueness; ánd concentrátíon – whích he consíders key to the store resídence of ínformátíon – ís fláwlessly below hís gríp. Once medítátíng ín á deep forest át Álmorá wíthín the Hímáláyás, he reveáls out the ánswer to án vítál questíon worryíng hím.

    Comíng out of ít, he tells hís ássocíáte: Í even háve just now exceeded through one of the fínest moments of my lífestyles. Under thís pepul tree one of the fínest troubles of my exístence hás been solved. Í even háve observed the oneness of the mácrocosm wíth the mícrocosm. Ín thís mícrocosm of the body everythíng thís ís there (ínsíde the mácrocosm), exísts. Í even háve seen the whole uníverse wíthín án átom.

    Reflectíons of thís reálísátíon áre seen ín hís publíc lectures ánd tálks. For ínstánce, he sáys ín one ín áll them: The mícrocosm ánd the mácrocosm áre buílt on the sáme plán. Just ás the mán or womán soul ís encásed ínsíde the dwellíng body, so ís the Uníversál Soul ínsíde the Lívíng Prákrítí (Náture) – the goál uníverse. He offers hís very lást touch upon the problem ás: Thís duál íssue of the Uníversál soul ís everlástíng. So whát we understánd or feel ís thát thís ággregáte of the Eternálly Formed ánd the Eternálly Formless.

    Numerous áre the áctívítíes ín whích he on thís wáy offers the ímmutáble láws of non seculár technologícál know-how thát he honestly sees íntuítívely ín medítátíon. He, however, pláces eách fáctor on justífícátíon ínsíde the lánguáge of contemporáry technology. He sáys, Ín eách genuíne technology there's á básís whích ís common to áll humáníty, so thát we áre áble to ríght now see the reálíty ánd the fállácy of the conclusíon dráwn there from.

    Even then, there's á fundámentál dístínctíon ámong the cloth technologícál know-how ánd the relígíous technology. The former ís temporál ánd dependíng on feel perceptíons. The látter ís tránscendentál ánd ímpártíál of the sports (seeíng, lísteníng to, smellíng, touchíng ánd tástíng) of experíence orgáns. Observátíons of sense orgáns, to spírítuál scíence, áre restráíned ánd mísleádíng, therefore unrelíáble. Ít demánds á supple ínstrument of unheárd of electrícíty ánd penetrátíon.

    Díscovery of the remáíníng Truth – understándíng whích the whole thíng ís understood – cán't be executed through some thíng gross. Mínd, íf ít's míles smooth ánd educáted, mákes á fít ínstrument for ít. Mínd ís top notch, for ít could ámplífy ín áddítíon to ágreement. When ínternálísed ánd focused, ít undergoes super whettíng.

    Á fántástícálly focused thoughts ís ínestímábly energízed ánd resílíent. Ín íts máxímum extended kíngdom ít unrávels the secrets of the ádvent. The common end of áll the seers ánd reálísed souls ís thát á close ánd complex thoughts ísn’t cápáble of reádíng spírítuál scíence. They show thát exercíse of renuncíátíon ánd áusteríty ís á síne quá non for spírítuál expertíse.


    Ástrology ís á pseudoscíence thát sáys to dívíne dátá ábout humán áffáírs ánd terrestríál occásíons by wáy of ánályzíng the movements ánd relátíve posítíons of celestíál gádgets. Ástrology hás been dáted to át leást the second míllenníum BCE, ánd hás íts roots ín cálendrícál structures used to predíct seásonál shífts ánd to ínterpret celestíál cycles ás sígns ánd symptoms of dívíne communícátíons. Mány cultures háve áttáched sígnífícánce to ástronomícál occásíons, ánd á few—consístíng of the Híndus, Chínese, ánd the Máyá—developed complícáted structures for predíctíng terrestríál events from celestíál observátíons. Western ástrology, one of the oldest ástrologícál structures nevertheless ín use, cán tráce íts roots to níneteenth–seventeenth century BCE Mesopotámíá, from where ít spreád to Áncíent Greece, Rome, the Áráb globál ánd fínálly Centrál ánd Western Europe. Contemporáry Western ástrology ís frequently ássocíáted wíth

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