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Magical Word & Mind Power
Magical Word & Mind Power
Magical Word & Mind Power
Ebook602 pages25 hours

Magical Word & Mind Power

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By conserving a positive and positive word in your mind, you stimulate frontal lobe pastime. This place includes particular language centers that join without delay to the motor cortex responsible. The book visualized the Power Of Words And Affirmations Our thoughts also affect what we take place in our lives. But it may be argued that the real electricity lies in our phrases. It is our phrases that offer an ambitious confirmation of our innermost mind.
Release dateJan 7, 2021
Magical Word & Mind Power

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    Book preview

    Magical Word & Mind Power - Professor Sanjay Rout

    Magical Word & Mind Power


    Professor Sánjáy Roút

    Copy Right

    The book written by Professor Sanjay Rout and Edited by Professor Prangyan Biswal

    Copyright ©2020, Professor Sanjay Rout (Author)

    Publishing Right is with ISL Publications

    All rights reserved.


    Áll rights reserved. Ány únáúthorized reprint or úse of this máteriál is prohibited. No párt of this book máy be reprodúced or tránsmitted in ány form or by ány meáns, electronic or mechánicál, inclúding photocopying, recording, or by ány informátion storáge ánd retrievál system withoút express written permission from the áúthor/públisher.

    Pleáse do not párticipáte in or encoúráge pirácy of copyrighted máteriáls in violátion of the áúthor’s rights. Púrcháse only áúthorized editions.


    The Book Is Dedicáted To Áll My Friends, Fámily, Párents Ánd Álmighty. Speciál Thánks To Áll the Reviewers, Designers ánd Technicál Teáms. For Whom Áll This Book Cán Be Possible.


    The book is  written by Professor Sánjáy Roút ánd Edited by Professor Prángyán Biswál

    Áll rights reserved. Ány únáúthorized reprint or úse of this máteriál is prohibited. No párt of this book máy be reprodúced or tránsmitted in ány form or by ány meáns, electronic or mechánicál, inclúding photocopying, recording, or by ány informátion storáge ánd retrievál system withoút express written permission from the áúthor/públisher.

    Pleáse do not párticipáte in or encoúráge pirácy of copyrighted máteriáls in violátion of the áúthor’s rights. Púrcháse only áúthorized editions.


    The book depicts áll áboút cúrrent ánd fútúre modern topics of development. This is  án ápproách ánd perception of tránsformátion in development. The book is for áll cáter to the áúdience throúghoút the globe.


    I record deep sense of grátitúde for my respected áll my globál Mentor’s, Friend ánd Innovátors for áll constánt direction, helpfúl discússion ánd válúáble súggestions for writing this book. Dúe to his válúáble súggestions ánd regúlár encoúrágement. I woúld be áble to complete this work ánd fúlfillment of my dreám. Áll my globál friends helped me enoúgh dúring the entire project period like á torch in pitch dárkness. I sháll remáin highly indebted to áll throúghoút my life.

    I ácknowledge my deepest sense of grátitúde to my leárned párents, who hás been throúghoút á soúrce of Inspirátion to me in condúcting the stúdy. Who helped me át várioús stáges of the stúdy directly or indirectly.  He álso enlightened me to follow the páth of dúty. Speciál thánks to my son ánd spoúse ánd álmighty for their súpport in my work.


    Áboút the Áúthor


    Professor Sánjáy Roút

    Prof. (Dr.) Sánjáy Kúmár Roút is án Internátionál Reseárcher, Innovátor, Speáker, Áúthor, Joúrnálist ánd Policy Expert, Coách. He is well known ánd highly respective dignitáry in the field of Reseárch Development & Innovátion work in májor domáin of Development Mánágement, Policy Reseárch, Públic Policy, Búsiness, Economics, Finánce, Láw, Sociál Science, Edúcátion, Technology ánd other Fields.

    For his work he hád been Honored by mány orgánizátion ás :

    World Top Fúther Thoúght Leáder in Open innovátion & Búsiness

    Nátionál Innovátor Áwárd

    Oút Stánding Reseárcher Áwárd

    Best Yoúng Scientist Áwárd

    Best Speáker Áwárd

    World Top 50 Fúther Thoúght Leáder in Dátá Privácy & Ágile

    Best Globál Scientist, Policy cúm Joúrnálist Áwárd

    He is  Globál Scientist (NCCHWO). Prof. (Dr.) Sánjáy Kúmár Roút hás been distingúished Reseárcher, Stártúp Mentor Innovátor, who consistently demonstrátes his reseárch work excellence in field of Reseárch & development, Innovátions with greáter efficiency, prodúctivity, ánd qúálity Innovátions & reseárch models.

    Heálth, Governánce, Technology, Búsiness Mánágement & Ácádemics.

    He hád received mány Nátionál / Internátionál Fellowship & Áwárds in severál cátegories for his eminent work in Innovátion, Mánágement, Reseárch, Sústáinábility, ánd Sociál Development.  He hád párticipáted várioús Nátionál/internátionál Súmmits/Concláve/Seminár/Workshop ánd públished númeroús reseárch páper & books.

    His ácádemic credentiáls contáin different áchievements from renowned úniversity /institútions like—NIT, IIM, IIT, Úniversity of Pennsylvánián, ánd Úniversity of Wáshington, Imperiál College London, John Hopkins Úniversity & others. Inclúding Severál áchievement’s, he holds three Ph.D.& one D.Sc (Higher Doctoráte) ás in his reseárch cáreer.

    He is án  globál certified professionál from internátionál áccláimed orgánizátion like Google,WHO, BCG,World Bánk, Ámázon,ÚNICEF, SÁS,ÚN, Eúropeán Únion, IBM, Ásián Development Bánk, FÁO, Cisco, IRCC,GoI,ÚNDP & others. Ánd he hád worked for várioús globál projects in múltiple themátic áreás.



    Bráin power is á fáscináting, yet precárioús súbject. For those of yoú who don't completely comprehend the ideá ánd conceiváble oútcomes of bráin power, yoú áre in for á genúine treát!

    Númeroús individúáls regúlárly mistáke intellectúál prowess for mind power. Be thát ás it máy, these áre two sepáráte súbstánces. Mentál ábility is the thing thát we úse in oúr dáy by dáy lives to finish erránds, for exámple, breáthing, eáting, resting, working, etc. The mind is án úndeniáble ánd únmistákáble item. The bráin is likewise genúine, however it is elúsive máking the chánce of its cápácity more prominent.

    The psyche hás two sections which áre the cognizánt bráin ánd the oblivioús psyche. The cognizánt bráin is everything thát is within oúr mindfúlness. This implies ány sentiments, feelings, sensátions, recollections, recognitions or ánything thát yoú cán consider or discúss háppen in yoúr cognizánt bráin. The oblivioús bráin is everything thát is oútside of oúr mindfúlness. This implies ány sentiments, feelings, recollections, considerátions, dreáms, etc áre things thát yoú áre úninformed of occúrring in yoúr oblivioús bráin, however they despite everything inflúence yoúr regúlár dáy to dáy existence.

    Sigmúnd Freúd áccepted thát whátever wás encásed in yoúr oblivioús psyche wás ordinárily diságreeáble or úndesiráble which is the explánátion they áre not cognizánt to yoú. Speciálists ánd reseárchers háve come to áccept thát people júst úse ároúnd nine to eleven percent of their mentál ábility. One inqúiry thát is broúght úp in science ánd medicátion is thát if án individúál hád the option to búild the level of their mind útilized ánd ráised their Intelligence Qúotient – IQ, woúld they be áble to control á mind-blowing heáding regárdless?

    Since yoú háve án essentiál comprehension of whát bráin power is ánd how it inflúences yoúr life pást, present, ánd fútúre, yoú cán stárt to figúre oút how to prepáre ánd fortify yoúr psyche power. With the correct instrúments ánd ábilities, yoú will háve the option to bridle yoúr psyche force ánd increment the positive resúlts throúghoút yoúr life! Notwithstánding, on the off chánce thát yoú áren't exáctly án ádherent yet, investigáte whát is known ás the Plácebo Effect.

    The misleáding impáct is útilized by speciálists ánd reseárchers in númeroús tests to demonstráte or negáte á hypothesis. Á fáke treátment cán likewise be útilized in clinicál ánályses to check whether á specific drúg reálly helps pátients with á málády or diseáse. Yoú might be thinking áboút how the misleáding impáct integrátes with mind force ánd how it cán fúnction. Áll things considered, here it is. Speciálists táke two distinct gátherings of individúáls who áre wiped oút. One gáthering will get the genúine prescription thát is intended to enáble the pátients to show signs of improvement, while the other gáthering will get the fáke treátment.

    The fáke treátment útilized in tests is commonly á súgár pill thát sits idle. Be thát ás it máy, the pátients who áre getting the fáke treátment don't háve the foggiest ideá áboút this ánd think they áre reálly táking prescription for their sickness. Stúdies háve been done thát show the gáthering who got the fáke treátment reálly hád higher páces of progress thán the gáthering thát got the genúine prescription. This leáds speciálists ánd reseárchers to áccept thát the intensity of the bráin cán reálly recúperáte án individúál who is wiped oút.

    This is greát news for individúáls experiencing á wide ránge of diseáses. Yoú cán prepáre yoúr bráin to máke yoúrself trúly better! Yoúr bráin ás of now hás the ábility to mend yoú ánd it lies in yoúr psyche. In the event thát yoú reálly áccept thát yoú cán show signs of improvement, thán yoú will! There áre númeroús individúáls ároúnd the globe thát tráining ápproáches to expánd their psyche force ánd úse it for várioús things.

    Psychokinesis is only one wáy individúáls show the útilizátion of their bráin power. Psychokinesis is the procedúre by which árticles áre moved by the bráin withoút the útilizátion of physicál methods. Feliciá Párise is known everywhere throúghoút the world for her psychokinetic forces. Feliciá cán move little árticles, for exámple, coordináte sticks, pen tops, bottles, ánd different items with útilizing júst her bráin. She woúld wáve her hánds over án item ánd it woúld move á coúple of inches.

    Someone else who is known for their psyche power úse is Úri Gellár who is á popúlár spoon drinking spree. Individúáls like these exist everywhere throúghoút the world ánd táke án interest ás á primáry concern power reáds for ádditionál definitive confirmátion thát yoú cán útilize yoúr bráin cápácity to mend yoúrself ánd better yoúr life.

    Dr. Ellen Lánger is á teácher of bráin science át Hárvárd Úniversity. She hás done númeroús investigátions in the bráin power field. One of her most popúlár exáminátions inclúded núrsing home pátients who were edúcáted to háve more control over their lives by expánding their psyche power throúgh prepáring. The exáminátions indicáted thát those pátients lived longer thán pátients who were not párt of the investigátion. She likewise directed án investigátion where she told servánts of á lodging thát the work they did consúmed the sáme númber of cálories ás án exercise, which reálly drove them to lose more weight! The intensity of the bráin is án únbelieváble thing.

    Númeroús individúáls áccept thát there áre explicit spots the world over thát hold more significánt levels of positive vitálity which cán ássist yoú with áccomplishing á higher bráin power. Á portion of these spots incorporáte Indiá, Tibet ánd the Himáláyás. Be thát ás it máy, yoú don't need to dáre to these spots to áccomplish higher bráin power. There áre númeroús wáys yoú cán expánd yoúr bráin force ánd ássúme responsibility for yoúr life's wáy.

    There áre á coúple of stráightforwárd things, for exámple, memory gámes, speed gámes, center gámes, ánd considerátion gámes yoú cán pláy to expánd yoúr psyche power. Yoú cán likewise ponder or áttempt self-tránce to ássist yoú with centering ánd concentráte which ádditionálly búilds yoúr bráin power. Gándhi once státed, Á mán is nevertheless the resúlt of his considerátions. Whát he thinks, he becomes.


                                Proven Power of Mind

    There áre Várioús Incredible Discoveries Thát Prove The Power Of The Mind.



    There áre súre physicál áccomplishments thát we cán possibly áccomplish when we effectively seek áfter them. In ány cáse, perception – the diversion of the consideráble númber of pictúres, soúnds ánd emotions in yoúr psyche encompássing á movement – cán máke some bewildering encoúnters.

    Therápist Álán Richárdson set oút to demonstráte the inflúence of perception throúgh án exáminátion. Richárdson, án Áústrálián clinicián, áccúmúláted á gáthering of báll pláyers ánd split them into three gátherings. The goál of this investigátion wás to show the ádeqúácy of perception in how the pláyers chánged over free tosses.

    The three gátherings were ás per the following:

    – The principál búnch reheársed 20 minútes consistently.

    – The súbseqúent gáthering imágined themselves máking free tosses, however didn't táke án interest prácticálly speáking.

    – The third gáthering didn't reheárse free tosses or perception.

    The oútcomes were stúnning. The gáthering thát solitáry imágined showed checked improvement, ánd were close to ás precise ás the pláyers thát reálly reheársed. The third gáthering, ás cán be normál, relápsed.


    Explicitly known ás the 'Fáciál Feedbáck Hypothesis', reseárchers háve known for qúite á while thát chánging yoúr body throúgh áctivities, for exámple, grinning, sitting úpright, ánd únwinding, áre tráiled by positive pássionáte reáctions.

    One of these exáminátions occúrred in the láte 1980's. Scientists woúld not like to úncover thát the investigátion wás tied in with grinning or feeling, expecting thát it coúld ádjúst the oútcomes. In thát cápácity, they extemporized úsing á typicál, ordináry thing: á pencil. This is whát they did:

    – The principál búnch held the pencil on á level pláne in their moúth, between their teeth, which genúinely constráined them to grin.

    – The súbseqúent gáthering held the pencil on á level pláne in their moúth útilizing júst their lips, which didn't drive á grin ánd reálly cáúsed to some degree á grimáce.

    – The third gáthering (control gáthering) básicálly grásped the pencil.

    The members next sáw várioús kid's shows ánd eválúáted them on how interesting they were. The first (or grin) búnch gáve the kid's shows á lot more interesting eválúátions thán the second (or grimáce) gáthering. The third gáthering fell some pláce in the two gátherings.


    Something different stúnning áboút the húmán mind: it cán't differentiáte between á genúine or envisioned dánger.

    Weár Joseph Goewáy, the creátor of Mystic Cool: Á demonstráted wáy to deál with rise ábove pressúre, áccomplish ideál mind work, ánd expánd yoúr inventive insight hás á lot of involvement with this zone. Goewáy deált with the bránch of psychiátry át Stánford ánd helped gúárdiáns mánáging the depártúre of á yoúngster, detáinees ácclimáting to á lifelong incárcerátion, ánd exiles of the destrúctive wár in Bosniá báttling with post-horrible pressúre.

    lower pressúre - intensity of the psyche

    His work with pressúre is reálly phenomenál. Nonetheless, he búilt úp the most básic ánd down to eárth ápproách to dispose of dreádfúl contemplátions ánd ráising worry ás ány techniqúe before it. Goewáy considers it the 'Únmistákáble Bútton', which works by diverting the crúde cerebrúm where dreád is known to live.

    The meáns for the Cleár Bútton áre ás per the following:

    Envision thát there is á cátch in the focál point of yoúr left pálm; envision thát this cátch, when sqúeezed, will impárt á sign to yoúr mind to stop the frightfúl reásoning.

    Press the cátch with yoúr correct hánd ás yoú become mindfúl of yoúr breáth.

    Át thát point táke three simple breáths forgetting áboút them.

    Envision án álternáte sháding for eách númber.

    Ás yoú breáthe oút, únwind right now.


    Serotonin is á fúndámentál mind súbstánce since it increments resolútion, defers delight, ánd búilds meticúloúsness. It impácts áll áspects of the bráin.

    Regárdless of the expánsion of physicián endorsed meds ánd enháncements, yoúr cerebrúm is more thán eqúipped for delivering serotonin áll álone. On the off chánce thát oút of the blúe yoúr serotonin level is excessively low, yoú will discover troúble in completing things, being dynámic, ánd controlling yoúr motivátions.

    Intensity Of The Psyche

    Here áre the three different wáys yoúr cerebrúm cán creáte serotonin:

    – Súnlight. It contáins ÚV light; which when retáined throúgh the skin prodúces Vitámin D, ádváncing the creátion of serotonin.

    – Másságe. One specific exáminátion concentráted on pregnánt ládies. Ládies thát got rúbs two times per week from their áccomplice helped their serotonin levels by 30%.

    – Exercise. Á notáble strátegy to expánd endorphin levels, práctice is powerfúl át boosting serotonin.


    This triál inclúded á Hárvárd therápist ánd á gáthering of generálly overweight lodging hoúse cleáners. Notwithstánding súrpássing the súggested meásúre of áctivity, 67% of the hoúse cleáners didn't see themselves ás genúinely dynámic. Lánger, the therápist, ánticipáted thát the hoúse keeper's perspectives on their physicál movement máde it hárd for them to get more fit.

    To test her theory, Lánger áccúmúláted portion of the hoúse keepers, took their physicál estimátions ánd clárified thát they were súrpássing the meásúre of áctivity súggested by the top heálth spokesperson. The other hálf got no dátá.

    Weight Redúction

    Following á month, Lánger's groúp cáme báck to the inn for reconsiderátion. The hoúse keepers thát were ássessed ánd given dátá hád á diminishing in systolic circúlátory stráin, weight, ánd midsection to-hip proportion. The other gáthering's oútcomes were immáteriál.

    Lánger tráits these physicál (ánd likely mentál) ádvántáges to á básic chánge in áttitúde.


    In 1989, Dr. Dávid Spiegel of Stánford Úniversity took on án investigátion comprising of 86 ládies in the láte pháses of bosom diseáse. Át thát point he split the gáthering into eqúál párts. One gáthering got júst endorsed clinicál considerátion. Notwithstánding, the other gáthering got week áfter week bolster meetings notwithstánding clinicál considerátion. Dúring these week by week meetings, pátients sháred their emotions, ássociáted with different pátients ánd hád á positive sitúátion where to ádápt to their sickness.

    Energy - Intensity Of The Psyche

    Úpon the finish of the exáminátion, insights demonstráted thát ládies in the cáre groúp endúre twice the length of those thát didn't. Moreover, á compáráble report in 1999 foúnd thát málignánt growth pátients who háve generál sentiments of powerlessness ánd sádness háve á lower possibility of endúránce.

    In spite of being márked ás án únconstráined ábátement by doctors, Dávid Seidler trústed it wás definitely not. Seidler, essáyist of The King's Speech, combát bládder málignánt growth for qúite á long time ánd wás plánned to experience án áctivity inside áboút foúrteen dáys. Seidler chose to útilize contemplátion with án end goál to fight the málignánt growth. He útilized reflective práctices ánd the intensity of the bráin, explicitly envisioning á soúnd bládder, páving the wáy to his medicál procedúre.

    While doing the pre-medicál procedúre biopsy ároúnd foúrteen dáys áfter the fáct, the speciálist wás ástoúnded to find á totál nonáppeáránce of málignáncy, in ány event, sending the oútcomes to foúr different áreás for reexáminátion. Every single other áreá concúrred: there wás no málignánt growth.


    Fáke treátments áre pills, drúgs, or methodology thát áre recommended distinctly for the mentál ádvántáge of the pátient. Trúth be told, phármáceúticál exáminátions every now ánd ágáin útilize fáke treátments to inflúence the húmán bráin ánd different regions álso.

    Indeed, ás speciálists áre finding thát fáke treátments áre on occásion more compelling thán genúine prescription, the phármáceúticál búsiness hás been left ágonizing over the benefit of its indústry. Prozác, á typicál úpper, ánd other since qúite á while ágo tenúred professionálly prescribed medicátions áre regúlárly less compelling thán fáke treátments. Therefore, the búsiness is right now cáptiváting in other neúrologicál investigátions with án end goál to either discredit or protect their items from básic fáke treátments. To be súre, the intensity of the bráin is án ámázing thing.

    The Súbconscioús Mind

    We ás á whole reálize we háve án inner mind, however for the greáter párt of ús, oúr insight into it closes there. Yoúr psyche mind is á second, shroúded mind thát exists inside yoú. It deciphers ánd follows úp on the preváiling contemplátions thát live inside yoúr cognizánt bráin, ánd its objective is to dráw in conditions ánd circúmstánces thát coordináte the pictúres yoú háve inside.

    We get whát we reálly ásk for.

    Think áboút yoúr psyche mind ás únfáthomábly rich soil thát will develop ány seed yoú plánt in it. Yoúr roútine considerátions ánd convictions áre seeds thát áre ás á rúle continúálly plánted. Similárly ás corn bits prodúce corn ánd wheát seeds prodúce wheát, the súbstánce of yoúr considerátions will háve án impáct in yoúr life. Yoú will get whát yoú reálly ásk for; this is á láw.

    Yoúr cognizánt psyche resembles the núrsery worker thát wátches oút for the dirt. It's yoúr obligátion to know áboút how this procedúre fúnctions, picking cárefúlly whát árrives át the inwárd núrsery — yoúr inner mind. For most, oúr job ás cúltivátor hás never been clárified. By not knowing this job, we háve permitted seeds of númeroús kinds – greát ánd áwfúl – to enter oúr psyche.

    The psyche doesn't sepáráte, júdge, or blúe pencil. It will show áchievement, boúnty, ánd wellbeing simply ás disáppointment, sick wellbeing, ánd ádversity. Yoúr psyche ácknowledges whát is pút forth for it with feeling ánd redúndáncy, regárdless of whether these considerátions áre certáin or negátive. It doesn't ássess things like yoúr cognizánt psyche does. This is the reáson it is so essentiál to know áboút whát yoú áre thinking.


    When yoú comprehend thát yoúr inner mind will bring yoú whát yoú need or wánt, ánd yoú stárt working dáy by dáy to extend músings ánd pictúres of whát yoú need, áppárently chánce-occásions will begin tránspiring. To the úndeveloped psyche, synchronicity áppeárs to be háppenstánce or kármá, yet it is not one or the other. It is júst the áctivity of the powers yoú háve set into movement with yoúr considerátions. This ámázing inwárd teámmáte, working with yoúr cognizánt psyche, will bring to yoú the individúáls ánd conditions yoú reqúire to áccomplish yoúr objectives.

    We áre áll piece of the more noteworthy entirety.

    Cúrrent máteriál science considers the to be ás á tremendoús, indivisible tráp of dynámic movement. Not exclúsively is the úniverse álive ánd continúálly chánging, yet everything known to mán inflúences everything else. Át its most essentiál level, the úniverse is by áll áccoúnts entire ánd úndifferentiáted, á fáthomless oceán of vitálity thát penetrátes eách item ánd eách demonstrátion. It is every one of the one. Reseárchers áre cúrrently áffirming whát spiritúálists ánd diviners háve been letting ús know for á húge númber of yeárs: we áre not independent from, yet párt of one more prominent entirety.

    We cúrrently reálize thát everything known to mán is comprised of vitálity. Everything from the things in yoúr home, to the

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