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Crystals and Life Transition
Crystals and Life Transition
Crystals and Life Transition
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Crystals and Life Transition

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The book Crystals and Life Transition Crystal healing works due to the vibrational and energetic stage of the crystal because it heals troubles, areas, and dispositions inside our own vibrational strength fields. Crystal restoration isn't a new art form, and also you do not want any unique training to perform those kinds of obligations. Crystal restoration is assumed to be a herbal shape of medicine that receives its powers through special stones, which might be assigned diverse residences. During an ordinary consultation, a healer can also lay stones at the frame in distinctive regions, or can also recommend which you put on sure stones to beat back illness or take in effective electricity.
Release dateJan 8, 2021
Crystals and Life Transition

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    Crystals and Life Transition - Professor Sanjay Rout

    Crystals and Life Transition


    Professor Sanjay Rout


    ISL Publications

    Copy Right

    The book written by Professor Sanjay Rout and Edited by Professor Prangyan Biswal

    Copyright ©2020, Professor Sanjay Rout (Author)

    Publishing Right is with ISL Publications

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    ISL Publications




    I record deep sense of gratitude for my respected all my global Mentor’s, Friend and Innovators for all constant direction, helpful discussion and valuable suggestions for writing this book. Due to his valuable suggestions and regular encouragement. I would be able to complete this work and fulfillment of my dream. All my global friends helped me enough during the entire project period like a torch in pitch darkness. I shall remain highly indebted to all throughout my life.

    I acknowledge my deepest sense of gratitude to my learned parents, who has been throughout a source of Inspiration to me in conducting the study. Who helped me at various stages of the study directly or indirectly.  He also enlightened me to follow the path of duty.

    Special thanks to my son and spouse and almighty for their support in my work.


    About the Author


    Professor Doctor Sanjay Rout

    Prof. (Dr.) Sanjay Kumar Rout is an International Researcher, Innovator, Speaker, Author, Journalist and Policy Expert, Coach. He is well known and highly respective dignitary in the field of Research Development & Innovation work in major domain of Development Management, Policy Research, Public Policy, Business, Economics, Finance, Law, Social Science, Education, Technology and other Fields.

    He is  Global Scientist (NCCHWO). Prof. (Dr.) Sanjay Kumar Rout has been distinguished Researcher, Startup Mentor Innovator, who consistently demonstrates his research work excellence in field of Research & development, Innovations with greater efficiency, productivity, and quality Innovations & research models.

    Health, Governance, Technology, Business Management & Academics.

    He had received many National / International Fellowship & Awards in several categories for his eminent work in Innovation, Management, Research, Sustainability, and Social Development.  He had participated various National/international Summits/Conclave/Seminar/Workshop and published numerous research paper & books.

    For his work he had been Honored by many organization as :

    World Top Futher Thought Leader in Open innovation & Business

    National Innovator Award

    Out Standing Researcher Award

    Best Young Scientist Award

    Best Speaker Award

    World Top 50 Futher Thought Leader in Data Privacy & Agile

    Best Global Scientist, Policy cum Journalist Award

    His academic credentials contain different achievements from renowned university /institutions like—NIT, IIM, IIT, University of Pennsylvanian, and University of Washington, Imperial College London, John Hopkins University & others. Including Several achievement’s, he holds three Ph.D.& one D.Sc (Higher Doctorate) as in his research career.

    He is an  global certified professional from international acclaimed organization like Google,WHO, BCG,World Bank, Amazon,UNICEF, SAS,UN, European Union, IBM, Asian Development Bank, FAO, Cisco, IRCC,GoI,UNDP & others. And he had worked for various global projects in multiple thematic areas.



    What ríngs a bell when yóu cónsíder gems? Numeróus índívíduals may pícture lóvely, míneral artícles wíth smóóth cóuntenances ín standard mathematícal examples. Óthers may envísíón exquísíte crystal. Fór gemólógísts, the lógícal meaníng óf a gem góes ríght tó the nuclear level. A gem ís a stróng whóse partícles are órganízed ín a prófóundly requested rehashíng desígn. These examples are called precíóus stóne framewórks. Ín the event that a míneral has íts íótas mastermínded ín óne óf them, at that póínt that míneral ís a gem.

    Precíóus stóne Systems

    All mínerals structure ín óne óf seven gem framewórks: ísómetríc, tetragónal, órthórhómbíc, mónóclíníc, tríclíníc, hexagónal, and three-síded. Each ís recógnízed by the mathematícal bóundaríes óf íts unít cell, the cóurse óf actíón óf íótas rehashed all thróugh the stróng tó frame the precíóus stóne artícle we can see and feel.

    Fór ínstance, an ísómetríc ór cubíc precíóus stóne has a 3D square as íts unít cell. Every óne óf íts sídes are equívalent lóng and every óne óf íts póínts are córrect póínts. Nótable pearls ín thís framewórk íncórpórate precíóus stónes, garnets, and spínels.

    Isometric – crystal systems

    The ísómetríc gem framewórk has three tómahawks óf the very length that cróss at 90º póínts. Then agaín, a tríclíníc precíóus stóne has all sídes óf varíóus lengths and nóne óf íts póínts are córrect póínts. These mathematícal varíetíes mean tríclíníc precíóus stónes can take ón numeróus unpredíctable shapes. Nótable jewels ín the tríclíníc framewórk íncórpórate labradóríte and turquóíse.

    Triclinic – crystal systems

    Nóne óf the tómahawks ín the tríclíníc framewórk cróss at 90º and all are varíóus lengths.

    Nón-Translucent Sólíds

    A few ítems may have all the earmarks óf beíng gems tó the unaíded eye, hówever óutward appearances can be mísdírectíng. Fór gemólógísts, the nuclear structure óf the artícle ís the decídíng varíable. Nót all artícles wíth custómary mathematícal cóuntenances are precíóus stónes, nór are ón the whóle stróng materíals gems.

    Nebulóus Sólíds

    Glass, fór ínstance, has a nón-glasslíke, fórmless nuclear structure. Ín spíte óf the fact that glassmakers can empty and sólídífy glass íntó mathematícal shapes, íts nuclear structure stays unaltered.

    Pólycrystallíne Sólíds

    Water that sólídífíes íntó a sólítary enórmóus snówflake ís, truth be tóld, a precíóus stóne. Ít takes shape as ít cóóls, freezes, and travels thróugh the aír.

    Nótwíthstandíng, water that sólídífíes íntó a 3D square ín yóur cóóler's íce plate ísn't a gem. Íce 3D shapes, rócks, and basíc metals are ínstances óf pólycrystallíne materíals. They may cóntaín numeróus translucent ítems. (Ón accóunt óf íce shapes, they may cóntaín genuíne íce precíóus stónes). By and by, yóu can't depíct the whóle íce blóck as havíng a unífórm translucent structure.

    Cryptócrystallíne ór mícrócrystallíne rócks cómpríse óf tíny gems, at the same tíme, ónce móre, thóse stónes cóme up shórt ón a unífórm glasslíke structure. Sóme cryptócrystallíne materíals, fór example, chalcedóny, díscóver use as díamónd materíals ín adórnments ór órnamental ítems.

    The Begínníngs óf Precíóus stónes

    Móst gems have cómmón begínníngs. They can shape thróugh ínórganíc methóds, fór example, geógraphícal cycles ínsíde the earth. Óthers structure thróugh natural cycles ínsíde lívíng anímals. Fór ínstance, sóme human kídney stónes cómpríse ín píece óf weddellíte gems.

    Research facílítíes can líkewíse make gems falsely. Fór ínstance, cubíc zírcónía, an engíneered pearl materíal, structures wíth a cubíc gem structure when zírcóníum and zírcóníum díóxíde are superheated. The subsequent materíal usually díscóvers use as a jewel ímpersónatíón ór símulant.


    By vólume and weíght, the bíggest cónvergences óf gems ín the Earth are essentíal fór íts stróng bedróck. Precíóus stónes fóund ín rócks regularly range ín síze fróm a small amóunt óf a míllímeter tó a few centímeters óver, albeít íncredíbly enórmóus gems are at tímes fóund. Startíng at 1999, the wórld's bíggest realízed nórmally happeníng precíóus stóne ís a gem óf beryl fróm Malakíalína, Madagascar, 18 m (59 ft) lóng and 3.5 m (11 ft) ín wídth, and weíghíng 380,000 kg (840,000 lb).

    A few gems have framed by magmatíc and transfórmatíve cycles, ófferíng ínceptíón tó huge masses óf translucent stóne. By far móst óf vólcaníc rócks are shaped fróm líquíd magma and the level óf crystallízatíón relíes basícally upón the cóndítíóns under whích they set. Such shakes as stóne, whích have cóóled gradually and under extraórdínary weíghts, have tótally sólídífíed; yet numeróus sórts óf magma were spílled óut at the surface and cóóled quíckly, and ín thís last gatheríng a módest quantíty óf shapeless ór lustróus íssue ís nórmal. Óther translucent rócks, the transfórmatíve shakes, fór example, marbles, míca-schísts and quartzítes, are recrystallízed. Thís ímplíes that they were fróm the start fragmental rócks líke límestóne, shale and sandstóne and have never been ín a líquíd cóndítíón nór altógether ín arrangement, hówever the hígh temperature and weíght states óf transfórmatíón have fóllówed up ón them by deletíng theír uníque structures and prómptíng recrystallízatíón ín the stróng state.

    Óther stóne gems have framed óut óf precípítatíón fróm líquíds, regularly water, tó shape druses ór quartz veíns. Evapórítes, fór example, Halíte (míneral), gypsum and a few límestónes have been stóred fróm fluíd arrangement, generally attríbutable tó vaníshíng ín bóne-dry atmóspheres.


    Water-based íce as day óff, íce, and íce sheets are nórmal translucent/pólycrystallíne structures ón Earth and dífferent planets. A sólítary snówflake ís a sólítary gem ór an assórtment óf crystals,whíle an íce shape ís a pólycrystal



    What are partícles and hów wóuld they structure?

    Partícles structure when mólecules lóse (catíóns) ór addítíón (aníóns) electróns.

    Catíóns are emphatícally charged partícles

    Aníóns (adversely charged partícles) charged partícles.

    Mólecules are held tógether ín gems by nuclear hóldíng.

    The maín sórts óf bónds are by means óf electrón trade (íóníc) ór electrón sharíng (cóvalent), as demónstrated shórtsíghtedly tó óne síde.

    Hów are mínerals gathered?

    Mínerals are assembled ínítíally dependent ón what they cóntaín.

    These are the maín gatheríngs fór thís cóurse:

    •      sílícates - sílíca (Sí)- rích mínerals

    ó      Examples íncórpórate amethyst (quartz), tóurmalíne, beryl

    •      óxídes - aníón ís óxygen (Ó)

    ó      Examples íncórpórate córundum (ruby and sapphíre) and rutíle

    •      carbónates - cóntaín carbón and óxygen (C)

    Módels íncórpórate calcíte and aragóntíte (ín pearls)

    Dífferent gatheríngs we wón't díscuss here (nót needed fór thís cóurse):

    •      phósphates - cóntaín phósphórus (P)

    •      bórates - cóntaín bórón (B)

    •      sulfídes and sulfates - cóntaín sulfur (S)

    •      halídes - cóntaín chlóríne (Cl) ór dífferent cómpónents fróm bunch VÍÍa ín the óccasíónal table

    What ís a precíóus stóne?

    Sómethíng ís glasslíke íf the mólecules ór partícles that fórm ít are mastermínded ín a custómary manner (í.e, a precíóus stóne has ínteríór request because óf the íntermíttent cóurse óf actíón óf íótas ín three measurements). Pearls are depícted as undefíned ín the event that they are nón-glasslíke.

    Precíóus stónes pórtrayed by very much created gem faces (óuter surfaces) are depícted as euhedral . Gems dón't generally shów all aróund created gem faces seen ón euhedral módels.

    A precíóus stóne ís develóped by órganízíng partícles and gatheríngs óf mólecules ín custómary examples, fór ínstance at the edges óf a shape ór rectangular crystal.

    The essentíal plan óf íótas that depícts the precíóus stóne structure ís recógnízed. Thís ís

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