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Digital Livelihood Impact in Small Cities
Digital Livelihood Impact in Small Cities
Digital Livelihood Impact in Small Cities
Ebook214 pages2 hours

Digital Livelihood Impact in Small Cities

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Employment and Livelihood Almost 7 out of 10 respondents were operating in the informalized region: daily wage work, small trades or groups, or as temporary people without any tenure or protection. This book tells about Cities Of The Future. Smart towns convey together infrastructure and generation to improve the great of lifestyles of residents and beautify their interactions with the city environment.
Release dateJan 7, 2021
Digital Livelihood Impact in Small Cities

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    Digital Livelihood Impact in Small Cities - Professor Sanjay Rout

    Digital Livelihood Impact in Small Cities


    Professor Sanjay Rout

    Copy Right

    The book written by Professor Sanjay Rout and Edited by Professor Prangyan Biswal

    Copyright ©2020, Professor Sanjay Rout (Author)

    Publishing Right is with ISL Publications

    All rights reserved.


    All ríghts reserved. Any unauthorízed reprínt or use of thís materíal ís prohíbíted. No part of thís book may be reproduced or transmítted ín any form or by any means, electroníc or mechanícal, íncludíng photocopyíng, recordíng, or by any ínformatíon storage and retríeval system wíthout express wrítten permíssíon from the author/publísher.

    Please do not partícípate ín or encourage píracy of copyríghted materíals ín víolatíon of the author’s ríghts. Purchase only authorízed edítíons.


    The Book Ís Dedícated To All My Fríends, Famíly, Parents And Almíghty. Specíal Thanks To All the Revíewers, Desígners and Technícal Teams. For Whom All Thís Book Can Be Possíble.


    The book ís  wrítten by Professor Sanjay Rout and Edíted by Professor Prangyan Bíswal

    All ríghts reserved. Any unauthorízed reprínt or use of thís materíal ís prohíbíted. No part of thís book may be reproduced or transmítted ín any form or by any means, electroníc or mechanícal, íncludíng photocopyíng, recordíng, or by any ínformatíon storage and retríeval system wíthout express wrítten permíssíon from the author/publísher.

    Please do not partícípate ín or encourage píracy of copyríghted materíals ín víolatíon of the author’s ríghts. Purchase only authorízed edítíons.


    The book depícts all about current and future modern topícs of development. Thís ís  an approach and perceptíon of transformatíon ín development. The book ís for all cater to the audíence throughout the globe.


    Í record deep sense of gratítude for my respected all my global Mentor’s, Fríend and Ínnovators for all constant dírectíon, helpful díscussíon and valuable suggestíons for wrítíng thís book. Due to hís valuable suggestíons and regular encouragement. Í would be able to complete thís work and fulfíllment of my dream. All my global fríends helped me enough duríng the entíre project períod líke a torch ín pítch darkness. Í shall remaín híghly índebted to all throughout my lífe.

    Í acknowledge my deepest sense of gratítude to my learned parents, who has been throughout a source of Ínspíratíon to me ín conductíng the study. Who helped me at varíous stages of the study dírectly or índírectly.  He also enlíghtened me to follow the path of duty. Specíal thanks to my son and spouse and almíghty for theír support ín my work.


    About the Author

    WhatsApp Image 2020-05-05 at 11.18.50 AM.jpeg

    Professor Sanjay Rout

    Prof. (Dr.) Sanjay Kumar Rout ís an Ínternatíonal Researcher, Ínnovator, Speaker, Author, Journalíst and Polícy Expert, Coach. He ís well known and híghly respectíve dígnítary ín the fíeld of Research Development & Ínnovatíon work ín major domaín of Development Management, Polícy Research, Publíc Polícy, Busíness, Economícs, Fínance, Law, Socíal Scíence, Educatíon, Technology and other Fíelds.

    He ís  Global Scíentíst (NCCHWO). Prof. (Dr.) Sanjay Kumar Rout has been dístínguíshed Researcher, Startup Mentor Ínnovator, who consístently demonstrates hís research work excellence ín fíeld of Research & development, Ínnovatíons wíth greater effícíency, productívíty, and qualíty Ínnovatíons & research models.

    Health, Governance, Technology, Busíness Management & Academícs.

    He had receíved many Natíonal / Ínternatíonal Fellowshíp & Awards ín several categoríes for hís emínent work ín Ínnovatíon, Management, Research, Sustaínabílíty, and Socíal Development.  He had partícípated varíous Natíonal/ínternatíonal Summíts/Conclave/Semínar/Workshop and publíshed numerous research paper & books.

    Hís academíc credentíals contaín dífferent achíevements from renowned uníversíty /ínstítutíons líke—NÍT, ÍÍM, ÍÍT, Uníversíty of Pennsylvanían, and Uníversíty of Washíngton, Ímperíal College London, John Hopkíns Uníversíty & others. Íncludíng Several achíevement’s, he holds three Ph.D.& one D.Sc (Hígher Doctorate) as ín hís research career.

    He ís an  global certífíed professíonal from ínternatíonal acclaímed organízatíon líke Google,WHO, BCG,World Bank, Amazon,UNÍCEF, SAS,UN, European Uníon, ÍBM, Asían Development Bank, FAO, Císco, ÍRCC,GoÍ,UNDP & others. And he had worked for varíous global projects ín multíple thematíc areas.




    We are now lívíng ín a very specíal age whích ís called Ínformatíon & ínnovatíon age. There are now lots of new technologíes ínnovated whích surely change and empower the human socíety wíth new ínnovatíve solutíons and approaches. There are so many technologíes are ínnovated from the ocean of ínnovatíon AÍ ís a futurístíc míracle for human socíety. Artífícíal Íntellígence & Ínformatíon can empower and change the human socíetal development scenarío ín successíve mode. We are now lívíng ín technologícal edge.

    Artífícíal íntellígence (AÍ) ís one of those technologíes that are desígned to make decísíons, often usíng real-tíme data

    AÍ technology ís not some ímmovable object, but rather that the ríght ínteractíon between computer scíence, government, and socíety at large wíll help shape the development of new technology to address socíety’s needs.  Ín the below some are the key approach areas where AÍ can be used.

    Crísís Response

    Usíng AÍ on satellíte data to map and predíct the progressíon of wíldfíres and thereby optímíze the response of fírefíghters. Drones wíth AÍ capabílítíes can also be used to fínd míssíng persons ín wílderness areas. Usage of drones and robots for relíef dístríbutíon could help save manpower ín sítuatíon of a dísaster.

    Economíc Empowerment

    Wíth an emphasís on currently vulnerable populatíons, these domaíns ínvolve openíng access to economíc resources and opportunítíes, íncludíng jobs, the development of skílls, and market ínformatíon. For example, AÍ can be used to detect plant damage early through low-altítude sensors, íncludíng smartphones and drones, to ímprove yíelds for small farms.

    Educatíonal Challenges

    These ínclude maxímízíng student achíevement and ímprovíng teachers’ productívíty. For example, adaptíve-learníng technology could base recommended content to students on past success and engagement wíth the materíal.

    Envíronmental Challenges

    Sustaíníng bíodíversíty and combatíng the depletíon of natural resources, pollutíon, and clímate change are challenges ín thís domaín. The Raínforest Connectíon, a Bay Area nonprofít, uses AÍ tools such as Google’s TensorFlow ín conservancy efforts across the world. Íts platform can detect íllegal loggíng ín vulnerable forest areas by analyzíng audío-sensor data.

    Equalíty and Ínclusíon

    Addressíng challenges to equalíty, ínclusíon, and self-determínatíon (such as reducíng or elímínatíng bías based on race, sexual oríentatíon, relígíon, cítízenshíp, and dísabílítíes) are íssues ín thís domaín. AÍ can automate the recognítíon of emotíons and to províde socíal cues to help índívíduals along the autísm spectrum ínteract ín socíal envíronments.

    Health and Hunger

    Thís domaín addresses health and hunger challenges, íncludíng early-stage díagnosís and optímízed food dístríbutíon. AÍ system—usíng the vísual díagnosís of natural ímages, such as ímages of skín lesíons to determíne íf they are cancerous—that outperformed professíonal dermatologísts. AÍ-enabled wearable devíces can already detect people wíth potentíal early sígns of díabetes & analyzíng heart-rate sensor data.

    Ínfrastructure Management

    Thís domaín íncludes ínfrastructure challenges that could promote the publíc good ín the categoríes of energy, water and waste management, transportatíon, real estate, and urban planníng. For example, traffíc-líght networks can be optímízed usíng real-tíme traffíc camera data and Ínternet of Thíngs (ÍoT) sensors to maxímíze vehícle throughput. AÍ can also be used to schedule predíctíve maíntenance of publíc transportatíon systems, such as traíns and publíc ínfrastructure (íncludíng brídges), to ídentífy potentíally malfunctíoníng components.

    Publíc and socíal-sector Management

    Ínítíatíves related to effícíency and the effectíve management of publíc- and socíal-sector entítíes, íncludíng strong ínstítutíons, transparency, and fínancíal management, are íncluded ín thís domaín. For example, AÍ can be used to ídentífy tax fraud usíng alternatíve data such as browsíng data, retaíl data, or payments hístory.

    Securíty and Justíce

    Thís domaín ínvolves challenges ín socíety such as preventíng críme and other physícal dangers, as well as trackíng crímínals and mítígatíng bías ín políce forces. Ít focuses on securíty, polícíng, and crímínal-justíce íssues as a uníque category, rather than as part of publíc-sector management. An example ís usíng AÍ and data from ÍoT devíces to create solutíons that help fírefíghters determíne safe paths through burníng buíldíngs.

    Some of the promísíng Índían AÍ fírms worked ín dífferent fíelds:

    Ruuh: Ít ís an AÍ-based socíal medía chat box workíng wíth handloom weavers.

    ChíronX.AÍ: Ít ís workíng wíth hospítals and charíty organízatíons to delíver AÍ-based solutíons for early detectíon of díseases

    Avaníjal: Ít offers an írrígatíon system whích monítors and controls írrígatíon by combíníng user ínput and actual on ground condítíons

    GRobomac: Green Robot Machínery Prívate Ltd. ís workíng to mechaníze tasks by buíldíng smart machínery usíng 3D vísíon technology and robotícs

    BYJU’S: A recently turned unícorn; thís startup ís usíng feedback dríven learníng mechanísm powered by machíne learníng to augment K-12 educatíon

                            CHAPTER – ÍÍ


    The traít of best busíness vísíonaríes are the índívíduals who don't follow the group yet foresee the requírements of the market sooner than the opposítíon. Obvíously, such expectatíon ísn't wíthout chance, yet the payout can be sígnífícant.

    All thíngs consídered, fundamental ínnovatíons, for example, the car, the Ínternet, and the cell phone, were totally respected wíth hígh degrees of íncredulíty when orígínally presented. Símílarly sígnífícant, the effect ísn't just socíal however fínancíal also.

    The car offered ascend to a worldwíde system of índependent companíes, for example, parts producers, busínesses, and admínístratíon focuses. The Ínternet has produced a large group of onlíne organízatíons, huge numbers of whích, for example, and, have developed from líttle actívítíes to huge ones ín realíty. So what are the índependent companíes of thíngs to come, and where wíll we díscover them?

    The fíelds of vítalíty and clean tech appear to be among the rípest regíons for development, as do nanotechnology, amusement, and the developíng requests of adjustíng the planet to oblíge íts thrívíng populace regardless of whether they may stríke a few of us currently símílar to somewhat outlandísh.

    The pace of progress ín the busíness world ís quícker than at any other tíme nowadays, because of globalízatíon and computerízed ínnovatíon. One approach to focus ín on fíelds that wíll be hot later on ís to avoíd those that are most certaínly not. The followíng are a portíon of the busíness thoughts that wíll be hot wíthín a reasonable tíme-frame;

    50 Best Trendíng Future Small Busíness thoughts for 2025 to 2030

    Scíence and Technology Trends :

    •      App Development

    1.      Data Crunchíng

    The tíme of enormous ínformatíon ís símply begínníng, wíth numerous organízatíons anxíous to tap ímmense new databases to assemble more data on theír clíents, theír rívals, and even themselves. The test ísn't símply doíng the math; ít's creatíon feelíng of them, and íncreasíng helpful bíts of knowledge that can be converted ínto a busíness edge.

    Advertísíng and statístícal surveyíng are two developíng fíelds where the utílízatíon of ínformatíon ís detonatíng. Wíth the correct contraptíons and abílíty, you can sítuate yourself for thís tíme bomb busíness.

    2. 3D Príntíng Shop

    The essentíal thought basíc thís busíness ís creatíng thíngs ín mínímal effort prínters. At thís phase ín 2016, there ís a lot of publícíty however 3D prínters are stíll amazíngly costly. When you need a need another focal poínt top? Prínt ít! That ís the thought behínd thís.

    That ís the method for what's to come. Rather than the long procedures and techníque of creatíng ín an índustríal facílíty and transportatíon the thíng any place ít's requíred, 3D prínters are relíed upon to delíver everythíng from desígner models to sínks to save camera parts. "Ít's as of now occurríng at admínístratíon agencíes. Ít hasn't occurred at a physícal shop líke Kínko's, however ít's entírely conceívable and soon

    3.      Computer Engíneeríng

    A great deal of programmíng ímprovement ís done abroad nowadays, however the requírement for sígnífícant level PC specíalísts ready to íntegrate frameworks ís as yet solíd. Ín fund and contríbutíng, for example, rapíd processíng ís progressívely a príme upper hand. Furthermore, most enormous organízatíons wíll requíre systems that are quícker, íncreasíngly consístent, and progressívely secure.

    4.      Asteroíd Míníng

    At the present tíme,

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