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Monitoring & Evaluation for Projects
Monitoring & Evaluation for Projects
Monitoring & Evaluation for Projects
Ebook146 pages1 hour

Monitoring & Evaluation for Projects

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Monitoring and evaluation are both gear and strategy which assist an assignment to know when plans are not running, and while circumstances have changed. They provide the management the records it wishes to make decisions approximately the mission, and about the modifications which are important for strategy or plans.. The book tells approximately Project tracking and evaluation is used to measure an assignment's progress. It's crucial as it helps you to keep tabs on a task and become aware of capacity troubles. Let's take a better observe these standards.
Release dateJan 7, 2021
Monitoring & Evaluation for Projects

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    Monitoring & Evaluation for Projects - Professor Sanjay Rout

    Monitoring & Evaluation for Projects


    Professor Sanjay Rout

    Copy Right

    The book written by Professor Sanjay Rout and Edited by Professor Prangyan Biswal

    Copyright ©2020, Professor Sanjay Rout (Author)

    Publishing Right is with ISL Publications

    All rights reserved.


    All rights reserved. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author/publisher.Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Purchase only authorized editions.


    I record deep sense of gratitude for my respected all my global Mentor’s, Friend and Innovators for all constant direction, helpful discussion and valuable suggestions for writing this book. Due to his valuable suggestions and regular encouragement. I would be able to complete this work and fulfillment of my dream. All my global friends helped me enough during the entire project period like a torch in pitch darkness. I shall remain highly indebted to all throughout my life. I acknowledge my deepest sense of gratitude to my learned parents, who has been throughout a source of Inspiration to me in conducting the study. Who helped me at various stages of the study directly or indirectly.  He also enlightened me to follow the path of duty. Special thanks to my son and spouse and almighty for their support in my work.




    A ventúre ís a bríef úndertakíng that exísts tó próvíde a descríbed fínal resúlts. Each próject can have agreed and partícúlar óbjectíves ín addítíón tó íts ówn próject plan, fínances, tímescale, delíverables and óblígatíóns. A úndertakíng may alsó cóntaín húmans fróm exclúsíve teams wíthín an órganízatíón whó are íntródúced cóllectívely tó accómplísh a selected góal.

    What ís úndertakíng cóntról?

    Próject cóntról may be descríbed as the fíeld óf makíng úse óf specífíc methóds and príncíples tó ínítíate, plan, execúte and manípúlate the way that new prójects ór changes are ímplemented ínsíde an emplóyer. Próject cóntról ís dífferent tó management óf cómmercíal enterpríse as typícal hóbby, that ís an óngóíng manner, becaúse ít ínvólves grówíng new paíntíngs prógrams tó attaín agreed ends ór dreams.

    Key addítíves óf challenge cóntról are:

    Tíme – the meant dúratíón óf the paíntíngs

    Cóst – the fínances allótted fór the wórk

    Scópe – what ínnóvatíóns ór changes cóúld be bróúght by means óf the task

    Qúalíty – the standard óf the óútcóme óf the úndertakíng.

    Íncreasíng ór redúcíng any óne óf thóse cómpónents wíll have an effect ón the óthers.

    Fór example, decreasíng the tíme allócated tó cómplete the úndertakíng wíll even redúce the amóúnt óf labór that can be achíeved (scópe), whích may addítíónally then have an effect ón the níce and the fee óf the assígnment.

    Próject cóntról tíers

    Althóúgh there are dístínct úndertakíng cóntról methódólógíes and methóds, maxímúm tasks fóllów thóse degrees:

    Ínítíatíng the úndertakíng – the ventúre manager defínes what the míssíón wíll gaín and cómprehend, óperatíng wíth the task spónsór and stakehólders tó agree delíverables.

    Planníng – the task manager recórds all the tasks and assígns clósíng dates fór every ín addítíón tó póíntíng óút the relatíónshíps and dependencíes between every actívíty.

    Execútíón – the ventúre súpervísór búílds the task crew and addítíónally cóllects and allócates the assets and fínances avaílable tó precíse respónsíbílítíes.

    Mónítóríng – the challenge manager óversees the prógress óf task wórk and úpdates the assígnment plans tó mírrór real perfórmance.

    Clósíng – the úndertakíng súpervísór ensúres the óútpúts delívered by means óf the ventúre are wídespread wíth the aíd óf the búsíness and clóses dówn the míssíón crew.


    Próject Management

    Próject management entaíls the planníng and búsíness enterpríse óf a córpóratíón's resóúrces tó móve a partícúlar task, óccasíón, ór óblígatíón clóser tó fínal tóúch. Ít can ínvólve a óne-tíme task ór an óngóíng hóbby, and assets cóntrólled ínclúde emplóyees, búdget, generatíón, and íntellectúal assets.

    Próject management ís regúlarly related tó fíelds ín engíneeríng and cónstrúctíón and, móre cúrrently, health care and ínfórmatíón era (ÍT), whích typícally have a cómplex set óf addítíves that óúght tó be fíníshed and assembled ín a hard and fast fashíón tó create a fúnctíóníng pródúct.

    Nó be cóúnted what the enterpríse ís, the ventúre súpervísór tends tó have róúghly the same jób: tó help óútlíne the góals and góals óf the míssíón and decíde when the díverse míssíón cómpónents are tó be cómpleted and vía whóm. They addítíónally create hígh-qúalíty cóntról tests tó make certaín fíníshed cómpónents meet a pósítíve trendy.


    Ón a cómpletely fúndamental level, úndertakíng management cónsísts óf the makíng plans, ínítíatíón, execútíón, trackíng, and last óf a ventúre.

    Many óne-óf-a-kínd sórts óf ventúre cóntról methódólógíes and strategíes exíst, tógether wíth cónventíónal, waterfall, agíle, and lean.

    Próject management ís úsed thróúghóút índústríes and ís an crítícal a part óf the achíevement óf creatíón, engíneeríng, and ÍT córpóratíóns.

    Únderstandíng Próject Management

    Generally speakíng, the task cóntról manner ínclúdes the súbseqúent stages: planníng, ínítíatíón, execútíón, mónítóríng, and remaíníng.

    Fróm begín tó fínísh, each míssíón desíres a plan that óútlínes hów matters wíll get óff the flóór, hów they wíll be cónstrúcted and hów they wíll end. Fór ínstance, ín strúctúre, the plan starts óffevólved wíth an ídea, prógresses tó drawíngs and móvements dírectly tó blúeprínt draftíng, wíth húndreds óf líttle pórtíóns cómíng tógether amóng every step. The archítect ís símply óne índívídúal ímpartíng óne píece óf the púzzle. The úndertakíng manager places ít all cóllectívely.

    Every challenge typícally has a príce range and a tíme frame. Próject management maíntaíns the whóle thíng shíftíng smóóthly, ón tíme, and ón fínances. That manner when the delíberate tíme bódy ís cómíng tó an qúít, the challenge manager may addítíónally preserve all the crew índívídúals rúnníng ón the challenge tó cómplete ón agenda.

    Dífferent índústríes have advanced task cóntról methódólógíes ór framewórks that are precíse tó theír precíse desíres.

    Example óf Próject Management

    Let's say a míssíón manager ís tasked wíth maín a gróúp tó develóp sóftware merchandíse. They begín by means óf ídentífyíng the scópe óf the próject. They then assígn óblígatíóns tó the úndertakíng team, that cóúld cónsíst óf búílders, engíneers, technícal wríters, and hígh-qúalíty warranty experts. The míssíón manager creates a schedúle and sets clósíng dates.

    Óften, a míssíón manager wíll úse vísúal representatíóns óf wórkflów, cónsístíng óf Gantt charts ór PERT charts, tó decíde whích óblígatíóns are tó be cómpleted by úsíng whích departments. They set a búdget that ínclúdes enóúgh fínances tó hóld the challenge wíthín fínances even ín the face óf súdden cóntíngencíes. The ventúre súpervísór addítíónally makes súre the gróúp has the resóúrces ít wíshes tó búíld, test, and deplóy a sóftware prógram pródúct.

    When a húge ÍT órganísatíón, súch as Císcó Systems Ínc., acqúíres smaller cómpaníes, a key part óf the míssíón manager's jób ís tó íntegrate challenge gróúp members fróm díverse backgróúnds and ínstíll a experíence óf gróúp reasón appróxímately meetíng the cease púrpóse. Próject managers may addítíónally have a few technícal knówledge bút alsó have the crúcíal ventúre óf takíng hígh-stage córpórate vísíóns and handíng óver tangíble resúlts ón tíme and ínsíde búdget.

    Types óf Próject Management

    Many kínds óf ventúre management have been advanced tó satísfy the partícúlar desíres óf certaín índústríes ór varíetíes óf tasks. They encómpass the súbseqúent:

    1. Waterfall Próject Management

    Thís ís símílar tó tradítíónal míssíón management bút cónsísts óf the caveat that each assígnment wíshes tó be fíníshed befóre the súbseqúent óne starts óffevólved. Steps are línear and develópment flóws ín óne dírectíón—líke a waterfall. Becaúse óf thís, ínterest tó úndertakíng seqúences and tímelínes are very ímpórtant ón thís fórm óf assígnment management. Óften, the scale óf the team óperatíng at the task wíll grów as smaller dútíes are fíníshed and larger tasks begín.

    2. Agíle Próject Management

    The laptóp sóftware enterpríse túrned íntó óne óf the fírst tó úse thís system. Wíth the premíse órígínatíng ínsíde the 12 míddle ídeas óf the Agíle Manífestó, agíle próject cóntról ís an íteratíve system targeted at the cóntínúóús trackíng and ímpróvement óf delíverables. At íts córe, excellent delíverables are a end resúlt óf ímpartíng púrchaser cóst, crew ínteractíóns and adaptíng tó módern cómmercíal enterpríse círcúmstances.

    Agíle míssíón management dóes nót fóllów a seqúentíal stage-by way óf-stage appróach. Ínstead, stages óf the assígnment are cómpleted ín parallel tó each óther thróúgh númeróús gróúp partícípants ín an enterpríse. Thís techníqúe can lócate and rectífy místakes whíle nót havíng tó restart the whóle methód.

    Three. Lean Próject Management

    Thís methód ís all appróxímately avóídíng waste—bóth óf tíme and óf resóúrces. The standards óf thís methódólógy have been gleaned fróm Japanese manúfactúríng practíces. The

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