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Dark Demon
Dark Demon
Dark Demon
Audiobook13 hours

Dark Demon

Written by Christine Feehan

Narrated by Richard Ferrone

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

Publishers Weekly calls the Dark Carpathian novels a "sex- and magic-filled treat." Dark Destiny and the dozen other books in this New York Times best-selling series sizzle with superhuman passions and paranormal powers. With Dark Demon, the realm of the mighty Carpathians is shaken by a powerful and perilous union. A shape-shifter, Natalya hunts those who kill by night. Searching for vampires and Carpathians high in the mountains, she is as deadly as she is beautiful. Vikirnoff, a Carpathian, also hunts vampires, but his people are Natalya's enemies. One night, Vikirnoff joins Natalya in a vicious clash with vampires. Although the two are victors, the battle between their hearts and souls has just begun. Can desire overcome their ancestral enmity? Sensuous language and strands of Carpathian lore add sumptuous layers of pleasure to Dark Demon, which captured the #2 spot on the New York Times, USA Today, and Publishers Weekly best-seller lists. "Feehan has a knack for bringing vampiric Carpathians to vivid, virile life in her Dark Carpathian novels"-Publishers Weekly
Release dateDec 26, 2006
Dark Demon

Christine Feehan

Christine Feehan is a #1 New York Times bestselling author, with over 90 published novels in seven different series: Dark Series, GhostWalker Series, Leopard Series, Drake Sisters Series, Sea Haven Series, Shadow Series, and Torpedo Ink Series. All seven of her series have hit the #1 spot on the New York Times bestseller list.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    These books are amazing love that she's a bad ass and always save the fight.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I love this series. I wish you had a bigger selection of this Author and this series
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The more I read the writings of these authors, the more I get drawn into her imagination and ways of entertainment. Well, this is very magical and full of ups and downs that keep me going on and on. From one storyline through the many games and plans of the enemy. The battle was such that was unbelievable for one to imagine how the very end of such evil came to destroy goodness. The main characters Natalya and Vikirnoff were hilarious and comical that especially many ways; she was able to bring much humor, jokes, happiness, and fun into the danger and wickedness that is happening around them. I give these five stars because it is very entertaining and engaging.
    The full alliance between the royal families of the Dubrinsky and Daratrazanoff did bring out the level of power and the focus that they came to bring into existence of their race. The enormity of their power and yet they are more humble with the power and leadership of the people.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Finally a pair-off that I didn't want to completely strangle either of the two in it.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I'm not normally a fan of the Dark series, but I liked the strong, sassy heroine Natalya, and Vikirnoff was over protective without being too controlling. Natalya comes out with some funny one-liners and Vikirnoff develops a sense of humour as the plot thickens. An enjoyable read.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is another one of my favorites in the series. Vikirnoff catches up to Natalaya, and discovers his lifemate is a mouthy part-Carpathian part mage tiger shapeshifter who travels with an arsenal and fights vampires (and wins). This books is all about the important series story arc business - absolutely crucial to the overarching plotline. Vikirnoff and Natalya are both wonderfully complex characters, and both strong. They do hurt each others' feelings, but not on purpose, and we end up simply happy that they're together. Mostly, we want to see Nicholae laughing at Vikirnoff.Good romance, good plot, good characters - don't miss this one.This is Vikirnoff VonShrieder and Natalaya's story.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The characters were engaging, and the story was interesting. I enjoyed the entertainment value of this book, and would gladly read more books by this author.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Natalya and Vikirnnoff. The author's books take a different turn and become more modern. We explore more of the Carpathian mountains and delve deeper into her characters' stories. The female protagonist is a bit blunt, but I like it.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    In a land where vampires and demons lurk below the surface of society, unknown to most humans, there is one woman who has fought them all her life. Natayla, part Carpathian, part Human, part Mage, has been alone for almost a full century since the loss of her twin brother to the hands of a Hunter - her mortal enemy. Stalked to the end of the earth by her enemies; she finds her self drawn to the hills of the Carpathian Mountains in search of something unknown calling out to her. Her journey is fraught with danger from all sides from humans and monsters with no one to call friend she is forced to accept the help of a stranger, Vikirnoff. In the heat of a battle. Natayla finds herself indebted to Vikirnoff and must care for him as he was gravely wounded while protecting her against the demons who seek her life. They discover they have a bond that reaches far back in time but Natayla won't have any of it as she will take orders from no one and Vikirnoff just wants a woman who will obey him. But Vikinrnoff has a secret which will destroy their blooming love...he is a hunter... and she is his prey.This is a pretty good paranormal love story about vampires, demons and slayers. The two main characters are pleasant enough. I liked Natayla as a character and felt she could have had a bit more fleshing out on her past but I suspect that is being held for another book since the ending kind of just left it open. Vikirnoff is a typical alpha male.. all about being the man. I was disappointed in the ending since it felt a bit rushed. Plenty of action all though out the book, one moment in a huge battle the next in each other arms happily making out. The side characters really didn't get fleshed out much. I really felt that the writer could have given more information on their pasts or personalities but it was more of Hi, I am so-so, I am with so-so, and that is all you get to know. I will admit I do not read many romance novels so this might be in the norm for them. I just normally expect to get to know the supporting cast a bit more. I think the story line has the makings of several more books to come.Over all it was an enjoyable book to read. I do not regret reading it and would recommend it to my friends.edit: Ha! I should have done a bit more research on the series. This book is actually the 16th book in the series. The supporting cast are featured in the previous books so if you want a long series to read.. this is it.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    First I have read in this series - really enjoyed it. Good action, romantic, a storyline to pull you along and a witty, sharp characters. On the look out for more..
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Dark Demon is book 16 of Christine Feehan's wonderful Dark Carpathian series. This is the story of Natalya Shonski and Vikirnoff von Shrieder. We first met Natalya in Feehan's Dark Secret and Vikirnoff in Dark Destiny. Always on the run from vampires and Carpathian hunters, Natalya is part dark mage, part human, and part Carpathian. Her Carpathian bloodline is from one of the oldest and most respected of all Carpathian families: the Dragonseekers. Poisoned against the Carpathian people by the treacherous dark mage Xavier, she has been trained to fear all immortals equally, and is an accomplished slayer. She never imagined she would feel anything other than disgust when facing an immortal, until the day she comes face-to-face the man that is her lifemate.When his brother Nicolae's lifemate Destiny asked him to find a woman who needed their help, Vikirnoff knew he could do no other than find and defend her from all enemies. As soon as Vikirnoff saw the photograph of the woman, he felt a strong compulsion to locate and protect her. He will follow her across oceans, back to his homeland, the Carpathian mountain range.Vikirnoff has lived a colorless and emotionless existence for centuries, and is astonished at the gut-reaction he has when he finds his one true lifemate: Natalya. Although she's not at all what he imagined, Vikirnoff feels the instant age-old pull to her. Natalya is a clever and capable warrior with battle skills that rival Vikirnoff's. He knows she is not quite human, and not quite Carpathian, but she is the light to his darkness, the woman he is destined to love and protect for all time. Together, they must uncover the secrets of Natalya's past, and try to protect their people from certain destruction. Dark Demon is the best Carpathian book I've read since Dark Destiny (book 13). It is the longest Carpathian book I've read so far, and was full of the legends of dragons and wizards. I loved seeing some of the characters from the other books - especially Mikhail, the prince of the Carpathian people. The illumination of the Dragonseeker line added so much to the existing folklore in the series. Natalya is hands downs one of Feehan's best heroines to date and maybe my favorite lifemate in the series so far. She is so modern and sassy, and full of pop culture references that Vikirnoff (or Vik, as she sometimes referred to him) had no hope of understanding. She is a sharp and witty woman with immense combative and magical abilities - a true kick-butt-heroine! Dark Demon shows Feehan's great versatility and is truly an original. For me, this book represented an enormous amount of growth for the Dark series. The storyline is taking an interesting turn and I can't wait to see what happens next.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The only thing keeping Vikirnoff Von Shrieder from seeking out the dawn (to end his existence) was the search for a specific psychic woman that had started in the US (Dark Destiny) and finally brought him back to his home in the Carpathian Mountains. The miracle of her being his lifemate brought on fear and terror first because his first site of Natalya Shonski was of her in battle with a vampire. Growing up, Natalya and her twin Razvan learned the art of magick and she knew of Carpathians, vampires and others and was taught to fear them all. Now this hunter wanted her and her need to protect him was just as strong too, even with her doubts about their compatibility. Book 16 ….. Fun - We met Vikirnoff in Dark Destiny and started to hear about Natalya (even though we didn’t know much about her back then). Then we met her briefly in Dark Secret and got to see more of him, now to get to the story for them. Natalya is a riot, she watched so much TV over the years that she actually nicknamed a vampire after Freddy Kruger. Her references to the old classic movies and TV shows (used to alleviate her nervousness and fear) had me laughing most of the way through this book. Vikirnoff was not what I expected, I was not sure I could take another cooking cutter Carpathian, after his emotions returned I expected the protectiveness and bossy attitude, but he had a wonderful sense of humor to be able to match wits with Natalya. The return to the Carpathian Mountains brought a familiar cave into more light and also allowed a touch with Mikhail, Raven, Falcon and Sara. ***** Bonus (in the book I have), in the back of the book, Ms. Feehan has added an appendix with information on the Carpathian language, their healing chants and a bit of history. It doesn’t change the stories at all, but it is kind of neat to have some of their native language in the book and the information too.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I can't help myself. I keep going back to Christine Feehan's Carpathian books, even though some of the recent ones have been less than stellar. (I gave the previous one 6/10 and wasn't exactly bowled over by it.) I still like the basic premise and I like the way she's been developing an overall story arc lately. I like the addition of the wizards and now there are dragons as well, which always gives a story or series extra points in my book. So I read the bad ones, enjoy the good parts of those and keep hoping the next one will be good.I had high hopes for Dark Demon. More for the heroine - we met Natalya briefly in Dark Destiny where it was clearly indicated that Vikirnoff would be her lifemate - than the hero, who seemed to be a typically over-alpha male such as Feehan writes regularly and really needs to tone down. Happily, she did. Vikirnoff had some nice, steady character development as he discovered that he hadn't really had a clue when he's imagined the perfect lifemate and that Natalya is exactly what he both wants and needs. Natalya too moved steadily from seeing him as an enemy to loving him. She also had a good and sensible reason for disliking and distrusting him at first, that dissolved as she got to know him. Too often, Feehan's heroines move from "I hate you, I hate you, I hate you" to "I love you" over the course of about a page and without any truly sensible reason for doing so beside the fact the author deems it time. Dark Demon escaped this common problem and was a much better and stronger book for it.Natalya is part Carpathian, part mage, part tiger - the granddaughter of a Carpathian woman stolen away from her lifemate by a dark wizard to bear his children and thereby make him immortal. She has been indoctrinated since childhood to hate the Carpathians, seeing hunters and vampires as the same kind of evil. She has come to the Carpathian mountains under a compulsion she doesn't understand, aware she is followed and hunted all the way. Virkinoff is one of those following her, determined to find her for reasons he doesn't fully understand himself since seeing her picture back in his brother's book, Dark Destiny. Their meeting shows him she is his lifemate - something she's not convinced about - and from there the story takes off, mixing romance, vampires, dark pasts, Carpathian history and a whole lot of potential disaster. While the immediate problems are solved within this book, there's clearly still evil out there with plans against all the Carpathians and especially the prince.We're clearly building towards a major confrontation here, which may or may not take place in the upcoming reunion book Dark Celebration. Like I said, I can't help myself I keep reading the books and hoping each time I'll get a good one rather than the opposite. I hope Feehan can stay with the tone and set up she produced in this book. It was a good self-contained story and a good step along the overal story arc as well. Keep it up, Christine. Please don't backslide again.Oh, and I loved the revelation of previously unknown elements to the long time alliance between Mikhail's family and Gregori's family.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Probably the best in this series to date. Lots of action, sex, ect. but still hard to really believe fully in the character developement.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Natalya hates vampires and hunters with a vengeance but suddenly Vikirnoff von Shrieder falls from the sky and declaires her to be his lifemate. She tried to break every bond she thinks he creates but she finds herself falling for his Carpathian charms.Good read. Less sex, more action and secrets. Will Xavier really be defeated? What of Razvan? Is he truly evil?A must read to understand more of the plot against the Carpathians. Natalya is so funny. She loves to talk about movies and Vikirnoff has no clue about what she's talking about. He puzzles over who Freddie Crueger is.Some characters will be introduced here for the later books!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A true guilty pleasure. In this one, the heroine is part Carpathian, and a mage, and can turn herself into a tiger. She knows about Carpathians, but Carpathian hunters killed her brother, so when a hunter announces she's his lifemate, she's not particularly enthused by the idea. Intriguing mystery re: what really happened to her brother, and her grandfather, with missing memories. And what I really, really liked about this was how Vik not only accepted her strength and ability, but loved it. He's still got the instinctual imperative to keep her safe, but it doesn't keep him from feeling exhilarated fighting at her side.