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The Zen of Laziness. The Ramblings of a Sleep Deprived Mom
The Zen of Laziness. The Ramblings of a Sleep Deprived Mom
The Zen of Laziness. The Ramblings of a Sleep Deprived Mom
Ebook115 pages1 hour

The Zen of Laziness. The Ramblings of a Sleep Deprived Mom

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In "The Zen of Laziness - The Ramblings of a Sleep Deprived Mom," Maria Johanson fearlessly invites readers on a journey through the chaotic, yet magical world of motherhood. With unfiltered honesty and a witty narrative, she paints a vivid portrait of what it truly means to revolve your life around tiny, demanding dictators.


In this refreshingly candid account, Maria embraces and celebrates the art of laziness as she navigates the sleep-deprived haze that becomes her new reality. Through humor-filled anecdotes, she unabashedly shares the triumphs, the calamities, and everything in between that accompanies the noble role of being a mother.


Within these pages, mothers will feel validated as Maria explores the endless chorus of questions that plague every new parent's mind. From conquering the fear of not being the "perfect" mother to delving into the minefield of unpredictable sleep schedules, she offers solace and reassurance that it's okay to find humor and zen in the chaos.


But this book is not just for moms. With a genuine warmth and razor-sharp wit, Maria invites readers of all walks of life to laugh, cry, and reflect. From the inexplicable joys of witnessing a first smile to the seemingly impossible task of maintaining a semblance of sanity while juggling dirty diapers and late-night feedings, Maria offers profound insights and sage advice that resonates far beyond the realm of motherhood.


"The Zen of Laziness - The Ramblings of a Sleep Deprived Mom" is a heartfelt tribute to the boundless love, selfless sacrifices, and everyday miracles that make motherhood an extraordinary adventure. Maria Johanson's narrative is an eloquent reminder that amid the chaos, finding moments of stillness and embracing the beauty in the chaos is the true essence of motherhood.


Embrace the laughter, shed a tear, and discover the hidden truths of motherhood in this captivating and authentic account from a sleep-deprived mom who hilariously captures the essence of the astonishing journey called motherhood.

Release dateOct 31, 2023
The Zen of Laziness. The Ramblings of a Sleep Deprived Mom

Maria Johanson

Meet Maria Johanson, a devoted mother of three little girls, an inspiring practitioner of hygge, and passionate believer of gentle, natural parenting. With her heartwarming writing style and deep understanding of motherhood, Maria has become known around the world as an expert in creating nurturing and loving environments for children. Maria's approach to parenting is gentle and mindful, always keeping in mind the unique needs of each child. Her belief in natural parenting goes beyond just the basics, delving into a holistic approach that benefits children on every level. As a practitioner of hygge, Maria brings warmth, coziness, and a sense of belonging to everything she does, including her writing. With every book, Maria's readers are transported into a world of tender moments, warm embraces, and gentle guidance. She shares personal anecdotes, insightful tips, and practical advice that help parents create harmonious and nurturing homes where their children can thrive. Whether she's discussing the benefits of positive discipline or the importance of playtime in a child's life, Maria's writing is relatable, informative, and deeply moving. Maria's heartfelt and captivating books are a must-read for anyone looking to create a blissful life with their family. Her loving approach to parenting will inspire, comfort, and guide you as you navigate the ups and downs of raising children. Join Maria on this journey of love, connection, and joy – and discover the joy of natural parenting!

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    Book preview

    The Zen of Laziness. The Ramblings of a Sleep Deprived Mom - Maria Johanson

    1. Sleep Training: More Like Sleep Chasing

    Let me paint the picture for you: it's 3 a.m. and I'm dragging my feet to my daughter's bedroom for the thousandth time tonight. It's been an hour since she last woke up, which felt like a blessing at the time, but now I'm starting to wonder if she's ever going to go back to sleep. My eyes are heavy and my steps are slow, but my brain is fully awake and racing through the endless to-do list I never seem to get to during the day.

    As I approach her crib, the familiar whimpers and grunts start to fill the room. I pick her up, hold her close, and sway back and forth like a human metronome. It's a dance we've done a million times, and yet every time feels like the first. I whisper soft words of comfort to her, willing her to drift off into dreamland so we can both get some much-needed rest.

    But just as she starts to settle down, her big sister starts to stir in the next room over. I know it's only a matter of time before she wakes up fully, and then it'll be a double whammy of two restless kids to deal with. I try to ignore the panic rising in my chest and focus on the task at hand.

    After what feels like an eternity, my youngest daughter finally falls asleep again. I lay her back in her crib, tiptoe out of the room, and collapse back into my own bed. But just as I close my eyes, my middle daughter cries out for me. And so the cycle begins again.

    This, my friends, is the life of a sleep-deprived mom. And it's a life that many of us know all too well.

    As a mom of three girls under the age of five, I've tried just about every sleep training method under the sun. From letting them cry it out to co-sleeping, from gentle sleep training to throwing my hands up in defeat and resigning myself to never getting a full night's sleep again. But no matter what approach I take, one thing is for certain: sleep training is less like training and more like chasing after a constantly moving target.

    When I had my first daughter, I was convinced that I would be one of those moms whose baby slept through the night at six weeks old. I read all the books, followed all the experts, and even hired a sleep consultant. And yet, here I am, six years and three kids later, still stumbling around in a fog of exhaustion.

    But here's the thing: as much as I hate the sleepless nights and the constant wake-ups, I know deep down that they won't last forever. Eventually, my kids will grow up and move out, and I'll look back on these years with a mixture of fondness and relief.

    So in the meantime, I've tried to embrace the chaos and find ways to make the sleepless nights more bearable. Here are a few things that have worked for me:

    1. Lower your expectations

    This might sound counterintuitive, but hear me out. If you go into every night hoping for eight hours of uninterrupted sleep, you're setting yourself up for disappointment. Instead, try to reframe your expectations. Maybe your goal is just to get a few hours of sleep in a row, or to survive the night without losing your temper. Celebrate the small victories and try not to dwell on the setbacks.

    2. Set a routine

    Even if your baby isn't sleeping through the night yet, having a predictable routine can help them feel more secure and make bedtime a smoother experience. This doesn't have to be anything fancy – it could be as simple as a bath, a book, and a lullaby. The key is to be consistent and stick to it as much as possible.

    3. Get some help

    It's okay to ask for help when you need it. Whether that means calling in a family member to watch the kids for a few hours so you can nap, hiring a babysitter for a date night, or enlisting your partner to take on some of the night wake-ups, don't be afraid to reach out. You don't have to do it all on your own.

    Now, I know some of you might be thinking, But what about sleep training? Shouldn't I be doing something to help my baby learn to sleep through the night?

    To which I say: yes and no. I'm a big believer in gentle parenting and natural parenting, which means that I don't believe in just letting a baby cry it out or forcing them to adhere to a strict sleep schedule. That being said, I do think there are ways you can gently encourage your baby to sleep longer stretches at night.

    For example, if your baby is waking up every hour or so to nurse, you might try gradually increasing the time between feedings. So if you normally nurse at 10 p.m., midnight, and 2 a.m., try pushing the midnight feeding back to 1 a.m. for a few nights, and then to 2 a.m., and so on. This can help your baby learn to go longer stretches without eating and can eventually lead to longer stretches of sleep.

    Another thing to keep in mind is that sleep is developmental, which means that different babies will hit different milestones at different times. Some babies will naturally start sleeping longer stretches around three months old, while others might not until six months or older. So don't beat yourself up if your baby isn't sleeping through the night yet – it's not a reflection on your parenting or your baby's temperament.

    When it comes down to it, sleep training (or chasing) is a deeply personal decision. Some parents swear by one method or another, while others are more laissez-faire about the whole thing. Ultimately, you have to do what feels right for your family and your baby.

    For me, that means embracing the chaos, lowering my expectations, and finding ways to make the sleepless nights more bearable. And reminding myself that hey, one day I'll actually get to sleep through the night again. Maybe.

    2. The Art of Negotiating with a Toddler

    I'm no stranger to the trials and tribulations of negotiating with a toddler. It's a daily battle, like trying to navigate a minefield of candy-induced tantrums, potty-training gone wrong, and the ever-changing whims of a tiny human with the negotiating skills of a seasoned lawyer. But fear not, my fellow sleep-deprived momma warriors - I have some tried-and-true tips for mastering the art of negotiating with a toddler.

    First and foremost, it's important to remember that toddlers are not adults. They don't have the same rational thought processes or problem-solving skills as we do, and they certainly don't possess the same level of emotional maturity. So, it's important to approach negotiations with a toddler in a gentle, patient, and loving manner.

    As a natural and gentle parenting advocate, I've found that the key to successful negotiations with a toddler is respecting their autonomy and feelings. It's easy to get caught up in the power struggle and battles of wills, but when we take a step back and view the situation from a toddler's perspective, we can often find a solution that works for everyone.

    For example, when my oldest daughter was three years old, we had a daily

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