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Rice and Beans for the Soul. Part II
Rice and Beans for the Soul. Part II
Rice and Beans for the Soul. Part II
Ebook154 pages2 hours

Rice and Beans for the Soul. Part II

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We live in a time where our minds are rented and manipulated with bad news and trashy readings that affect our brains, our sensations and moods. These virulent writings actively disturb our decisions and program us to act out of fear. By limiting our ability to reason judiciously, we often issue opinions and make decisions on autopilot.
Reading is the best food for the soul; it is very important to be selective with the type of information we feed our mind, because just as your physical health depends on the food you eat, your mental health is damaged if you subject it to toxic readings. This book brings you a diversity of topics which have been selected to nourish you correctly.

Release dateJul 29, 2022
Rice and Beans for the Soul. Part II

Rubi Astrologa

Alina Rubí es astróloga certificada por la Asociación Americana de Astrólogos, además, posee certificaciones en Psicología, Hipnosis, Reiki, Sanación Bioenergética con cristales, Sanación Angelical, Interpretación de Sueños y es Instructora Espiritual; también posee conocimientos de Gemología. Rubi escribe los Horóscopos Mensuales para la página de internet de la American Asociation of Astrologers, escribe semanalmente una columna en el diario El Nuevo Herald sobre temas de astrología y psicología publicada todos los viernes en forma digital y los lunes en el impreso. Tiene su propia columna digital sobre astrología en el periódico Diario las Américas, Rubí Astrologa. Rubí ha escrito varios artículos sobre astrología para la publicación mensual "Today's Astrologer", ha impartido clases de Astrología, Tarot, Lectura de las manos, Sanación con Cristales y Coaching Espiritual. Tiene un segmento en el canal de YouTube del Nuevo Herald todos los domingos acerca de astrología y temas de actualidad. Tuvo su propio programa de Astrología trasmitido diariamente a través de Flamingo TV, ha sido entrevistada por varios programas de TV y todos los años se publica su anuario con el horóscopo signo por signo y otros temas místicos interesantes. Ha escrito varios libros, todos publicados en Amazon, “Arroz y Frijoles para el Alma, Parte I y II” “Dinero para todos los Bolsillos”, “Rice and Beans for The Soul”, “Salud para Todos los Corazones”, “Clases de Astrología, aprendiendo con tu Carta Natal”, y “Rituales para el 2022”, todos publicados en cinco idiomas. Actualmente reside en Miami, Florida.

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    Rice and Beans for the Soul. Part II - Rubi Astrologa


    Thank you for buying the second part of this great book!

    I'm sure you were once again struck by its title.

    It responds to the traditional mixture of that type of food made from a combination of staple foods in many cultures around the world. The union of grains and legumes provides several important nutrients and many calories, both of which are widely available. Rice and beans are vegetarian, together, they make up a complete protein.

    Exactly that you will get when you read this book, because the combination of items in it is so organic that not only your mind will be getting protein, but your soul.

    We live in an age where our minds are rented and manipulated with bad news and trashy readings that affect our brains, our sensations, and moods. These virulent writings actively disrupt our decisions and program us to act out of fear. By limiting our ability to reason judiciously, we often issue opinions and make decisions on autopilot.

    Reading is the best food for the soul; it is very important to be selective with the type of information we feed our mind, because just as your physical health depends on the food you eat, your mental health is damaged if you subject it to toxic readings. Knowledge is vast, and this book brings you a diversity of topics which have been selected to nourish you correctly.

    Note: I love rice and beans!

    Addictive Behaviors from the Astrological Point of View

    A human being can become addicted to any number of things or behaviors: hallucinogenic substances, fights, danger, cigarettes, abuse, sex, cell phones, pornography, alcohol, work, shopping, eating, other people, etc.

    Sometimes we repeat behaviors and act in ways where the motivations are not conscious, and the reasons for addictions are not exclusively a mental problem. The emotional context is a determining factor in the development of addictions. Addictions help people to escape from a conflictive circumstance or environment that they do not know how to face, because they do not have the essential faculties. When a person enters addictive states, he/she does so because an emotional disorder has been triggered, which he/she cannot solve mentally and therefore engenders a self-destructive action towards his/her own being. Drug use or addictive behaviors help to avoid the environment in which we are living. When we isolate ourselves from our environment because we do not know how to deal with it emotionally, addictions emerge as a new method of connection, in this case with a certain substance or behavior with which we form a bond of dependency.

    It is easy to detect in a natal chart when a person suffers from addictions and their origins. As addictions are the consequence of an emotional imbalance, we study exhaustively the areas where water energy is expressed within the Natal Chart. Water energy is represented by the signs of Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. When analyzing the birth chart of a patient with addictive problems, we focus on these points in the birth chart, along with the retrograde planets, their aspects to Saturn, the Lunar Nodes and even the eclipses close to the client's birth date. This synthesis allows us to gather all the appropriate information to initiate the suitable therapy and achieve the total recovery of the client; the rest of the natal configurations will allow us to deduce the form of initiation of his addiction, and mainly the possibility of his recovery.

    As you can see, the predisposition to addictions is a complex subject that is analyzed exhaustively through psychological astrology, but in general these are the most recurrent addictions of each zodiac sign:

    Aries: coffee, Taurus: food, Gemini: cigarettes, Cancer: pills, Leo: shopping, Virgo: work, Libra: alcohol, Scorpio: pornography, Sagittarius: gambling, Capricorn: to always be right, Aquarius: the internet and Pisces: hallucinogenic substances.

    It is very important that if you feel dissatisfied with the reality you are living, do not avoid it through addictive behavior. When we do not have the courage to change something that does not please us, we are acting from fear, which is an adaptive emotion, but sometimes it paralyzes us to the extreme. Try to seek help. There are many alternative therapies that can offer you the indispensable assistance if you really want to leave the addiction behind. Asking for help will always be the best decision.

    Water, a Gift of Nature

    Water protects and blesses our lives. Water links all beings and all territories of the planet. Interestingly, seventy percent of the Earth is water and seventy percent of our body is also water.

    Rivers and water sources were deities worshipped by our ancestors; the sea, water and waves were the root of the first legends that aroused terror and devotion in human beings, from which deities such as Poseidon and Neptune emerged. In the Bible, the word water appears approximately 580 times in the Old Testament and about 85 times in the New Testament. Judaism employs the rites of purification through water. In Buddhism, water is appreciated as positive energy that is incessantly in motion.

    Proper hydration allows food to be transported through the bloodstream to all cells. Our body depends on water for its operation, chemical processes, respiration, circulation, kidney activity, digestion, defense mechanisms, skin, in short, everything that is essential to sustain life.

    Water can dilute almost any substance and is one of the few elements that can exist as a solid, liquid and gas within a relatively accurate range of temperatures.

    Humans overindulge in this rich element to the detriment of their own species and to the detriment of all that inhabit this planet Earth. All the crises and wars in the world, even those of a religious or racial nature, have been, at their core, conflicts caused by the drying up of drinking water sources. The next wars will not be over oil, they will be over territories where water exists. Water has become a very valuable resource. There are some places where a barrel of water costs more than a ton of fuel.

    Since the beginning of mankind, human beings have sought to settle near water, along the banks of rivers and seas. It is curious to see how from distant times and with restricted technical means, man has been able to find solutions to the challenges posed by the water service, with effective solutions such as the Greek or Roman civilizations, which were defined by having large substructures such as aqueducts, public baths, or sewers. There are even records in 4,000 and 2,000 B.C. of water purification methods such as boiling water, putting it in the sun and filtration through charcoal.

    Since water is primordial for life and a gift of nature, we must protect it, because it is limited and it is our common good. No one has the right to destroy it, no one has the right to its disproportionate use.

    Without water there is no health, we must become aware that without water we will never be able to eliminate poverty. Water and poverty are intrinsically connected. Insufficient drinking water and poverty are mutually reinforcing causes in the sense that poverty constitutes an obstacle to access to the regular distribution of drinking water, which, in turn, is a basic element for poverty reduction. The economic impact of the gradual warming of the planet's temperature, as well as the disturbing scarcity of water, are instituting an enormous condemnation that punishes the poorest the most cruelly.

    Human desensitization to the waste of this precious liquid will take its toll on future generations, mortgaging the future of our planet.

    Water is the driving force of all nature. (Leonardo da Vinci)

    The Magic of Candles

    One of man's first concerns was to light up in the dark, and lighting candles to make wishes has been a universal tradition that crosses all religious boundaries.

    The word candle comes from the Latin candere which means to shine. The Egyptians have been credited with the timely use of beeswax. Around 3000 BC, beeswax candles very similar to the ones we have today were found in the tombs of the Pharaohs.

    The Romans embraced and optimized the methods of candle making, incorporating a wick of woven fibers, and used them to illuminate their homes and places of worship. 

    Candles have a special place in our society and are also an inexplicable link to our past. Candles emit messages of passion, warmth, spirituality, secret dreams, and clarity.

    The flame of a candle caresses our soul. Regardless of religion or lifestyle, candles link humanity to the divine.

    Lighting candles and making a wish is a divine and common practice. Candles are lit to illuminate the dark, guide the dead, illuminate the living, hold a vigil, practice rituals, etc. Candles are related to fire, an element of nature that represents both destruction and metamorphosis. The fire together with the vibrations of the colors activates energies that coexist in us, benefiting different aspects of our life, such as love, professional aptitude, and spirituality.

    It is highly recommended to light a candle at least once a week, it is a method to synchronize with the astral energy, and the mere fact of looking at its flame promotes serenity and inner harmony.

    We can interpret the flame of a candle; the perfect size is three centimeters, if the flame is too small or if the candle does not want to light and goes out, it indicates that our energy level is low, we are down, pessimistic, or sick. When the flame of a candle is strong it is a positive sign, it indicates that your desires have so much energy that you will be able to manifest them. If the flame is weak it means that you are facing a lot of opposition or blockages in your life. On the contrary, if it is too big, it means that things are not going well, that there is envy around us. The flame should be soft and serene, if it moves from one side to another or goes up and down in a discontinuous way, it shows that there is confusion and uneasiness, that the environment is not stable.

    In the rituals with candles, it is vital to know the meaning of the color of the candle that we will use.

    Yellow: Money, Abundance, Good Luck.

    Orange: Concentration, Mental Clarity.

    Blue: Peace, Harmony, Kindness.

    White: Rest, Communion, Purity, Spirituality.

    Light Blue: Peace, Patience.

    Golden: Business, Spiritual Power. Money.

    Gray: Same as silver.

    Brown: Friendship.

    Red: Love, Passion, Dominance, Strength, Sexual Desire.

    Pink: Harmony, Sweetness, Sublime Love.

    Green: Money, Business, Prosperity.

    Violet: Spirituality, Meditation, Calm, Transformations.

    Silver: Money.

    Black: Helps the person to get rid of

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