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Protein for Your Mind
Protein for Your Mind
Protein for Your Mind
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Protein for Your Mind

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This book is a collection of articles on different esoteric, metaphysical, astrology and mystical topics.

Currently, our minds are rented and manipulated by low-quality readings that affect our brains, our emotions and mood. These poisonous scriptures disrupt our decisions and motivate us to act out of fear. In this book, you can enjoy various topics of metaphysical, esoteric and psychological content that will help you not to bind your mind to any criteria imposed by the church or organization.

Release dateSep 21, 2023
Protein for Your Mind

Rubi Astrologa

Alina Rubí es astróloga certificada por la Asociación Americana de Astrólogos, además, posee certificaciones en Psicología, Hipnosis, Reiki, Sanación Bioenergética con cristales, Sanación Angelical, Interpretación de Sueños y es Instructora Espiritual; también posee conocimientos de Gemología. Rubi escribe los Horóscopos Mensuales para la página de internet de la American Asociation of Astrologers, escribe semanalmente una columna en el diario El Nuevo Herald sobre temas de astrología y psicología publicada todos los viernes en forma digital y los lunes en el impreso. Tiene su propia columna digital sobre astrología en el periódico Diario las Américas, Rubí Astrologa. Rubí ha escrito varios artículos sobre astrología para la publicación mensual "Today's Astrologer", ha impartido clases de Astrología, Tarot, Lectura de las manos, Sanación con Cristales y Coaching Espiritual. Tiene un segmento en el canal de YouTube del Nuevo Herald todos los domingos acerca de astrología y temas de actualidad. Tuvo su propio programa de Astrología trasmitido diariamente a través de Flamingo TV, ha sido entrevistada por varios programas de TV y todos los años se publica su anuario con el horóscopo signo por signo y otros temas místicos interesantes. Ha escrito varios libros, todos publicados en Amazon, “Arroz y Frijoles para el Alma, Parte I y II” “Dinero para todos los Bolsillos”, “Rice and Beans for The Soul”, “Salud para Todos los Corazones”, “Clases de Astrología, aprendiendo con tu Carta Natal”, y “Rituales para el 2022”, todos publicados en cinco idiomas. Actualmente reside en Miami, Florida.

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    Protein for Your Mind - Rubi Astrologa

    Protein for your Mind

    Metaphysical, Esoteric, Mystical and Psychological Articles

    A red diamond with gold writing Description automatically generated

    Angeline A. Rubi

    Published Independently

    All rights reserved © 2023.

    Author: Angeline A. Rubi and Alina A. Rubi



    No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means.  Including photocopying, recording, or any other information storage and retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the author.

    The Warrens and the Paranormal World

    A picture says more than a thousand words.

    Astrological synthesis of Prince Harry's Natal Chart.

    How to take care of our brain

    Sound of Freedom. The Movie Everyone Should See.

    Cats, Mystical Animals of our Universe

    Why do we defend ourselves?

    Power, sweet power.

    Why do they call us Humans?

    The layers of the Aura, and the meaning of its colors.

    Gypsy curses.

    Women of the Age of Aquarius.

    Yailin The Most Viral and Tekashi 6ix9ine. Astrological Synthesis.

    Intuition, our sixth sense.

    The Predictive Power of Dreams

    Haunted Houses

    Astral Travel: What is it?

    Sleep Paralysis

    Destiny, Free Will, and Astrology

    Atlantis, the Lost City

    Emotions, Energies and Diseases

    The Mysterious Phenomenon of Deja Vu

    Mercury Retrograde, The Naughty Little One!

    The Phenomenon of Seeing Repeated Numbers

    Money and Spirituality Compatibility

    The Rituals

    Crystals and their Infinite Properties

    Psychic or Energetic Vampires

    We are what we think.

    Death and Reincarnation

    Laughter, the Most Effective Weapon!

    Hypnosis and its Benefits


    The Curious Phenomenon of clairvoyance

    Body Language

    Psychological Astrology

    Fear, the Enemy of Humanity

    The Energy of Colors (Chromotherapy)

    The Importance of Living in the Present

    Musicotherapy and its Benefits


    The Zodiac Signs and their Relationship with Money

    No Complaining!

    Discrimination against Women, an Invisible Issue

    Visualization, The Creative Power of Our Mind

    How to Raise our Energetic Vibrations

    The Aura, our Energy Field


    Forgiveness, an Attribute of the Strong

    Success vs. Failure


    Justice is Blind

    Religion, a Means of Political Power

    Mistakes, Our Best Teachers!

    Zodiac Signs and their Fears

    Gossip, a Silent Plague

    Romance in the Age of Technology!

    Spirituality and the Zodiac Signs

    Alternative Medicine

    To Breathe is too Live!

    Jealousy, a Silent Killer

    Silence, Cornerstone of Wisdom

    Astrology, The Art, and Science of Energies

    The Strongest Zodiac Signs.

    Patience, Patience, Patience!

    Astrology and Love

    Soul Mates

    Addictive Behaviors

    Water, a Gift of Nature

    The Magic of Candles

    The Magic of the Pyramids

    The Zodiac Signs and Intelligence

    Astrology and Health

    The Chakras, Meanings and Functions

    Reading, a Brain Sport

    Friendship from an Astrological Point of View


    Lucid Dreams

    The Mysterious Ouija Board

    Suicide from an Astrological Point of View

    Autism, how it Affects Parents and Children

    Rebels through History

    Anorexia and Bulimia in Our Society

    Knowing our Emotions

    Phobias: Borderline between Neurosis and Fear

    Sensory Memory

    Sleep, an Effective Medicine `.

    Divorces, the other Pandemic

    Psychology and Mythology

    Epigenetics or Dark Inheritance

    Astral Larvae or Energetic Parasites

    Chronological Age and Biological Age

    The Influence of Emotional Advertising on Society

    Our Biological Clock

    The Search for the Meaning of Life

    Why do some people self-sabotage?

    What to give to each Zodiac Sign?

    Welcome the Unexpected in your Life.

    You Don't Need the Approval of Others

    Existential Crises

    Time, False Therapist

    Guilt, a Useless Emotion

    Recognizing People Who Don't Suit Us

    Funeral Rituals Throughout History

    The Universe's Assistance in Choosing Your Career

    The Witch Stones

    Sleepwalking, myths, and realities.

    Till money do us part!

    False appearances or personality masks.

    Unemployment and its psychological consequences.

    Happiness and intelligence.

    Physical Stereotypes in antiquity and their messages.

    Clear your life.

    Astrology and its influence on financial markets.

    The evolution of money.

    Crises in Couples.

    Near-death experiences.

    Sects and cults, similarities, and differences (Part I).

    Sects and cults, similarities, and differences.

    Which zodiac signs have psychopathic tendencies?

    Messengers of the Future

    Parents and astrology.

    Long-distance love and the zodiac signs.

    Can we win back love?

    Annunakis, Nibiru or Planet X: fiction or reality?

    Modern Slavery, the pandemic hidden from the world's view.

    Telekinesis: fiction or reality?

    Personality disorders.

    The zodiac signs and sexuality.

    Bring harmony to your home with Feng Shui.

    Which is the most lying sign of the zodiac?

    Sexual paraphilias and addictions.

    Jobs with a tendency to disappear in the future.

    The best attribute of each zodiac sign.

    Some bad habits of your zodiac sign.

    Esoteric symbols, what do they hide and what do they reveal?

    The mothers-in-law of the zodiac.

    The Mermaid, the archetype of the seductive woman.

    Zodiac signs and sense of humor.

    The most intelligent zodiac signs.

    The best couples of the zodiac.

    Which is the most grateful sign of the zodiac?

    Which is the safest sign of the zodiac?

    What is the most dangerous characteristic of each zodiac sign?

    Astrological synthesis of Putin's Natal chart.

    Zodiac signs and romantic breakups.

    True love.

    What is the most controlling sign of the zodiac?

    Cuba and the Stockholm Syndrome

    How to Conquer each zodiac

    Pets and their zodiac signs

    Success and the Zodiac Signs

    The Darkest Sign of the Zodiac

    Sex and the Zodiac Signs

    Medical astrology and zodiac signs

    The most unfaithful Signs


    About the Author

    The Warrens and the Paranormal World

    The paranormal investigations of Ed Warren, a demonologist, and Lorraine Warren, a clairvoyant, inspired the iconic horror film franchise The Conjuring, which expanded to include the films Annabelle, The Nun, and The Curse of the Weeping Woman.

    Lorraine Moran was born in Bridgeport on 01/21/1927 at 6:40 pm and began having clairvoyant experiences as a child. Her sign is Aquarius, a freedom-loving, independent-minded sign. Her Moon is in Capricorn, a responsible sign, which tries to carry the world on its shoulders.

    Lorraine Warren's Virgo Ascendant conjunct Neptune in the 12th house is prominent and lets you know that the spirit world is familiar to her. The 12th house is associated with places of confinement, and Lorraine's work involved her selfless and spiritual assistance to families imprisoned in their homes with demons.

    The ruler of your chart, Mercury, related to the Sun, further underscores your purpose in life through your work to free people from spiritual disruption through the media.

    Ed Warren, born 07/09/1926, in Bridgeport, was a Navy veteran of World War II, and a former police officer.  He later became a demonologist, and author. His sign is Virgo, psychologically his nature was nervous and his Moon, also in Virgo, made him prone to analyze his emotional reactions in detail.

    Neptune dominates his chart. He was a person gifted with imagination, and psychic abilities. Ed was a mystic, like any Neptunian, who saw what few people can see.

    This duo, before Hollywood turned their stories into blockbuster movies, made a name for themselves investigating paranormal occurrences. Both claimed to be qualified to investigate unusual phenomena. Lorraine could see auras around people since childhood, and Ed grew up in a haunted house, turning out to be a self-taught demonologist. 

    Lorraine and Ed Warren pooled their talents and investigated many paranormal cases. Among the creepiest is the case of the Annabelle doll which is kept in a locked glass box in the Warren's basement Hidden Museum.

    A nurse received the doll as a gift and noticed that it began to change position. She and her roommate found parchment paper with messages written on it that read Help me or help us. The doll began appearing in different rooms and leaking blood. They turned to a medium, who said the doll was being occupied by the spirit of a girl named Annabelle.

    Ed and Lorraine became interested in the case, and after evaluating the doll, they concluded that the doll was not possessed, but manipulated by an inhuman presence. The Warren's assessment was that the spirit in the doll was seeking to possess a human host, as spirits do not possess inanimate objects.

    The Warrens had high-profile cases, including the Perron family case that served as the inspiration for the movie The Conjuring.

    In January 1971, this family moved to a farm in Rhode Island. The family began noticing strange occurrences that worsened over time. First it started with a missing broom, but things ended with angry spirits. When the Warrens were hired, they claimed the house was haunted by a spirit named Bathsheba, and interestingly a woman who had lived on the property in the 1800s was a Satanist suspected of being involved in a murder.

    All the Warren's paranormal investigations were and remain intriguing, but the Amityville case brought them to fame.

    In November 1974, Ronald DeFeo the oldest son of the DeFeo family, who was 23 years old, murdered his entire family in their beds with a .35 caliber rifle and this infamous case was the catalyst for the claim that spirits haunted the Amityville house. 

    In 1976, the Lutz family moved into the Long Island home and believed a demonic spirit was living with them. They claimed to see a slimy liquid seeping from the walls, a pig-like creature threatening them, and flying knives aimed directly at family members. They were only in the house for 28 days.

    Ed and Lorraine Warren visited the house 20 days after the Lutzes left and sensed an overwhelming demonic presence. This story became so prominent that it spawned conspiracy theories, books, and movies, including the 1979 classic The Amytiville Horror.

    The Warrens conducted their paranormal investigations for free, making a living by selling books, movie rights, lectures, and tours of their museum. Ed Warren died of complications after a stroke on August 23, 2006. Lorraine Warren retired from investigations shortly thereafter but remained a consultant until her death in 2019 at the New England Paranormal Research Society a society that still exists.

    A picture says more than a thousand words.

    The famed phrase a picture is worth a thousand words proves that photography has been a stealth printer for humans since it was invented. Why is visual communication so effective? The brain captures and compiles information perceived through sight much faster than other stimuli, making visual content an extraordinarily efficient tool.

    Mugshots, throughout history, have been employed as weapons in a variety of ways. They have been used to indicate guilt, and to smear celebrities, but they have also become badges of pride for those who stand up to injustice and legal wrongs.

    The mugshot of Trump taken by the Fulton County; Georgia Sheriff's Office is currently the most famous mugshot of the year. It is a monumental image that will be inscribed in the public record and perpetually cited for being the first mugshot of an American president. This photo will go down in the history books, and of all the millions of photos taken of Donald Trump, this may be the most famous.

    The image is cold, stripped of Trump's favorite flags and ornaments for photo ops, and while it's likely that very few voters read Trump's indictments in full, they all saw this mugshot.

    Hours after the photo was released, Trump's mug shot was plastered on T-shirts, and mugs, and even a viral challenge broke out on social media where Trump supporters superimposed his face on the mug shot. This trend not only symbolizes the support, but the level of commitment to Trump, regardless of the events.

    Trump is not embarrassed by his mug shot, on the contrary, he has gotten a boost in contributions. In fact, his campaign devised a fictitious mug shot and for $36 you could buy a T-shirt with Trump's fake photo and the phrase not guilty, but now they have a real one.

    But what does the mugshot of Trump reveal, from a psychological point of view based on his facial expression? Trump turned his face slightly to his left; hence, he is showing a bit more of the right side of his face. This, supposedly, naive tilting of Trump's head in the opposite direction has a meaning. When people are photographed and want to express emotions they turn their left cheek toward the public, but when they are trying to hide emotions, they tend to show the right side. People intuitively know which side of the face reveals more emotion and we naturally tilt our heads in one direction more than the other for a photograph.

    Eyes have a specific meaning that reveals personality. When an eye in a photo or painting falls in the center of the image, in almost all cases that eye tends to be the left one, which means that the person has turned to the right. Interestingly, in Trump's mugshot, the eye that is closest to the center of the image is his right eye.

    Emotional expression is not symmetrically captured on the face, and the left side is more emotionally explicit than the right. In the mugshot of Trump, we all agree that he looks furious, his lips are slightly pursed, thinner than normal, indicating his fury. There is no doubt that he has turned to the left, revealing more of the right side of his face, looking the best opportunity for the viewer to assess his confidence.

    Turning to one side or the other in a photograph does not indicate how confident you are, it's about the tilt of the head telling us whether people are trying to hide an emotion, and whether exposing certain positive or negative emotions serves to reveal or hide confidence.

    The photo is defiant, revealing him as reckless, energetic, and determined not to be intimidated by efforts to undermine him. Many predicted that this photo would eat away at Trump's credibility, it has been quite the opposite because it has given more strength to his campaign, as polls show that his considerable lead has not diminished despite his legal troubles.

    Astrological synthesis of Prince Harry's Natal Chart.

    Harry hogged the media spotlight for weeks. The controversies of the Netflix documentary Harry and Meghan, and the release of his controversial biography, which reveals the extent of his stormy relationship with the royal family, have been explosive.

    The title of the book in Spanish is En la Sombra, but in English it is called Spare, a word that means spare. In the play, Harry explains that when he was born his own father told Diana that he had already given her an heir and a spare, and wrote that he was a shadow, the supporting actor and the Plan B, just in case something happened to William. 

    In this bestseller, published in 16 languages and with more than 410 pages, the prince accuses the royal family of not accepting Meghan because she was an actress, American, divorced, and mixed race, and how his brother Prince William, physically assaulted him in 2019 after an altercation they had about Meghan, among other things.

    Harry was born on September 15, 1984, at 4:20 p.m., in the city of London. His sign is Virgo, a fraternal earth sign, which is why Harry has always exhibited enthusiasm for all the causes he advocates through the loquacity and intellectuality of his words.

    The position of his Sun indicates that he acts from a basic drive to identify with others, and that by unifying with others he manages his emotional yearnings. His Ascendant in Capricorn, another earth sign, provides him with a steady energy. People with this Ascendant are ambitious and have an admirable sense of social responsibility. Your Moon is in Taurus, another earth sign, which makes you a charming and serene person. Earth is a prominent element in his chart, revealing someone who would be a philanthropist and businessman, had he not been born into a monarchy.

    His Moon in the fourth house represents an emotional susceptibility to the problems of the home, and the way you protect the people in your environment. For that reason, Harry is domestic and connected with the need to feel that he is in an environment that is perceived as home. He has a propensity to choose people around him who feel like family. He can be possessive of his emotional affections and at times appear individualistic, isolating himself as a way of creating strategic support when he is not emotionally compensated. Although he may consider the need for a solid residence, it is possible, as it happened, that he may have home changes in his search for a secure habitat.

    Harry, tends to be stubborn about his feelings, requiring a creative outlet in which he can discuss, publish, or enunciate himself artistically to vent his emotions, and these energies were the propelling forces for his book In the Shadow.

    He is the most withdrawn of the brothers and chooses to resolve his emotions in private. He likes to keep his life out of the public eye satellite because he acquired this nature from the Scorpio side of Charles III, who was born with the Sun in Scorpio, and the Taurus influence of Her Majesty the Queen.

    Mercury in Virgo gives him an analytical and practical mind, with great powers of reasoning, he is a man who speaks honestly, although he can also be intolerant, or can be critical of people who are not up to his standards. 

    Harry has other planetary patterns in his chart. He served in the British Army for a decade, and there is evidence of his adventurous periods in his chart. Mars, the planet of action, is in Sagittarius, a freedom-loving sign. Harry is attracted to fun and adventure, and from a psychological point of view he can use that as a mask to cover his sensitive nature. Mars conjunct Uranus gives Harry an urge to do innovative things, and break boundaries in the process. This makes Harry rebellious, and is what unleashed his ability to fight, or escape when he renounced the royal family.

    Astrologically this period of your life is about family strife and inheritance, economic upheaval, and independence. Your transit chart shows legendary disruption, but also great satisfaction in being autonomous. All this began to happen when Uranus transited at 17° Taurus on June 15, 2022, and the final passage of this electric convulsion, which will turn everything upside down, will be from April 6 to 23 this year.

    We haven't seen it all with the royal family yet, more is yet to be revealed, and it's all about inheritances. While we don't know what was laid out in Queen Elizabeth II's will, it's likely to have blown Harry's mind. However, there is more to this than just family money, here it is about her ancestry and inheritance over generations. Uranus in Taurus has exempted Harry from fortune acquired through colonization and oppression. His chart is revealing in this regard because, although Taurus is about compassion, money, and possessions, it also encompasses values. Harry will make a bundle when Jupiter is in Taurus from April to May 2024, he will be even richer, if he takes advantage of the opportunities he will be given at that time. 

    After the release of Spare, a chapter in Harry's life begins that will be historic.

    How to take care of our brain

    The brain is the most complete and complicated machinery that exists. The potential of the brain is infinite, being able to create more than 64 thousand thoughts per minute. The brain should be a healthy factory, a manufacturer of thoughts and decisions. However, many individuals turn it into a simple data dump. All this happens because we are subordinated to bad habits, poorly structured mental patterns, fears, and lack of aspirations.

    To keep the brain in good shape, food is important because we are what we eat. A few changes in your diet will do a lot for the health of your brain. You should eliminate foods containing aspartame from your list. Aspartame is found in many foods and beverages and inhibits essential brain functions, including the release of dopamine and serotonin, and is associated with risks of learning disabilities. You should incorporate eggs in your diet; eating one egg per week is associated with lower rates of cognitive impairment. You can also add broccoli, a food that contains antioxidants that provide folic acid to improve memory, and walnuts due to their high phosphorus content. 

    Staying hydrated provides cognitive benefits and helps concentration. Hydrating will help you balance your emotional state, improving your performance. Drinking more water helps add more oxygen to the brain, which helps you avoid stress. 

    Sleeping the required hours is important, the brain does not rest day or night; while we sleep it works instructing the biological processes of the body and processing all the information contained in the mind. All human beings dream during the night. The brain connects ideas, establishes new combinations, eliminates tensions, and structures mental contexts for creativity during sleep. Sleep is where you reinforce short- and long-term memory.

    Negative thoughts are the invisible brain cancer. What happens to you, or what you think, has the same neurological sequelae in your brain. When insecurities assault the mind, they cause anxiety, make the person live in anxiety, focusing on negative outcomes. You improve your thinking by changing your thought patterns, thus avoiding depression. Constantly thinking about all the bad things that can happen weakens your immune response. Mentally repeating positive affirmations helps, as they can neutralize the way we analyze circumstances. 

    Maintaining positive relationships is paramount, who you spend time with is who you become. Being around a negative person for more than 15 minutes affects your brain. These people torment and disturb you; they take vital energy from you because negativity is infectious. Negative people can affect your intelligence and ability to think, as negativity tarnishes the efficiency of neurons in the hippocampus, a significant area of the brain responsible for reasoning and memory. 

    Increasing your cognitive reserve is important. Every time a person learns something new, they are establishing new neural connections. The most effective way to cultivate the mind and build cognitive reserve is to keep the mind active in everyday tasks, learn new things, and read.

    Physical exercise is essential. Every minute a liter of blood passes through your brain. Your brain requires so much blood because neurons are legitimate oxygen gluttons. Unlike other cells in the body that have slow metabolic rhythms, neurons constantly need a very high oxygen supply. To compensate for their oxygen needs, the heart exports to the brain one-sixth of the blood that is activated with each heartbeat. 

    Your brain needs an energetic heart and healthy arteries to perform, and physical exercise is the key to attacking brain aging.

    Sound of Freedom. The Movie Everyone Should See.

    "Sound of Freedom, a film with an unquestionable message and theme, has been politicized and discredited since its release. The feature film tells the story of a government agent who dismantles a child sex abuse ring based in Colombia.

    Sound of Freedom has stirred controversy on social networks, forging conspiracy theories as to why the major streaming platforms refused to buy the film.

    Undoubtedly, human trafficking is a worldwide problem, and its consequences are catastrophic when it involves children. Why, if this is such a critical issue, have the media tried to devalue the film? Why, if this is an existing problem involving millions of children every year, are there individuals who focus more on seeking a supposedly masked message and attacking the directors, producers, and actors? 

    It was labeled conspiratorial and presumptuous by major newspapers here in the United States, offended because they shared the room with religious people. But Sound of Freedom takes no political positions, and only mentions God once or twice, it is not really a faith-based film.

    I don't understand why waste so much energy repudiating a film that reveals child sex traffickers who really exist and perform unspeakable monstrosities. This movie is not about religion, it is about humanity and the defense of our children.

    The reality is that it is simply the trafficking of children that sustains the pornography industry, without it would wither away. Pornography is accepted, protected, and sometimes praised. Pornography stimulates child sex trafficking because it is the shortcut to sex marketing. Literally, pornography is the dissemination tool for child trafficking, as traffickers use pornographic photographs of victims as specific promotion for their merchandise.

    Some media have a frivolous point of view and choose to focus on insignificant or pleasant issues that multiply their publicity, ignoring that here in the United States children are sold in advantaged quantities only for illicit drugs. 

    Sex traffickers target children because of their fragility and naivety, as well as the demand for young victims. No one is immune; traffickers harass child victims online, in public places or through friends.

    Child trafficking is a dilemma for everyone, and it doesn't exactly involve crossing international borders. Child trafficking is a gigantic criminal business that is outpacing guns and drugs as it generates more than $150 billion in revenue each year. The United States accounts for nearly 53% of human trafficking worldwide, with child sex trafficking accounting for the largest percentage. Traffickers receive more than $9 billion annually here in the United States alone. 

    Sincerely, this film is a phenomenal opportunity to expose the falsehood and double standards that damage our world so much. It is time to open our eyes and minds to a truth that, if it continues to be ignored and tolerated, will continue to be an invitation to harm the most fragile and defenseless beings: children. It is irrational and trivial that some media try to politicize and ridicule this film, because this is not about red or blue, Democrat or Republican. The issue here is the millions of children who are trafficked, and regardless of your religious beliefs or political affiliation, we need to safeguard children instead of arguing over ideological controversies. 

    There are many factors that put children at risk. Children who must go to orphanages are one of the groups most at risk of being targeted for trafficking. Helping children who have been placed for adoption, and families living in poverty is vital to prevent and stop child sex trafficking. Teachers in schools play an important role because they regularly interact with different students as part of their daily duties. By building a relationship they may be able to recognize signs that something is wrong in a student's life and recognize a potential victim. If you are the parent of a child or teen ask them who they chat with, along with any names or phone numbers you don't recognize. If your child receives a message from someone they don't know, explain that they can't respond, nor can they click on any links included in the message.

    Understanding risk factors helps to better understand trafficking: poverty, homeless children, interaction with foster care or juvenile justice systems, lack of strong relationships with friends and family, gang involvement, histories of running away or being kicked out of the home, low self-esteem, being bullied, history of self-harm, experiencing discrimination due to race, gender identity, and sexuality, family history of sexual abuse or violence, substance abuse or addictions, and cognitive and physical disabilities, to name a few.

    Traffickers can be of any origin, any age, and can be male or female.

    Cats, Mystical Animals of our Universe

    Cats remain one of the world's great enigmas. These creatures that have been living among us, sharing our beds and couches, for over 5,000 years, have been revered for their supernatural abilities.

    In our times, cats are still viewed with awe and curiosity because of their strange and sometimes misunderstood behaviors.

    Cats have perceptive minds and are more intelligent and intuitive than they appear to be. Many find it hard to believe that cats are intelligent beings, and that they are among us to share our wonderful world, and think of them as pure bugs, even hurting them.

    According to scientific research, the brain structure of humans and cats is similar, although this does not mean that cats are more intelligent than people. Unfortunately, some scientists continue to be skeptical, but several studies have expressed that cats can see things that are imperceptible to us humans, and although these studies do not allude to demonic entities, they do assert that felines can recognize outlines on the wings of birds, psychedelic lines on plants, and even perceive ultraviolet lights.

    Cats have been revered as mystical animals by many ancient civilizations for their curved eyes and enigmatic shapes. These beliefs have made cats revered and idolized, but also haunted. Today we can love the magic they bring to our lives without panic, and if we open our hearts and minds, we might discover that cats are as mysterious as we like to think they are. 

    Cats are very spiritual and have their intuitive abilities intact, they usually see things that we can't. If your cat sits watching a fixed point, and then seems to track something invisible in the house, consider that you may have a ghost visitor. If your cat sits watching a fixed point, and then seems to track something invisible in the house, consider that you may have a ghost visitor, and if your cat wakes you up suddenly during the night, it is possible that a deceased loved one is visiting you. This type of behavior should not scare you, there are many things in the universe that we do not understand, erudition and intuition are power, try to find out what your cat is appreciating.

    Our feline friends are extraordinary creatures, you should pay close attention to the things they do, as they may be trying to tell you something. Everything happens for a reason, and you and your cat are no exception.

    Cats are charming specimens with positive astral energy, and this can be transmitted to their owners every time they are bathed or brushed, that is why every time we scare a cat away, we are hindering the positive energy.  Cats protect houses from the bad spirits that inhabit it and that is why it is important to have a cat in an old house, to avoid being harmed by negative energies. A cat can attract a spirit into its own energy field and then drive it out of the house, as if it were an ambush. For this reason, you should pay attention to your cat's behavior, especially if it appears to be tense, or stares at something imperceptible, as this indicates the manifestation of an evil spirit or entity.

    There are some rituals that require the presence of a cat, and it is selected according to its color. A black cat is for occult rituals, protection, and removal of dark energies. Orange cats are used in wealth rituals.

    A cat is much more than a companion animal, our felines besides giving us love bring with them multiple qualities. It is for this reason that we should not humiliate them, and although at times they do not concretely manifest their fidelity towards us, they are working in silence, without us knowing it, working tirelessly for our good, without asking anything in return.

    Why do we defend ourselves?

    Our life functions based on defense as most of the things we do are affected by our need to preserve life and defend ourselves against death, be it physical, emotional, or spiritual.  Defenses are not inherently harmful; they are the way we humans preserve our life.

    The question of which values we prioritize in life, and how we protect them, is a complicated one. We all notice that our defense mechanisms are quickly activated if someone provokes us, or if we are threatened, and then we react by trying to protect ourselves using the unconscious behaviors to which we are more accustomed.

    Defenses are essential because they safeguard what we love and need for our physical or psychological survival. The risk lies in the fact that they can become devastating if they turn into excessively strict attitudes, preventing consideration towards other people, or attacking the same person or a third party. 

    The oldest form of defense is oral, a term related to our mother's breast, and to the basic food supplied by the breasts. It is related to the first stage of infancy.

    Many of us can become paralyzed in the oral stage and develop oral defenses, specifically if things were deficient in the initial development of the bond with our mother, and in the successive stages of our personality development. The demand for a breast to feed us permanently could remain as a defense against loneliness. The oral defenses when transferred to the adult stage are noticed in the demand, we feel to be close to a source of emotional and physical sustenance all the time. 

    Oral defenses represent that we establish schemes through which we guarantee ourselves a permanent supply of symbolic nourishment. When we face experiences that make us anxious or we reach a moment in life in which unpredictable or violent events make us feel fear, we react according to the defenses that come to us in the most vertiginous and habitual way as people.

    Oral defense is the most effective of all for many people, so it is essential for them to ensure that they always have a supply of milk. Representatively, milk can be symbolized by a wide variety of things. For those who eagerly seek it, it can emerge in almost anything they can get their hands on. This does not just mean something they can eat, or drink; for some, nourishing milk can come from a close relationship. From this point of view, human relationships are used as protection against death by emotional impoverishment.

    The child we all carry inside perceives the loved one as the source of life, without which survival would not be possible.  When the relationship is inserted as an oral defense, the loved one is fundamental to continue with life, there we notice hunger more than love, and if our loved one does not appear we feel coerced.  Here we see how we automatically use our loved ones as sources of milk.

    Government can become the breasts for some people, they perceive it as a regime run by a support group, which, prodigiously, like our mother's breast, can continue to make milk" without us having to think sensibly about where the income comes from. Like children, these individuals can assume that the state is there to take care of them, and any sense of personal commitment is impressively omitted.

    Reality about the outside world can subconsciously break down in the face of effective defense abilities. If these defenses begin to obstruct our emotions, our relationship with reality becomes disfigured, and that is when the defenses stop being creative and begin to expose themselves pathologically.

    When they progress so far that they begin to cut off other aspects of individuality that are also important and disrupt reality to the point that we can no longer interact with it except by means of defenses, then we no longer use them to protect ourselves, but to destroy ourselves.

    None of us are exempt from this, oral defenses reside in everyone because we all have some area of our life where we persevere to obtain the benefit of the symbolic breast. This is not anomalous as there will always be reasons to be concerned.

    The dream of well-being and the use of oral defenses to create a bulwark against uncertainty are merely human, and only become a source of concern and suffering when the person perceives that he or she has fallen under the oppression of this defense mechanism, i.e., if it causes anxiety to the individual, or if he or she makes others suffer in a coercive manner for this reason. 

    Power, sweet power.

    If we could decipher power, we would understand the charm that shades people's actions, and the infinitely perverse that their behaviors hide. 

    Machiavelli left notes on how to use manipulation and evil to stay in power, to him we owe the phrase It is safer to be feared than loved. Currently there are many who compete with him through their actions when they have had, have, or want power. Corrupt power has generated endless disasters in the world, and there are plenty of protagonists. 

    There is evidence, through research, that has confirmed that exercising power affects the frontal lobe in a similar way to when traumatic brain damage occurs. The areas in our brain that detect other people's pain, those related to empathy, become violent, creating a distancing from others.

    Power is inherent to our human condition and transcends the barriers of the power exercised by politicians, even if this is the most popular.

    Many believe that power corrupts politicians, although power does not exactly mean corruption. Perhaps it corrupts, but not all. What happens is that with power corruption acquires proportions. Power does not corrupt, but it is attractive to corrupt people. 

    Society and power cannot exist one without the other. Power is genuine when it is selected according to the legislation of a country, and the popular votes

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