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Metaphysical, Esoteric, Astrological, Mystical and Psychological Articles.
Metaphysical, Esoteric, Astrological, Mystical and Psychological Articles.
Metaphysical, Esoteric, Astrological, Mystical and Psychological Articles.
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Metaphysical, Esoteric, Astrological, Mystical and Psychological Articles.

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This book is a collection of articles on different esoteric, metaphysical, astrology and mystical topics. Here you can find the astral charts of different personalities, written about dreams, energies, colors, Chinese horoscope, envy, astral travel, intuition, clairvoyance, mind, time travel, numbers, hypnosis, rituals, love, soulmates, memory, candles, jealousy, mistakes, bad habits, astral larvae, human trafficking, pets, sex, infidelity, lies and much more. More than 400 pages full of knowledge that will make you think.

Release dateFeb 1, 2023
Metaphysical, Esoteric, Astrological, Mystical and Psychological Articles.

Rubi Astrologa

Alina Rubí es astróloga certificada por la Asociación Americana de Astrólogos, además, posee certificaciones en Psicología, Hipnosis, Reiki, Sanación Bioenergética con cristales, Sanación Angelical, Interpretación de Sueños y es Instructora Espiritual; también posee conocimientos de Gemología. Rubi escribe los Horóscopos Mensuales para la página de internet de la American Asociation of Astrologers, escribe semanalmente una columna en el diario El Nuevo Herald sobre temas de astrología y psicología publicada todos los viernes en forma digital y los lunes en el impreso. Tiene su propia columna digital sobre astrología en el periódico Diario las Américas, Rubí Astrologa. Rubí ha escrito varios artículos sobre astrología para la publicación mensual "Today's Astrologer", ha impartido clases de Astrología, Tarot, Lectura de las manos, Sanación con Cristales y Coaching Espiritual. Tiene un segmento en el canal de YouTube del Nuevo Herald todos los domingos acerca de astrología y temas de actualidad. Tuvo su propio programa de Astrología trasmitido diariamente a través de Flamingo TV, ha sido entrevistada por varios programas de TV y todos los años se publica su anuario con el horóscopo signo por signo y otros temas místicos interesantes. Ha escrito varios libros, todos publicados en Amazon, “Arroz y Frijoles para el Alma, Parte I y II” “Dinero para todos los Bolsillos”, “Rice and Beans for The Soul”, “Salud para Todos los Corazones”, “Clases de Astrología, aprendiendo con tu Carta Natal”, y “Rituales para el 2022”, todos publicados en cinco idiomas. Actualmente reside en Miami, Florida.

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    Metaphysical, Esoteric, Astrological, Mystical and Psychological Articles. - Rubi Astrologa

    Metaphysical, Esoteric, Astrological, Mystical and Psychological Articles.


    Angeline A. Rubi and Alina A. Rubi

    Independently Published

    Copyright © 2023

    Author: Angeline A. Rubi and Alina A. Rubi



    No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means. Including photocopying, recording, or any other archiving and information retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the author.

    The Psychology behind the Lottery.

    Gypsy curses.

    The layers of the Aura, and the meaning of their colors.

    Meaning of the Elements in the Chinese Horoscope

    Halloween. The story behind this celebration.

    Characteristics of the Chinese Zodiac Signs

    Paul Lyle. Summary of your natal chart.

    Intuition, our sixth sense.

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    Roe v. Wade, the key to Pandora's Box. Astrological analysis.

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    How to recognize people who do not suit us, without making mistakes.

    What is the most grateful sign of the zodiac?

    Is there compatibility at the astrological level between Shakira and Pique?

    The Women of the Age of Aquarius.

    Kate Middleton and Prince William, a karmic union.

    The karmic relationship of Johnny Deep and Amber Heard.

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    Envy. Signs and how to fight it.

    Elon Musk, the Prometheus of the XXI century.

    Will Smith, the fallen prince. Synthesis of his birth chart.

    Camila Parker Bowles and Carlos III, a predestined relationship.

    Charles III. A familiar dark past.

    When the earth screams, the sky cries.

    Astrological synthesis of Prince Harry's Natal Chart.

    Your sexual map from the astrological point of view.

    Who is your soulmate according to your zodiac sign?

    The Mothers of the Zodiac.

    The Predictive Power of Dreams

    Haunted Houses

    Astral Travel. What are they?

    Sleep Paralysis

    Destiny, Free Will and Astrology

    Atlantis, the Lost City

    Emotions, Energies and Diseases

    The Mysterious Phenomenon of Déjà Vú

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    The Phenomenon of Seeing Repeated Numbers

    Compatibility between Money and Spirituality

    The Rituals

    Crystals and their Infinite Properties

    Psychic Vampires the Energetic

    We Are What We Think

    Death and Reincarnation

    Laughter, the Most Effective Weapon!

    Hypnosis and its Benefits


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    Body Language

    Psychological Astrology

    Fear, Enemy of Humanity

    The Energy of Colors (Chromotherapy)

    The Importance of Living in the Present

    Music Therapy and Its Benefits


    The Zodiac Signs and their Relationship with Money

    Forbidden to complain!

    Discrimination against Women, an Invisible Issue

    Visualization, the Creative Power of Our Mind

    How to Raise Our Energy Vibrations

    The Aura, our Energy Field


    Forgiveness, an Attribute of the Strong People

    Success vs. Failure


    Justice is Blind

    Religion, a Means of Political Power

    Mistakes, our best teachers!

    The Zodiac Signs and their Fears

    Gossip, a Silent Plague

    Romance in the Age of Technology!

    Spirituality and Zodiac Signs

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    Patience, patience, patience!

    Astrology and Love


    Addictive Behaviors

    Water, a Gift of Nature

    The Magic of Candles

    The Magic of the Pyramids

    The Signs of the Zodiac and Intelligence

    Astrology and Health

    Chakras, Meanings and Functions

    Reading, a Brain Sport

    Friendship from the Astrological Point of View


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    The Mysterious Ouija Board

    Suicide from the Astrological Point of View

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    Anorexia and Bulimia in Our Society

    Knowing Our Emotions

    The Astral Chart of the United States

    Phobias: Border Line Between Neurosis and Fear

    Sensory Memory

    Sleep, an Effective Medicine '


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    The Procrastination

    Humility, an Undervalued Virtue

    Psychology and Mythology

    Epigenetics or Dark Heredity

    Astral Larvae or Energy Parasites

    Chronological Age and Biological Age

    Influence of Emotional Advertising on Society

    Our Biological Clock

    The Search for Meaning of Life

    Why are there people who self-sabotage?

    What to Give to Each Zodiac Sign?

    Welcome the Unexpected in Your Life

    You Don't Need the Approval of Others

    Existential crises

    Time, false therapist

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    Funeral Rituals Throughout History

    The Assistance of the Universe to Choose Your Profession

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    Astrology and Love

    Sleepwalking, myths, and realities.

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    Crises in Couples.

    Near-death experiences.

    Sects and cults, similarities, and differences. (Part I).

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    Fathers and astrology.

    Long Distance Relationships and zodiac signs.

    Can we reconquer love?

    Anunnakis, Nibiru or Planet X: fiction or reality?

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    Personality disorders.

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    The signs of the zodiac and sentimental breakups.

    True love.

    What is the controlling sign of the zodiac?

    Cuba and Stockholm Syndrome

    How to Conquer Every Sign of the Zodiac

    Pets and their zodiac signs

    Success and the Signs of the Zodiac

    The Darkest Sign of the Zodiac

    Sex and  Zodiac Signs

    Medical astrology and zodiac signs

    The Most Unfaithful Signs


    About the Author

    The Psychology behind the Lottery.

    Lottery games are immensely popular all over the world.

    The impossible dream of winning the lottery we all have, since the illusion of being millionaires, by a stroke of luck, even if the odds are minimal, is the main reason people play.

    Players perceive that the cost of the lottery ticket, in relation to the winnings they would get, if they win, is minuscule. We always perceive risk emotionally, and if it causes us pleasure, we tend to see that risk as insignificant and neutralize the emotion of danger, focusing only on the benefits. Players see the lottery as a unique opportunity to be rewarded by investing little money, and with little exposure to risk.

    The games have traditional and superstitious aspects. Some people always play the same numbers because they are their favorites, relate them to a significant date, or have dreamed them. Others play at a time, day, or in a specific location. When we think we are in control, we feel confident, because when we choose the numbers, instead of playing randomly, although the chances of getting it right are the same, we have the impression that we are controlling destiny, and that the opportunities are in our favor.

    There are people who only play for fun, in these cases the lottery transcends the economic cost, becoming a fun that is enlivened when they conjecture everything, they can do with the money they would acquire.

    There are five psychological descriptions of individual lottery players: 

    The adventurer, who feels bewitched by games involving large sums of money, speculating with random numbers, and with planned numbers.

    The competitor, who insists on flaunting through the game that he bets to win.

    The greedy, who has no borders to play, and is not afraid to risk when betting.

    The tactician, never plays in a risky way, looks for tactics, strategies, and numerical sets when playing numbers.

    The superstitious, who always plays the same combinations of numbers, uses talismans, rituals, or will buy their tickets at a specific date and place.

    Is there a trick or a formula to win the lottery? That question still has no answer. There are many who speculate, and claim, that you are more likely to be struck by lightning before you win the lottery. Although others study the possibilities with great perseverance and subtlety.

    Playing the lottery, or any other game of chance if done with measure, is a cheap way to buy illusions and confidence in the future. The complication arises when the person does not control their impulses to play, generating an addiction to gambling falling into gambling. A gambler is an individual to whom gambling causes great difficulties at work, and in his family relationships since the losses induce him to play greater amounts of money with the aspiration to recover the lost money. This becomes a vicious cycle, and the only way to solve it is with psychotherapeutic treatment.

    Gypsy curses.

    Magic is integrated into our lives, and the community known as the Roma is no exception, as they possess a very intense magical legacy. They are called 'gypsies' disdainfully, and this lineage was always the focus of cultural controversy; They were harassed in medieval times, prosecuted in the Spanish Inquisition, and isolated from contemporary society. The laws against the Gypsies were so abusive that, until the beginning of the seventeenth century, it was forbidden to be a Gypsy, persecuted, and imprisoned, exterminating, and executing entire families. In many parts of Europe, they could be hunted down and annihilated like violent animals.

    The word 'gypsy' comes from the misconception that the Roma were originally from Egypt, probably because of the color of their skin, black eyes, and extravagant clothing. Today, Roma resides in different cities in Europe, and although they still face social exclusion, they have preserved their magical traditions.

    Some myths say that gypsies have psychic abilities such as clairvoyance. Other stories admit his ability to levitate, move through astral projections, channel spirits, and conjure curses.

    Gypsy curses are classified as those that are made by a person of this ethnic group, although others can also do so if they have the knowledge. They say it is one of the most powerful curses, and whoever receives them could be unlucky for the rest of his life. They believe that, if the gypsy curse that has been cast on a person is, for example, in relation to love he could have bad luck in this area of his life forever.

    The gypsy curse is extraordinarily strong, it is loaded with resentment, longings for retaliation, and envy. When they cast a gypsy curse on you, what they are wishing you is the worst, and what makes the gypsy curses exclusive are that the hypothetical negative results remain attached to the person, and to all his consanguineous family.

    In real life there are many events that are attributed to gypsy curses. The fate of Monaco's monarchy, due to an ancient curse affecting the history of the Grimaldi, is a chain of tragic episodes, scandals, and failed marriages. Many consider that there is the curse of the Grimaldi that sentences this family to marital misery and unhappiness. Fiction or reality, the truth is that until now it has been complete with almost exact precision. Legend has it that a gypsy who was raped by Rainier I cast a curse on him that none of his successors would be happy. Among the misfortunes that have occurred in that family the most fateful circumstance was undoubtedly the death of Princess Grace Kelly, a Hollywood actress, who became the most beautiful princess of the twentieth century, whose wedding to Prince Rainier in 1956 made the world fantasize, who followed with enthusiasm the initial steps of the three children of the royal duo:  Carolina, Alberto and Estefania, who have also lived a life full of problems. Estefania has been the one who has suffered the most from the 'curse of the Grimaldi', since she saw her mother die in an accident in 1982.

    Another unlucky family, also attributed to a gypsy curse, is that of the Kennedys. His curse is a legend. They say a gypsy cursed the three generations of an Irish immigrant who came here to America in search of wealth. This family has a list of tragic, sometimes non-fatal, events that have been suffered by people who were close to them.

    The first misfortune happened to the eldest son of the Joseph family who died when the plane he was guiding in service during World War II exploded. But it was truly the death of President John F. Kennedy that set a precedent since he would not be the only one eliminated.

    At age five, his brother, Robert, was murdered in California while promoting his campaign for the White House. Rose Marie, the older sister who suffered from mental illness, was secretly subjected to a lobotomy, and was destroyed for years watching as accidents, murders, illnesses, and drugs destroyed her brothers.

    During the 90s there was a break for the third generation of this family that had another outstanding Kennedy, the boy who made a military salute to the passage of his father's sarcophagus. In the summer of '99 John F. Kennedy Jr. died when the plane he was driving, where his wife and sister-in-law were also traveling, crashed into the Atlantic. Marylin Monroe, one of Hollywood's best-known actors, had an occasional relationship with one of the Kennedys. A short time later the actor was found dead in her apartment, and although the autopsy revealed narcotic residues in her body, and the death certificate ruled suicide as the cause of death, gaps in the reports and discrepancies in the testimonies have supported the murder hypothesis. There are many calamities connected to the Kennedys, but when it comes to dramatic issues, this family always impresses with the latest being the double death of a granddaughter of former Senator Robert F. Kennedy and his eight-year-old son, which happened in early 2020.

    The layers of the Aura, and the meaning of their colors.

    It is now common to hear or read about the aura, our magnetic field. The aura is an oval of light that surrounds our body from head to toe. Everything that exists has aura if energy flows through something, or someone, has aura. You cannot see your aura, but you feel it when you interact with another person.

    The aura has seven layers, and through the chakras it transfers information to the physical body. Each auric layer corresponds to your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual states. The etheric layer is the closest to your physical body, it connects to your root chakra, your glands, organs, and meridians. Any limitations that the physical body suffers from are shown there first.

    The emotional layer is connected to the sacral chakra, the second chakra. It is related to your ideas, emotions, and experiences. Constantly change according to your mood and save negative feelings. The emotional layer transfers its energies to the etheric layer, which quickly transfers them to the physical body.

    The mental layer, the third energy body, connects directly with the solar plexus chakra, and symbolizes your cognitive processes, and mental states. Brain problems appear here before they crystallize in the physical body.

    The astral layer connects to the heart chakra, has information about love, and other high vibrational emotions.

    The etheric layer is connected to the throat chakra, is responsible for communication, and creativity. Everything you manifest on the physical plane is inscribed in the etheric layer, including your personality, and identity.

    The celestial layer is connected to the third eye chakra, represents your subconscious, contains details about your dreams, memories, and intuition.

    The keteric layer is the furthest from the physical body, and the closest to the spiritual realm, it is the seventh and last ethereal body of the auric field. It is connected to the crown chakra, there we find information about past lives, and contains a map of your spiritual journey in life, specifically every event you have suffered throughout your lives.

    The colors of the aura reveal information about your emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. Red is in the auras of cheerful and energetic people.

    Dark red indicates that a person is saturated with negative emotions and wounds from the past. Orange appears in individuals who esteem their relationships with others and like to work in teams because of their gentle and sympathetic temperament.

    Yellow indicates that you have security and the ability to foster feelings of nobility in those around you, indicating that you never tire of positively influencing other people. However, dark yellow suggests that you are struggling with uncertainty, or overconfidence.

    The green in your auric body expresses that you transmit unconditional love, you are attracted to animals, nature, and that you are prone to being a natural healer. If the green is dark, it is a sign that you hide feelings of greed, and jealousy in your energy zone.

    Blue indicates a person with skilled communication potential, the lighter the shade of blue, the calmer your energy will be. Indigo is found in intuitive and perceptual people; it expresses that a strong instinctive faculty lets you know things before they happen. But if the indigo of your aura is dark it means that you are distanced from your intuitive self, and that you struggle with skepticism.

    The violet in your auric field means that you are a dreamer, with a focus on your future, that you can see the whole picture while pinpointing the smallest details, that you are quirky, which makes you transformative and liberal.

    Meaning of the Elements in the Chinese Horoscope


    People who were born in the years ending in 0 or 1 in the Chinese horoscope are categorized within the metal element. Metal, the material from which shields and swords are made, is the element that symbolizes firmness, and honesty, but also severity.

    Metal is the element of autumn, season of collection and abundance. It is dual as the functions of its element, since in the form of liquid sword, and spoon feeds. Metal comes from the earth, is dominated by Fire, and transfigures wood.

    The personality of these individuals belonging to the metal element tends to be strongly ambivalent. They perform better when they are alone because they do not have to answer to anyone.

    They are determined, forgers of their destiny, stubborn, professional, and indifferent to any attempt at compromise. Their freedom is paramount, and it is useless to try to pressure them, let alone help them, because they do not listen to anyone and do not accept intrusions and impediments. They choose to count only on themselves, and are not impressed by anyone, as they are powerful and capable of executing great jobs.

    For them there are no difficulties that stop them, and even if a situation becomes untenable, they resist until the end. They are ambitious and calculating, love money, power, and success, and do not skimp on the means to achieve their purposes, even if it means breaking relationships.

    They are designed for careers that empower them to express their element: jewelers, financiers, insurance of any kind, locksmiths, miners, surgeons, and for any context that allows them to distinguish themselves from others. They can also succeed in professions connected to wood or paper. They will find those related to water beneficial, those related to land can cause conflicts and should move away from those related to the fire element.

    They are not interested in feelings, and they are not moved by the difficulties of others, to the point of manipulating them if they can gain any advantage from it. Those who suffer the consequences are specifically the people of the wood element since it manipulates and subdues them with frontal aggressions. However, people of the water element, as they are receptive receive an effective boost that benefits them. The only ones who can really bend them are the individuals who belong to the Fire element, as they master their callousness and severity with contagious emotion.

    Physically you can recognize a person of the metal element by their sad look and the anemic color of their face. It is fragile, prone to stress, and can be affected by changes in temperatures, and poor nutrition. That is why they should stimulate their appetite, emphasizing foods that have spicy ones.

    The most favorable season for them is Autumn, and during it they can develop their full potential, although that does not mean that they should be overwhelmed or be stubborn. You should wear white clothes, and use as an amulet metal, and white quartz.

    Metal is rigid and sharp; it is not afraid of danger. He is a kind of independent person, who, animated by greed, proceeds with perseverance, concentrates on success, plans, and hates spontaneity. Once you adopt a path you do not change it. Despite their external insensitivity, people of this element radiate a magnetism that is perceived by all with whom they connect. However, to benefit from their abilities, they must learn to be less dogmatic as this interferes with their relationships.

    People born under the metal element should educate themselves, so that they can express their emotions. If you do not, you will feel your energies diminish.


    People who were born in the years ending in numbers 8 or 9 belong to the earth element. To this element correspond the characteristics of firmness, persistence, and fecundity. Although in Chinese astrology, the Earth does not have a season of its own, it is related in the calendar to the last two or three weeks of the other seasons.

    The Earth is the element that represents stability, and the tangible, but if there is an excess it transforms people into cautious, suspicious, and stubborn, restricting their initiatives and fantasies.

    The person of the earth element is patient and humble, always working with constancy, without granting himself a moment of rejoicing or disorder. He never tires and can be as busily and materialistic as he is naïve and prudent. His most unquestionable characteristic is his accentuated discouragement. He is too serious, loves to plan and direct, is horrified by coincidences, and, although he is intelligent and has an exceptional memory, he resents being resplendent to be resentful.

    Indefatigably reflective, ambitious, and distressed, he is thus exposed to recharge the spleen, an organ related to this element, and which weakens when the person has a sharp mentality.

    The person who belongs to this element cements personal relationships gradually, but lasts for a long time. He is very devoted and defender in love, always ready to contract and fulfill his responsibilities, and although he is not demonstrative in his emotions, he is a shoulder that can always be counted on because he will be by your side in the moments you need it.

    In their work they are serious and withdrawn, but also organized, and trustworthy. They are the right people to conduct business with fireproof morality, austerity and honesty. Their reasoning makes them insurmountable intermediaries in problems, contributing with their own practical and timely solutions. Is competent for professions that require dexterity, but do not involve taking initiatives, or leadership situations.

    Although he is not an easy person to bear, because of how capricious and nostalgic he is, and because of his incompetence to be cheerful, he connects well with the metal element, to which he instills stability, and with water, which he manages to contain and rule skillfully.

    It usually has conflicts with the wood element, since, although it protects it, it sometimes also suffocates it, and with Fire, which drives it as much as it weakens it.

    The earth element is related to the planet Saturn. He must be incredibly careful with him consuming sweets, something he loves since he is related to his element. You should always choose natural sweet and limit the use of white sugar as this destroys calcium from your bone system. Its other weak point is the digestive system, which usually punishes you hard, for that reason you must maintain a light diet and comfortable digestion. It is recommended that you seek direct contact with Mother Earth, walking barefoot on the sand or in the field.

    Its lucky color is yellow, and its quartz topaz, and citrine.

    The Earth represents wealth, good sense, materialism, and security. These people are usually introspective which makes them have a great capacity for reasoning. The Earth is the vessel of life and these indelible seals those born under the influence of this element, since they are stable people to whom you can delegate.

    The earth feeds on fire, generating a great energy that heats and melts the metal, can be subjected to water, and be consumed by wood.

    To feel good, the person of the earth element needs material security, although it should be noted that he is industrious, formal, and organized. They can be reproached for being pretentious, but on their merits, they advance towards their goals slowly, obtaining stable results.


    People who were born in the years ending in 6 or 7 correspond to the fire element. Passion, courage, and leadership belong to this element. The fire element is the element of the summer season, where everything bears fruit and reaches its consummation. It is related to the planet Mars, beneficial, but sometimes impulsive. It is excessively sterile and symbolizes the person who stands out, but also who mistreats others. Combative, vain, and irritable, the person of this element goes from anger to jubilation unbridled.

    Since childhood he has a personality of a leader, ambition is present in his life, he likes dangers, laughter, enthusiasm, and conflict. The difficulties instead of intimidating him encourage him to proceed, and in these cases, they undergo a violent metamorphosis.

    These people were born to win, but they do not know how to admit it, because they do not manage to observe themselves and exploit their energies. Great in the military area, sports, and as bosses since others perish before their charisma. They know how to use the energies of the wood element, using their genius in their service, and induce in the people of the earth element the vital courage to keep moving forward.

    People of the water element tend to extinguish their passion, and those of metal test them with a rigidity that drains their energy field.

    The most easily damaged organ in these people is the heart, there is a possibility that they suffer tachycardia. In addition, they may suffer from the ears, and the intestine. They should wear brightly colored clothes, among which red prevails, and use quartz such as garnets and hematite’s as amulets. You should also use incense and candles.

    Detached, enthusiastic and opportunistic, these charismatic people communicate well and focus on action. Their selfishness and desire to succeed are incalculable and they rely only on their own views. They tend to neglect the details as they are sometimes stubborn and embark on goals that require intense work.

    People born under the influence of the fire element are positive, always give their best and participate in everything they do with love and will. Their energies serve to sustain those who are in their environment and lack it.

    Fire heats the hearth, allows us to prepare food. This element nourishes the earth through the ashes, feeds on dry firewood, that is, wood, its heat dominates the metal, that is, it makes it flexible, and can only be dominated by water.

    A leader always has an abundance of the fire element and is always inclined to make quick decisions. He is attracted to unconventional ideas, is not afraid of danger, and is always on the move. It is important that you learn to have emotional intelligence, because arrogance can strengthen your selfishness and make it uncontrollable, specifically when you run into obstacles. This self-destructive style is outstanding in youth.

    Success accompanies the people of the fire element, but they must be overly cautious with instability and restlessness, which are the most common inadequacies of those born under fire. It is better to master these defects, so as not to be enslaved by them. They should find a quiet place where they can be at peace, and meditation will also bring them balance.

    The people of the fire element are tenacious, and lucrative.


    People who were born in the years ending in numbers 4 or 5 belong to the element wood. Wood is the element that symbolizes harmony, beauty, and creativity. They have an extremely high degree of self-confidence, and an iron will, which makes them the right people when it comes to fighting for a just cause.

    Wood is related to the planet Jupiter, it is the most beneficial of the elements, symbol of permanence and knowledge. Adaptable, it folds comfortably, and has multiple uses, characterizing communicative, giving, and honest people.

    People of the wood element are creative, and vital, but sometimes they are scattered and unable to find their way and fulfill their purposes. They trust others to the point of innocence, and they like to rub shoulders with everyone, always discover new things to disseminate and satisfy themselves. He is attracted to nature, and children, and gives priority to family.

    Occasionally he tends to have impossible expectations, and they have the habit of belittling his body, overdoing it with meals and letting himself be enveloped by passion and sensuality.

    They tend to choose pairs of the water element, of whom they absorb audacity and support, and of those of fire, whom they benefit by supplying them with their brilliant ideas.

    It does not get along very well with the metal element, which ruins it without mercy.

    The Wood element is recognized by the greenish color. These people should take care of their eyes.

    With wood shelters are built, that is why it protects us. Wood coincides with the creativity of water, and thanks to that quality they understand and help others.

    Those born under the wood element have internal conflicts to submit to the rules and traditions where the severe criterion is constantly in force. This element nourishes water and, at the same time, is fuel for fire. Its energy is sucked in by the earth, and it is subjugated by metal.

    The people of the wood element always get great triumphs, and they have a coveted structure. Their vocations are versatile. They attach great importance to integrity, striving to find a permanent place in life. Believing in success, and his capacity for analysis give him the juncture to face the most complex problems without hesitation. With incredible convincing power, they work in many areas, as they always have development and transformation as their purpose.

    Their natural will helps them move forward, and they always find support and the necessary capital, since other people have their ability to transform ideas into wealth.

    Their main obstacle is taking things to the extreme. Contained anger and courage negatively affect the energies of this element. Being close to the trees and touching them balances the wood element.

    At work, individuals belonging to the wood element are neat, intelligent, and resourceful. In business activities, they are most fruitful when the work is in a team, and it is well structured.

    No area of work related to its element is unfavorable, but those related to fire can affect it to some extent, and those related to metal will ruin them.


    The most insensitive and dark element, akin to winter, longevity, and the planet Mercury, is the ruler of communication and deep affections.

    An individual of the water element is sensitive, but airtight. He is charitable, sentimental, and fragile, hates criticism and, for that reason, chooses to act undercover to protect himself. He is cordial, eloquent and at the same time prudent, and knows how to overcome setbacks without boasting, with cunning, sagacity, and perseverance. In this way he achieves his goals, indirectly and silently, giving the feeling of being considerate and understanding.

    Lacking energy means a problem for the water element, if it does not learn to level its impotence with the force that comes from reflection and communication with the deep areas of its being. Panic is always the guiding cord of his dramatic life, often lived in darkness for fear of showing up and fighting.

    On the professional level they are inhibited by competence, however, they perform well in clear and sheltered places, such as schools, bookstores, newsrooms or any place where communication, oral or written, is the primary mechanism, and in the company of peaceful colleagues who fit their personality, such as, for example, someone of the wood element, with whom the desire for wisdom coincides,  or with metal, from whom he gets decision. On the contrary, it does not adapt to the fire element, to those it extinguishes and discourages, nor to individuals who belong to the earth element, with whom it feels limited, conditioned, and hindered.

    The color black is the one that favors them, but they should use it with moderation because it tends to discourage them. The same goes for dark quartz, which attract luck, such as jet, onyx, and tourmaline. To make the best use of his qualities, without going to extremes, and not to disperse, the person of the water element should begin his plans in the winter.

    In positive periods, the loving relationships of this element transmit tenderness, equanimity and caution, potentials that empower them to conduct themselves with the necessary sagacity to remedy the origin of their conflicts when they appear.

    They have an incredible ability to reason, although their reserved, deep, and murky personality leads them to be prone to melancholy. They also present a lack of security and audacity. Creativity is one of the main characteristics that represent this element, also adaptation, sweetness, piety, and sympathy. Without water there would be no living beings on earth, this element is pure and crystalline, qualities that those who belong to this element have.

    People who belong to this element are affable and have a great command over others. They have an original intuition, which allows them to conquer quickly. Endurance and lucidity give them the opportunity to predict events.

    They can perceive the faculties of others, inspire them effectively, but they are discreet and will not let others notice that they are using them.

    Abuses with sodium or alkaloids, and prototypes of life that depart from common structures are very harmful to people born under the element of water. Respecting the hours of sleep, maintaining a relaxed mental and emotional health, and having contact with water restores your harmony, and optimizes your energies.

    Those who belong to a sign of the water element may have professions related to wood and fire and be successful, have jobs that relate to their own element, and decline careers, functions, and jobs that relate to the earth, as the earth subdues water.

    Halloween. The story behind this celebration.

    Millions of people around the world celebrate Halloween, or Halloween, wearing all kinds of costumes inspired by characters, or current issues.

    Halloween had its beginnings approximately 3,500 years ago, and the festival Samhain, would be the current Halloween, because the Celts believed, that during that night the spirits came out, along with other creatures such as witches and demons, since the veil between the world of the dead and ours was weakened.

    Halloween is a way of saying night before All Saints' Day, since November 1 is celebrated the Christian holiday consecrated to the faithful departed, where the Saints are included.

    The Halloween holiday came to the United States from Ireland, which was then part of the United Kingdom, when more than a million people emigrated to the United States. The first references to Halloween arose after that emigration, as they brought with them their customs.

    Halloween descended from Celtic culture, where pagan rituals were officiated. As various rites were performed by sorcerers or witches, who at that time were known as healers or priests, witches began to be granted supernatural powers. The witch hunt that occurred in Europe, after the fifteenth century, increased its relationship with the dark side, and its persecution. As Halloween celebrations spread around the world, while their fame in theater, film, and literature grew, which figures were used as another advertising resource, a product of that heritage.

    It is unacceptable that the Catholic Church has never condemned the Popes who ordered the witch hunt, a genocide of thousands of women conducted by the Catholic Inquisition. The crimes they were charged with were fertility control, the use of natural contraceptives, or the ability to heal other people and animals. These women were not as they have been represented in literature, they possessed a particular knowledge and intuition. In the medieval period, when a male social prototype prevailed, the knowledge of witches was considered a danger. That is why they were persecuted and destroyed along with them at the stakes.

    That famous witch hunt was an important tool in the foundation of the patriarchal order. Women, and all their rights, were placed under the rule of the state and transfigured into economic possessions. Stories about sorcerers, or sorcerers, have been told and received in a different way, the great wizard Merlin, advisor to King Arthur, is one of the examples. Although both women and men have used powers outside the physical plane, women have always been labeled as perverse, contrary to their masculine equal who has been praised.

    Halloween is the most popular non-religious holiday, ahead of Valentine's Day and Easter. It is a day that has historically had its moments of horror, and not because of witches or costumes. Records show that a child is more likely to die on Halloween than any other day of the year while asking for candy on the street. Parents must make sure that our children do not go out alone to ask for candies, but with supervision. An overexcited child may run fast, forgetting to glance at both sides of the street, or entertain himself using his cell phone.

    All statistics indicate that child deaths on Halloween involve a drunk driver, and young drivers have been responsible for most of these children's deaths, through no fault of any witches.

    Characteristics of the Chinese Zodiac Signs



    Rats are insightful animals. They know how to overcome difficulties intelligently, even if they are continually entangled in them. They are shrewd because they manipulate some circumstances at their convenience. They are violent, trying to achieve their purposes quickly, focusing on reaching the end, even if it means suffering or distressing others.

    At work your colleagues will feel very helpless since they cannot work at your pace, and even if it is not your purpose, many enemies will be sought. You will try to get the most important positions in your company. Nothing will stop her; she will have no scruples because her success is the priority. Money is the important thing in their lives, everything they will transform into money, including their artistic productions, since they have tendencies to creativity. With friends, it is also possible to find disagreements because of this aggressiveness that characterizes them.

    In love, rats have no problem showing their affection, although they are more impulsive than romantic. If the other person does not reciprocate, they will try to get his love by any means.

    Despite being thrifty, their power of attraction exerts immense power over others, and that is why they will never lack admirers. An individual of the sign Rat looks reserved, but it is not. The person of this sign is very sociable and likes parties. The Rat loves his friends and family, and often gets involved in other people's problems.

    The Rat's capacity for love is second only to his mischief and attachment to money. He never worries about having someone else to feed and allows his family and friends to stay in his house and find support in it since the caution of the Rat will always make it easier for him to find them some mission so that they can cover the rent.

    The Rat does not know how to keep secrets well, and when it comes to confidences, she is dishonest, if she must use the information she has obtained, she is able to benefit from the slips of others. Although reserved with her feelings, the Rat, when nervous, becomes impertinent and being so dynamic and hardworking, she is bothered by laziness and waste. Among their destructive aspects is that they dominate confessing gossip, censoring, making analogies, murmuring, and agreeing.

    Sometimes Rats buy items they do not need and are always fooled by discounts. In his mind, and in his house, there will always be an accumulation of memories and confined affective garbage. She has a good eye for trifles, great retentive, and is extraordinarily curious.

    They have the power to fight difficulties, and they are at ease during conflicts. They act responsibly and maturely, and it is shrewd. The obstacle they often run into is greed. The ambitious Rat will have to have at least a complicated economic fall in his life so that he understands that pettiness does not give profits,

    The Rat is attracted to people of the sign of the Ox, in whom they find strength, confidence, and the devotion they offer.

    Also, the powerful Dragons are compatible with the Rat. They find Snakes intelligent and attractive with whom they establish beneficial associations. As authority and radiance hypnotize her, the Rat will always fall prey to the unbreakable spell of the Monkey and has similarity to the skill with which he acts.

    It will always have conflicts with the sign of the Horse, too autonomous for the uniqueness of the Rat. Nor is his relationship with the Rooster sensible since his idealism exasperates the materialistic sense of the Rat. His relationship with the Goat is fatal since with his happiness he would squander the savings gathered by the efforts of the Rat.



    Oxen are conforming and serene animals. They appreciate the work, although not enough to spend all day on it. They savor their leisure time and always find something to enchant their life with. They are people who project a polite personality, and conversations with them are smooth and pleasant. However, he hates polemics, and prefers to agree rather than provoke disgust over a conflict. He does not mind being the one who accesses most scenarios, although there is a possibility that one day he will explode and amaze everyone with bad behavior.

    He hates getting entangled in conflicts and prefers a comfortable, firm, and stable job, even if he is paid badly, since what he cannot stand is the stress of a better paid one. He never leaves things halfway, even if he must use more time to complete them. Although he does not like to argue, he does like to order and be respected, so it is likely that we observe the Ox in positions of authority. They will be nice leaders and comfortable to deal with if they are not contradicted.

    Outside of working hours, they are affectionate and never mistreat the people they live with. If they let them do what they plan, and no one sticks their noses into their issues, coexistence will be excellent.

    In love they are jealous people, for that reason you must be careful not to cloud their peace. They are faithful and demand the same from their partner. They are sensual lovers, and the coexistence with the Ox is good, if we understand that everything, he initiates he does with good intentions.

    People who like to inquire about the past of their partners and want to manipulate, do not want a relationship with the Ox, because he loves peace, and hates communicating things from his past.

    The Ox is aware that when things are done correctly, lasting success is achieved. He does not believe in fate or luck and will achieve his goals through his obstinacy and work. He is deserving of trust as he delivers what he promises. The opinions of others are not important to him. He always gives himself body and soul to what he must do, and never leaves anything halfway.

    He is not a person of details, do not expect poems or songs, because his gifts will always be simple and without presumptions. Being so traditional they have tendencies to long relationships since they require time to reach a relationship of enough trust. They are phlegmatic to change and show their true emotions. Never despise an Ox as it is worth its weight in gold, plus its mind can keep every detail of a humiliation for a long time.

    The Ox hates having debts, he will always pay what he owes, and for him it is unforgivable not to be grateful. You will never hear words of thanks from his mouth,

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