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Third Eye, Kundalini & Sexuality Awakening for Beginners: The Guide To Energy Healing & Spiritual Enlightenment Through Opening All 7 Chakras, Guided Meditations, Hypnosis, Tantra & More
Third Eye, Kundalini & Sexuality Awakening for Beginners: The Guide To Energy Healing & Spiritual Enlightenment Through Opening All 7 Chakras, Guided Meditations, Hypnosis, Tantra & More
Third Eye, Kundalini & Sexuality Awakening for Beginners: The Guide To Energy Healing & Spiritual Enlightenment Through Opening All 7 Chakras, Guided Meditations, Hypnosis, Tantra & More
Ebook224 pages3 hours

Third Eye, Kundalini & Sexuality Awakening for Beginners: The Guide To Energy Healing & Spiritual Enlightenment Through Opening All 7 Chakras, Guided Meditations, Hypnosis, Tantra & More

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If You Want To Discover How You Can Open Your Third Eye, Unlock Your True Potential Awaken Your Spiritually Infused Sexuality You Then Keep Reading...

Luckily, by opening the 'Eye of Wisdom' or 'The Inner Eye' you will be well on your way to truly finding the answers lasting peace you desire.

Release dateMar 25, 2021
Third Eye, Kundalini & Sexuality Awakening for Beginners: The Guide To Energy Healing & Spiritual Enlightenment Through Opening All 7 Chakras, Guided Meditations, Hypnosis, Tantra & More

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    Third Eye, Kundalini & Sexuality Awakening for Beginners - Sasvata Sukha

    Third Eye, Kundalini & Sexuality

    Awakening for Beginners

    The Guide To Energy Healing & Spiritual Enlightenment Through Opening All 7 Chakras, Guided Meditations, Hypnosis, Tantra & More

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    Please note the information contained within this document is for educational and entertainment purposes only. All effort has been executed to present accurate, up to date, and reliable, complete information. No warranties of any kind are declared or implied. Readers acknowledge that the author is not engaging in the rendering of legal, financial, medical or professional advice.


    Chapter 1: Fundamental points explored

    Humanity is Evolving

    Herstory, not History! And the Mother Earth Principle

    Benefits of an Open Third Eye

    Spiritual Awakening, what is it?

    ‘Breaking the cycle’ (Core distortions within Society)

    Chapter 2:  The Pineal Gland: The Seat of the Soul and ‘Vision’

    What is the Pineal Gland

    Technological interference

    Pineal Activation (Key tools & steps!)

    The Pineal Gland and Dreaming

    Astral Travel, Astral Projection & Lucid Dreaming

    Chapter 3: Meditation, Chakras & Kundalini

    Intro to the Kundalini

    Kundalini Healing, Activation and Awakening

    The 7 Chakra System

    Meditation Benefits

    Chapter 4:  Evolutionary Steps

    Universal Archetypes and Ideals

    Numerology/ Synchronicity (Awakening to the Divine reality)

    Shamanism and the Power of Spirit

    Chapter 5: Tantra and Yoga

    Kundalini Yoga, the Philosophy

    Tantric Philosophy & Breathwork

    Crystals for Kundalini Awakening & Sexual Healing

    Chapter 6: Meditations & Hypnosis

    Hypnosis for Healing

    Twin Flame Meditation

    BONUS Chapter: Self-Care Actions, A daily plan!

    Daily Self-Care Routine

    15 Key & Quick Routes to Relaxation


    Chapter 1: Fundamental points explored

    Realize deeply that the present moment is all you ever have.

    ~ Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now

    Humanity is Evolving

    There are a lot of books on the ‘third eye,’ consciousness and the kundalini. But this one truly is unique, as this has been written by someone self-mastered, studied and trained in a significant range of holistic, energetic, spiritual, and metaphysical systems & fields. Third Eye Awakening is not solely about reading books and acquiring the knowledge; it is a direct experience- an accumulation of experiences learned through actually ‘doing the work’ (inner work, healing, self-development), going within and connecting on some energetic and subtle level to the vibrational frequencies of the wisdom being portrayed. In short, knowledge is power and wisdom is one aspect, but directly experiencing and being on one’s own journey is a whole other story.

    So, we advise you to create your own healing path and set your own goals for transformation and self-evolution when reading the information presented in this book. Set up your own ‘Spiritual Retreat’ or ‘Self-development program,’ such as a morning meditation and mantra citation, chanting ‘Om’ a specific amount of times with a glass of purified water, and all the other aspects explored. Actually, we have helped you with this. At this end of this book there is a ‘bonus chapter’ with a suggested Self-Care Routine/daily plan. Every part is devised around third eye awakening and activation and spiritual development.

    Going back to defining evolution; there was a time when we only valued human life in terms of physical labor and what we could contribute to society, or those in power. Looking at our human history we see genocide due to race and religion, enslavement of people based on skin color or country of origin, and vast displays of injustice and darkness committed in the name of some belief or ideology. And this is where the truth of illusion lies: belief. As a species we seem to adopt beliefs and views not in harmony with our true selves, with the divine self and divinity that flows through all humans, regardless of skin color, religion, race, culture, gender, or sexuality. It’s true that we’ve evolved from primates, but we’ve also evolved from fish and trees. DNA shows how similar we are to a huge array of living organisms on planet earth (and some ‘alien life’ outside of earth!). Nature, God, the divine, Source, Spirit, the universe… these are all words to describe the eternal and infinite energy connecting us, yet it is we humans who have created such separation that leads to violence, gensocide, murder, rape, suppression and limitations. Separation and disconnection, in short.

    Thus, to reconnect us to our true selves where love, compassion and unconditional sense of unity conscious prevails, we must return to the root. We must return to the light of source, unity & connection. The Third Eye is integral to this remembrance.

    Herstory, not History! And the Mother Earth Principle

    Have you ever wondered why we called history his-story and not her-story? (Herstory). Well, I have. The rise of the feminine is something you wouldn’t have known about 100 or so years ago. We live in a predominantly patriarchal society, emphasis is given to masclune energy; authority, leadership, business and competitiveness. We’ve lost touch with the divine feminine and feminie qualities of magnetism, receptivity, gentleness, respect for the earth, and empathy. Mother earth embodies a feminine energy. Whilst the sky or heavens are masculine in nature planet earth is feminine, which is known as the Mother Earth Principle. When we look at societal structures and values we hold dear, we see how true this is. Core eco and environmental principles haven’t always been respected. The destruction of our rainforests and coral reefs and the treatment of our earth is a reflection of the destruction of the feminine. Just remind yourself of the suppression of women throughout the centuries…. Man has always ruled over women, and our beautiful life-giving planet has always been destroyed. There is a correlation.

    So, we’re beginning to reconnect to our true nature. Everything can be brought back to nature. God is nature, science is nature, health is nature and religion is nature. This isn’t a book on the in depth exploration of suppression of the feminine or destruction of our planet in relation to feminine energy, so we won’t go any further into this. But it is important to be aware of the direct synergy, which brings us onto what we can do directly to harmonize ourselves with our higher selves, with the third eye and a more unified way of seeing things. Nature provides an abundance of fresh fruits & vegetables, herbs and superfoods- food sources contain a life force. Yet, we don’t eat particularly healthily as a species, certainly not in the West. Wholesome and organic plant-based meals and snacks are replaced with artificial sweeteners, chemicals and preservatives, we pollute our bodies and subsequently minds through the intoxicants and hormonal suppressants present in factory-made foods. Even animal consumption has turned into the meat industry, animals who graze off fresh and vitamin & mineral infused foods are instead pumped with artificial hormones and chemicals; which we then eat! Our nature has become polluted through the insanities we have done to nature (the natural world). In an ideal world- and many are already attuned to this ‘vision’ for humanity, we would eat only high vibrational, organic and largely plant-based foods; foods that have come directly from sun, air, earth and natural water. Everything we consume would be in harmony with the purity and life force of nature. We would thus have a strong life force, high vibration, and be able to maintain a spiritually-aware evolved frequency. Truth is in the food.

    Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food. ~ Hippocrates

    History is named as such because we have been attuned to the masculine. Language began as simple to complex symbols, signs and shapes used to communicate, all language has developed and evolved from some concept, abstract archetypal symbol or idea. Words contain specific vibrations or the frequency of a real experience being conveyed. To speak of our earth journey and timeline as a history, ‘his story,’ suggests how imbalanced we are. If we look to shamanic cultures and ideologies we can see that hunter-gathering was not the only way we worked with the earth, we weren’t just primal and animalistic creatures with out of control desires and urges. Yes, we evolved from apes and primates; we do have an instinctive primal self, and physicality is an essential aspect of being human. We are also more than survival and habitual instincts and behaviors, however; violence and aggression is just a very small part of our human timeline.

    So, why do we cling onto this primal, competition-minded, control and conquer mindset? Government is largely men and some of the richest people are males. Society is considered a patriarchy and business is the right way to go, by all accounts. The Arts, dance, poetry, writing and a range of right-brain, intuitive and imaginative fields are considered ‘alternative.’ Healing, spirituality, holistic therapies and shamanic energy work is considered ‘woo.’ Are you starting to see the picture?! Feminine energy has been massively suppressed... This isn’t even mentioning the witch trials of the women and men (although predominantly women) who simply used herbs and worked with the earth for healing. Witch trials were real, spiritual concepts and practices have been penalised and judged, persecuted and oppressed; women have been made to believe they’re inferior, and anyone who was in tune with the more psychic and other-worldly aspects of self we’re called lunatics and institutionalized. We’re living in a man-made world. Returning back to history and neglect of Mother Earth, our beautiful, conscious, loving and sustaining planet; there is so much deception, illusion and ignorance that it can be quite hard to escape from deeply ingrained beliefs. And this is precisely what a lot of our choices are formed from: beliefs and misdirection, misdirections of truth and wisdom.

    Spiritual power is sacred. Intuition is sacred. There are so many incredible gifts and skills available to us- telepathy/telepathic communication, clairvoyance, receiving wisdom and insight from dreams, lucid dreaming, healing hands and presence, evolved empathy, the ability to astral project & travel, having visions and seeing colors, auras, shapes and patterns, and further tuning into these for spiritual illumination and self-evolution. Some people can read minds, sense things with such a powerful intuition we call them psychic, or speak to trees and plants. Yes, many people can hear plants, flowers & trees through the natural vibrations they emit! The world is a magical and awe-inspiring place. Yet, we cut ourselves off from nature and we do this through food, excessive technology, fear, illusion, stress and anxiety, chemicals and preservatives, intoxicants, pollutants, negativity and hatred- all sorts of thoughts & feelings rooted in separation. There is so much to be said here, but hopefully we will cover everything in enough detail for you to understand throughout the rest of the chapters.

    The point is, we have got things backwards. If we told herstory instead of ‘his’ we might see a very different world and timeline. Quite simply, we’ve been brainwashed, lied to, manipulated and sold endless lies. We live in a consumerist society and ‘global economy’- well, this is what they teach us and want us to believe! Education systems program us with all sorts of disillusioned beliefs and misinformation. We’re conditioned to believe we’re powerless and need certain entertainment and pleasure-seeking sources to sustain our needs. Fear replaces love, unconditional love, universal compassion and empathy, and steps towards perfect health, spiritual illumination and self-mastery that could truly help us- and our planet- are ultimately eradicated. It is a rare thing to see people living truly free as self-sovereign, third-eye open beings vibrating out feelings of unconditional love, free from ignorance & irrational illusions. This is all connected to the suppression of the third eye- your source of vision, self-awareness, intuitive power and enlightenment. If they (governments, corporations etc.) can’t control you, how can they keep you feeding into their planned paradigm?

    Your third eye is therefore one of the most powerful things you have. It’s arguably the most powerful thing, and you will see why now.

    Benefits of an Open Third Eye

    1. Helps you to see the world clearly

    An activated and open third eye allows you to see the world clearly. Illusions are seen for what they are and all of the conditioning and negative programming of a consumerist and sick society is seen through. Instead of thinking and relying solely on logic, rationality and reason, one feels. The power of feeling cannot go undervalued. Feelings imply instinct, intuition, getting in tune with your senses and engaging in extrasensory perception; one sees through a psychic and spiritual realm with feeling, and you are in tune with your body. Society places so much emphasis on left-brain qualities- logic, rational and analytical thinking, science and linear thought. The right brain is subsequently overlooked, which includes the essential qualities and abilities that come with it... Multidimensionality and ‘free flow’ thoughts, imaginative thinking, creative genius, intuition, abstract thinking, music and holism/holistic perspective.

    They do this through intoxicants and suppressants, food, t.v. alcohol etc. Intoxicants and suppressants do exactly what the name implies, they want to keep us intoxicated and suppressed so we can’t see and think from a vibration of purity. They pollute our consciousness with ill-thoughts, self-doubt, anxiety, stress, fear, ignorance, a ‘separation-mindset.’ But with an activated open third eye, all of these misconceptions and manipulations of consciousness can be seen through, and further overcome.

    2. Frees you from fear, ignorance & illusion and tyrannical governments

    Spiritual awakening involves the liberation from tyrannical governments and corporations. This doesn’t mean that they won’t still be in existence, ‘bad’ and deceptive governments, business men and corporations may be around physically, it’s just that you don’t have to buy into them. You see through the lies and misdirections of energy; you start to use your intuition (third eye) more in everyday life, and see beyond the veil of illusion & ignorance. Feeling and instinct become amplified- your senses are in tune and psychic abilities are available and enhanced. All in all, your higher mind is enriched so that you can conclude your own truths based on the intentions of seeking a reality free from manipulation and ‘lower vibrations;’ like deceit, harmful intentions, and anything that will suppress, limit or cause harm. Self-sovereignty and soulful living is a primary motivation with a clear mind, so the ill-wishes otherwise don’t stand.

    3. Connection becomes your primary force (as opposed to separation/disconnection!)

    Continuing on from the last points the separation-mindset conditioned into us through various forms of social programming becomes replaced with connection. Unity consciousness is not only achievable but the norm with an open third eye and purified pineal gland. Governments and corporations want to

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