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Consciousness in Plain Words, Volume 1
Consciousness in Plain Words, Volume 1
Consciousness in Plain Words, Volume 1
Ebook147 pages2 hours

Consciousness in Plain Words, Volume 1

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These messages are Direct Guidance from Consciousness to give strength, support and encouragement on your spiritual journey.

These no-frills messages are not dotted with complicated words or phrases and do not contain confusing foreign words, they are exactly as they say – Consciousness in Plain Words.
Release dateJan 10, 2024
Consciousness in Plain Words, Volume 1

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    Consciousness in Plain Words, Volume 1 - David Crosweller


    So, Consciousness in Plain Words.

    It is difficult to say why or how I started ‘hearing’ the messages. Nine months before in mid-2021 I had completed a translation of an Indian scripture, The Avadhuta Gita, and I felt a lot of that was guided, so I suppose I was ‘in the zone’. I have a no-nonsense friend who was telling me to stop making excuses about why I couldn’t hear Consciousness and get my act together and do what she did, which was to write a question down and see if an answer arrived – and one time, it did! – and they kept on coming.

    It has changed. I rarely write down a question these days and whereas at the beginning I would type in the answer, now I speak into a microphone and the audio is transcribed and I (and now Barb Chat) tidy it up because voice-to-text is not perfect.

    After a couple of months, I shared a message with a few close friends, but didn’t say where it came from. Then I shared another message with the same friends a couple of months later, again without explaining it was coming through me. People liked them. In September I put my head above the parapet and explained to my small group of friends how I was receiving the messages and formed a WhatsApp group, so they could share them daily.

    This continued up to early 2023 and as the messages were getting longer and WhatsApp was becoming a little unwieldy, I started a SubStack blog, which is still going, and the messages were emailed to them.

    There is also now a YouTube channel that has me speaking an abridged version of the daily message. You can find it at CIPWLove or Consciousness in Plain Words.

    I was guided to start from the beginning again, which means I have a store of messages as a backup in case I find it difficult to collect and post daily – I am still involved with our non-profit,, and I am called upon to travel both in the UK and India, sometimes at short notice.

    The name Consciousness in Plain Words was received through guidance, and now, here we are.

    I want to thank Barb Chap for the major task of proofreading, editing and everything else she does. Thank you to SN for urging me to do more and thank you to my initial group of friends who gave me a lot of encouragement.

    Many of them join me daily at 09.00 for a five-minute silent sitting where we Extend Love. You could similarly start your own group as it is a most wonderful thing to do and participate in.

    You will see mention of Raj, who is a guide to Paul Tuttle in the USA. If you like ‘A Course in Miracles’ I would strongly suggest you listen to his talks from 2002, which you can find at Paul also has his website at

    The messages frequently end with Believe in Me And All Will Be Well, so you can tell where one stops and another starts. Any errors are all mine! This batch of messages runs until July 4th, 2023.

    I see us all as happy, healthy and Divine, and I extend God’s Love to you. More to the point, I Love You.

    I give thanks to my Teacher for all He has given me.

    David Crosweller, Wiltshire, UK


    Q. What do I have to do, and what do I have to change?

    Put Me first in all things. At the moment, you make the decision to read a book, play a game, watch TV, go for a walk etc, but you need to change this so the first thing you do is say, ‘What do YOU want me to do?’ This is back to what we were talking about last when we touched upon mind training. It is a habit to do what you want to do when you want to do it – and you need to change that. This is happening little by little and will increase over time, but you can be more disciplined in making this happen more quickly.

    How much do you really want to Awaken?

    (Second shared message August 29th, 2022)

    Q. The words came ‘Think of Me only’.

    Yes, that is the ultimate goal. You worry that, by thinking of Me only, you won’t be able to look after yourself or interact with other people – but nothing could be further from the Truth. I will look after you on all levels – mentally, physically and spiritually – because there won’t be three co-existing levels. There will just be One – and the One will be Me, Supreme Consciousness.

    You think this is difficult to do because how could you be thinking of Me, and talking to somebody else, or writing an email or any other form of communication? Well, you do this now. You think one thing, you feel another, and you speak something completely different. You have multiple multi-tasking thoughts racing around your mind most of the time.

    So, to ask ‘How can I think only of You while functioning in this human existence’, is just a distraction. And who creates the distraction? The ego-mind of course, and this includes your fear that letting go of all you value so dearly – these addictions you think are so important – will somehow diminish you, so you are a lesser being.

    In the eyes of whom? In the eyes of others addicted to the human condition, certainly not in My Eyes. I wait with open arms for you to drop all of this conditioning, release all of this fear and come and join Me in your rightful place – the place where you Truly belong. And when you do so, you will see that it isn’t a change of ‘location’, but a change of ‘perception’. You will see everything as it was designed to be, not as you have all made up.

    And it is so simple. All you have to do is let go. What could be easier than that?

    (September 2022 onwards)

    Q. This morning’s Thought for the Day starts, ‘One who Knows God, verily becomes God’.

    Yes. Believe in Me! This is what I say to you all of the time. This is the perennial Truth. Believing in Me leads to Trusting in Me and finally to Surrendering to Me. Once you Surrender, we become One – as if The Master could say anything less! And again, I reiterate: I don’t mean believing in the ‘concept’ of God, which is what all of you do, I mean Believing IN God, Believing IN Me!

    It is such a small step to make to Believing In Me, yet you treat it as though it is a giant chasm to cross. It isn’t. You are as much diverted by the ‘spiritual journey’ as anything. In some respects, it is the ultimate obstacle. There is no need for any ceremonies or mantras or hymns, no need of yoga or meditation, or anything else that is proscribed as being the ‘way to God’, as nice and as ‘human-fulfilling’ as they may be.

    Believe In Me above all things, and very quickly you will leave this human agony behind.

    Believe In Me And All Will Be Well

    Q. Good morning. C&J have asked if I will share messages and do I want to be acknowledged. Can you guide me on both, please?

    Good morning. There will be things to share and things not to share. I will guide you as to those that can be shared. With regards to your being acknowledged, why not? The number of messages will only increase, and the interest will only grow. And as your daughter Kathryn’s beautiful song says, ‘I Will Be With You’. You aren’t actually doing anything, simply being the vehicle for my message to many new people as well as to a lot of older seekers.

    I know you are going to share this message in its entirety with C&J, so I send them my Love and Blessings, and say that their message will also be changing over the coming months. The theme needs to be consistent: Believe in Me! Don’t think I am a nice idea if only it were real. I am the only thing that IS Real; everything else is only an illusion – or better explained – a misperception.

    As you (David) explain, think of everything as atoms, which, in Truth, are simply My Creative Energy manifested in a way that you can understand as long as you are addicted to the human condition. This energy exists to either be formed as something you make up or something Divine. But the energy still exists.

    Believe In Me, Trust In Me, Surrender To Me.

    Q. You only get involved when there is complete surrender?

    Yes, because only then can MY Will Truly be carried out. Imagine a boat floating down a river – a small boat, like a coracle. It is circular and comfortable for one and perhaps two. The current, my Divine Will, guides it down the centre of the river where it is calm and peaceful. If you look towards the banks, you can see the river get choppier and has debris and branches that cause the edge of the river to get quite rough. Some of the riverbanks lead to quite pleasant fields, and it crosses your ‘mind’ you would like to see what is in and beyond them.

    So, you struggle to reach a bank where you can get out of the coracle, which might also have become damaged in the attempt, and you step into the field, dragging your boat with you. You look around and there is a field. You start walking to see what is beyond the field. And you walk and you walk until you find more fields, hills, forest etc, and other humans. You stop and talk to them and settle down for a while, and then you think to yourself that maybe you would like to go back to your boat and continue down the river.

    Trouble is you can’t remember where you left your boat. So you have a dilemma because really you want to go back to the peace and calm of my Divine Will, but you don’t know how to get there. So now, instead of comfortably drifting down the river with no cares at all, you have to find somewhere to live, clothes to wear, food to eat, a way to grow food and earn money, and on it goes.

    After a while, a human comes along and says, ‘I am looking for the river’, and you respond that you would be interested in joining them, but you have to weed the crops, fetch the firewood, make the dinner etc. Could they wait for a while? They say no, but when they have found the river, they will come back and get you. And, after some time, they return and tell you they have found the river and will take you back.  Which they do.

    You set off with them, but after a while, you remember you didn’t do something or other and say you can’t continue and need to go back, but next time you will definitely make the whole journey. And so it continues. The guide will keep coming back until you are ready to complete the journey. They will lead you to the river, help you repair the boat, push you beyond the fierce waves near the edge of the bank and make sure you get to the centre of the river – My Divine Will – and then they will go back for the next human. I will only completely support you fully when you are in that small boat, allowing My Divine Will to be All There Is.

    Believe In Me And All Will Be Well

    Q. Earlier you said that if I let go of wanting effects, then things happen when ‘You want them to’. On the other hand, You say you don’t get involved in human affairs. How do the two marry up?

    Let’s go back to the river. In this example, because the river is something I have Created, the central current is smooth and carries you endlessly ‘in my arms’, to mix metaphors. You want to go over to the bank because that is where the action is, and the action is very enticing. In the human experience, which is largely you enjoying the action you have made up, you believe that everything happens because you, and others around you, make it so.

    When you let go of that misperception and, while you still inhabit a body – even though that is also incorrect in Real Terms – it becomes My Responsibility to ensure you have an existence that is comfortable: You are kept warm, have food, clothes, a vehicle etc. However, this only happens when you believe in Me, Trust in Me and Surrender to Me.

    The rest of the journey you think you are on is one in which you are the doer of everything, and I am just a bit player watching from afar. You need to switch that around.

    When you accept I am the Doer of Everything and you – or the ‘bodily you’ to be precise – are watching from afar, it is the right order of things. Let me make this clear: I do not get involved in the things you or anybody else does in the human experience. What you are doing is making things up. I only

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