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Consciousness in Plain Words, Volume 4
Consciousness in Plain Words, Volume 4
Consciousness in Plain Words, Volume 4
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Consciousness in Plain Words, Volume 4

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Direct Guidance from Consciousness to give strength, support and encouragement on your spiritual journey.

Find your way to Awareness through the simple act of Extending Love.

These no-frills messages are not dotted with complicated words or phrases and do not contain confusing foreign words, they are exactly as they say – Consciousness in Plain Words.
Release dateMay 11, 2024
Consciousness in Plain Words, Volume 4

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    Consciousness in Plain Words, Volume 4 - David Crosweller

    Consciousness in Plain Words

    Volume 4

    David Crosweller

    Text Copyright ©CIPW Ltd, 2024

    Consciousness in Plain Words, Volume 4. All Rights Reserved.

    ISBN Number: 978-1-4457-5572-4

    No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission except as permitted by USA, UK and International copyright law.

    Table of Contents




    Again, welcome to those on this journey with us, who have progressed from Volumes One, Two and Three.

    The messages in this Volume are those shared in February, March and April, 2024. Again, I want to thank Barb Chap for the major proofreading and editing task.

    You may notice a few Message duplications. I have been told that if a Message is shared by email a second time in error – hey, I am only human! – then there is a greater reason behind that, and the duplication should remain. So, there may be one or two Messages repeated that are found in earlier Volumes.

    All of the books can be found here:

    The books are printed ‘by order’ and so are more expensive than books that are printed in their thousands and sold over time. I am sorry about this, but this isn’t a money-making enterprise, and it is the simplest way of them being made available. There is of course a less expensive E-book option.

    A group of us still remotely sit daily at 09.00 (UK time) for a ten-minute Silent Sitting where we simply Extend Love. You could similarly start your own group – the Impact it can have is Remarkable.

    I was guided to cease uploading the YouTube videos. YouTube will have other uses going forward.

    The messages always end with Believe in Me And All Will Be Well, so you can tell where one Message stops and another starts, although now they are also preceded by the date they were posted.

    Any errors are all mine!

    I give thanks to my Teacher for all He has given me.

    I see us all as Happy, Healthy and Divine, and I Extend God’s Love to you. More to the point, I Love You.

    David Crosweller, Wiltshire, UK


    February 1st, 2024

    How often do you see a miracle?

    How often do you hear of a miracle?

    I think the answer would be very rarely, but they happen around you at quite regular intervals – it's just that you don't see them or hear them. What then, may I ask you, is a miracle?

    To you, a miracle would be something that is out of the ordinary, and that is a reasonable description. I believe it would be fair to say that a miracle is something that is not part of the misperception – something that is not part of the human condition. You see a miracle as being something extraordinary, and in some respects, based on your viewpoint, it most certainly is.

    A miracle is simply My Energy used in a manner that is appropriate for its True Purpose.

    David regards these Messages as a miracle. He regards the fact that he is having this level of interaction with Me as being something very special – and he is frequently humbled by it.

    Yes, this is only because it is something seen as being different than when I frequently say that you all have this opportunity to hear me communicating with you whenever you want. It isn't Me that is stopping it from happening.

    Similarly, though, you shouldn't take these things for granted: existing in the human world under the control of the human condition, just assuming you can carry on living your life – and miracles happen around you.

    They do happen around you, but the important thing is for you to recognise them and, in order for you to recognise them, you need to be in a certain frame of mind – if you want – you need to be in the zone where they are evident.

    Of course, that is not always the case. Sometimes miracles do happen and the individual or individuals concerned are certainly not conscious of being in the zone, but their collective – I'm going to use the word – desire has brought the miracle into their focus. The point here is to be vigilant.

    Recently, David was in conversation with a couple of humans and, during the conversation, David realised that I had a Message for them and relaxed into allowing the Message to come through. Sadly, one of the people was intent on making their point of view known about a particular subject, and they kept on interjecting. This meant that David couldn’t actually give them the Message that was meant for them. He remained quiet, allowing this person to have their say – and so did I.

    Was that an opportunity missed? You will never know, but this is one of the moments when a Message – which could be likened to a miracle – was lost. It was lost because the fear of the ego mind was such that the human’s ego mind knew it had to keep talking, it had to keep its entity at the forefront of the conversation – of the interaction – and it didn't care that there may have been a Message specific to that particular human.

    Be vigilant. 

    You can all communicate with Me. You can all interact with Me. You can all hear me, although that isn't necessarily the best description for our communication. You will find it more difficult to hear Me when the chatter of the ego mind is at its strongest.

    Allow yourself to be a little quieter. Allow yourself to Extend Love and, through that Extension, allow quietness to enter your Being – at which point you have a greater opportunity to communicate with Me and Me with you.

    I Love You.

    Believe In Me And All Will Be Well

    February 2nd, 2024

    Most of you have done decorating at different times. You have needed to remove wallpaper that you think is going to be a relatively easy job and, as you scrape off the first layer, you realise there is another layer below that.

    And as you start to scrape off that older layer, you realise there is another one below that and, sometimes, another and another. It seems as though successive generations have left their mark on a wall!

    It is like that when you start to dig down a little deeper into the nature of the human condition – whether that is collectively or individually. You sometimes feel you can make a throwaway comment only to suddenly realise you've scraped off a top layer of something and underneath are layers and layers of ‘stuff’.

    There is a phrase that describes this: Opening Pandora’s Box’ – when you are never quite sure what you're going to find inside, and so you need to be very careful as to when you want to open that box – If you ever do at all.

    You never know what's going to become visible when you ask a question. You never know what's going to be revealed, and you never know in what manner it is going to be revealed. Because of the nature of the human condition, there are layers and layers of stuff.

    The analogy I use is in regards to programming. You have the core programme, and then you have all this little bit of extra code that has been added on over human time, which tends to make it appear unwieldy, but to you – the human whose code it is – it is working just fine.

    To try to understand the seriousness of this – because this will be serious to you – is when a bank tries to rewrite part of its software and the whole system crashes, and you're unable to pay for things or withdraw money for a period of time, and it becomes national and international news. In some respects, it's the same with humans.

    When you dig deep into your programming, you find that there are all sorts of subroutines that are so dependent on one another that it is impossible to pluck one out without the rest of it failing, causing some dramatic collapse.

    This is what can happen when people have nervous breakdowns. On the outside, it may seem that they've been working too hard or have been under too much pressure, but one of the core reasons is that one of the sub-routines has stopped functioning in the way that it should, and it has led to what is an inevitable collapse.

    This is why toying with or considering rewriting your core programme is such a difficult thing to do. It isn't just that the programme doesn't want to be rewritten – because it certainly doesn't – but it's about the fact that to rewrite it, you would have to start at the beginning and work upwards and incorporate all of the sub-routines you now rely upon to function as a human being within the human condition. If it were allowed to do that, then you would end up in exactly the same position.

    However, this is what we are doing. We – you and I – are rewriting your programming so that, instead of being encumbered by all of the layers that have built up – all of the subroutines that have created a maze of dependence upon each – what do you have instead? It's a brand-new programme based on Love.

    David has just smiled here because he thought we were going in one direction, and he suddenly realised how I was bringing this Message to something he thought would be completely separate.

    The way I can best describe your existing core programme is that it is linked to ‘I’ – you, the individual – while the new programme that we are writing is based on Love and has nothing to do with any form of selfishness, but instead is all Embracing, Community, and One with Me.

    This is the fundamental difference between what was and what is, and we are doing that through the simple act of Extending Love.

    I Love You.

    Believe In Me And All Will Be Well

    February 3rd, 2024

    What is the objective of your ego mind, your core programming? To keep everything as it is. To keep you as you are. It doesn't want anything to change. It doesn't want you to be happy or content. At the very least, it wants you to be a little anxious and wants you to keep your distance from Me – even though it doesn't know who I am. It just knows that there is a threat.

    You are gifted with opportunities for Guidance. Messages like this, books and videos can be others, but the one that you should take advantage of whenever you get the opportunity is a qualified Teacher.

    I don't mean one who has taken a set of exams and passes with flying colours, I mean a Teacher who is genuine and who can guide you along your path to merging with Me – to Awakening.

    Is it any wonder then that the ego mind will dismiss these opportunities as often as it can, especially when it comes to a Teacher. ‘I don't really need a teacher’, you hear humans say, and, if you've any experience of one, you may feel sad for them. If you don't have experience of a Teacher, then you will probably just agree.

    A Teacher is useful in many, many ways. The Teacher doesn't necessarily have to be in person, although that is what attracts the majority. These days with the development of online speaking, live feeds, prerecorded films and books you can read, you can find value across your so-called social networks.

    We have recently set up the abridged versions of the daily Messages on YouTube ( Are the abridged versions as good as the full versions? No, of course, they're not, but they may catch the interest of just one person, and that may lead to that human becoming more aware – and eventually Awakening. In which case the effort that has gone into making that happen is worthwhile. Wouldn't you agree?

    There are many opportunities across your social networks because even though most of the information you find in them is rubbish, there are nuggets here and there – nuggets worth savouring. You can find Teachers both old and new presenting on different social media platforms, and they will espouse their particular teaching because the Teacher can only take you as far as they have gone themselves.

    If they are not themselves Awake – and the majority of Teachers are not – they can only take you to the level that they have reached. Once you have reached this level, it is then a choice for you to stay at that level with them – probably feeling quite comfortable – or wait until your next Teacher comes along that takes you to the next level.

    To some degree, these are all part of the human construct because it doesn't take too much for you to realise that, if you're receiving Teaching from Consciousness – as you are here – and I am saying that all you need to do is Extend Love, then why are you going through other practices and sometimes austerities to reach a point where you will discover ‘this’ is the way to Me?

    Are there other ways? Yes, there are, but what I am doing with these Messages is making it as easy for you as possible for you to Awaken. This takes us back to the name of these Messages – Consciousness in Plain Words. There is nothing hidden, and you don't have to reach for a dictionary to look up a particular word unless English is not your first language and it helps you understand the Message better.

    It is said by some that the Teacher finds you – and in some respect, that's true. Not completely. You have to put in a little effort as well. It is only by looking at the effort that you put in that the Teacher recognises a deserving student. If you don't put any effort in, you may not find a Teacher at all, and then it becomes very easy to say, ‘I don't really need a Teacher’.

    If you're reading these Messages, then I am your Teacher, and you need to go no further. Everything that you need to be Awake is contained within these words. All you have to do is put them into practice.

    I Love You.

    Believe In Me And All Will Be Well

    February 4th, 2024

    You all have one thing in common, and that is your belief in the concept of Me. Don't forget, not everybody even believes in the concept of Me. I remind you that, whereas you truly believe that you have 100% certainty of My Existence, the Truth is you have 100% certainty in the truth of the concept of Me.

    Yes, I know this is upsetting. Yes, I know you don't agree with what I say. Yes, I know that you are telling Me now that it isn't true.

    I can absolutely assure you that it is true. As soon as you Believe in Me, as soon as you ‘Believe’, and I mean ‘Truly Believein Supreme Consciousness – which is Me – you are, in your terminology, Awake.

    That's it. Job done. Do Not Pass Go, Do Not Collect £200. Move Directly To My Kingdom.

    So, when you sit down and have conversations with people who truly believe that they have 100% Belief in Me, the conversation will at times become difficult. I have said before, I do not want you to preach. I want you to be my Beacons of Light. I want ‘you’ to be My Message.

    What is that Message? Yes, Extend Love. That's it! That is the only Message I wish you to send to – using human parlance – believers and nonbelievers alike.

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