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Consciousness in Plain Words, Volume 3
Consciousness in Plain Words, Volume 3
Consciousness in Plain Words, Volume 3
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Consciousness in Plain Words, Volume 3

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Direct Guidance from Consciousness to give strength, support and encouragement on your spiritual journey.

Find your way to Awareness through the simple act of Extending Love.

These no-frills messages are not dotted with complicated words or phrases and do not contain confusing foreign words, they are exactly as they say – Consciousness in Plain Words.
Release dateApr 25, 2024
Consciousness in Plain Words, Volume 3

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    Consciousness in Plain Words, Volume 3 - David Crosweller

    Consciousness in Plain Words

    Volume 3

    David Crosweller

    Text Copyright ©CIPW Ltd, 2024

    Consciousness in Plain Words, Volume 3. All Rights Reserved.

    ISBN Number: 978-1-304-59711-3

    No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission except as permitted by USA, UK and International copyright law.

    Table of Contents




    Again, welcome to those on this journey with us, who have progressed from Volumes One and Two.

    The messages in this Volume are those shared from November 1st, 2023 to January 31st, 2024. Again, I want to thank Barb Chap for the major proofreading and editing task.

    You may notice a few Message duplications. I have been told that if a Message is shared by email a second time in error – hey, I am only human! – then there is a greater reason behind that, and the duplication should remain. So, there may be one or two Messages repeated that are found in earlier Volumes.

    All of the books can be found here:

    The books are printed ‘by order’ and so are more expensive than books that are printed in their thousands and sold over time. I am sorry about this, but this isn’t a money-making enterprise, and it is the simplest way of them being made available. There is of course a less expensive E-book option.

    A group of us still remotely sit daily at 09.00 (UK time) for a five-minute Silent Sitting where we simply Extend Love. You could similarly start your own group – the Impact it can have is Remarkable.

    There is now a narrated abridged daily Message that is on YouTube. You are still encouraged to read the full Message, but the shorter AI version can be found here daily:

    The messages always end with Believe in Me And All Will Be Well, so you can tell where one Message stops and another starts, although now they are also preceded by the date they were posted.

    Any errors are all mine!

    I give thanks to my Teacher for all He has given me.

    I see us all as Happy, Healthy and Divine, and I Extend God’s Love to you. More to the point, I Love You.

    David Crosweller, Wiltshire, UK


    November 1st, 2023

    Dense is a very good word for the human condition. Denseness leads to even greater denseness if one is not careful. You see, it isn't just your thoughts you need to be vigilant about – although that is of primary importance – you also need to be aware of where your thoughts lead you. Sometimes – more often than not – they will lead you to places which are not necessarily beneficial to the best version of yourself.

    Denseness can lead to a whole variety of negative channels, all of which lead to a place where you are stuck – and I don't mean a nice place where you are stuck – but a place where the denseness multiplies. This is what happens when people have deep psychological problems, and denseness has taken them somewhere from which they don't feel they can escape. They don't see light, they see grey, and they see dark.

    And denseness can start in so many unexpected ways, such as in the type of food you eat, whether you engage in any type of physical exercise, not being out in nature, and, of course, the direction in which your thoughts take you. It is not unusual that a lack of sleep can cause you to feel dense – and also too much – but all of this is driven by thought. I've told you several times about how you are sloppy with your thinking, and this is the end result of that sloppiness.

    It is very fair to say that those who are aware of Me are less inclined to be dense, but even within those who know Me, there is a denseness that stops you from getting close to Me. You could liken it to a number of barriers that pop up one after the other. You negotiate one, and there's a second one immediately behind, and another, until in the end, you feel it just isn't worth it – it is a never-ending stream of barriers.

    So, instead of focusing on Me, you end up focusing on the barriers. Does this sound familiar? All of you have done this at some time or the other – it is not unusual, in fact, I would say it's quite common. You are so distracted that instead of thinking of Me you are thinking of something that is dense – of no value.

    Consider what you have thought or acted upon over the last few hours or days, and look at whether you would regard any of that as coming from a place of denseness. The key is always to Believe in Me, but when you're caught in the middle of whatever it is that the denseness has made up, it doesn't seem an easy thing to do. When you are trapped in the murkiness of a dense period, the only thing that will get you out of this is Me.

    Think of My Beauty, think of My Love, and, if you do this enough, you will find yourself being lifted above the denseness. And if you do THIS enough, you will find yourself thinking only of Me – and then denseness will disappear from your human life.

    I Love You.

    Believe In Me And All Will Be Well

    November 2nd, 2023

    When you undertake to study something, there are normally two parts to the learning process. The first part is visiting a teacher who will review what has been done and then teach you something new if you are proficient enough to move on. And the second part is practising.

    Whether you are learning an instrument or a language, how to crochet or a computer programming language, the process is pretty much the same for everything. There are checks and balances as you progress so that you can determine how well you are doing on this particular journey.

    One could easily say that the same thing is true of the journey that you are on in your efforts to reach Me. I give you personal instruction, you read it, you consider it, and then you put it into practice. Or do you? How many of the things that I suggest you do are actually put into practice? I will let that sit with you, and you can make up your own mind as to whether you are a good or a not-so-good student.

    The main difference is, when you learn what I have to teach you as opposed to something like a language, there are no exams. There are no obvious tests that show how well you are progressing. In the human sense, learning, revision and examination is the way you judge your progress. In the Divine Sense, it is the amount of Love that you Extend that determines your progress.

    You could say the Love you Extend ends up in a personal bank account, and the objective is to accrue as much as you possibly can – and only then can you see how successful you are being. The trouble is, when you are caught up in the human condition, you have no concept of how much Love you Extend because, on a percentage basis over your day, that would be quite a small amount.

    However, if you Extend Love just once a day – really sincerely and deeply – you will recognise that you've been Extending Love and will have a sense of the benefit – not just for another human, but the benefit for you. If you Extend Love once a day and you recognise the benefit, you will be encouraged to do it more often – perhaps twice a day or even three times a day.

    It is one of the things that you can do, and it costs you nothing. You haven't had to pay for the lessons, and you haven't had to pay for the Love that you are depositing in your bank account. It is given freely by Me – to you – for you to give freely to another. It is a beautiful system.

    It is such a beautiful system that you should try to utilise it as often as you can. It really does not take very much of your time at all – and I know how precious your time is to you – in order to Extend Love to another. You will increase your bank balance.

    The greater the balance, the greater your Belief in Me because it is through Extending Love that you recognise its value to both yourself and others – that you recognise My Value. As you recognise My Value, you will Believe in Me a little more, and a little more, and a little more, until you totally, truly, sincerely Believe in Me.

    I Love You.

    Believe In Me And All Will Be Well

    November 3rd, 2023

    The difficulty that any human being has – regardless of what is in their hands – there is always something better. A wish unfulfilled, a dream not realised – perhaps you wanted to be a painter, but never quite got there, or maybe a writer and just couldn't quite manage to build up a head of steam in order to be proficient. The list is endless. If you think about it, you can turn your human skill set into pretty much anything, but it wasn't meant to be.

    You see, the thing is, whatever you do within the human condition isn't Real, and so any enjoyment that you may gain from doing something is also not Real. That doesn't mean if you Serve your fellow human being you cannot derive pleasure from it because, of course, you can.

    Knowing that somebody is in a better place because of something you've done is very likely to make you feel pleased with yourself – and in some respects, there's nothing wrong with that. You have the feel-good hormone, serotonin, that makes you feel good, and something done selflessly can also make you feel good – in a proper way.

    I'll give you a choice. You can be as successful as you would wish in the human arena, or you can Merge with Me. What will it be? To be honest, you have from time to time said aloud that you would prefer to Merge with Me rather than do something else, so you do have some experience in answering this question. But sometimes one can become a little melancholy simply because of the ‘what if’ question.

    Just a little something to add to this: This underlying dissatisfaction, which is the ego trying to undermine the progress you make, can happen in many, many ways. If you are reading this Message – and especially if you are understanding and appreciating this Message – you are further along your spiritual journey than you may possibly realise. As always – and I will qualify this – it doesn't mean that you've got anywhere or achieved anything, but it does mean you're moving in the right direction.

    Take that as a positive, take that as encouragement from Me! I will always exhort you to do more because I can see the gaps that you allow to remain empty when they could be filled with Me.

    I want you to think of Me all of the time, and you want to spend a lot of your time doing mundane things. I can only encourage you to give me a chance – to put Me at the top of the list for a while to see how you feel, to see whether you can have more satisfaction from being with Me than being engaged in mundane human activity.

    If you think about all of the Messages that you've read, then you will realise that I am frequently asking you to give Me a chance – to give Me an extended chance – because I know what the outcome will be, and I want you to share in My Joy and My Bliss.

    I Love You

    Believe In Me And All Will Be Well

    November 4th, 2023

    Single-mindedness. In the human being, single-mindedness is regarded as a virtue. You don't allow anything to get in your way, you stay focused on your objective and you go for it. Well, some humans do. Of course, most humans just sort of waddle along pitching from one area of focus to another. There is the underlying focus, which is maintaining your position in the human hierarchy and not being ostracised in any way so that you can be an acceptable human being. That in itself is quite a thing to do.

    You have to devote a lot of energy in order to do that. In fact, you have to devote pretty much all of your energy just to maintain your human-being equilibrium. It's like treading water: You're not going forward, you will not be going backwards, you’re not going down and you're not going up – you're just staying where you are. You need that sameness, that place of comfort, to feel safe. Why do you feel safe? Because it's somewhere you know.

    It's somewhere that you're really familiar with, and the surprises that you receive are actually ones that you know are possible. Do you understand that? The things that make you jump are things that you believe exist and, therefore, aren't anything out of the ordinary.

    This is why it's so difficult for you to focus on Me as fully as you would like – or as much as you think you would like! Do you really want to focus on me? If you do, why don't you? Yes, I realise there are 1,001 things that need to be done that require your immediate attention – or else who knows what will happen? All of these things are so important. And you can't turn your attention away from them for a moment, or who knows, they may slip through your fingers, they may be taken or completed by another human being.

    The bottom line with these things is that they are all known to you as a human being, whereas I and My Creation are unknown. Not only don’t you know what to expect, you don't know how you're going to feel about it. Is it going to give you the same satisfaction as a job well done in the human experience? The issue is you can't truly get a glimpse of what it's like because you're either all in or you're not in at all. And that is the crux of it.

    You have to be really single-minded in order to reach Me. You have to be really determined, you have to be really focused, and – to be honest – you have to be really selfish. The only way another human can help you is by being there and by being the person that Extends Love. The human being isn't actually there – by now you should be grasping that fact – but the essence of My Creation most certainly is.

    Your single-minded focus should always be on the essence of Me in everything that you believe you are seeing. It is that essence to which you are extending Love – and from which Love is being Extended to you. The reason there is a two-way Love exchange is the essence of all is only Love. It isn't anything else because there isn't anything else.

    I want you to be single-minded about Me. I want you to be single-minded about Me all of the time. I ask you for a few minutes here and a few there, and sometimes you manage to achieve this, but how often? How often?

    Believe In Me And All Will Be Well

    November 4th, 2023

    There is that constant hum of speaking to Me and hearing responses in the same way that you would as if you were having a conversation with another human. It's just there now, and you don't have to do anything about it. You don't have to settle yourself into some meditative pose and prepare yourself as though it is something special.

    It is special – but it isn't special because it is your natural way of Being. It is only special because you see yourself as this individual human reaching out to Me, speaking to Me, receiving feedback from Me when, in fact, it is totally natural.

    One of the big things that helps this connection – OK, the biggest thing – is ‘Thy Will Be Done’. When you find yourself in the rhythm of ‘Thy Will Be Done’, you can witness what is going on around you and acknowledge that it isn't

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