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The Memorandum: An Ode To The Workplace or Something Like That
The Memorandum: An Ode To The Workplace or Something Like That
The Memorandum: An Ode To The Workplace or Something Like That
Ebook37 pages11 minutes

The Memorandum: An Ode To The Workplace or Something Like That

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About this ebook

Deep within the walls of corporate America lies a world of office politics, power struggles, and
bureaucratic madness. And in this world, there is one book that reigns supreme as a manual to
navigating the treacherous waters of the workplace - The Memorandum!
A Poetic Partner-In-Crime - for everyone struggling with an urge to scream into their coffee
Written by the masterful poet and storyteller Kewayne Wadley, "The Memorandum" is a
collection of short stories and poems that brilliantly captures the unique and often absurd
experiences of the modern-day office worker. From a bear on a job interview to the changing
colors of the "Perfect Boss," a combination of humor and heart awaits you. The soul-crushing
monotony of endless meetings or the relentless pursuit of the ever-elusive promotion, Wadley's
words perfectly encapsulate the daily struggle that we all know too well.
Not a Mere Assortment of Superficial Tales - but a profound mental health book about self-
love and growth
Don't be fooled by this workplace poem book's humorous illustrations and witty quips. Beneath
the surface lies a deeper, more poignant message that speaks to the very core of what it means
to be human. Through his vivid storytelling, Wadley explores the themes of love, loss, and self-
discovery, taking readers on an emotional journey that is both relatable and inspiring.

A Trusty Sidekick with Valuable Insights - for both seasoned veterans and rookies
Whether you're an experienced executive or a fresh-faced intern, from grappling with the politics
of the break room to navigating the treacherous waters of office romance, or simply trying to
stay afloat in a sea of endless emails and meetings this poetry book is the playful partner you
need by your side to survive and thrive in the modern-day workplace.
A Well-Rounded Work of Art - with attractive illustrations and lessons for life
In addition to its insightful commentary on the corporate world, this workplace wellness
anthology also features stunning black and white illustrations that perfectly capture the humor
and pathos of everyday office life. With its rich tapestry of characters, relatable scenarios, and
incisive observations, this stress relief story book is a true tour de force that will leave you
inspired to take on the challenges of the workplace with renewed vigor and determination.
Relaxing Gift for Women and Men - of thoughtfulness, relatability, and smiles
Looking for an office humor gift that will leave your friend in stitches, or maybe just nodding
along with recognition of a shared frustrating experience? "The Memorandum" is the perfect
present of smiles (and catharsis) to your favorite cube-mate, coworker, or boss. They will thank
you (and maybe even owe you a favor or two) for making their workdays a little brighter.
Join the office chaos and grab your copy of The Memorandum today!

Release dateMay 9, 2024
The Memorandum: An Ode To The Workplace or Something Like That

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    Book preview

    The Memorandum - Kewayne Wadley

    The Memorandum:

    An Ode to The Workplace or

    Something Like That

    Short Stories & Poetry About the Workplace

    by Kewayne Wadley

    Copyright 2023 © Kewayne Wadley

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, known or hereafter invented without the proper written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations apart from brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. Use of this publication is permitted solely for personal use and must include full attribution of the materials source.

    To request permissions, please contact the Author at:

    For Friends & Family

    I love and adore you; may this find you in the best of health.

    In this very short collection, it’s important to

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