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Summary of Identity by Nora Roberts
Summary of Identity by Nora Roberts
Summary of Identity by Nora Roberts
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Summary of Identity by Nora Roberts

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This book does not in any capacity mean to replace the original book but to serve as a vast summary of the original book.

Summary of Identity by Nora Roberts



  • Chapter astute outline of the main contents.
  • Fast & simple understanding of the content analysis.
  • Exceptionally summarized content that you may skip in the original book

Morgan Albright is a former Army brat living in Baltimore with her roommate Nina and her job as a bartender. After a dinner party, Luke, a con artist, steals her assets and identity and commits his ultimate goal: murder. Morgan flees to her mother's home in Vermont, where she meets Miles Jameson, but Gavin is still out there hunting new victims.

Release dateMay 25, 2023
Summary of Identity by Nora Roberts

Willie M. Joseph

Willie M. Joseph summaries get straight to the point and provide essential tools to help you be an informed reader in a busy world, whether you’re browsing for new discoveries, managing your to-read list for work or school, or simply deepening your knowledge. Available for nonfiction titles, these are the book summaries that are worth your time.  

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    Book preview

    Summary of Identity by Nora Roberts - Willie M. Joseph

    PART I


    Chapter One

    Morgan Albright was a former army brat who spent her childhood moving across countries and continents. At seventeen, she studied hard and focused on a double major in Business and Hospitality. She settled on a neighborhood outside of Baltimore, Maryland, and worked her way through college. Her father didn't make her graduation, and her mother and her maternal grandparents attended. Her grandfather died the winter after her graduation, leaving her twenty thousand dollars and memories of hiking the Green Mountains of Vermont.

    With the money, she moved out of her tiny apartment and into a small house. Morgan had a dream of owning a house and working two jobs to pay for it. She met Nina Ramos at the local garden center and they moved in together. Morgan had achieved her first dream and by her calculations would reach goal number two before her thirtieth birthday. Nina helped her refinish the old hardwood floors and guide her along the path of repairs and maintenance.

    Morgan and Nina planted a dogwood in the front yard the previous fall and Nina had the money for that project earmarked. Nina and Morgan are having a date at Fresco's for dinner. Nina is wearing a red dress with raven-black hair and dark eyes, while Morgan is wearing a long, coltish frame and Nina is petite and curvy. Nina is going to change for work and Morgan is giving her the full friend approval. Nina uses the third bedroom as an office and changes from office manager to bartender.

    Morgan finishes the transition in twenty minutes. Nina and Morgan are roommates at Fresco's. Nina invites Morgan to come with her for Sunday dinner, but Morgan refuses. Nina holds up a gold hoop and dangle of three circles at the other ear, suggesting that Morgan date Rick and have sex and fall in love. Morgan drives five-point-four miles to the town center, where the shops along Market Mile will close within the hour.

    Nina promises to take her purse to the bank before she gets her gorgeous on, and Morgan drives five-point-four miles to the town center. The Next Round was a popular bar on Market Street, with patrons and employees living above it. Frankie walked into the bar and saw Roddy and his brothers drinking beer and nuts. She took the pass-through behind the bar where the bartenders worked and relieved Wayne, who was running a tab. She saw Roddy and his brothers at their booth near the dartboard, drinking beer and nuts.

    Morgan is a bartender at a neighborhood bar and is waiting for her first date with She spots a woman of about thirty and offers her a glass of Chardonnay. Tandy looks great and Morgan pours the wine. The place fills up and the couple decides to get a table and a platter of nachos. Morgan makes a mental bet on a second date there and the place fills up.

    A man in his early thirties comes in and Morgan greets him with a smile. Morgan, a bartender, and Handsome Guy, a dart player, are having a drink at a local bar. Handsome Guy asks Morgan to pick a local beer on tap, and she suggests a Market Street Burger with spicy fries. Roddy, a dart player, walks over to the bar and asks Morgan if she can get him some luck for the finals. Morgan agrees and hands him the beers.

    Roddy and his brothers are regulars, and Morgan works with Roddy's girlfriend at her other job. Luke Hudson is an IT consultant from San Francisco who is in the area for a couple of months. He is staying at a local hotel and is enjoying the local flavor. One night, he visits Morgan at a trivia night at the Round, and she offers him a tasting glass of dark cherries to go with the beer. They have a great time together, and Luke leaves a generous tip.

    Luke is a bartender who is busy with trivia. He is looking to take some downtime and paint his house. Nina is a construction company worker who works for a garden center. Larry is a mechanic from Baltimore who has kept Nina's car running well beyond its expiration date. He chatted up another stool sitter, baseball, and asked her to bring Nina's car in for repairs.

    Larry and Luke are having a drink at a bar. Larry's wife will be home or getting there for her book club night. Luke pays his tab and sends her a grin. She works with the part-time weekend bartender to handle the crowd. Luke offers to drive into Baltimore and show him around, but she can't do it due to homeowner's stuff on Saturday and Sunday.

    The waitress offers a beer sample and invites the man to go out to dinner at Luigi's on Monday night. They exchange phone numbers and agree to meet for pizza, wine, and conversation. He grabs a stool and leaves just after midnight. Gracie the waitress looks after him and suggests he may be interested in a man who has been in the area for a few months.

    Chapter Two

    Morgan and Nina are having a pizza date with a traveling man, Luke, who is an IT guy and has good manners and a two-beer limit. Nina is dreaming of having a big garden with shade trees and ornamentals, paths meandering through cutting gardens and butterfly gardens, and crazy birdhouses and water features. Morgan is dreaming of getting a gardener as a housemate, and Nina is dreaming of having a big yard with shade trees and ornamentals, paths meandering through cutting gardens and butterfly gardens. Nina and Morgan are planning a pizza date with Gorgeous Traveling Man. Nina is doing her makeup in her bathroom, while Morgan is doing her makeup in her office-manager job.

    Nina is also doing her makeup in her bathroom, while Morgan is doing her makeup in her office-manager job. Nina is determined to make the date a success. Nina and Morgan are having a rest and beauty night. Nina is taking a bubble bath, hair mask, face mask, and a glass of wine and candles. Morgan is wearing a bright blue sweater, boots, and a stone-gray leather jacket.

    Nina spritzes Morgan with a small atomizer spray to smooth everything out. They then have a glass of wine with dinner and take a walk around Market Street. Nina arrives at Luigi's restaurant at seven on the dot and is greeted by Luke. He helps her take off her jacket and orders a bottle of red. They have a productive weekend and plant pansies together.

    Nina is the first permanent friend she's made in her nomadic life, and Luke is comfortable with himself and confident in himself. They share a space and enjoy each other's rhythms. Nina and Morgan have a long-lasting relationship, and Nina invites Morgan to dinner next Monday night at her place. They discuss their plans for a new kitchen, and he suggests a walk. Nina invites him to dinner, and he nudges her with a subtle nudge.

    After dinner, Nina invites him to the bar for darts, and he nudges her again with a subtle nudge. Nina drives safe, and when she arrives home, Nina is glowing from self-care. Morgan Albright and Nina Albright have had a successful first date. Nina invites Luke to dinner next Monday night, and they decide to stay casual. Gracie is skeptical of Luke, as she had an almost first husband who was smooth and slid right out of her bed into her cousin Bonnie's.

    Morgan thinks they can enjoy the smoothness of Luke, as he is not her almost first husband. Nina and Morgan are having a second date on Monday night. Nina takes off an hour early from her day job and rides her bike home in the spring. Nina's mom gave her an apron and Nina wears it splattered with God knows. Nina marinates the chops, Morgan sets the table, and Nina cooks the chops and asparagus.

    Nina and Morgan have to set the table and make themselves look good. Nina and Morgan are preparing for a dinner party. Nina is helping Nina with the potatoes, while Morgan is helping Nina

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