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While Psychology is known as the study of Human Behavior and Central to Our Thoughts, Interactions and Actions on the daily basis the Term Dark Psychology is the Thought Process by which People use Tactics of Manipulation, Motivation, Persuasion and Coercion to get their way in life. Find out how to spot it, and what to do to avoid it, and how to use it in everyday life along with Part Two-The study and use of Neuro-linguistic Programming better reach your life goals.
Release dateJan 22, 2023

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    ISBN 978-1-387-48937-4

    Ebook  978-1-365-62283-0

    Copyright©2022 By Meika Tucker                                                                                                                                                        All rights reserved.  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical.  Including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a book of collected documented information pertaining to the study of the human mind and is not meant to replace any mental health professional’s advice or care. The contents of this book, such as text, graphics, images, and other material contained in this book are for informational purposes only.  The contents of this book are not intended to be the substitute for professional diagnosis, or treatment.  Always seek the advice of your mental health provider with any questions you may have regarding your condition or anything discovered within the pages of this book.  Never disregard professional advice or delay in seeking it because of something you may have read in this book. 

    If you are in a crisis or you think you may have an emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately.  If you’re having Suicidal thoughts, call 1-800-273-TALK (8255) to talk to a skilled, trained Counselor at a crisis center in your area at any time (National Suicide Prevention Lifeline).  If you are located outside of the United States, call your local emergency line immediatly. 

    Meika Tucker. 

    NLP Life and Relationship Coach.

    Walking The Path To Your Success NLP Life Coaching Services.



    Psychology is the study of how we think, feel, and react to things and situations based on our emotional, physical, and mental abilities that come about in determining the behavior of an individual. Dark Psychology surrounds all those causes and aspects that are most often hard to discuss with other people.  Often we are uncomfortable acknowledging that we need assistance sometimes medically, or even the help of a mental health professional.  Often we can deny that these mental conditions even exist because of the fear of being labeled crazy or mental, or even the acceptance within ourselves of having a mental health condition.  The Subconscious mind is amazing and dynamic.  The human abilities of the human mind have puzzled and amazed mankind for hundreds of years.  Psychologists, Researchers, and Philosophers have written about the wonderful human mind since before the first philosophers of ancient Egypt.

    It is a belief that our actions and behavior are influenced by the human mind. So, a lot has gone into understanding how a person processes their thoughts regardless if they are bad or good, before acting on that thought.  There have been many attempts to focus the study of the human mind by examining the many parts of the brain and the subconscious mind.  Experimentally exploring the brain with the focus of determining how information is obtained,captured, processed,stored and interpreted.  All in hope to get a better understanding of one's reasoning abilities that goes along with the flight or fight response. 

    Psychology is the most widely used perception of the human mind.  We either use someone to talk to in order to help us with the tough situation and choices that come about in our lives, or we consult a therapist when we need more help and guidance than talking to a family member or close friend that can give bad or distorted advice.  The emotional experiences of life can be really hard and overwhelming sometimes. Over time it becomes difficult to manage our emotional lives when there is a breakdown, a flood of anxiety and or fear.  Often mental difficulties, and illness this is something that stems from biological markers in the brain that we inherit.  There can be daily experiences such as anxiety, fear and depression making it very difficult to function fully and happily throughout the day. We can protect ourselves from the dark feelings with therapy, along with medications to help calm the mind.  But there are those around us that also can suffer from these very same things that don't seek medical treatment.  We have people who do great things for humanity, and we have people who destroy and do great harm and evil things under the same emotion of depression, sadness, anger, and fear as well as happiness and joy.  There can be a deep down desire to cause harm to others, watch them in pain and see them cry, even bleed and enjoy it unless these urges are controlled they can lead to disasters in and around our homes and communities.  These darker impulses are primitive instincts that encourage us to go into survival mode.  Such as the flight or fight response.  Dark psychology is the study of human conditions in relation to human beings' emotional disposition to prey on others savagely.  In other words Dark Psychology examines the aspect of human nature which allows us to take actions that intentionally and knowingly injure other human beings, even causing death.

    Often we read in books and hear on television and in movies the phrase "The Darkness Within'', where you can hear words spoken of a man's heart being deeply sinful.  We've all found that a person we find that is usually joyful and mild mannered around people in social settings can turn around and do something so hateful and devious that we find it hard to believe that our sweet friend and neighbor could do such a horrible act.  It's not really that surprising, when you think about the triggers that the person experienced that set them off at those events before the vicious act.  So they say, the pot of chaos was stirred, the button was pushed and the fire was lit, and the pot simmered, and the diabolical nature of evil rose to the surface like grease to cool.  This can be controlled if restraint is exercised.  We all can get a bit angry when baited, just like every dog will bite.  But just like the sweet gentle dog that loves the kids has control over these emotions, and takes a lot to bait them to bite, but if pushed hard enough they will bite.

    Sometimes from an early age these feelings are groomed, a child learns that the adults in their life hurry to do their bidding if they cry and scream loud and long enough. Most parents come running immediatly when the baby cries. If a parent doesn't enforce that crying or screaming just to make them come running is wrong early enough, the child will grow up thinking that people can be manipulated into doing what they want them to do… by doing whatever it takes to make that person come running.  Instead of tears and screams and temper tantrums, it's feelings and emotions to threaten their victims.  So, what started as a sweet innocent childish behavior, becomes a dark need to control.  An individual like this will do things like stop talking, hold sex hostage, cut off money and or affection and etc. This is to manipulate someone into doing what they want them to do when and how they want them to do it.

    Dark Psychology is about researching the individual that has this kind of thinking process. It aids psychologists in understanding the motives behind these actions. The patterns shown before these actions became manipulative and or devious is extremely important.  In helping an individual to better understand these feelings in order to control them so as not to hurt or harm another person.  Dark Psychology illuminates human nature's dark side.  When it comes to Manipulation both the abuser and the victim experience the effects of Dark Psychology.  I would like to discuss certain aspects of  dark psychology in order to know the impact people who exhibit certain characteristics of personality that are considered mysterious such as narcissism, psychopathy and machiavellianism are likely to have Problems in all facets of their relationships.  They have a higher inclination to commit a crime if all three traits are present in one person.  The three aforementioned personality traits have specific characteristics grouped under them.  For example; Narcissism is characterized by a sense of entitlement. Emotions of superiority and deep jealousy of others' success and exploitative behavior.

    Psychopathy has an absence of conscience, and absence of compassion, aggressive impulsive behavior, self-centeredness and an inability to accept responsibility are some of the symptoms.  Machiavelli characteristics are indicators of selfishness, ruthlessness, and manipulative behavior.  These traits are problematic separately, but when they are put together, it spells danger especially in the relationship between a person, and others in the workplace.  For instance; that kind of person would underperform in the office, even with the most mundane tasks, obstructing productivity because of their inability to get along with others.  This would cause them to be intensely disliked by others and this would lead them to make questionable decisions that are not ethical if they are put in an administrative capacity and are more likely to commit white-collar crimes. 

    In Interpersonal relationships they are likely to face the following problems.  Their consistent need for attention and affirmation from their partner may be overwhelming, resulting in break-ups due to the physical and emotional pull of the relationship demanding unreasonable time and attention and admiration.  On the other hand if you are reading this book and experiencing this within yourself, it's important that you receive the emotional assistance you need to help you change this behavior.  It doesn't matter how deeply rooted these issues are with the right form of therapy you will change your actions and perceptions. 

    The first step is to accept the situation for what it is, recognize that you have a problem and immediatly seek help.  For the rest of us, it leaves us emotionally and mentally drained to deal with people who have these traits.  I mentioned on previous pages the effects can be physical on the body causing stress, at times even fatal in some cases.  Often those who exhibit these traits come from an environment that exhibited these traits.  Be it family or friends-peers, it's a ripple effect of actions directly related to or has results of dark personality traits.  There is one thing that can not be ruled out, there are certain negative habits learned from watching others that can turn one into an abuser as well and this cycle continues well into the future until somebody has the courage to break free and take a bold step forward for change. For example: Children from abusive homes grow up to be abusers more often than not. In some cases they find themselves trapped in equally abusive relationships and their attempts to break away from the parental mold of their childhood even though they are not the abusers themselves is extremely hard.  They can also grow up with deep seeded hatred for their parents although they may smile and seem to have forgiven the hurt and pain they secretly want to see their parents hurt and struggle and at the mercy of their hand.  Like the preverbal shoe on the other foot.  And pouring salt on the wound analogy they desire to see their tormentors struggle and suffer all the while saying; I love you.   

    Also, It can be like having a very strong gravitational pull toward violent elements that dominated their home throughout youth.  For some becoming victims can have such a tremendous impact on their psyche, it can cause them to snap inside emotionally.  I read that it may be temporary, triggering them to lose all control over their primitive instincts and get stuck in an emotion causing an act of violence based solely on the greatest emotion that emerges that is normally held back is suddenly released with no control.  This is what causes some people to plead Temporary insanity.  This gets people to embrace the dark side emotions that surface when they snap they lose any set of morality, it goes out the window and generally the outcome is catastrophic. 

    Manipulation is risky, but it can become a beneficial force if it's put in a more positive light.  If you can be a convincing person and not only get what you want but also satisfy other people's needs it will make it easier for you to get the things you want most in life.  Rather than always doing things that you don't like doing, being the yes man/woman, or allowing people to take advantage of your good nature you can become as powerful as the people who have previously tried to control you. 

    You may even be at a stage in your life where you are absolutely afraid of dealing with people on a personal level outside of the cashier at the supermarket.  Why would you want to do something to someone else that in the past has caused you to grieve?  This kind of thinking is because only the negative types of manipulation are known to us.  It is important that we become articulate individuals who know what we want in order to live a harmonious life.  Not only that, but it's important to make sure we have the tools to understand how these things can be done.  The first important step in this method is to identify the forms of manipulative personality traits as well as the individual things that usually follow them. 

    You may have heard of the famous type of personality Narcissist.  A person who only thinks about himself/herself and gets the things he/she wants.  Narcissists may benefit from compassionate or highly sensitive people who are more concerned with other people's well-being, thus making it seem as if they are in need of a caregiver, sympathy, money, attention, control, etc.  In this book I will discuss constructive and negative attitudes and how in our own relationships we can incorporate some of these helpful behaviors so that we will be better able to see how positive influence will change our life for the better.  If we can do this, it will be nice to bring joy to others lives instead of pain and heartache.  I also will discuss how we communicate with our bodies, the signals and responses we're giving off and what other people might take away from our body language and the verbal communication along with it. The more you learn about the human mind the less you will be affected by yourself and to make those around you better.  I will share a lot throughout this book, and it will be easy to learn and practice in order to protect yourself from harm and to better your well-being from those who simply have no empathy for others. 

    Remember, at the end of your day that you should only have a positive effect on others.  When you find that your way of being is offensive to others more often than not, it's something within you that is the problem.  This is a time for you to sit down and think about how you speak and react to others.  There will always be jealousy coming from someone somewhere, even resentment in the heart from past pain.  However, when you interact with others no matter where you go, or who you speak to and it is a problem it may not be jealousy it may be your disposition. 

    Thank You

    Thank you for the opportunity to share what I have learned over the years.  I also want to thank all those who support me in my literary journey.  I am a life and Relationship Coach of  Walking The Path To Your Success NLP Life Coaching Services. I have been studying Psychology for several years now, and although I am not a clinical Psychologist as of yet, I want to contribute my knowledge of personality traits and disorders for informational purposes for those who want and need to know what they are. 

    We live in a very violent world

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