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Discovering Your Inner Light
Discovering Your Inner Light
Discovering Your Inner Light
Ebook240 pages4 hours

Discovering Your Inner Light

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About this ebook

Discovering Your Inner light is a training manual on how to grow your intuition from a feeling to a voice so you can grace our earth flowing meant to be. The manual provides you with the words to block social distractions and listen intently as to hear your voice inside. Music raises your vibrations while in your zone which allows message to be received. Immersed in childhood memories so growth of intuition will commence which will have you on your journey to the light inside.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateJan 13, 2021
Discovering Your Inner Light

Thomas Richard Kilstrom

Thomas Richard Kilstrom is a father who found true love in his children then in the most beautiful girl ever to grace our earth. He is a natural at creating beauty in everything his heart and hands touch while passion is induced to invigorate change upon our world. Born to the light but had to wait for today to fight for our rights of life. He lived in the dark with much accomplishments along the journey until his discovery of the power of intuition. One day he woke up to the signs of the angels and started flowing on his journey in discovery of the light inside. Ventured to 105 fitness locations in 3 years, dancing while lifting weights and entertaining anyone not offended by his fearlessness. He fractured his foot dancing and found recovery in Taichi while the creation of this book came to fruition. Joined Waterbury Crunch Fitness and hit the streets to teach everyone on the power of your intuition. Befriending all first responders as these are the ones running into the action to save everyone. Uniting the people while powering up their natural born gifts, to be used in the creation of heaven on earth.

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    Discovering Your Inner Light - Thomas Richard Kilstrom

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    CREATION OF A TRAINING MANUAL to guide you to discovering your inner light. We 1st must understand we are spiritual lights in human form. We are all here to experience life with all the highs and lows to discover that love is the only way back to our light. Once you realize why you are here, everything will suddenly become completely clear and your path will unfold in front of you to walk with purpose.

    Open your eyes to the people that surround you as they are your guides to the choices you make. Just as new people you meet are meant to guide your direction. Your life experience is created through choices and your responses to situations that are presented to you. You are the only one that can discover your way back to your inner light to live connected with all here on earth or our own heaven.

    You were brought into this world with love and love is what you need to achieve to go home. We all open our eyes for the first time with different views of the world. Recognize our exitance here comes in many forms however we are all the same back home. The love that surrounds us from the beginning shapes the path we will take along our journey. The Journey is ours to own as to learn our way back to love our home.

    The moment we become aware of our surroundings our ability to choose our direction begins. From the beginning it is all about you, some with more struggles than others. Your family or whatever makes up your family have their own journeys they are following. You were delivered in front of them on their path, however not everyone is ready for what may present itself along the journey. Always remember to respond with love and the outcome will always be love.

    Our growth begins, discovering our way through the times of existence. We first look close for guidance and love but in its absence, we reach in all directions till we find a connection. Through the connection we experience our first reality of life on someone else’s journey. As we engage with more on their journey’s we start to shape into the individual we are today. Our paths our meant to cross as to grow together in search for love.

    Many descend from the influences induced through lifetimes of beliefs that we need something more than ourselves to find love. You started with love, therefore all you need is belief in yourself to achieve love. Once fallen your path is blocked with all who want you to believe they know it all. The reality is that their looking towards you to complete themselves. Believe in yourself and recognize you know it all and can be their guide to love if you choose.


    OUR EXISTENCE IN THE WORLD we all created has artificial love of one’s self portraying as an image for everyone to judge. It is the judgement of all that you require to feel connected in our world. Free yourself from the fear requiring acknowledgement from others for your wholeness as we all struggle the same inside identifying with our existence on earth. Find peace knowing that no matter your status we are all the same and as soon as you realize, love will shower upon you.

    Discover yourself by releasing all beliefs you have learned over time as that is where fear exists. All you need to start is belief in yourself and the creation of the new you will begin. It is important to understand you are not learning in this world, you are remembering what you already know. Through solitude you will discover your way then open your eyes and see the world as you were meant to, with love of all.

    The reality you exist in differs greatly from many just as many share the same existence. As we all contemplate our placement in society, no one is exempt from the internal struggles identifying our place in the creation of our own reality. If your reality is created from love, then you are pure along your journey. Realities built on anything else but your true self, lead you off on paths away from love. These paths are created through our choices and present themselves for us to learn our way back to love.

    Your journey as it has been written; the paths are yours to own, to feel the pain and pleasure as to grow in the discovery of you. Along your path you will have more choices and reactions to situations that our presented that will change you in lighter or darker ways. Lighter ways always deliver you to love though darker ways challenge you deeper with discovering your true self. Many are so lost, swirling with no one reaching to bring them to peace. If you reach to save someone; it will bring you joy which will fill inside you, opening you up to pure love.

    Greed consumes most, as it is the god they worship and instill all their beliefs. Ones who set their goals on the mighty dollar will continue to chase what they will never receive. They believe that having an elevated status in society gives them the power to hold their wealth over everyone. Most bow to their status wishing for crumbs, which in turn empowers them with more control over you. It starts with you, releasing your beliefs in fake gods and believing in yourself which will deliver you to love.

    The necessary evil to exist in the society we created, chains us to this reality that is our chaotic world. We were given a beautiful place to habitat as to flourish within the nature we were provided. Evolution was inevitable; the vision of this creation was to be a masterpiece and now glance upon what we created. We were meant to evolve with love, realizing we are all same and wondering utopia together as one. We must own what we created then realize we have the power for change and together build a new reality of love.


    AS WE LIVE IN THIS reality, look to cleanse yourself of what inhibits you from finding a moment of peace. In those moments of peace with a pure mind and body; listen to your inner self and trust what you hear as it is your true self speaking. There is no need to look towards other for answers, it is within everyone to discover what they already know from deep inside. Everyone is so busy with this existence of life that they stopped listening and now we need to learn through moments of peace.

    Moments are precious, once their gone they are only a memory to retrieve and some you could spend your existence. We all recall those memories as to provide ourselves with relief in the reality we live. Through peace you will realize, it is within you to manifest your precious moments into your reality. As a child you had an imagination of realities you could exist in, unaware of the reality we already created for you. If we were given the ability to choose before awareness, then the world we live in would not exist in this disarray.

    The discovery of yourself is timely, as you need to relearn who you are by stripping away all your current beliefs. The concept of ridding yourself of what you have learned in this reality is unimaginable for most, as they are so caught up in what is expected of them in this world. Over time you have built up layers to protect yourself from the judgement of all in this society. Covered in armor you now feel the power to judge others, doing exactly what made you protect yourself in the first place.

    Your layers way heavy on you, as it is not natural to live in fear of all. For many your front may appear strong but in reality; you are frightened inside, even those with less layers still fear judgement. We must first strip some layers to provide some relief, fear not you have it in yourself for the next step. Layers will fly off once you stop judging everyone yourself and you will open to the way of love.

    What is the first thought in your mind when you look upon someone no matter the status. Do you think you are better; are you filled with envy trying to justify your status and thinking someone else does not deserve what they have earned because it should be yours. Piece of resistance are the ones who achieve a higher status, then look down upon everyone. Even those with no bad intentions, still walk privileged with little or no thought of others. Judgement of others starts with you, shed your thoughts that place you anywhere but equal to all in this existence as your new reality awaits you.

    When you look upon everyone as equal then loving all is no different than loving yourself. If only you loved yourself then your way would have been discovered long ago. Most are so critical of themselves, hiding their perceived flaws and they create a persona to present to the world. You are deceiving yourself by not presenting your true self to all for everyone to embrace with love. We are all equal and everyone hides behind their layers of deception. Open yourself up, without fear of judgement and realize we are the same no matter your placement in life.


    THE ABILITY IS WITHIN YOU to rewrite your existence, creating a new reality filled with love. The purpose of peace is to relive all moments with an objective point of view as to learn and improve upon your responses to realities in your life. Let peace become your starting point for all interactions with others, so that you can listen clearly on what is being communicated to and around you. The messaging is this world may be advanced, however so much is lost in translation and we live our existence with assumptions of what was lost. Slowdown enough to hear what is happening all around you as to respond based on the correct information.

    Distractions all around, cause quick responses to interactions without understanding the meaning behind everyone else’s responses. You look back when you find time on your responses and whether you could have improved the situation by responding differently. Do not live life with regret as your past has made you who are today, so improve upon today from what you learned yesterday. The outcome is yours to own, with every thought you choose to bring to fruition and how you let everyone’s thoughts affect you.

    You do not need layers of armor to survive in this existence, shed your armor as you have the power to stand strong no matter what others think of you. You need to be true to yourself so that your inside shines out all negativity of those that live in fear. What do you fear and why; is the question you need to ask yourself as to find the answer and move on living fearless. Its apparent most fear judgement, but why; just maybe it is because they are judging everyone as well. Stop judging and you will not have concerns about anyone’s judgement of you.

    How do you shed a lifetime of fear instilled in you as to change your presence in this reality? You start by finding a moment at the beginning of your day to reset yourself from all the happenings of the previous day. Absorb the knowledge of yesterday, shedding the negativity while learning how to improve upon today. If you find yourself unable to reset on a situation that occurred, then now even more you need to find peace as to forgive and forget about what is pausing your existence in this reality. Stop justifying living in pain, rather than shedding all that affects you and live in love.

    Acknowledgement of accomplishments is what most seek, as if your own approval is not good enough. Looking towards others to complete themselves rather than becoming whole on their own. Look inside yourself, past the persona you created and discover everything you’re seeking is already in you. Choose one thing you do that you put all your heart, mind and body then replicate that passion out to everything you do in your life.

    Passion is your power to accelerate yourself into the creation of the new you. In your existence, you have loved something or someone so much that you would do anything achieve what you sought. Emerge into thought of the feeling of love, past or present and discover the power you emanated while in that moment. Use that moment as your strength to emanate passion into all aspects of your life. The outcomes of everything in your existence will change to what you have manifested into reality.

    Remember that you were created through love and love is what everyone seeks. Many have lost their way in search for love and have created a reality with darker manifestations that masks love. All have experienced love of some form in their existence and that feeling in the moment was like being connected to the heavens. That feeling for many may be long gone by now and thoughts of that moment may appear painful. Look past who or what brought you to that moment and only focus on the feeling you experienced, bringing love back to your reality.

    In our existence we are meant to experience pain so we can truly appreciate pleasure. The feeling of pain is an emotion which many thrive on to feel something in their reality. In the absence of love, we look for the easiest path to feel connected in this world. Misery is something many hold close to their hearts and look for others to spread their pain. They are lost in a reality with no thought of finding true love, only simple pleasures to then inflict pain. You must first recognize the reality you have created then chose pleasure over pain.

    Your choice to discover love is not an easy journey and your path will be filled with haters. Hate is such an awful concept and the word should be stripped from our vocabulary. The ones that live in the dark only look to bring pain to everyone as they do not know how to find the love from which they were created. You must search back in your existence for a moment of love, looking past the pain and discover that love is created from inside you. Embrace the love you have to offer and share openly to release all the pain you have built up in this reality.

    Living your existence created through love will manifest a reality filled with moments to strengthen you along your journey. Open yourself up to receive love by shedding some layers and let love engender inside you. To emanate love, you must first discover love of oneself then you will be on your path to experience the purest love of all. Once you open yourself up to a new reality, all you have been searching will manifest in front of you.

    In this world of deception, we shield ourselves from all who intend to hurt us and even those with no bad intentions are blocked as to not let anyone get to close. So many that surround us are there for our guidance, so lower your shield to decipher the goodness coming your way. Slow down to a speed that allows you to properly interpret all communication you receive as to respond promptly and accurately. The world can wait for your interpretation, as it has been thought through and will ultimately save you from all the anguish of miscommunication.

    Listening with all your senses will help you interpret what is missing in communications from others. As you must learn how to converse, so must everyone else which leaves an enormous gap where chaos exists. Therefore, it is important to own everything in your life and deliver the best interpretation based on all learned through your senses. Messages are usually lost in translation and most operate on limited information. If you have no expectations on others interpretation of your message, then all will be as it is expected.

    Someone must make the first step for change, let it be you who shows everyone how to open themselves up to receive by changing yourself with acceptance of all. Once you make peace with your existence then you will look at everything in a different way. Most won’t understand your need to be this way as they have their own journey in the discovery of themselves. Those who are eccentric with vision of life through loving eyes are brilliant in ways you would not understand. Identify your mentors along your journey as they are your guides to a better way.

    We are all here to learn; right from birth we needed to learn how to walk and talk to exist in this reality. Someone helped us with our first steps and words as to watch us grow as an individual. In life teachers are presented for us to learn our way through our choices. Choose to discover the mentors surrounding you and open yourself up to enlightenment. Growth is yours to own, recognizing you are not alone on the journey to love.

    The ask is huge; to relearn yourself from the beginning as to have a fresh start in a new reality. What do you have to lose; look around at the world you live, is it all what you imagined as a child? Most believe in something higher than themselves, call it what you want (God) or LOVE. So why is it so hard to imagine we were meant to live happier with a life full of love compared to our existence of pain. The reason is that we follow the choices of those from our past, rather than creating our own choices as to venture on new paths never been traveled. Go back to your childhood and find a moment of happiness you experienced then recreate a new reality from that point.

    Do you see a pattern forming, recognizing that the moments of love through our existence is our way to happiness? You must glance back upon those moments as to experience the love and bring only the feeling into your present. In simple terms, remember only the joy of past moments as anything else brings no goodness to the creation of your new reality. You need to find time in your day to exist in peace with no distractions including yourself and search for those moments that will start the growth of you.

    Within life, it is so easy to get lost in moments of time that sway us so far off our journey on paths not worth traveling. As we are meant to learn through the paths we choose, some do not offer much value and usually delay our discovery of love. Therefore, it is important to make all choices from a peaceful state of mind and body. Most times you are moving so fast, slowing down does not seem imaginably possible. However, time spent now on the correct choice will save you greatly then correcting misinterpretations along harder ways.

    The journey is for you to travel, from birth to your choices that develop you along the way. No matter where you are in life, pause for a moment and reflect upon your choices. Do not judge these choices, just learn from how each decision changed you and paths traveled. Recognize the knowledge gained from every encounter, some give us lessons learned and others provide a new path to travel. Use the information you have gathered from reflecting on your life with non-judgmental eyes and create a new way of being.

    The reality we exist moves fast paced where everything is recorded and readily available online for all to see our persona, which masks our true selves. With one snap of a pic and click of a post, your reality could change in ways most cannot conceive. The world waits to judge you while hiding behind their own masks of fear. Taking high ground, positioning themselves above you as to criticize your expression of life. Those who are fearless look upon the ones

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