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LOVE is a Four Letter Word- An Action! Series Book
LOVE is a Four Letter Word- An Action! Series Book
LOVE is a Four Letter Word- An Action! Series Book
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LOVE is a Four Letter Word- An Action! Series Book

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In this episode of the Action! Series we come to the big first birthday celebration for Mark Antonious Richfield and Stan Charles Richfield’s son, Isaac. With the estate filled with friends and family and after weeks of planning, the Nation’s Top Male Model anticipated the perfect day for his son...until...someone unexpected crashes the party.

Meanwhile, Mark’s first husband, Steven Jay Miller, struggles with his anger and resentment over the situation, and finds comfort in his mother’s words.

Loose cannon LAPD SWAT cop Joe Scarbino strikes up an unlikely friendship with a movie actor, and has high hopes he can finally land a celebrity husband, but his ‘date’ is deep in the closet.

Love. Once you had it and then it vanished. Where does the love go?
For Sharon, Love is a four letter word, and not the one she would use to describe how she feels for her former fiancé, Mark Antonious Richfield.

Come back to the men of the Action! Series as they stumble around in this thing we call life.

(All Action! books can be read as ‘stand-alone’. This series is written like a television show, so dive right in! Or, watch Capital Games, the pilot of the series now on demand and DVD.)

PublisherGA Hauser
Release dateMar 21, 2020
LOVE is a Four Letter Word- An Action! Series Book

GA Hauser

About the AuthorAuthor G.A. Hauser is from Fair Lawn, New Jersey, USA. She attended university at The Fashion Institute of Technology in NYC, and has a BA in Fine Art from William Paterson College in Wayne NJ where she graduated Cum Laude. As well as degrees in art, G.A. is a Graduate Gemologist from the Gemological Institute of America (GIA). In 1994 G.A. graduated the Washington State Police academy as a Peace Officer for the Seattle Police Department in Washington where she worked on the patrol division. She was awarded Officer of the Month in February 2000 for her work with recovering stolen vehicles and fingerprint matches to auto-theft and bank robbery suspects. After working for the Seattle Police, G.A. moved to Hertfordshire, England where she began to write full length gay romance novels. Now a full-time writer, G.A. has penned over 200 novels and short stories. Breaking into independent film, G. A. was the executive producer for her first feature film, CAPITAL GAMES which included TV star Shane Keough in its cast. CAPITAL GAMES had its Film Festival Premiere at Philly's Qfest, and its television premiere on OutTV. G.A. is the director and executive producer for her second film NAKED DRAGON, which is an interracial gay police/FBI drama filmed in Los Angeles with the outstanding cinematographer, Pete Borosh. (also the Cinematographer for Capital Games)The cover photographs of G.A.'s novels have been selected from talented and prolific photographers such as Dennis Dean, Dan Skinner, Michael Stokes, Tuta Veloso, Hans Withoos, and CJC Photography, as well as graphic comic artist, Arlen Schumer. Her cover designs have featured actors Chris Salvatore, Jeffery Patrick Olson, Tom Wolfe, and models Brian James Bradley, Bryan Feiss, Jimmy Thomas, Andre Flagger, among many others.Her advertisements have been printed in Attitude Magazine, LA Frontier, and Gay Times.G. A. has won awards from All Romance eBooks for Best Author 2009, Best Novel 2008, Mile High, Best Author 2008, Best Novel 2007, Secrets and Misdemeanors, and Best Author 2007.G.A. was the guest speaker at the SLA conference in San Diego, in 2013, where she discussed women writing gay erotica and has attended numerous writers’ conventions across the country.

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    LOVE is a Four Letter Word- An Action! Series Book - GA Hauser


    an Action! Series Book



    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright © G.A. Hauser, 2020


    Book 53 of the Action! Series

    Copyright © G.A. Hauser, 2020

    ISBN Trade paperback: 979-8609-8589-1-7

    © The G.A. Hauser Collection LLC

    This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or business establishments, events or locales is coincidental.

    All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.


    This book contains material that maybe offensive to some: graphic language, homosexual relations, adult situations. Please store your books carefully where they cannot be accessed by underage readers.

    First The G.A. Hauser Collection LLC publication:

    March 2020


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    Chapter 1

    It was the Friday evening before the big event.

    In his hand, the Nation’s Top Male Model, Mark Antonious Richfield, held a list of things he had to do. Slowly he was working his way through it. Mark spoke to his manservant, Warren, Right, we have twenty-six adults, two infants…a dog… he chuckled as he said the last word.

    Warren had his own checklist and nodded as tasks were accomplished. The bassinette is ready for Jacob.

    A little flutter of nervous excitement washed over Mark. Jacob Bentley Hill was his newborn son. This child, a product of an affair with his ex-fiancée, Sharon Tice-Hill, was about to have his first visit to the estate here, in Paradise, California.

    Warren continued, I’ve placed it in the nursery, where you suggested, across from Isaac’s crib.

    Yes…good. Mark, his glasses on his nose, kept referring to his list. I suspect we can give the guests their usual rooms. Since Mark had affairs like this before, Warren placed the couples in the same rooms. It made them happy, and it was easier for Warren.

    The estate in Paradise was originally built by Mark’s deceased father, Milt Richfield. Milt had also created a garment manufacturing firm, which Mark and his ex-husband, Steven Jay Miller, had taken over.

    Years ago, the mansion had been sold to two Brits; friends of the talent agent Adam Lewis. Dr Jason Phillips and his husband Ewan Gallagher had remodeled the mansion extensively, making it more modern, as well as adding walls to the enormous bedrooms, doubling the number. That made it easier to accommodate everyone. Mark had bought the mansion back from the two men after taking over his father’s company once his mother passed away.

    Everything had been updated by the two, including the indoor pool, which was now as large as the outdoor one. The tennis courts, the basketball court, the spa…all redone to glorious top quality remodeling. And when Mark purchased it, he upgraded the horse stables as well.

    Warren and his wife, Sierra, who was their cook, didn’t live at the mansion. But they took care of everything, maintaining a high living standard for the occupants.

    After giving up his Dangereux Cologne modeling contract, Mark continued to work in film as well as being the CEO of Richfield-Miller International.

    Right. Mark read his list. Balloons?

    Warren nodded. Yes. I have the helium tank in the garage.

    Mark peered over his eyeglasses at him. You’ve got it under control, don’t you?

    Warren chuckled. That’s what you pay me for.

    Off you go. Mark waved him away. All I’m doing is slowing you down.

    Warren laughed loudly and headed out to keep prepping.

    Mark smiled at him and removed his glasses. He had to fly to Los Angeles tomorrow to pick his newest offspring up. Jacob and he will fly in his private jet to Sacramento’s airport, then his chauffeur would drive them here to Paradise.

    As his anxiety grew over his baby-mama’s behavior, Mark took a deep breath and looked for his husband…number two.


    Twenty-seven year old, Stan Charles Richfield worked out in the gym section of the mansion’s spa. The spa was a massive room with marble flooring, walls, and fixtures, as well as a hot tub, sauna, an Olympic-sized pool and a workout room. He lifted weights while Mark’s first husband, Steve Miller, ran on the treadmill. It was raining at the moment and the former cop turned adman, turned CEO, wasn’t about to get soaked.

    Stan checked himself out in the wall of mirrors as Steve upped the tempo of his workout, making the treadmill whine as he sprinted.

    Stan was a big man, standing nearly six foot four inches. He was twenty years younger than his top model husband, the stunning Mark Antonious with his long brown hair and green eyes. A tribal tattoo covered Stan’s chest, peeking out from the tank top he wore.

    Glancing at Steve, Stan’s attention was drawn to Steve’s goatee. The former cop had dyed it since it had grown in grayish white. It didn’t matter. The goatee did not suit the handsome man. But, Stan wasn’t in a position to comment.

    He returned the heavy weights to the rack and left Steve to work out on his own. Stan peeked into the library and his nannies, Blake Hughes, a retired Los Angeles fireman, and Tadzio Andresen-Miller, Steve’s second spouse, a transgender individual, and former fashion model/actor, were in the library with his son, Isaac. Tomorrow Isaac Milton Richfield was turning one year of age.

    This weekend he and his son were going to meet Isaac’s new brother, Jacob Bentley. Not only was that exciting news, but one of his best friends, Becca McKenna, was pregnant. Becca had been their surrogate for Isaac, and was pregnant with Stan’s child this time. Isaac was for Mark, his DNA, while this second baby was with his.

    Thankfully, the sex he had with Becca had created a baby, since he really didn’t want to make love to her again.

    It was very early in her pregnancy so they weren’t telling too many people at the moment, hoping she didn’t miscarry.

    He had seen her over the holidays, and that was when they had made love.

    Dada! Isaac spotted him peering into the room. He was on the floor with Tadzio and Blake, playing games. The games were teaching Isaac words, not only in English but also in French, a language both Mark and Tadzio spoke.

    Tadzio, with her long blonde hair and powder blue eyes smiled at Stan. The Swedish knockout had her top surgery, and that had completed her personal journey from a he to a she.

    Izak! Dat iz your daddy! She said to Stan, Iz dinner?

    I don’t think so. I just finished working out. Okay if I shower? Stan thumbed behind him.

    Blake waved him off. Go. We’ve got Isaac.

    Stan threw Isaac, or ‘Zak’, a kiss and continued walking down the long hallway. Warren had prepared all of the bedrooms for occupancy, and there were a whopping thirteen of them. He was excited to see his parents again. His dad was a New York State Attorney General, and his mom worked in her own law firm. His kid sister Leslie was in law school.

    Stan jogged up the grand mahogany staircase from the foyer, and made his way to his and Mark’s bedroom to shower.


    At their Malibu beach house, Jack Charles Larsen folded items into a suitcase. He and his husband, Adam Lewis, were invited to the estate in Paradise this weekend for Isaac’s birthday party. Pausing to gather his thoughts, Jack stared into space for a moment.

    His mind was on Sharon’s newborn son, Jacob Bentley Tice-Hill. The fact that Mark had sex with his former fiancée, had sex in a church no less…in a church in Pasadena where Steve’s LAPD sergeant father had his funeral mass…well…yes, that was Mark Richfield at his worst.

    Since Jack had been the one to plan Mark and Sharon’s wedding a decade ago, and seen Steven Jay Miller swoop in and steal the top model from the altar…

    Sharon Tice-Hill finally found her revenge.

    Giving birth to Mark’s son had permanently tied the gorgeous model to her. Maybe that was what she had always wanted?

    Jack had stayed out of it. He didn’t want to take sides. He was a lawyer and there was no way in hell he was going to help them with their paternity mess. A mess which was ongoing.

    Jack had no idea how Mark had managed to get Brent Hill, Sharon’s kickboxing stockbroker husband, to allow Jacob to visit the estate, but…as far as Jack knew, Jacob was indeed on the guest list.

    Adam entered the room and tossed toiletries into the case they were sharing. They were only staying the weekend. Mark had everything they needed already in the rooms, so they didn’t pack much.

    Adam stood by, reading his phone. Dean’s around ten minutes out.

    Okay. Jack closed the suitcase and zipped it up. Mark had arranged for his pilots to fly guests up to Sacramento’s airport. From there Mark’s chauffeur, Louis, was going to shuttle them to the mansion.

    Adam sat on their bed and exhaled loudly. The handsome talent agent appeared to be contemplating. When’s Mark flying here to pick up Jacob?

    Jack immediately held up his hand. Nope. Don’t ask. Don’t care. Don’t want to be involved.

    Adam raised one eyebrow at him. Ya-huh.

    Jack tucked his phone charger into the pocket of the suitcase and brought it to the front door. Since they lived in Malibu, Dean, a chauffeur from a limousine service they used often, picked them up first on his way to the airport.

    Adam put his jacket on and did a walkthrough of the house to lock windows and doors.

    Jack held his jacket and stood at the front door, staring out at the coastal highway, thinking about Sharon.


    Thirty-year-old superstar, Alexander Mark Richfield packed clothing into a suitcase that was open on his bed. He tapped his chin and then stuffed his bathing suit and a decent pair of jeans into the luggage.

    A white furry blur hopped onto the bed and dropped a chew toy, a sock monkey, into the suitcase.

    Alex laughed at his loony saluki-mix dog, Lady. I won’t forget it, don’t worry.

    Lady hopped off the bed and spun around in excitement.

    LAPD Lieutenant William Paul Sharpe entered the bedroom.

    Alex smiled at his police hubby, giving him a quick peck on the lips.

    Billy peered into the suitcase, spotted the toy and chuckled. He entered the bathroom and gathered a few of his toiletries. Did you pack the gift?

    Isaac was Billy’s godson, and the tough fifty-year old cop adored that little guy. Isaac was also Alex’s half-brother.

    After handing Alex his shaving kit to pack, Billy crouched down in the closet to lock his pistol up. Lady went into the closet with him.

    Alex packed his phone charger and then set the wrapped gift they had purchased on the bed so he’d remember to take it.

    Lady, stop it.

    Alex peered into the walk-in closet. Lady had a habit of chewing the police patches off Billy’s uniform shirts. She had a thing for uniforms, but it wasn’t the same ‘thing’ his dad had. Ha. Lady seemed to hate them.

    Lady? Alex called to her.

    She left the closet and looked up at him with her big brown doe eyes.

    Leave Billy’s shirts alone. He laughed, thinking it was hilarious since they were surrounded in police officers.

    His phone buzzed with a text. Alex took a look, then said, Dean’s ten minutes out.

    Okay. Billy shut the closet door as Alex zipped the suitcase.

    Lady spun around in excitement as if she knew…knew they were headed north to the estate; a piece of paradise in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range.

    Alex was excited as well, and wondered how his dad was going to get Jacob Bentley to the estate.


    LAPD homicide lieutenant Jeff Chandler read his phone as his husband, robbery detective Mickey Stanton, packed. They were headed to Paradise this weekend for a birthday bash.

    Jeff was excited to go. Anytime he got to see Mark, he was a happy camper. He adored that top model. Absolutely adored him.

    Knowing Mark had arranged for transportation to and from the airports, Jeff expected a mob. Mark loved to entertain and did so often enough to please everyone.

    No doubt the model expected nearly thirty people for Isaac’s magical day. Jeff glanced at his husband as Mickey locked their guns into a safe.

    Any word on Joe? Jeff asked.

    Last I heard he tried to get the weekend off but he’s working. Mickey spun the dial on the safe and stood up, hands on hips. He told me he doesn’t have any more days off to burn. He’s been calling in sick when he’s not.

    Jeff thought about the hot SWAT cop/model they were making love to. Joe Scarbino had taken over Mark’s modeling contract for Dangereux cologne. Ever since they met the stunning cop, Mickey and Jeff had been having three-way sex with him and loving every minute of it…until…

    Until Joe met Jeremy Runner.

    Jeremy was a Hollywood celebrity that had starred in several movies with Alexander Richfield. The adorable actor had just been nominated for an Academy Award for his role in a navy SEAL movie, B is for Bravo.

    The headlining stars in that film included Stan Charles Richfield, Mark’s second husband, as well as Carl Bronson, another huge celebrity. Carl and his husband Keith O’Leary were also coming to the estate.

    Mickey read his phone. Dean’s ten minutes out.

    Okay. Jeff finished packing, then plodded down the stairs of their loft condo. He sent Joe a text, just to make sure, ‘are you coming to Paradise?’

    A text came back, ‘gonna try.’

    ‘we’re leaving now.’

    ‘maybe I can drive up after shift?’

    Jeff didn’t like that idea. Joe’s SWAT shifts were long and arduous most days, and the thought of him driving eight hours after working…nope.

    Mickey opened their front door after setting the luggage near it.

    Jeff called Joe. He didn’t want the guy killing himself on the road. Joe was a klutz and accident prone. He’d slid Mark’s Ducati motorcycle not long after he’d bought it.


    LAPD SWAT cop Joe Scarbino read his phone while waiting for the command to make entry. His team was helping the FBI in an arrest of a violent suspect in a seedy area of Los Angeles.

    When his phone rang, his team and commanding officer looked at him as if he were nuts.

    Joe winced at the noise and answered it quickly. Yo. Chandler. I can’t talk. I’m on a stakeout.

    Fuck. Sorry. Don’t drive. I’ll pay your one way airfare.

    Dude! I just made eighty-K on Mark’s Ducati. Joe had sold Mark’s red Ducati Panigale last week at auction. He paid the model fifteen grand for it and made a huge profit since Mark’s ass and balls were on that motorcycle seat. I can fly up and maybe call in sick.

    Officer Scarbino. His sergeant glared at him.

    Gotta go. Joe disconnected the call and stuffed his phone into his black cargo uniform pants’ pocket.

    The SAC gave them the signal. Joe lowered his face shield, held his rifle, and jogged to the house they were going to raid.


    Josh Elliot and his lover Tanner Cameron packed bathing suits to use in the spa. Since they were LA lifeguards, they were helping teach Isaac to swim. The last time they were in Paradise, they managed to teach Isaac how to hold his breath underwater. Who knew what they could teach him now?

    Tanner brought the suitcase closer to the front door in anticipation of Dean’s arrival.

    Don’t forget this. Josh held up a plastic bag with a wrapped gift for Isaac. Mark had a registry for items the little guy may need. So, he and Tanner bought Zak a float/kickboard that they could use to help him learn how to swim.

    Cool. Tanner checked a list he’d made. Since it was February 1st tomorrow, they weren’t working on the beach. Both men were now training young men and women for the upcoming summer season. When the heat hit Southern California, the beaches were packed.

    But, now they could take time off, so they did.

    Not only that, but they had remodeled their Hawthorne home, and finally managed to finish it. Josh was so sick of contractors and their mess, he never wanted to do it again.

    Both of their phones vibrated.

    Tanner read his. Dean’s ten minutes out.

    Cool. Josh shut off lights in the home and checked the back door was locked, then the two of them stood near the front door, waiting.


    Sharon Tice-Hill lingered near the door to their garage of their Beverly Crest home. Her husband, Brent, was driving to Las Vegas to a kickboxing event.

    Daddy? Bring me a present? Seven-year-old Elizabeth Ann pouted at her father.

    Me too! Nine-year-old Chelsea tugged on Brent’s sleeve.

    He placed an overnight bag into the trunk of his car and then turned towards them.

    Jacob was in his bassinette, sleeping at the moment.

    Brent hugged his two daughters. You be good for Mommy.

    We will.

    Sharon felt the cold chill of the night air and rubbed her upper arms. She gazed at her handsome thirty-eight-year-old man, his dark goatee and shaven head. After Brent said goodbye to his girls, he stared at her.

    She gave him a sweet smile. Have fun.

    I intend to. When his light eyes met hers, she felt the comment like a threat, as if he was going to do as he pleased. She didn’t really care if he cheated because she had. With a gorgeous supermodel named Mark Antonious Richfield.

    …so worth it… She shivered.

    The girls raced into the house as Sharon hugged Brent, rocking him. She kissed him and then backed up so he

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