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Lightning in a Bottle
Lightning in a Bottle
Lightning in a Bottle
Ebook264 pages2 hours

Lightning in a Bottle

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About this ebook

In episode 47 of the Action! Series we find the men from LA hosting a Father's Day weekend. As family and friends return to the mansion in Paradise, California, more trouble brews for the Nation's Top Male Model, Mark Antonious Richfield. Sadly, the affair he had with his ex-fiancée, Sharon Tice-Hill continues to haunt and create issues for those surrounding him; and in particular, Mark’s mother-in-law and former mother-in-law.
Meanwhile, the two firemen; Blake Hughes and Hunter Rasmussen have good news to share and Alexander Mark Richfield, Mark’s son, and his LAPD SWAT Lieutenant husband, Billy Sharpe, continue to work on their own marriage, with the help of a silly puppy named Lady.

Return to the men you know so very well, and follow along on their journey for love...and maybe, Mark will be lucky enough to capture lightning in a bottle, and find peace of mind.

PublisherGA Hauser
Release dateAug 30, 2019
Lightning in a Bottle

GA Hauser

About the AuthorAuthor G.A. Hauser is from Fair Lawn, New Jersey, USA. She attended university at The Fashion Institute of Technology in NYC, and has a BA in Fine Art from William Paterson College in Wayne NJ where she graduated Cum Laude. As well as degrees in art, G.A. is a Graduate Gemologist from the Gemological Institute of America (GIA). In 1994 G.A. graduated the Washington State Police academy as a Peace Officer for the Seattle Police Department in Washington where she worked on the patrol division. She was awarded Officer of the Month in February 2000 for her work with recovering stolen vehicles and fingerprint matches to auto-theft and bank robbery suspects. After working for the Seattle Police, G.A. moved to Hertfordshire, England where she began to write full length gay romance novels. Now a full-time writer, G.A. has penned over 200 novels and short stories. Breaking into independent film, G. A. was the executive producer for her first feature film, CAPITAL GAMES which included TV star Shane Keough in its cast. CAPITAL GAMES had its Film Festival Premiere at Philly's Qfest, and its television premiere on OutTV. G.A. is the director and executive producer for her second film NAKED DRAGON, which is an interracial gay police/FBI drama filmed in Los Angeles with the outstanding cinematographer, Pete Borosh. (also the Cinematographer for Capital Games)The cover photographs of G.A.'s novels have been selected from talented and prolific photographers such as Dennis Dean, Dan Skinner, Michael Stokes, Tuta Veloso, Hans Withoos, and CJC Photography, as well as graphic comic artist, Arlen Schumer. Her cover designs have featured actors Chris Salvatore, Jeffery Patrick Olson, Tom Wolfe, and models Brian James Bradley, Bryan Feiss, Jimmy Thomas, Andre Flagger, among many others.Her advertisements have been printed in Attitude Magazine, LA Frontier, and Gay Times.G. A. has won awards from All Romance eBooks for Best Author 2009, Best Novel 2008, Mile High, Best Author 2008, Best Novel 2007, Secrets and Misdemeanors, and Best Author 2007.G.A. was the guest speaker at the SLA conference in San Diego, in 2013, where she discussed women writing gay erotica and has attended numerous writers’ conventions across the country.

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    Book preview

    Lightning in a Bottle - GA Hauser


    An Action! Series Book



    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright © G.A. Hauser, 2019

    This book is dedicated to

    Jim St Claire.

    You may be a math and science

    genius but,

    there’s no such word as



    Book 47 of the Action! Series

    Copyright © G.A. Hauser, 2019

    ISBN Trade paperback: 9781-0766-8303-8

    © The G.A. Hauser Collection LLC

    This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or business establishments, events or locales is coincidental.

    All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.


    This book contains material that maybe offensive to some: graphic language, homosexual relations, adult situations. Please store your books carefully where they cannot be accessed by underage readers.

    First The G.A. Hauser Collection LLC publication:

    August 2019


    Your non-refundable purchase of this e-book allows you to only ONE LEGAL copy for your own personal reading on your own personal computer or device. You do not have resell or distribution rights without the prior written

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    The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

    Chapter 1

    Ali Bergman felt pretty good after the non-stop flight from New York to Sacramento. Seated in the back of a stretch limousine, one her son Stan Charles Richfield had arranged to pick them up, Ali and her attorney general husband, Michael Bergman, held hands.

    As they drove to Paradise, California to spend Father’s Day weekend with their son and new grandson Isaac ‘Zak’ Milton Richfield, Ali felt a knot of worry in her stomach.

    Her twenty-seven year old son had married a divorced forty-seven year old supermodel; Mark Antonious Richfield. Not only was their marriage rushed, in her opinion, they had rushed to have a child as well, using one of Stan’s good friends as their surrogate.

    As Ali worried for her son, she recalled the phone calls from him, telling his father, Michael, Mark had cheated.



    Cheated with a woman he had once left at the altar. Then after having sex with her, the top model is wondering if this married woman, Sharon Tice-Hill, was indeed carrying his baby. Sadly, this gossip was all over the celebrity news.

    The fact that her son had gotten involved with the seamy side of the Hollywood elite, had become the topic of slanderous rumors and bad television reporting, worried her.

    Ali was herself an attorney, and had wanted her son to be successful as well. But, she didn’t think that included marrying into money instead of earning it.


    Ali snapped out of her dismal thoughts to Michael’s concerned expression.

    Don’t make a big deal about it. Okay? Michael squeezed her hand. We’re here to see Zak and support Stan, not involve ourselves in their personal lives.

    Ha. Ali wasn’t so sure she was going to be able to bite her tongue when it came to Mark’s infidelity. The man was gay! Hello? So now her son had to be worried he’d have sex with women to get babies? That’s insane.

    Ali? Michael narrowed his eyes at her. Don’t.

    She didn’t make any promises to him because she was a woman of her word.


    Stan held Mark close as they reclined on a padded chaise lounge together. Tonight, Friday night, he and Mark were sleeping over Mark’s friends’ house in Malibu. It was the first time Stan had been to Jack Larsen and Adam Lewis’ home. He loved it.

    No matter which room you were in, you could hear the ocean waves. It was unbelievable.

    While he and Mark gazed at the crashing tide as the long summer day slowly gave way to night, Stan checked the time on his Patek Philippe watch, a wedding gift from his model husband. He knew his parents must have landed in Sacramento by now.

    Since he and Mark had originally come to LA to see Mark’s son Alexander’s movie premiere, he felt a little guilty to be here while his parents arrived at the estate in Paradise.

    Blake Hughes and Tadzio Andresen were watching their son, Zak, while they were away.

    Blake was a paramedic/firefighter, who was out on a back injury, playing nanny to Zak as he recovered. Tadzio was Mark’s ex-husband’s wife. The Swedish runway model had recently undergone top surgery in her journey to becoming a woman.

    Both of them were capable of handling Isaac, who was five months old.


    Stan still felt guilty for not being there. Since it was only eight pm, Stan kissed Mark to get his attention and whispered, Maybe I should see if I can take a commuter flight home. We’re not going to the premiere now and Mom and Dad should be arriving soon.

    Mark stirred slowly, as if he had been dozing. Yes. Perhaps. He sat up and placed his bare feet on the sandy patio.

    Stan ran his hand down Mark’s arm, admiring him as he took a moment before standing up.

    Mark Antonious Richfield…supermodel…was stunning. A thick mane of brown hair brushing his shoulders, emerald green eyes lined with dark lashes, and a body to die for.

    Mark stood unsteadily and rolled the glass slider back to enter the home through the kitchen. Stan sat up and took his phone out of his pocket, sending his father a text, ‘are you at the house yet?’

    ‘Close. around ten out.

    Fuck. Stan searched his phone for flight information to see if he could hop a commuter plane to Sac. Mark’s pilots were on call, but Mark had already scheduled them to take a load of friends and family to the estate tomorrow morning.

    Since this was Father’s Day weekend, Mark had invited nearly thirty people to join them at his mansion in Paradise.

    Stan gazed at the ocean waves and wished Mark had never had that affair with Sharon Tice. The mess it had made of the top model; this new obsession to watch over that woman…the woman who appeared to hate his guts, was making the handsome man insane.

    More insane.

    Mark was already crazy.

    Stan glanced into the house through the slider and inhaled deeply for strength.


    Feeling rough from not eating and chronic worrying, Mark looked for Jack or Adam. He found both in the study at the computer working. Adam Lewis was a talent agent that represented both Mark’s son Alexander, and Stan as well as dozens of Hollywood actors.

    Jack Larsen was a named partner in his own law firm.

    The two men were busy, hard-working individuals.

    Mark hugged Jack from behind and gazed at the computer screen he was working on. Adam was beside him on his laptop.

    Jack paused in his work and took off his glasses, drawing Mark closer. How are you?

    Stan is worried about his parents showing up without us there. Mark ran his hand over his hair, brushing it back from his eyes. He’s considering us flying back tonight instead of tomorrow.

    Adam stopped typing and turned the swivel chair towards him. What’s the big deal? You already have a flight arranged for us at eight tomorrow. He can’t handle being here for one night?

    Mark pouted at Adam. Don’t be so hard on him. He’s a responsible man and a good father.

    Jack drew Mark to sit on his lap. The big gym-junkie hugged Mark around his waist. Whatever you want. I can drive you to the airport.

    Adam made a sarcastic noise in his throat and kept working.

    Mark swatted him playfully, making Adam laugh. Mark closed his eyes and rested his head on Jack’s shoulder. I’m tired, Jackie.

    Go to bed.

    It’s eight. Mark smiled.

    Any word from Alex about how his premiere is going? Adam asked as his fingers flew over the keyboard.

    I imagine the film is just beginning. Mark decided leaving tomorrow was good enough. He couldn’t imagine trying to get to the airport now and possibly flying stand-by, not when he had a private jet taking them north tomorrow.

    Mark noticed Stan peering into the room. Love? Is it all right if we keep it as planned and go tomorrow?

    Sure. Stan shrugged. Mark? Do you want to take a walk on the beach with me? It’s so beautiful here.

    Jack nudged Mark to go. That sounds like a great idea. Why don’t you unwind before bed? Adam and I have more work to do.

    Mark stood from Jack’s lap and kissed Stan as he passed him. Let me just freshen up. Mark entered a bathroom in their guest bedroom and relieved himself, wishing that mansion in Paradise was closer to LA. This traveling back and forth was making him crazy.


    He was already insane.


    Alexander Mark Richfield tugged at his tuxedo’s bowtie. As he sat for the premiere of his last film, Pirates, Alex grew impatient. He hated the movie. He hated being the gay romance lead, and hated wagging his dick on film.

    On his left side was his forty-nine year old LAPD police lieutenant husband, Billy Sharpe. On his right was his costar, Kinsey Thomas, a very young man at nineteen, who played Alex’s love interest in the film.

    Since a scant few of Alex and his father’s close friends enjoyed these premieres, Alex and Billy didn’t have the support group around them that his father normally did.

    Alex’s kid sister, Amy Lehman, was here with her new boyfriend, and…that was it. Even Alex’s actor friend Jeremy Runner, didn’t show.

    As he sat through the film, impatient and upset by his full frontal nudity, Alex held Billy’s hand tightly and kissed his knuckles. Billy gazed at him while the film played on the big screen.

    Alex tried to smile at him, since Billy didn’t enjoy these events either. Alex wanted to be home. He wanted to be with their new puppy, Lady. He wanted to leave tomorrow for Paradise, to spend time with his dad.

    He didn’t want to be in a stupid tuxedo watching a stupid movie.

    Billy shifted on the seat and put his arm around Alex, drawing him close. Alex was grateful for Billy’s strength, because if it were up to him, he’d leave, walk out, and go home.

    But…he was responsible. He had to do this for the producers and the investors. Yes. He had to. All week Alex had done the talk show circuit, promoting it.

    As another sex scene hit and he had to listen to his fake orgasmic cries, Alex closed his eyes and rested his head on Billy’s shoulder, imagining they were already up north in Paradise.


    Steven Jay Miller was sick to death of the sound of a baby crying. His wife, Tadzio, and their fireman friend Blake were trying to quiet Zak, who was teething as well as missing his daddies.

    The two caregivers were upstairs in the nursery trying to get the kid to sleep.

    Stan’s parents were expected and Steve was a little miffed he was now the host. The trip Mark and Stan took south wasn’t planned out well, obviously. It was a sneaky way for Mark to check in on Sharon Tice-Hill. Why Stan went was anyone’s guess. He could be keeping tabs on his cheating hubby.

    Steve left his bedroom on the first floor and walked to the kitchen. Their cook and manservant had gone home for the day but Sierra had prepared a snack for Stan’s mom and dad, having it ready for their arrival.

    Steve gazed outside the large glass pane to their stable, where four horses were housed. Four. He had managed to ‘rent’ a small quarter horse mare for his ten year old niece, Chloe to ride. Luckily their horse groom, Andrew Wilson, took care of transporting it. They now owned a horse trailer, so Andrew helped Steve out. The three horses they owned; Mark’s Arabian, Piccadilly’s Phantom, Jack’s thoroughbred, Shadow of the Knight, and Stan’s Percheron mix, Bollward’s Tempest, or Bull, were housed in the newly remodeled barn.

    The view from the kitchen’s nook area included the outdoor pool, the tennis courts, the basketball courts and the meadows beyond, leading to the base of the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range.

    It was spectacular.

    Living in this mansion; thirteen bedrooms, fifteen bathrooms, a two-story library, an indoor spa which included a whirlpool, a sauna and weight-room; a study for their computers, a theater/gaming room, an enormous living area, a working kitchen, dozens of balconies and two dining rooms, was a dream for Steve.

    He’d grown up with a big sister in a middle class home of a police sergeant and a church lady mom. Steve had gone into the military and police, like his dad had.

    Now, after marrying…and divorcing…Mark Antonious, he was working with Mark as dual owners of the mega-billion dollar garment industry Mark’s father had created; Richfield-Miller International. The company had offices here in Sacramento, in London, New York, and Paris.

    Steve heard a car riding on their gravel drive. He walked through the foyer and opened the door.

    Their chauffeur, Louis, had pulled the stretch limousine in front of the columned entrance.

    Under the spotlight from the porch, below the circling moths, Steve stepped outside as Louis opened the back door of the car.

    Ali Bergman, looking Manhattan chic in her dress slacks and shawl wrap, smiled at Steve.

    Michael, dressed in smart casual, dark slacks and a cotton shirt, emerged from the car behind her.

    Steve! Ali hugged him warmly.

    Hiya, Ali. How was the flight? Steve liked Stan’s parents…a lot.

    Long, but on time. We can’t complain. She stepped back as Michael greeted Steve.

    Hey, Steve. Michael hugged him affectionately. Good to see you.

    You too, sir. Steve embraced the handsome man and gave them both a warm smile as Louis brought their bags into the house.

    Thanks, Louis, Steve addressed him, You’ll pick everyone up tomorrow at the airport?

    Yes. Mark has reserved a bus for the weekend to handle the big group.

    Cool. Thanks. Steve waved at his chauffeur who also went home in the evenings. He held the door open for Ali and Michael and they entered the grand foyer.

    Ali asked, Has Warren given us the same room?

    He has. He knew she was referring to the guestroom they had stayed in back in November. Steve picked up the larger of the two suitcases as Michael took the second bag, and they climbed the stairs. Sierra prepared a snack for you.

    That was lovely of her.

    Since it was quiet, Steve held up his finger to his lips. Shh. It sounds as if Blake and Tadzio finally got Zak to sleep.

    They nodded as Steve walked them to the bedroom. As they passed the nursery, Steve heard the lullaby music playing from the mobile that hung over the crib.

    Tadzio spied Ali and rushed towards her from Zak’s room.

    Ali! Tadzio whispered and hugged her.

    Hello, Tadzio. Ali kissed her cheek.

    Steve turned on a light in a guestroom and set the luggage on a bench.

    Tadzio greeted Michael warmly and Blake entered the room to say hello. They were all whispering.

    How was your flight? Blake asked after shaking Michael’s hand.

    Good. No issue. Michael smiled.

    Come see! Tadzio clasped Ali’s hand and led her to the nursery.

    Be quiet though, Blake whispered, It took forever to get him down.

    The four of them tiptoed into the nursery.

    Steve remained outside it, leaning on the doorway. He heard their hissing words of joy at how big Zak had gotten since they had seen him last February when he had his bris.

    Steve left them alone and jogged down the stairs to set out the meal Sierra had provided. As he did, he figured he’d let Stan know they had arrived. He removed platters from the refrigerator and placed them on the counter, then walked to his bedroom, where he’d left his phone. Steve sent Stan a text, ‘your parents arrived.’

    ‘Thanks, Steve. I really appreciate it.’

    ‘No prob. see ya in the morning.’ Steve left the phone on the nightstand and looked forward to the weekend. His mom and sister’s family were headed here in the morning, and he was excited to see them.

    However, a slight darkness was in his heart.

    Father’s Day.

    His dad had committed suicide five months ago, so this was going to be tough on him and his sister. Steve heard the group coming down the grand mahogany staircase, and met them in the hallway.

    He extended his hand towards the kitchen and the New Yorkers relaxed as they ate a snack and sat in the nook with Tadzio and Blake.

    I love this home. Ali smiled as she placed fruit and cheese on her plate.

    You wait, Ali… Tadzio giggled. When you see Zak swim! She clapped. He iz such a big boy!

    Blake smiled at them. He’s saying dada and apple…he’s even trying to walk.

    How can that be? Ali shook her head in awe. He’s doing so well. I’m thrilled.

    Steve removed several bottles of water from the fridge and placed them

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