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Catching Fire; An Action! Series Book 48
Catching Fire; An Action! Series Book 48
Catching Fire; An Action! Series Book 48
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Catching Fire; An Action! Series Book 48

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About this ebook

In this episode of the Action! Series we find the men from LA in trouble. After a relatively calm few weeks, the proverbial shite is about to hit the fan. All this drama occurs with the backdrop of a state that’s on fire.

Top Model Mark Antonious Richfield finally comes face to face with Brent Hill, his ex-fiancée’s husband. Since Mark had a brief fling with Sharon Tice-Hill, who is now pregnant, Brent and Mark face off in the pregnant woman’s office. After that fiasco, Mark gets a call out of the blue from a London solicitor, and that could only mean bad news.

Meanwhile, transgender lovely, blonde, Tadzio Andresen-Miller begins to suspect her brother from Sweden is lurking around the estate in Paradise, California. Is she correct? Or just imagining things?

Handsome blond attorney, Jack Larsen, once more receives devastating news from Florida.

Superstar Alexander Mark Richfield gets lucky with more movie auditions, and LAPD SWAT officer Joe Scarbino gets himself in way over his head.

Come back to the men you love...or hate...and find out what happens next!
(The Action! Series is written like a television episode, so jump right in!)

PublisherGA Hauser
Release dateSep 23, 2019
Catching Fire; An Action! Series Book 48

GA Hauser

About the AuthorAuthor G.A. Hauser is from Fair Lawn, New Jersey, USA. She attended university at The Fashion Institute of Technology in NYC, and has a BA in Fine Art from William Paterson College in Wayne NJ where she graduated Cum Laude. As well as degrees in art, G.A. is a Graduate Gemologist from the Gemological Institute of America (GIA). In 1994 G.A. graduated the Washington State Police academy as a Peace Officer for the Seattle Police Department in Washington where she worked on the patrol division. She was awarded Officer of the Month in February 2000 for her work with recovering stolen vehicles and fingerprint matches to auto-theft and bank robbery suspects. After working for the Seattle Police, G.A. moved to Hertfordshire, England where she began to write full length gay romance novels. Now a full-time writer, G.A. has penned over 200 novels and short stories. Breaking into independent film, G. A. was the executive producer for her first feature film, CAPITAL GAMES which included TV star Shane Keough in its cast. CAPITAL GAMES had its Film Festival Premiere at Philly's Qfest, and its television premiere on OutTV. G.A. is the director and executive producer for her second film NAKED DRAGON, which is an interracial gay police/FBI drama filmed in Los Angeles with the outstanding cinematographer, Pete Borosh. (also the Cinematographer for Capital Games)The cover photographs of G.A.'s novels have been selected from talented and prolific photographers such as Dennis Dean, Dan Skinner, Michael Stokes, Tuta Veloso, Hans Withoos, and CJC Photography, as well as graphic comic artist, Arlen Schumer. Her cover designs have featured actors Chris Salvatore, Jeffery Patrick Olson, Tom Wolfe, and models Brian James Bradley, Bryan Feiss, Jimmy Thomas, Andre Flagger, among many others.Her advertisements have been printed in Attitude Magazine, LA Frontier, and Gay Times.G. A. has won awards from All Romance eBooks for Best Author 2009, Best Novel 2008, Mile High, Best Author 2008, Best Novel 2007, Secrets and Misdemeanors, and Best Author 2007.G.A. was the guest speaker at the SLA conference in San Diego, in 2013, where she discussed women writing gay erotica and has attended numerous writers’ conventions across the country.

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    Catching Fire; An Action! Series Book 48 - GA Hauser


    an Action! Series Book



    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright © G.A. Hauser, 2019


    Book 48 of the Action! Series

    Copyright © G.A. Hauser, 2019

    ISBN Trade paperback: 978-1085-9928-0-0

    © The G.A. Hauser Collection LLC

    This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or business establishments, events or locales is coincidental.

    All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.


    This book contains material that maybe offensive to some: graphic language, homosexual relations, adult situations. Please store your books carefully where they cannot be accessed by underage readers.

    First The G.A. Hauser Collection LLC publication:

    September 2019


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    Chapter 1

    The Nation’s Top Male Model, Mark Antonious Richfield sat behind his desk at his wholesale garment manufacturing company. Richfield-Miller International had offices in London, Paris, New York, and here, in Sacramento, where he and his ex-husband Steve Miller worked. By midday, Mark stretched his back, removed his eyeglasses, and stood from his leather chair.

    Steve had left to buy them lunch at a local deli.

    Mark walked closer to the wall of windows overlooking the Sacramento skyline and river. He brushed his long brown hair back from his eyes, catching his reflection in the glass.

    Tomorrow he was going to Los Angeles with his second husband, Stan Charles Richfield. Stan had a modeling shoot for the cologne line, Dangereux Obsession, as well as an appointment at a recording studio for his commercial voiceovers for a truck maker.

    Since he and Stan had a six month old son, Isaac ‘Zak’ Milton Richfield, Mark was hesitant to leave him behind, but…

    Mark had two excellent caregivers; Blake Hughes, one of his best friends was a firefighter out on a medical leave for his back, and the other was Steve’s current wife, Tadzio Andresen.

    Besides, it’s only one day, two at the most.

    As Mark thought about his young husband and son, he returned to his desk to pick up his cell-phone just as Steve entered the office.

    His former LAPD cop turned, ad-man, turned CEO looked sexy in his designer blue business suit and brown shoes.

    Steve placed a white paper bag on the table in the suite section of the office and washed his hands at the sink near the wet bar.

    Mark watched his Steven take off his suit jacket, then roll his sleeves up and sit down on the sofa. Steve removed two protein drinks from the bag, as well as his sandwich and a salad for Mark.

    Steve glanced up at him and said, "You are eating."

    Mark left his phone and glasses on his desk and walked across the large office. He rinsed his hands, poured more coffee for himself, and sat across from Steve.

    As he chewed his sandwich, Steve pointed to the container of salad. I got you one of those high protein, low-cal grain bowls.

    Mark tried to read the ingredients but couldn’t without his glasses. He set it back on the table and drank the strong coffee. He wasn’t hungry.

    When are you and Stan going to LA? Steve asked, twisting open the cap of his drink.

    We’re supposedly driving early tomorrow. Mark stood to get his glasses and returned, reading the food label.

    Mark? Its five fucking ingredients. Will you just eat it?

    Mark opened the lid and picked up a plastic fork, tasting it. After he chewed and swallowed, he said, I looked into the paperwork Warren submitted for our helipad.

    He got Steve’s attention since he’d been trying to get them one since they settled into the mansion in Paradise. The commute to work was a little over an hour, so the former cop wanted a helicopter to bring them instead of a car. And?

    He’s requested a full service helipad, when really, Steven, all we need is a vertiport. Mark set the grain bowl aside and held his mug near his nose, since he loved the scent of coffee.

    A…what? Verti-port?

    Yes. A pad. We don’t need a full service area with fuel pumps, etcetera.

    I thought that’s what I asked for. Steve finished his sandwich and picked up the grain bowl, tasting it.

    No, love. You asked for a helipad. Mark gazed at his ex. Steven, I had a read of the information for the FAA. You do realize if we do get a helistop or vertiport, it may be used for other residents. If there is some kind of emergency, medical, fire, earthquake, our property will be Grand Central Station.

    Steve’s expression sank and he set the bowl on the table. Oh.

    I assume we can fit a sixty-four by sixty-four foot platform, but, we still need to see what we are zoned for. Mark set his cup down and ran his hand over his hair. Warren hadn’t applied for an airspace study. But, Steven, he’s a butler, not an urban planner.

    A butler. Steve chuckled. He’s not our butler. He gathered the wrappers and threw them out.

    Well, whatever you wish to call him, he isn’t an urban planner. Mark rose up and refilled his mug with more coffee.

    Mark? Steve threw out the grain salad. I know why Stan is going but…why are you going to LA?

    Mark shut off the heating plate for the coffee pot, since he had finished the contents. He held his cup near his mouth and met Steve’s gaze. You know why.


    Mark sipped the strong coffee as he returned to his desk.

    You’re going to check on her pregnancy. Steve stood near his own desk.

    Why do you ask when you already know? Mark placed his cup on a warmer on his desk and sat behind it, putting his glasses back on.

    And Stan’s okay with that?

    What’s this got to do with you? Mark didn’t mean to sound cruel, but…Steven wasn’t his husband any longer.

    Other than the fact that you and Sharon had an affair at my dad’s funeral mass?

    Yes. Mark was serious. He didn’t want Steve involved.

    Taking a seat at his desk, Steve appeared to read Mark’s expression and stopped his inquisition. He tapped at his computer keyboard and resumed working.

    Mark’s mobile phone chimed. He put his glasses on and picked it up to see who was calling.


    While his husband Lt Billy Sharpe was teaching at the LAPD police academy, Alexander Mark Richfield memorized lines. He had several auditions to perform this week for movie roles.

    After spending the weekend with his dad in Paradise along with their extended family and friends, Alex was still on summer hiatus for his nighttime television cable show. He usually worked on a movie during that time.


    Alex was sick of doing gay romances with full frontal nudity. He was going to be thirty-years-old. It felt odd to flash his dick now.

    Standing in his home office/study, Alex printed off the sides for the first audition he had tomorrow. He brushed his long brown hair behind his shoulder and gathered the pages as they printed. A light touch against his leg drew his attention.

    His lieutenant husband had gone fishing two weeks ago with his old army buddy Ken Brooks, and this puppy, this floppy, adorable, white Saluki-mix dog, adopted him.


    Lady sniffed around the carpet and then looked up at him.

    Her silly face made Alex smile. Alex returned his focus to his lines and read the scenes the director wanted him to audition with.

    Alex sighed and carried the pages out of the study to memorize. He gazed outside of their Bel Air, California home to the view of the Getty Museum beyond their pool. As his thoughts turned to work once more, Alex picked up his phone and sent an actor friend a text, ‘you free?’

    ‘No. I’m very expensive.’

    Smiling at Jeremy Runner’s sense of humor, Alex kept texting, ‘I want to ask you about an audition.’

    ‘yours or mine?’


    Alex’s phone rang. He sat down at the kitchen table and Lady followed him, lapping at the water in her bowl and then sitting near the slider and staring outside.

    Hey, Alex said as he answered.

    Hey, pixie. What audition are you referring to?

    Adam found me four new films. Two are shitty gay romances. Want to costar in them with me? Alex had already done a pair of films with Jeremy, and fucking loved working with him. Although the handsome movie star was deeply in the closet, he did do gay film roles.

    Which films?

    "Venetian Blue and The Hard Way." Alex read the titles from the pages or ‘sides’ he’d printed.

    Hang on.

    Alex stared at Lady, who was staring outside at the pool. Do you want to go out? he asked her.

    She glanced back at him and her tail wagged slowly.

    Alex stood and slid back the glass door. She stepped outside to the patio and sat back down, still staring out at the horizon.

    Ya there? Jeremy asked over the phone.

    Yep. Alex joined Lady outside since it wasn’t too hot out yet. He shut the slider behind him.

    "I’m already reading for The Hard Way."

    Alex’s pulse rate soared. Yeah? He was thrilled.

    Let me guess. You’re reading the role of William Winsor.

    And you’re Dick Hunt! Alex laughed loudly and Lady’s long, floppy ears rose up as she stared at him.

    Laugh now, pixie, but you’re the one playing the whiney bitch while I’m the loser with a death wish.

    We sound perfect for each other. Alex hoped they were cast together.

    When’s your audition?

    Tomorrow. Alex tapped his phone to read the time. At one.

    Same here. I guess they had something in mind when they offered me the part. It appears the two of us together is a winning combo.

    Okay. Alex felt so much better about this role now. Adam also got me two auditions for non-gay, non-sexual comedy parts. But, they’re not headliners.

    Then don’t do them.

    Alex sat on the foot of a padded lounge chair. Lady approached him and stood next to him. Don’t do them? I have to do them. Jeremy, I’m stuck in a gay-full-frontal-rut.

    Whatever, pixie. I have to run.

    So, after the audition tomorrow, lunch?

    I can swing coffee…how’s that?

    Cool. See ya at the studio. Alex smiled.

    You will.

    He disconnected the call and looked at Lady. I get to work with Jeremy again!

    Lady wagged her fluffy tail and then stared into space.


    Hollywood talent agent Adam Lewis tapped keys on the computer while in his downtown LA office. He and Jack had just returned from visiting Mark’s estate in Paradise this morning, and both he and his busy lawyer husband were back at work.

    Okay, Adam… a casting director said.

    While on the phone Adam wrote emails to his clients, Carl Bronson and Keith O’Leary.

    …we’ll bring those two in for a reading.

    Adam finished composing the email to the handsome stars, attaching the television pilot episode script. Perfect. Awesome.

    We have Carl playing the head detective, but Keith will be more than a sidekick.

    Look, Buzzy, whatever you can give these guys is appreciated. They both loved working on a TV series. Adam proof read his words and then sent the emails. While he worked he heard his two assistants, Natalie Cushman and Logan Navaeh, working right outside his office.

    Yeah- we want them back on TV too. We did a demographics study and they came back with great numbers.

    Thank fuck. Adam was happy those men were still popular. Good. Thanks. I mean it.


    Adam tapped the earpiece in his ear to disconnect the line and then took a second to think. Keith O’Leary had just finished a run in a theater play. Luckily that stint did wonders for the handsome blond’s career.

    He didn’t have any trouble getting Carl roles. Carl had recently completed a war movie with Stan Charles. Carl had made the leap from gay to straight roles. Maybe because he was bigger than Keith? More masculine?

    Adam didn’t like to think of it that way, but…

    Maybe. Who knows?

    His phone chimed with a text. Adam leaned over his cell-phone to read a text from Keith, thanking him.

    Adam smiled and sent back, ‘break a leg.’

    He then, sent his husband Jack a text, ‘I think Carl and Keith are going to be back on TV soon.’

    ‘Great news!

    Adam snapped back to work-mode just as Natalie said, Line two, Adam!

    Okay, Nat. Can you or Logan do a coffee run? He peered into his empty mug.

    You bet.

    Thanks. He tapped the earpiece and said, Adam Lewis, can I help you?


    Jack Charles Larsen typed on his computer keyboard while in his downtown law office. As he caught up on cases he’d put on hold last week, he kept thinking about Mark coming to stay with them tomorrow. With Stan.

    Jack didn’t mind, really. After all, he liked Stan, right?

    But, he loved Mark.

    Mark Antonious had been Jack’s best friend since college, twenty years ago. After meeting the stunning man at Stanford U, Jack and Mark had been roommates, housemates, and then finally lovers. But, they hadn’t been lovers until years later, after Mark and Steve had married. After he had married Adam.

    Not only were he and Mark friends for two decades, Mark had been engaged to Sharon Tice…ten years ago. After jilting her at the altar for Steve Miller- the former LAPD cop, Sharon was working on a devious plan for payback retribution.

    She had seduced the top model last February, in a church no less.

    Now the ‘leggy blonde’ was pregnant, expecting in November-December.

    As if that wasn’t enough of a nightmare, Sharon was married and already had two daughters from her husband, a bruiser of a financial advisor named Brent Hill. Whether Mr Hill knew his wife had cheated or not, was anyone’s guess.

    Jack stopped typing as his thoughts became intrusive. He took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes.

    So, tomorrow, while Stan had obligations for work, Mark was going to come to LA to stalk his pregnant ex-fiancée. Again.

    As Jack stared into space, he had a bad feeling about this mess. Not only was Mark becoming obsessed with Sharon’s unborn son, Jack knew Sharon was risking her marriage to Brent. No matter how sexy and hot Mark Antonious Richfield is, no man wants their wife to fuck him for his DNA for the sole purpose of bearing pretty offspring.

    Fuck! Jack battled to get his work done, because this bullshit was going to get much worse, before and if…it ever got better.


    Stan printed the script for his truck voiceover. Seated in the study of his and Mark’s mansion in Paradise, Stan read the few lines he had to record tomorrow.

    The photo shoot for the cologne was easy. No lines. All he had to do was wear a SWAT type uniform and look mean.


    Stan looked up from his script to Tadzio holding his son Isaac’s hands as she walked with him. Little Zak couldn’t walk on his own yet, but he was trying.

    With his little light-up shoes, Isaac held Tadzio’s hands and appeared proud of himself.

    Hey, champ! Stan set his paperwork aside and held out his hands.

    Zak made his way towards him. Tadzio released her grip on him when Stan picked up his little man and held him up over his head. Zak squealed in delight.

    Blonde, Swedish, runway model, Tadzio Andresen-Miller, Steve’s new wife, had undergone top surgery last February in her transitioning from male to female. Tadzio was a fashion runway model for a decade before being cast with Alexander in a now canceled nighttime cable TV vampire drama, Being Screwed.

    Blake and I wanted to know if you would like to feed Izak. Tadzio, wearing a short skirt, strappy sandals, and a blousy low cut top, had her long hair flowing down her shoulders. She was stunning. If you didn’t know she wasn’t born female, you never would guess.

    Tadzio had been taking hormone treatments since before puberty.

    Sure. Stan held Zak on his lap as he logged off the computer.

    You will be gone for how long? she asked.

    Just one day, one night. Stan folded his voiceover script and then stood from the swivel chair and carried Isaac to the kitchen.

    The mansion had thirteen bedrooms, two dining rooms, an indoor and outdoor pool, a spa, a theater/game room, a library, a study, a massive working kitchen, fifteen bathrooms, a stable containing three horses, tennis and basketball courts, and was located right at the foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range.

    The handsome fireman, Blake Hughes, was already in the nook area; a bench seating space with a fabulous view of the back of the property. Tadzio waited for Stan to sit opposite Blake, then she sat with him to help.

    Their cook, Sierra, smiled brightly and handed Tadzio Zak’s bib.

    As the baby realized he was going to eat, he grew vocal and excited. Appull!

    Blake chuckled. I guess apple is now everything edible.

    Stan tied the bib and Sierra handed him a small ceramic bowl and baby spoon. Their amazing chef was making Zak organic baby food, so, no jars of chemical crud for his

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