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My Three Sons- An Action! Series Book 53
My Three Sons- An Action! Series Book 53
My Three Sons- An Action! Series Book 53
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My Three Sons- An Action! Series Book 53

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In episode 53 of the Action! Series we rejoin the boys from LA after the New Year celebration at the estate in Paradise, California.
The Nation’s Top Male Model, Mark Antonious Richfield, battles for visitation for his newborn son after having sex with his ex-fiancée Sharon Tice-Hill in a church. Mark finds himself juggling his time between his three sons, trying to keep them, and himself happy and sane.
Mark’s ex-husband, Steven Jay Miller, finds himself in hot water after flirting with a young employee of Richfield-Miller International.
Steve’s new wife, Tadzio Andresen-Miller gets a role as a woman, after her top surgery, making the Swedish model a very happy lady.
Meanwhile, SWAT officer Joe Scarbino finds a way to get out of debt by auctioning Mark’s Ducati motorcycle, while striking up a new friendship with a hot Hollywood celebrity.

Come back to the men of the Action! Series for more sexy romps and insanity from the men you love...or hate.
(All Action! books can be read as ‘stand-alone’. This series is written like a television show, so dive right in! Or, watch Capital Games, the pilot of the series now on demand and DVD.)

PublisherGA Hauser
Release dateFeb 20, 2020
My Three Sons- An Action! Series Book 53

GA Hauser

About the AuthorAuthor G.A. Hauser is from Fair Lawn, New Jersey, USA. She attended university at The Fashion Institute of Technology in NYC, and has a BA in Fine Art from William Paterson College in Wayne NJ where she graduated Cum Laude. As well as degrees in art, G.A. is a Graduate Gemologist from the Gemological Institute of America (GIA). In 1994 G.A. graduated the Washington State Police academy as a Peace Officer for the Seattle Police Department in Washington where she worked on the patrol division. She was awarded Officer of the Month in February 2000 for her work with recovering stolen vehicles and fingerprint matches to auto-theft and bank robbery suspects. After working for the Seattle Police, G.A. moved to Hertfordshire, England where she began to write full length gay romance novels. Now a full-time writer, G.A. has penned over 200 novels and short stories. Breaking into independent film, G. A. was the executive producer for her first feature film, CAPITAL GAMES which included TV star Shane Keough in its cast. CAPITAL GAMES had its Film Festival Premiere at Philly's Qfest, and its television premiere on OutTV. G.A. is the director and executive producer for her second film NAKED DRAGON, which is an interracial gay police/FBI drama filmed in Los Angeles with the outstanding cinematographer, Pete Borosh. (also the Cinematographer for Capital Games)The cover photographs of G.A.'s novels have been selected from talented and prolific photographers such as Dennis Dean, Dan Skinner, Michael Stokes, Tuta Veloso, Hans Withoos, and CJC Photography, as well as graphic comic artist, Arlen Schumer. Her cover designs have featured actors Chris Salvatore, Jeffery Patrick Olson, Tom Wolfe, and models Brian James Bradley, Bryan Feiss, Jimmy Thomas, Andre Flagger, among many others.Her advertisements have been printed in Attitude Magazine, LA Frontier, and Gay Times.G. A. has won awards from All Romance eBooks for Best Author 2009, Best Novel 2008, Mile High, Best Author 2008, Best Novel 2007, Secrets and Misdemeanors, and Best Author 2007.G.A. was the guest speaker at the SLA conference in San Diego, in 2013, where she discussed women writing gay erotica and has attended numerous writers’ conventions across the country.

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    My Three Sons- An Action! Series Book 53 - GA Hauser


    An Action! Series Book



    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright © G.A. Hauser, 2020


    Book 53 of the Action! Series

    Copyright © G.A. Hauser, 2020

    ISBN Trade paperback: 978-1659-2111-1-5

    © The G.A. Hauser Collection LLC

    This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or business establishments, events or locales is coincidental.

    All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.


    This book contains material that maybe offensive to some: graphic language, homosexual relations, adult situations. Please store your books carefully where they cannot be accessed by underage readers.

    First The G.A. Hauser Collection LLC publication:

    February 2020


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    Chapter 1

    With the holidays and New Year behind him, the Nation’s Top Male Model, Mark Antonious Richfield had resumed his acting role with his son, Alexander, in a feature film. He and his superstar son Alexander Mark Richfield were costarring in a gay romantic comedy as the love interest for another, third, man.

    Actor B Harper Culp had joined the cast of Venetian Blue as the man in love with both father and son.

    In order to finish the film without being him away from home for months, Mark had arranged to be in Los Angeles three days a week; Monday through Wednesday, and then he would be home in Paradise, California for the rest of the week, working at his garment manufacturing company; Richfield-Miller International in Sacramento with his ex-husband, Steve Miller.

    Not only was Mark in LA for the filming shoot, he also was keeping tabs on his newborn son, Jacob Bentley Tice-Hill. After an affair with his ex-fiancée, Sharon Tice-Hill, whom he had impregnated while in a church in Pasadena at a funeral mass, Mark wanted to be in that child’s life.

    That funeral mass was for his ex-husband, Steve Miller’s police sergeant dad. Yes, Mark had fucked his ex-fiancée in a church. What else is new? Nothing he did was logical.

    Mark had intentions of having this new child visit his estate up north for his second youngest son, Isaac Milton Richfield’s first birthday.

    In other words, life for Mark was chaotic…as usual.

    But…by the end of January, the call sheets had less and less on them for Mark to complete. He was very near wrapping his role as Cliff Beckett, movie mogul.

    Mark? Their director drew Mark’s attention. Are we ready?

    Mark waited as his face was powdered by their makeup woman. Yes, he replied, his character’s lines filling his muddled mind.


    Steven Jay Miller worked on the computer at his desk at Miller-Richfield International. Mark may be in LA for the first three days of the week, but he was in his office in Sacramento keeping the garment manufacturing firm running efficiently. His wife, Tadzio Andresen, a Swedish fashion model/actor was with him today at work.

    Tadzio, who had completed her transition from a man to a woman after her top surgery, offered to help Steve out while Mark was occupied with the feature film. The blonde beauty sat at Mark’s desk, using his computer.

    Their office in a high-rise building in downtown Sacramento was spacious and contained both of their desks and a wet bar area with seating.

    With the madness of the holidays just a faded memory, Steve craved peace and calm. What was there to stress over? Sharon Tice-Hill had her baby, obviously admitted Mark was the daddy, and hopefully when that kid, Jacob Bentley, had visitation, he wouldn’t scream all day. Steve wasn’t a fan of babies. It was the reason he and Mark divorced.

    When an employee from the art department, Sheldon Wyatt, tapped his doorframe, Steve and Tadzio looked up from their computers.

    Mr Miller? the young man asked.


    Is Mr Richfield expected this week?

    Steve glanced at his wife, then replied, Yes. He’ll be here Thursday…Why?

    The young man didn’t answer his question, but he lowered his head and said, Okay. Thanks.

    After Sheldon left, Tadzio asked Steve, What was dat about?

    Steve wondered the same thing. He had befriended a young lady, Vivica Scott, from the art department recently. But, that had nothing to do with this young man seeking Mark, did it?


    Steve returned his attention to his work.


    LAPD lieutenant Billy Sharpe stood in front of an academy class of police recruits; thirty-five men and women insane enough to want to be police officers in Los Angeles.

    After a long military and police career, which encompassed SWAT and being the chief of police for Santa Monica, Billy taught defensive tactics, including, arrest techniques and self defense, as well as trying to get the students fit and ready for the mean streets.

    As the newbies formed lines in front of him on the mat in the gym, Billy wanted them to go for a long street run. In January the weather was perfect for working out outdoors. It was mild, in the sixties and no rain was predicted for today.

    Wearing his blue gym shorts and an academy T-shirt, Billy who was fifty years old, was in better shape than some of the twenty year olds he was commanding.

    Let’s go! he yelled and led them outside. As he began their eight mile route, Billy noticed once again the athletic young men running along with him while the recruits who weren’t in top shape, lagged.

    Get back there and encourage the stragglers, he thumbed behind him.

    When the few men hesitated or exchanged looks, Billy ordered, Now!

    The three young men raced to the end of the line and he finally heard them shouting, Good work! Keep going!

    Shaking his head to himself, since this happened with each class, Billy kept up a steady pace and couldn’t wait to be home with his superstar, Alexander, and their Saluki-mix dog, Lady.


    Stan Charles Richfield looked after his and Mark’s eleven-month-old son, Isaac ‘Zak’ Milton Richfield in his and Mark’s estate in Paradise, California. The mansion was enormous with thirteen bedrooms, a spa with a sauna, hot tub, workout room and pool; a library, a theater room, a stable housing three horses, basketball and tennis courts, and a huge outdoor pool with a slide at the deep end.

    The entire home and stable had been upgraded, redesigned, and remodeled after friends of Mark’s; Ewan Gallagher and Dr Jason Phillips, had purchased it from Mark’s mother. Mark had bought the home back from them when the two Brits decided to move back to London after Ewan’s acting career fizzled.

    Helping Stan and Mark care for Isaac was a dear friend, Blake Hughes. Blake had retired from the Los Angeles Fire Department. After twenty-five years on duty, Blake had left because of a back injury. Now he and his firefighter husband, Hunter Rasmussen, lived at the estate. Hunter had transferred to the Butte County Fire Department and was hired as a captain.

    While Blake played learning games with Zak in the library, Stan lifted weights and worked out. He had recently starred in a blockbuster war movie, B is for Bravo. It had its Hollywood premiere before Christmas. The film had an international release and exceeded all expectations, meeting its sales goals.

    That meant a huge cash bonus for Stan, and twenty percent to his talent agent, Adam Lewis.

    At the premiere Stan had been approached by other directors and producers for more work, but…no. Stan decided he was not going to accept more roles in films until his little one went to school.

    Stan pumped a loaded bar over his head as he watched his form in the mirrored wall. Loud music blasted in the room.

    He gazed into his hazel eyes, then at his chest which had a tribal tattoo. Stan set the weight down and caught his breath. Tomorrow Mark was expected to return home from LA.

    Isaac was Mark’s biological son. One of Stan’s best friends, Becca McKenna, was their surrogate. The delightful young woman had slept with Stan over the Christmas/New Year holiday. Mark had invited a dozen friends to the estate to celebrate. Stan had made love to Becca, and hoped one and done could make a baby. The idea of sleeping with a woman again didn’t please him.

    But, time would tell. She hadn’t contacted him with news, so…maybe he had to do it again?

    Stan added more metal plates to the bar and resumed his workout.


    Talent agent Adam Lewis worked at his desk in downtown Los Angeles. With his earpiece in his head, a strong espresso coffee drink on his desk, and his fingers flying over the computer keyboard, Adam connected his stable of stars to parts and auditions.

    Alex and Mark Richfield were in the midst of production on Venetian Blue, so Adam worked on the rest of his clients. An email popped into his box. It was from an awards committee. It appeared Carl Bronson, a close friend and client, was being nominated for an award. Carl and Stan had recently starred in a mega hit film, B is for Bravo, and the raves Carl was getting for his heart-wrenching performance as a Navy SEAL who dies in the film had showcased Carl as a high-powered celebrity.

    This wouldn’t be the first award Carl had received. The handsome, soft-spoken star had been awarded an Oscar for his work on a film he had costarred in with Alexander, From A to Zeke. In that film Carl had played a closeted gay man who falls in love with a male prostitute, who was played by Alex in the film.

    Adam was thrilled and immediately sent Carl the email with, ‘Congratulations! Well deserved!’

    He knew Carl and his husband, Keith O’Leary, were currently working on the set of a nighttime cable TV drama Paranormal PD.

    Awesome. Adam laughed and stood from his desk. He picked up his coffee cup and stepped out of his office. Two coworkers, Natalie Cushman and Logan Navaeh, were working at their desks.

    Adam waited for them to finish their phone calls and then said, Carl is up for an Academy Award.

    Natalie, with her purple hair and sleeve tattoos, piercings and silver rings, whooped it up with Logan, who whistled and pumped his arms.

    Smiling at the happy news, Adam hoped this New Year was better than the last. Last year? Well…it sucked.

    His husband, Jack Larsen, lost his mother in mysterious circumstances. That mess loomed like a dark shadow over him at the moment.

    But, he was happy for any good news at all.

    Adam hung out with his employees to discuss the awards as he took a break from the madness of ringing phones.


    Blond-gym-junkie Jack Charles Larsen waited in a courthouse with his law partner, Sonja Knight. His firm had joined another law firm, Black, Coe, and Frye, in a class action lawsuit against the vaping industry.

    Sonja, looking gorgeous in her designer peach-colored skirt and jacket, and high heels, took the lead on the prosecution with Maureen Coe.

    The two mocha-skinned women attorneys knew how to win cases. They were top-notch. Maureen Coe was a powerhouse, an ace litigator.

    Since this class action suit was going to be a major battle, his law firm was actively hiring more interns and paralegals just for this case.

    While he, Sonja, and Maureen waited for a decision from a judge, Jack thought about Mark. Mark was in LA working on his film.

    He and his husband Adam had taken a break from the stress of the holidays and from Mark’s paternity chaos, and had spent ten days in Gran Canaria.

    But, they had celebrated New Year’s Eve in Paradise with Mark and the gang. Jack was relieved to be back. Happy to be working again and very glad Mark and Sharon were working out their paternity battles without him. For that he was extremely grateful. Both Sharon and Mark were his best friends, and taking sides wasn’t the blond attorney’s style.

    Your Honor, the opposing counsel said, We’d like to postpone this hearing until—

    Delay it? Sonja piped up. I’m sorry, Your Honor, but this delay tactic is ridiculous. Our clients are sick and dying.

    Maureen said, This isn’t the first time, Your Honor, they have played this game. First they refused to supply paperwork and now this?

    Jack smirked as he stood behind these two powerhouses.

    While Sonja and Maureen argued, Jack studied their opposition knowing the tobacco company was on shaky ground since people, especially young people, were indeed dying or getting sick from the flavored vape-smoking. So far in this suit alone, they had twenty-five hundred litigants with vape-related illnesses, and fifty-five vaping deaths.

    Right now, Jack’s focus was on his work. Maybe over the weekend he’d head north with Adam and ride his thoroughbred horse, Shadow of the Knight, at the estate.


    LAPD lieutenant Jeff Chandler grew weary of the grunt work he was doing in IAG, the internal affairs group. He hated it.

    Nothing pissed him off more than dirty cops.

    Jeff exhaled in irritation as he read more complaints, shaking his head at the level of stupidity on both sides, sworn and civilian.

    While he struggled through poorly drafted complaints, his captain stepped into the room. Lieutenant Chandler?

    Jeff, who was wearing a suit and tie, his gun in a shoulder holster, stopped what he was doing. Yes, Captain?

    A big smile came to the captain’s face. You’re being transferred.

    Jeff’s heart skipped a beat. To?

    The captain placed a sheet of paper on Jeff’s desk. There it was, his transfer to…homicide! He was going back!

    Yes! Yes! Jeff did a happy dance while seated.

    I’ll try not to take it personally. His captain laughed.

    Oh! No offense, sir. Jeff chuckled. So? As of…now?

    Seriously? You hate it that much you don’t want to finish the day?

    Uh…yes? Jeff made a silly face at him and held up the papers he was reading as evidence to his displeasure.

    Go. The captain thumbed behind him. Get lost.

    Yes! Yes! Jeff gathered the two personal items he had; his coffee mug and pen. He put his suit jacket on and held out his hand. Thanks, Captain.

    You’re welcome. Sorry we couldn’t hang on to you.

    Homicide was Jeff’s passion. Will you be offended if I say I’m not sorry?

    Go. Get out of here. The captain laughed and nudged him out.

    Jeff tried not to sprint. On his way to his old offices he called his LAPD robbery detective husband, Mickey Stanton.

    What’s up?

    I’m back in homicide!

    Woooo! Holy crap, Jeff, that was fast.

    Well…they knew. I mean, the captain knew how much I hated it there. Jeff trotted down a hallway and then to the stairwell. He raced back to his old office.

    Congrats, babe. I’m so happy for you.

    Hey. Why don’t we celebrate? Mark’s still in town, right? Maybe go out with him and Billy?

    Sounds good. Text Joe.

    I will. Jeff made it to his old office and entered the room. A round of applause rang out from the detectives that he used to work with.

    Jeff, holding the phone to his ear, smiled brightly. I’m back, suckers!

    He heard Mickey’s laughter over the line.


    LAPD SWAT cop, Joe Scarbino, sat at a desk for more training. It seemed all his team did was…train.

    Train for protests, train for terrorism, train for bombs, train, train…train…

    His phone vibrated in his uniform pants. Stealthily he removed it to read the text. Jeff had sent, ‘I’m back in homicide! Celebrate tonight?

    Joe had been enjoying three-way sex with the married detectives. He loved them. A lot. He also had taken over Mark Antonious Richfield’s modeling work. Mark had left Dangereux Cologne to work full time at his deceased father’s garment manufacturing firm; Richfield-Miller International, and be a dad to Isaac. This month Joe had to attend another modeling shoot for the spring catalogues.

    He also was trying to auction off a Ducati motorcycle he had purchased from the top model. A bike he had slid on, breaking his leg last summer. So, the Ducati had to go. Mark had given Joe a framed glossy print of himself modeling with that Ducati. It was to help

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