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Mark Antonious Richfield
Mark Antonious Richfield
Mark Antonious Richfield
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Mark Antonious Richfield

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Mark Antonious. The anchor, the star, and the center of the Action! Series universe.

What happens when Mark leaves for a Dangereux Cologne company’s convention tour?
As Alexander, Mark’s son, begins a new feature film in Oregon, Billy, Steve, Jack, Adam, and now Tadzio, the newest planet to begin to orbit Mark, are left without father and son.

What occurs next isn’t what you’d expect.
As the men in Mark’s world find out just how life would be in his absence, it becomes clear to all that the Nation’s Top Male Model is the powerhouse everyone clings to, including the former LAPD cop, Steve Miller, and Alexander’s husband, Chief of Police Billy Sharpe.
You don’t know what you have...until you lose it.
With the weight of the world on his shoulders, and regrets looming, Mark’s loyalties are clear.
The last thing you want is Mark as your enemy.

Mark Antonious Richfield; much more than just a pretty face.

PublisherGA Hauser
Release dateApr 21, 2017
Mark Antonious Richfield

GA Hauser

About the AuthorAuthor G.A. Hauser is from Fair Lawn, New Jersey, USA. She attended university at The Fashion Institute of Technology in NYC, and has a BA in Fine Art from William Paterson College in Wayne NJ where she graduated Cum Laude. As well as degrees in art, G.A. is a Graduate Gemologist from the Gemological Institute of America (GIA). In 1994 G.A. graduated the Washington State Police academy as a Peace Officer for the Seattle Police Department in Washington where she worked on the patrol division. She was awarded Officer of the Month in February 2000 for her work with recovering stolen vehicles and fingerprint matches to auto-theft and bank robbery suspects. After working for the Seattle Police, G.A. moved to Hertfordshire, England where she began to write full length gay romance novels. Now a full-time writer, G.A. has penned over 200 novels and short stories. Breaking into independent film, G. A. was the executive producer for her first feature film, CAPITAL GAMES which included TV star Shane Keough in its cast. CAPITAL GAMES had its Film Festival Premiere at Philly's Qfest, and its television premiere on OutTV. G.A. is the director and executive producer for her second film NAKED DRAGON, which is an interracial gay police/FBI drama filmed in Los Angeles with the outstanding cinematographer, Pete Borosh. (also the Cinematographer for Capital Games)The cover photographs of G.A.'s novels have been selected from talented and prolific photographers such as Dennis Dean, Dan Skinner, Michael Stokes, Tuta Veloso, Hans Withoos, and CJC Photography, as well as graphic comic artist, Arlen Schumer. Her cover designs have featured actors Chris Salvatore, Jeffery Patrick Olson, Tom Wolfe, and models Brian James Bradley, Bryan Feiss, Jimmy Thomas, Andre Flagger, among many others.Her advertisements have been printed in Attitude Magazine, LA Frontier, and Gay Times.G. A. has won awards from All Romance eBooks for Best Author 2009, Best Novel 2008, Mile High, Best Author 2008, Best Novel 2007, Secrets and Misdemeanors, and Best Author 2007.G.A. was the guest speaker at the SLA conference in San Diego, in 2013, where she discussed women writing gay erotica and has attended numerous writers’ conventions across the country.

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    Book preview

    Mark Antonious Richfield - GA Hauser

    Chapter 1

    Top model, Mark Antonious Richfield, stared into the lens of a camera.

    Wearing leather pants and boots, Mark posed next to a high-powered Italian superbike for his Dangereux Red cologne campaign. Their backdrop was the Pacific Ocean, along Coastal Highway 1 in California.

    The ads were for summer, but it was March, and the cold wind whipped his long hair around his face. Because of it, shields had been erected to keep the breeze back.

    For nearly a decade, Mark had reigned as the top male model internationally, and had even been selected the ‘World’s Most Beautiful Man’ by a celebrity magazine.

    After a full day of shooting, he finally heard, It’s a wrap. Thank you, Mark.

    Mark rubbed his upper arms, freezing cold. His husband, Steve Miller, approached Mark with his jacket.

    Thank you, love. Mark put the matching leather jacket on, one he had worn for the commercial advertising campaign while riding the Ducati; all black but for the logo on the chest, which was in red.

    Are they done? Steve asked, looking out at the view.

    Yes. Mark zipped the jacket since he wasn’t wearing a shirt at the moment, and put on his sunglasses.

    Steve placed his arm around Mark and walked to where they had parked Steve’s Mercedes. Mark dropped down on the passenger’s seat, took his phone from the dashboard, and turned it on.

    Are you hungry? Steve asked as he started the car.

    Not really. Mark read his missed text messages. Alexander’s premier is tonight and I’m shattered.

    I know, but we have to go. Steve drove back to their home in Bel Air. It was Saturday and the traffic was light at the moment.

    Mark stared at the road ahead, thinking about sitting through yet another movie where his son starred as the gay love interest for the Hollywood elite.

    I should stop on the way home and pick something up for dinner.

    Mark sank lower in the seat. I would have preferred driving myself. I’m in leather, Steven.

    You can wait in the car.

    "I don’t know why you insisted on coming. I never have issues with the Dangereux crew." Mark ran his fingers over his hair as he thought about his modeling shoot at the luxury car manufacturer. He did indeed need a bodyguard for that one. The CEO had sexually assaulted him during his last session. Luckily for Mark, Drew Persley had been forced to sign a contract/restraining order stating he would no longer be allowed within 100 feet of Mark.

    Mark’s phone hummed with a text. He raised his sunglasses up to read it.

    What are you and Steve doing for dinner?’

    Alexander is enquiring about our plans for this evening. Mark glanced up at the exit ramp Steve had taken and knew he was indeed going to stop for food.

    Tell him I’m picking something up. Steve slowed for a traffic signal.

    Mark texted his son, ‘Steven and I are out now. He’s stopping off to buy food.

    I thought we’d go out for dinner and then head to the premier.’

    Mark sighed tiredly as Steve pulled into the lot of a grocery store. ‘Then you tell him yourself. I’m too tired to argue.’ Mark propped his boot up on the dashboard.

    Hey! Steve batted it down. Would you let me do that in your car?

    These boots are brand new, Steven. I haven’t worn them before today.

    Steve parked and Mark heard Steve’s phone chime with a text as he got out of the car. He assumed his son was sending it.

    I’ll be back.

    Mark closed his eyes and tried to rest.

    While Steve was gone, Mark noticed the key in the ignition. He turned it so he could listen to music while he waited. Sitting up, scanning through Steve’s satellite stations, Mark spotted a blonde woman with two young children, pushing a cart to a minivan. He focused back on the music and then did a double-take. Oh, good Lord! He recognized the woman, took the ignition key, and got out of the car.

    Mark jogged between rows of parked cars and startled the woman as she hefted shopping bags into the back of her van.

    Sharon, Mark said.

    Mark? She blinked in surprise. What are you doing here?

    Mark became distracted by two little girls, one seated in the cart, swinging her legs and the other, holding her mother’s jacket as she hid behind her.

    Steven is getting us dinner. Mark pointed to the grocery store. Well! It became awkward instantly since he had left Sharon at their wedding altar… for Steve. Who do we have here?

    These are my daughters. That’s Chelsea, she said, gesturing to the little girl peeking out from behind her, and that’s Elizabeth-Ann.

    As Mark admired the pretty blonde-blue-eyed little girls, he had a flash of what his life would have been if he had gone through with his marriage to Sharon Tice; if Steve had not crashed their wedding and stolen him in a desperate act of love.

    They’re darling. Mark moved his sunglasses to the top of his head. How old are they?

    Chelsea is seven, and Elizabeth-Ann is three. She caressed Chelsea gently. Say hello to Mark.

    The little girl shook her head and stood behind Sharon.

    How are you? Mark asked, spying a gold wedding set on her finger.

    I’m doing well. I see your face in all the magazines and celebrity gossip shows on TV.

    I’m sure you are glad you are well rid of me. Mark glanced at the tiny three-year-old as she chewed on a stuffed toy.

    Are you wearing makeup?

    Oh. Mark touched his cheek. I was… He thumbed behind him. "I’ve come from a shoot for Dangereux."

    Sharon seemed to be studying his eyes. Mark knew he had eyeliner and mascara on them. It made him feel embarrassed.

    You look happy. Mark thought she appeared overwhelmed, but would never say it.

    I am. She hugged and kissed little Elizabeth-Ann affectionately.

    Sharon, they are so lovely, Mark said, They look so much like you.

    Thanks, Mark. She read her phone and then continued to place the grocery bags into the van.

    Can I be of assistance? Mark moved closer to the cart and Elizabeth-Ann. He touched her little pink shoe lightly. Hullo there.

    She giggled and hid behind her stuffed toy.

    I’ve got it. Sharon finished unloading the cart and before she picked up her daughter, she said, You can help. Can you hold her while I return the cart?

    Yes! If she’ll let me.

    Sharon asked, Can Mark carry you while Mommy returns the cart?

    She nodded, still chewing on the hand of the stuffed toy, which Mark could see was a sock-monkey.

    Sharon picked her up and Mark reached out, holding her on his hip and bouncing her. They waited for a moment to see if Elizabeth-Ann would fuss, but she didn’t.

    Sharon rolled the cart to the return with Chelsea clutched her jacket.

    Mark smiled at the little girl. Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes? You are so lovely. He rocked back and forth with her.

    Elizabeth-Ann reached for his hair.

    It is long for a man, isn’t it? Mark glanced at Sharon as she approached, holding Chelsea’s hand. Is that your friend? A little cheeky-monkey?

    She nodded.

    Can you strap her into her car-seat? Sharon asked.

    Mark had never done it before, but nodded.

    As Sharon closed the back doors of the minivan, Mark waited for her to open the side door for him. Once she did, Mark had a look at the child-seat. Perhaps not. He didn’t have a clue.

    Sharon helped Chelsea in, buckling her up, and then reached for Elizabeth-Ann.

    Mark didn’t want to let her go. He smiled at the little cherub and they stared at each other. Elizabeth-Ann touched his chin and then smiled at him.

    Mark reluctantly gave Sharon her child back and watched as she clipped her into the seat.

    Say goodbye to Mark. Sharon set her purse near the front seat.

    Bye! Mark waved. Bye, Chelsea. Bye, Elizabeth-Ann.

    Elizabeth-Ann waved. Bye! Bye!

    Mark moved away from the van as Sharon slid the side door shut.

    It was great seeing you, Mark. Sharon brushed back her hair as the wind blew it across her face.

    You as well. Do take care. Mark felt a dull ache in his chest.

    She walked to the driver’s side of the van, started it, and backed out. A last wave was all he received as she drove off.

    Mark put his hands into his leather jacket pockets and wondered about choices. When Steve entered his life, his future had veered off course. The life Sharon had now, would have been his.

    Mark lowered his head and got lost in thought.

    Alexander had come to him at eighteen. Mark didn’t get the chance to be his father as Alex grew up. He looked out at the traffic on the main street and then returned to the car, waiting for Steve.


    Alex sat on his bed in his home in Bel Air. Two tuxedos were hanging in his walk-in closet; one for him, one for his Chief of Police husband.

    He kept texting his father but Mark stopped returning them. Alex sent Steve one, asking him if he would come to dinner with him before the premier but Steve was evasive as well.

    Alex gave up and flopped to his back on the bed.


    Hearing Tadzio’s voice, Alex raised his head off of the bed. Tadzio was wearing a red beaded gown and high spiked heels.

    Nice… Alex rolled to his side and propped his head up in his hands. You look really pretty.

    Tadzio, his long blond hair cascading down his shoulders, stood near the bed. Why you look upset?

    Dad and Steve don’t want to go out to dinner with us before the premier.

    Tadzio stepped out of his gown, letting it fall to his feet, and then carefully draped it over a chair. He relaxed beside Alex, still wearing a matching red bra and panties. I know why. The paparazzi iz terrible to them. To us.

    Alex stared into Tadzio’s painted eyes.

    Years ago, Tadzio Andresen had starred with Alex in his vampire series, Being Screwed, but when that was canceled he left for Sweden, continuing his work as a runway model.

    Recently, Tadzio was asked to return to the States to once more star with Alex in his new nighttime cable drama. Since he was alone, and vulnerable, Alex had asked Tadzio to move in.

    And… he had.

    Alex smiled at pretty Tadzio, who was going to a movie premier for the first time. He dug his fingers into Tadzio’s hair and kissed him.


    Adam Lewis, Alex’s talent agent, finished shaving his face over the sink in the bathroom. He touched up his hair with a little gel and stared into his brown eyes in the mirror’s reflection. He thought he looked tired. As tired as he felt.

    He lowered his head and shut off the light. When he entered the bedroom, he expected to see his husband getting ready. He wasn’t.

    Jack? Adam searched their Malibu beach house. He found his blue-eyed-blond-gym-junkie-lawyer sitting in front of the TV. Shouldn’t you be getting ready?

    I don’t think I’m going. Jack pointed the remote at the TV and changed channels.

    Adam sat beside him on the sofa and leaned his elbow on the back, staring at Jack’s handsome profile. Do you mind if I go?


    Adam caressed Jack’s jaw affectionately. Sick of his films?

    I don’t mind the movies. I just think the premiers are overkill.

    They are. I’m exhausted. All I want to do is have a quiet dinner and relax.

    Jack glanced at him, smiling warmly. He put his arm around Adam and pulled him closer. Relax with me.

    Adam rested his head on Jack and shut his eyes. He didn’t want to go either. Do you think Alex would be devastated if I stayed home?

    Why don’t you ask him?

    Adam didn’t even want to move to get his phone. He pressed his lips against Jack’s neck and found comfort in him. He always had.


    Chief Billy Sharpe waited for the garage door to open while seated in his black Corvette. He rolled beside Alex’s car in the garage, and picked up a pile of paperwork that he had left on the passenger’s seat. Once inside his home, Billy set the files on the kitchen counter and removed his military style black boots. He left them by the door and headed to his bedroom, looking into rooms as he went.

    He paused at his bedroom, seeing Alex and Tadzio lying together; Tadzio, in a bra and panties, Alex wearing jeans and a T-shirt.

    Billy! Alex bolted off the bed and leapt into Billy’s arms.

    Hiya, babydoll. Billy kissed and rocked him. Are you excited about your premier?

    Alex kissed him back and then slid down to stand on his own two feet. No.

    Billy removed his heavy gun belt, setting the keepers, or straps that held it onto his pant’s belt, on the dresser. Why not? He spotted Tadzio reclining lazily on his bed.

    ’cause. Alex helped Billy remove the two snapped keepers from the back of his belt.

    Are we eating dinner before? Or waiting for the parties after? Billy placed the duty belt on the dresser, and unzipped his uniform shirt. He took his gun out of the duty holster and transferred it to another one, one he could snap on his civilian clothing.


    He removed his uniform shirt and stared into Alex’s green eyes.

    I don’t want to go.

    Don’t go. Billy didn’t want to either.

    Adam will kill me. Alex sat on the bed and Tadzio held him from behind, resting his chin on Alex’s shoulder.

    Is it part of your contract? Do you have to go? Billy removed his uniform trousers, draping everything over the back of a chair. He noticed a red dress lying across the seat.

    Oh! Alex appeared to think about it. It may be. He stood and left the room.

    Billy continued to undress for the shower. He noticed Tadzio staring at him. How was your day, blondie?

    Tadzio frowned and shrugged.

    Is that your dress? Billy inspected the glamorous gown and high shoes.


    It looks very pretty. Billy entered the bathroom and filled the sink to shave before he showered. He took out a new razor and the gel, seeing Tadzio standing at the doorway watching him. Do you know why Alex doesn’t want to go? Billy coated his jaw in shaving cream.


    He didn’t discuss it with you? Billy shut off the tap and swirled his razor in the warm water. He looked into the mirror to shave, running the blade over his chin. He felt Tadzio’s arms surrounding him from behind, and Tadzio’s cheek on his back. I take it you want to go.

    Tadzio nodded his head against Billy.

    We’ll go, blondie. Don’t worry about it. Alex probably has to. Billy focused on shaving, finishing up as Alex returned, talking into his cell-phone.

    I know. Okay, Adam. I didn’t realize it until Billy—

    Billy rinsed his face and drained the sink basin.

    It’s okay if you and Jackie don’t go. I understand. No one wants to.

    Billy said, Tadzio wants to. And I need to shower.

    Okay, Adam. Thanks. Alex held the phone by his side. Adam said you’re right, I’m contracted to go.

    Billy touched Tadzio’s arms. Can I shower?


    Billy watched Alex leave the doorway, looking anxious or upset.

    Let me finish up. Billy patted Tadzio’s arms and he released him. He turned the water on in the shower and took off his briefs. What do you want for dinner?


    Billy smiled and stepped into the tub.


    Mark entered the house through a connecting door between their garage and kitchen. Steve carried shopping bags behind him. Mark placed the canvas bags on the counter and read his phone as more text messages from his son appeared. Mark grew weary of the texting and called him.

    Alexander? Mark watched Steve unload the groceries.


    What is it? Mark tried to find a second wind to go to Alex’s film premier.

    No one wants to go, including me.

    Alex, you must go. Is Billy not interested?

    No. He’s okay with it. So is Tadzio.

    Steven and I will be there. I assume Adam—

    Adam and Jackie aren’t going.

    Although it surprised Mark, he didn’t show it. All right, lovely. Let’s not get into a lather over it. We’ll go and do the right thing. Mark met Steve’s gaze as he folded the bags. Mark shook his head at Steve at Alex’s insecurity.

    So, we’re not eating dinner together?

    Steven and I just returned from the market. If you’d like, come here. Steve held onto Mark as he spoke on the phone, holding his leather pants at the hips.

    Nah. I’ll have the limo pick you guys up after they get us. I’ll text you when we’re on the way.

    Okay. Mark disconnected the call and stared at his husband. I need to change and shower.

    Steve ran his fingers up Mark’s sides. Sex?

    I don’t think we have time.

    We always have time. Steve nibbled Mark’s neck.

    Mark read the time on his phone. Let’s get on with it then.

    Get on with it? Steve leaned back to question Mark’s attitude. Did something happen at the grocery store while I was shopping? You were really quiet on the ride home.

    Lovely. Mark tried to sound sweet, but he was dead on his feet. I’ve just had a photo shoot, and, I am expected to be by my son’s side at a film premier. Have pity on me.

    Steve released him, opening cabinets and setting the table.

    Mark didn’t want a battle at the moment and had no intention of letting Steve know he’d run into Sharon. He headed up the stairs to the second floor and removed his outfit, seeing his and Steve’s tuxedos hanging near the walk-in closet.


    Steve stopped himself before he threw something. He didn’t know why he was angry, but he was.

    He slapped a handful of silverware on the table and headed up to the second floor. The shower was running in their master bathroom. Steve looked at the leather pants and jacket Mark had left on their bed.

    He took off his clothing and entered the bathroom, watching Mark shampoo his hair. Steve glanced into the mirror over the sink, seeing his expression of pent up rage. His blue eyes glimmered from the bright lights over the sink vanity.

    The water shut off and the glass door slid open.

    Steven? Mark asked, taking a towel.

    Steve waited.

    What is it, love? Mark stepped out of the tub and rubbed the towel over his hair and back. Are you going to wash?

    As he stared at Mark; his bewitching, painted green eyes, long, dark, wet hair, and perfect ten body, Steve became exited.

    Mark paused in what he was doing, tilting his head curiously.

    Steve lunged at Mark, turning him towards the vanity, and pinning him to the marble counter.


    Mark braced himself and dropped the towel. His former LAPD police officer husband didn’t like being put off.

    Especially when it came to sex.

    Mark spread his legs and rested his cheek on his arms on the counter. Steve spit into his hand and then pushed the head of his cock against Mark’s rim.

    With his modeling shoots came fasting. Mark hadn’t eaten anything but yoghurt and a little fruit for days. He had finally put both modeling gigs behind him, and could eat more food if he chose to.

    Steve placed Mark into a submissive position with one hand on the back of Mark’s head.

    Ah! Mark felt Steve thrust in. He should know better. But asking Officer Miller about his feelings rarely yielded a lengthy conversation. Then, a thought occurred to Mark; Had Steve seen him speaking to Sharon?

    Steve hammered into him.

    Mark balled his fists and battled to get his mind to a less vulnerable spot. Yes. Yes, Steven!

    A low growl proceeded Steve’s climax.

    Mark felt him grinding in for the last few thrusts and then Steve pulled out. Mark was left gasping as Steve stepped into the tub for his turn to shower. Mark caught his breath and crouched down, trying to not feel dizzy.

    He waited until the sensation past and then used a washcloth to clean up from their quick bout. He met his gaze in the mirror and noticed the eyeliner. Mark used a makeup wipe to rid it, then forced himself to get back on track and dry his hair.


    Steve rinsed off quickly. He opened the shower door and took a towel from the rack, drying himself, and stepped out of the tub.

    Mark, having taken the blow-dryer out from under the sink cabinet, had paused, his eyes closed.

    Steve draped the towel over the shower door and reached by Mark to get deodorant from the medicine chest. Steve applied it and then brushed his hair.

    As if slowly coming back to himself, Mark plugged

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