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Eternal Night
Eternal Night
Eternal Night
Ebook412 pages3 hours

Eternal Night

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Lilith Graves future is so bright she's gotta wear shades. But the recent NYU graduate's hopes and dreams are dashed when she's kissed by Malus, New York's vampire Lord. Granted his gift of Eternal Night, Lilith is transformed into an undead and recruited into The Brood, an international organization of vampires. As she learns more about the depraved behavior of Malus and the satanic culture of the undead, Lilith desperately looks for a way off the road to Hell back to the light. Can Lilith find Salvation? Or is she condemned to remain wandering in darkness?

PublisherShawn James
Release dateMay 21, 2024
Eternal Night

Shawn James

Shawn James is the author of over seventy Books. A graduate of Monroe College he's been writing fiction and nonfiction for twenty years.

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    Book preview

    Eternal Night - Shawn James

    Chapter 1

    May 1994

    My future’s so bright I gotta wear shades.

    The sound of that old 1980’s rock song plays in my head as I toss my purple mortarboard in the air with my fellow NYU graduates. After I catch mine, I think about how great things are gonna be when I start working at Merrill Lynch on Monday morning.

    I feel the afternoon sun beaming down on me while I’m marching behind my fellow graduates out of the front rows of Yankee Stadium. As I start following the herd into the corridors towards the exits, my best friend Patricia rushes up to me. The slender peanut butter colored woman dressed in a purple satin commencement gown, fishnet tights, and 20-hole Doc Martens flashes me a smile with her ebony lips as she approaches me. Hey Lil, ready to celebrate the start of the rest of our lives? Patricia asks.

    Before I can start living the good life I have to suffer through this afternoon. Not yet Patricia. I sigh. I gotta go have dinner with the family."

    Down at Greater Abyssinian?

    Harlem’s house of hypocrisy. My home away from home. Yeah. Dad wants to tell the congregation about how the imaginary man in the sky blessed me to finish school. I sigh as we start heading down the corridor to the exit.

    "I’d have to say you are blessed to graduate Summa Cum Laude from NYU." Patricia says.

    I glare at my best friend on hearing her declaration of faith.  She may believe in that old fairy tale, but I don’t. I got top honors by working my ass off. I huff. The imaginary man in the sky had nothing to do with me getting this master’s.

    Patricia gives me an uneasy look after hearing my views on religion. Man, for a pastor’s daughter you have a serious hate on God-

    I don’t hate Him. I just don’t believe in Him. Can’t hate who doesn’t exist.

    So after being raised up in the church, you’ve never once thought about going to Heaven or Hell?

    Have you? I ask cocking an eyebrow at my best friend.

    Sometimes. Patrcia replies smiling back at me. There’s got to be more to life than how we’re living right now-

    I don’t think life is that complicated. The way I see it, life is a biological process. We live and then we die. So I’ve got to make the best of it in the little time I’ve got in this world.

    Since you’re all about enjoying life, what are you gonna do after the dinner at church?

    I pull up my gown, reach into my purse and hand her a flyer. "Once I’m done with the family bullshit I’m gonna celebrate in earnest at Mad Matilda’s GraduRavetion."

    "GraduRavetion? Patricia laughs looking down at the black mortarboard shaped card with a tassel hanging at the end. Man, Mattie comes up with some crazy names for these shows-"

    I’d have to say Mad Matilda is crazy like a fox. Having a Rave on graduation night is a great way to make some serious cash off all the kids on campus before they pack up and get ready to head out of town. I’m definitely gonna have to recruit her to work with me at Merrill when she graduates from Columbia next year. "It’s gonna be a badass show. Malus is gonna be playing."

    Patricia lights up on hearing the lead of our favorite band is gonna be at the Rave tonight. "Mattie got Malus to play our show?"

    I have to wonder if that’s my graduation present from her. I’m hoping to get his autograph tonight.

    Chapter 2

    Praise The Lord.

    I thank God for seeing my daughter through school these six years as my wife Joann and I file out of Yankee Stadium with the throngs of parents celebrating the NYU Graduation. I’m truly blessed to see my child finish college with a Master’s and a good job. Now I’m hoping God will continue to bless her as she starts working in that world. 

    As we leave the stadium and step out onto the sidewalk below the elevated tracks of the 4 Train we join the crowds on the street waiting to meet their kids. In a few moments my daughter Lilith marches down the street with a proud smile on her face. The slender mocha colored girl stomps down River Avenue in her purple commencement gown and those big clunky black New Rock boots and dark sunglasses she likes to wear. I’m so proud of you Lily. Joann tells her as she rushes up to her to give her a hug.

    Thanks Mom. Lily says breaking the embrace.

    You ready for the big dinner at the Church? I ask.

    Lily lights up when she hears about the dinner. Did Miss Edna make her Sweet Potato pie?

    Dr. Flowers put her foot in one she made just for you. Joann replies.

    On hearing about her favorite dessert being at the church dinner Lilith gets ready to celebrate. She unzips her purple graduation robe to reveal a black sheath dress, fishnet tights, and a silver upside down cross. Lord, why’d she have to wear those damn Goth clothes to a respectable event like this? Did you have to dress like that? I huff.

    Lilith frowns after hearing me chastise her. I don’t think God would have a problem with the way I’m dressed Dad.

    You knew we were going to church after this-

    Jesus says come as you are. So I’m coming as I am.

    Sometimes I need the patience of Job dealing with this girl. Do you always have to show contempt for The Lord?

    It’s my day Dad. And I want to celebrate it my way.

    You know they’re not gonna let you wear that ghoulish Goth getup at Merrill Lynch. Joann says.

    You’d be surprised what they let you wear at the office Mom.

    I’m just hoping you don’t embarrass us today at church." I sigh as I step out on the corner to hail a cab.

    You can only be embarrassed if you’re ashamed of me. Lilith retorts as a livery cab stops in front of us.

    Chapter 3

    After Dad warns me to behave myself, I follow him and Mom into the backseat of the livery cab. Yeah, this is gonna be a long afternoon. I’m just hoping I have the stomach to get through all that Old Time Religion everybody’s gonna pass around the dinner table at church. While it was good enough for my mother and my father, it’s not good enough for me. Because I know it’s all bullshit.

    What pisses me off is how most of these church folks preach one thing on Sunday but don’t share any of God’s love for any of the lost souls out here like the kids in the Goth scene. They’re too busy judging kids like me instead of trying to help us the way that Jesus supposedly did.

    Now that I’ve finished school, I’m just counting down the days until I have enough money saved to get my own place. Once I can put a down payment on that loft in SoHo I’ve always wanted, I won’t have to ever visit Dad’s den of thieves ever again.

    Chapter 4

    The cab I’m riding in with my parents in stops in front of Greater Abyssinian Baptist Church on 139th Street. After Dad pays the driver, we step out of the backseat and I take a look up at the red brick Church that was my second home for the last twenty-three years. I’m hoping this’ll be the last time I ever set foot in here again.

    Dad smiles proudly as he looks up at the church he’s been pastor over before I was born. As we march up the stairs and through the front entrance into the ornately decorated vestibule we’re greeted by one of our ushers, Adam. The lanky caramel colored man dressed in khakis, a baggy blue oxford shirt and black rubber soled oxfords approaches me with an eager smile. Congratulations on getting your Master’s Lil. He says.

    Thanks Adam. I reply.

    As we start walking down the hall to the dining area where we have the events, Adam gives me an anxious look. Er...You doing anything to celebrate tonight? He asks nervously.

    A good Christian boy like him would stick out like a sore thumb at a Rave. I don’t think you’re up for my kind of fun Urkel.

    Adam isn’t fazed by the jab. Hey man, watching TGIF with me is a great way to start a weekend-

    If I was married with a bunch of kids like all the good so-called Christian women around here. That’s a new level of desperate asking me for a date in front of my parents-

    A righteous man is supposed to make his case for a lady’s hand in front of her parents. Adam says meeting my eyes.

    Like I want to be a so-called righteous woman in his happily ever after. Dude, you’ve been asking me to marry me since you were seven. I sigh. And my answer is still the same today as it was back then.

    Adam continues to make his case. I’m just sayin, now that you’re out of school you got to start thinking about your future. What kind of man you want to build your life with. Adam pleads. And it’s better for you to get with a brother like me who is in the church so you can grow with God.

    That’s the last kind of man I want to be with. Come on Adam, you know I can’t marry you-

    A befuddled look falls on Adam’s face. Why not? I got everything you could want in a man-

    He’s too committed to this church to have a relationship with me. Look, I just finished school. I tell him taking off my sunglasses and meeting his eyes. I want to go out and live a little before I settle down.

    I thought you lived it up on campus-

    I was too busy studying to have fun. I want to go out and live a little more.

    On the rejection, Adam turns to my father to make a desperate plea to him. Come on, Reverend Graves, could you tell your daughter if she got with me, we’d be a match made in Heaven?

    Dad shakes his head. It’s up to Lily if she chooses to get involved with you Adam.

    I do my best to let him down easy. You’re just not the kind of guy I want for a husband.

    Adam winces before shuffling down the stairs to the dining area. Alright, I hear you Lil. I’m going get myself a plate then I’ma be out.

    Chapter 5

    I frown as I watch Adam shuffle downstairs into the basement. That boy loved Lily ever since he was seven years old. While I know she didn’t feel the same way about him that he felt about her, she didn’t have to be so cruel when she let him down.

    It grieves me to see my daughter grow up to become a woman who has no respect for God or love for her fellow man. I thought raising her up in the church she’d understand why it’s important to aspire to be like Christ and treat everyone the way she wants to be treated. But instead of living by the Word of God like I taught her, she wants to live by the standard of the world. If the way she treated Adam is an indicator to how she’s going to treat people out there, I fear for what kind of monster she’ll become when she starts working at Merrill Lynch.

    As we march down the stairs I hear the chatter of my congregation as the aromas of soul food waft in the air. Looks like all the sisters put their foot in it making Lily’s graduation dinner. When we get to the bottom of the stairs the Sisters, Mothers, Deacons and ushers, and all of the members of the church let out a cheer as they rise from the seats at the tables. Praise God. I call out.

    Praise God. The congregation greets raucously as we stand in front of the tables where the Graduation dinner is presented.

    Thank you all for coming to our Graduation Celebration. I continue. It was practically yesterday when our little Lily was tolling in our garden learning the Word in Sunday school. Now she’s blossomed into a beautiful flower who has graduated from NYU’s Stern School of Business With a Master’s and a good job at Merrill Lynch.

    The congregation gives Lily a thunderous round of applause as she steps forward with a smile on her face. Yes, I thank God for blessing my daughter for all these years. And I’m hoping that she knows that He will watch over her as she goes out in that world. And I want her to know He will never leave her or forsake her.

    After hearing my speech Lilith gives me a cross look. She may not believe in God, but I want her to know He always believes in her.

    Before Lily can approach the steamer trays to fix herself a plate, one of the senior church Mothers, Miss Edna smiles at me as she looks over at Lily. The slender peanut colored silver haired woman dressed in a tailored lavender Chanel Suit and heels approaches us eager to express her congratulations. Congratulations Lily. She tells her.

    Thank you Miss Edna. Lily says smiling back at her. I’m hoping I can be as big a success out there as you were at Spelman.

    Well, my career at Spelman was nothing compared to the work I continue to do for Christ. Miss Edna replies. What are your plans for being a part of the church?

    Lily bites her lip before she speaks. I’m not going to be part of the church anymore Miss Edna.

    So you’re going to another Church?

    No, I just don’t believe in God.

    Chapter 6

    I hear the sound gasps as the congregation reacts to my decision to leave the church. Yeah, I know it’s a shock to hear that the pastor’s daughter is an Atheist. But it’s better that I tell them the truth than continue living a lie.

    On hearing the news Miss Edna’s face falls into a befuddled expression. You’ve been a part of this church since you were born Lily. Miss Edna says. You’ve seen God do great works in your life. Why wouldn’t you believe in Him?

    I know most of the Christians here by their fruits. With the way things are I just don’t believe that there’s a supernatural man in the sky who controls everything around us. I say.

    So you think everything in life just happens?

    She’s taking this a lot better than I expected her to. The way I see it, we’re all are born, we live, and we die. I continue. God has nothing to do with anything we do on this earth.

    The congregation chatter gets louder on hearing me testify about my atheist beliefs. Dad’s hands clench into fists on hearing my declaration. I can’t believe you’re gonna say this here!" He barks.

    What? I say. You always say the truth will set you free. And I think the congregation needs to know the truth about me."

    My Dad seethes with anger as Miss Edna puts a hand on his shoulder and gives him an earnest look. It’s okay Randall. Miss Edna says. God gives everyone free will. And it’s Lilith’s right to believe whatever she wants.

    It may be all right with you Miss Edna, but it ain’t all right with me! Dad yells.

    What? I’m just telling the truth-

    You’re trying to embarrass me in front of my own congregation!

    I’m trying to move on-

    Well, if you don’t believe in God then I don’t think you should be in His house celebrating your graduation!

    This is why I don’t like religion-

    Our church is open to those who show respect for it-

    According to The Bible I read growing up, Christ’s Church is supposed to be open to everyone. You mean the people who agree with you and what you believe-

    The room becomes a blur as I feel the sting of the backhanded slap I’m given across the cheek from my father. As I hear the gasps of the congregation he glowers at me. Ain’t no atheists allowed in the Kingdom of Heaven and they ain’t allowed in here! My Dad yells. Now you get on outta here!

    I choke back tears on the rebuke. So you’re gonna kick me out for being honest? 

    Only one way to go in God’s house. And if you don’t want to follow it you can hit the street.

    So you’re gonna forsake your own daughter for your religion?

    If you’re gonna forsake Christ, then you forfeit the right to celebrate in this church!

    All right I’ll go celebrate with my friends! I cry rushing up the stairs.

    Chapter 7

    After Lilith storms up the stairs I do my best to calm myself. I don’t know what I’m gonna do with that girl. While I knew she had her issues with God, I thought she’d at least try to show some respect for the church.

    I hear the chatter of my congregation and shake my head. After the way Lilith embarrassed me, I don’t know if I can save face. If I can’t get my own house in order, then I don’t know if I’m going to be able to remain a steward over His. "I’m sorry y’all had

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