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Magical Money Phenomena: Clean Sweep Part 6 Program: Clean Sweep Series, #6
Magical Money Phenomena: Clean Sweep Part 6 Program: Clean Sweep Series, #6
Magical Money Phenomena: Clean Sweep Part 6 Program: Clean Sweep Series, #6
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Magical Money Phenomena: Clean Sweep Part 6 Program: Clean Sweep Series, #6

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About this ebook

This is my Aligned Path Clean Sweep Clearing System for upgrading my Level 12 clearings from Magical Money Phenomena. It is an energetic container clearing system that can be sent to you and friends and family with intentions to clear the topics in that book. This book is one of several so that you can get the upgrades to all of the previous containers!

The upgraded clearings include:

Energetic allergies and intolerances of any kind, including hidden ones

Curses that do not need to be understood in order to be cleared

Limiting Beliefs

Unhelpful Spiritual interference

Negative mental blockages and negative looping thoughts

Negative and traumatic DNA

Choices, decisions and assumptions you ever made that caused an unhealthy outcome

Karmic choices

Any imbalances from other people who have manifested blocks in your life, whether intentional or subconscious

Much more!

Release dateMay 13, 2024
Magical Money Phenomena: Clean Sweep Part 6 Program: Clean Sweep Series, #6

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    Book preview

    Magical Money Phenomena - Katie Galloway

    Magical Money Phenomena:

    Clean Sweep Part 6 Program

    By Katie Galloway

    Copyright © 2024

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information, storage and retrieval systems – except in the case of brief quotations in articles or reviews – without the permission in writing from its publisher, Katie Galloway.

    All brand names and product names used in this book are trademarks, registered trademarks, or trade names of their respective holders. I am not associated with any product or vendor in this book.

    Published By Katie Galloway


    The Magical Money Phenomena Clean Sweep Part 6 Program is designed to produce positive, life changing results for your best aligned path to abundance. By using my energetic containers, you are taking full responsibility for your actions and well being and any professional help you may need on your journey. Thank you.

    Table of Contents

    Magical Money Phenomena Fast Track Program Offer

    Level 12, Day 102 - Unforgiveness

    Day 103 - Sadness

    Day 104 - Anxiety

    Day 105 - Panic

    Day 106 - Trauma

    Day 107 - Holidays and Special Occasions

    Day 108 - Hyperactivity

    Day 109 - Pessimism

    Day 110 - Nervous Habits

    Day 111 - Dread

    Day 112 - Grief

    Day 113 - Confidence

    Day 114 - Self-esteem

    Day 115 - Insecurity

    Day 116 - Worrying About What People Think

    Day 117 - I Trust Myself

    Day 118 - React

    Day 119 - Inferiority

    Day 120 - See Challenges as Opportunities

    Day 121 - Humiliation

    Day 122 - Crowds

    More From Katie Galloway

    Magical Money Phenomena Fast Track Program Offer

    This program is done for you. I will use all of the materials from all of my current and future money book offerings using muscle testing so that you get only the clearings you need and nothing you don't. (Doing clearings you don't need is harmless, it's just slower to get results.)

    I also include the following the types of clearings:

    1. Custom clearings on book keywords

    2. Curse clearings

    3. Karma clearings

    4. Limiting Belief Clearings

    5. Values Clearings


    You can order this program here or by reaching my business partner and I at

    Offer 2

    I offer for free a Raise Your Financial Scores Evaluation when you DM me or email me for Offer 2, which is a separate offer that is custom priced for each client depending on the information I get from your evaluation.

    Here are the areas I use muscle testing to score you in:

    1. How aligned are you to your profitable purpose?

    2. Do you have financial energetic blocks?

    3. Do you have self worth related blocks?

    4. What is your career alignment score?

    5. What is your profession visibility score for marketing to clients in business or being promoted at your job?

    6. What is your financial prosperity score?

    7. What is your effective manifesting score?

    8. What is your professional income score?

    9. What is your surprise income score?

    10. What is your financial good luck score?

    11. Do you have any Soul Contracts that are ready to be cleared that are about financial income?

    12. Do you have any limiting beliefs that are about financial income?

    13. Do you have any blocks around career or business agreements?

    14. Would you benefit from receiving remote financial boost mp3 based clearing?

    15. Are there any messages from Spirit that can help improve your finances?

    16. Are there any elements from my Aligned Path system that would help your finances?

    17. Do you have any resistance to increased financial abundance?

    18. Are there any other reasons for lack of financial abundance?

    19. Is there anything lowering your financial frequency or anything you need to raise it higher?

    20. Is there Divine Timing involved, Karma being fulfilled, Soul Contracts that need to be completed before being cleared, Desert Periods, or Soul Lessons that need to be learned that are slowing down more financial abundance?

    Offer 3

    Free Evaluation for Calmer, Happier You Program (DM or email us about Offer 3)

    I will muscle test which of the following are contributing to the root cause of your lack of calm or lack of happiness, or both:

    1. Past Traumas that have not been fully cleared

    2. DNA associated from those traumas

    3. Nutritional Deficiencies

    4. Sensitivities to some part of diet

    5. Karma that has not been cleared

    6. Soul Contracts that have not been cleared

    7. Spiritual Interferences that have not been cleared

    8. Outdated Beliefs that need to be cleared

    9. Negative triggers and other aspects past traumas

    10. Regular Habits that have not yet been added to lifestyle

    11. Negative Spiritual Agreements that need to be cleared

    12. Misalignment with some aspect of your life themes

    13. Misalignment with some part of of your life purposes

    14. Negative Energy in your home environment that needs clearing

    15. Negative Energetic Feng Shui that needs to be cleared

    16. Foods you are consuming that are lowering your vibration (this is not referring to the concept of clean eating, it's different from that)

    17. Physical or energetic detoxing that is needed

    18. Inspired Action Steps needed for moving toward goals that fulfill your Soul

    This is part 6 of a series of sequels to my original Magical Money Phenomena book. This series is meant to add updated clearings to the 16 levels of clearings from the first book. This one is designed differently. These clearings are done in sets. Each container covers 2 sets of containers that are meant to be done in the same day (although you can spread them out if you wish. The descriptions of what each container clears is repeated for each set for your convenience so that you can follow along with what is being cleared. The clearing commands are listed below each description.

    Simply say the command out loud and fill in the blank with your name or a loved one’s name and it will activate Spirit to start clearing your financial blocks around that topic.

    Note: Please do not share these commands beyond you and your loved one in order to honor the sacred energy exchange of this program. Thank you.

    Thank you to Vera Mirna for teaching me how to create energetic containers.

    Level 12, Day 102 - Unforgiveness

    Clean Sweep Container 1

    This container clears all of your incarnations related to your intention of:

    ●  Energetic allergies and intolerances of any kind, including hidden ones

    ●  Curses that do not need to be understood in order to be cleared

    ●  Heartwalls and hidden heartwalls

    ●  Limiting Beliefs in your chakras

    ●  Unhelpful Spiritual interference

    ●  Negative mental blockages and negative looping thoughts

    I now request Archangel Michael to activate Katie Galloway’s program Activate and Complete Clean Sweep Clearing 1 and send it to (person, place) energy field, around the intention of  clearing unforgiveness until completed. Let's have that! Anything that doesn't allow that, let's clear that. Reality reset thank you.

    Clean Sweep Clearing 2 Container

    This container clears all of your incarnations related to your intention of:

    ●  Trapped emotions in your body’s systems

    ●  Negative and traumatic DNA

    ●  Choices, decisions and assumptions you ever made that caused an unhealthy outcome

    ●  Karmic choices including Karmic Repetition, Karmic Compensation, Karmic Retribution, shared Karmic Records, Karmic Business Records, Karmic Vows, Karmic Judgements, Karmic Unforgivenesses and Karmic Offenses

    ●  Any imbalances from other people who have manifested blocks in your

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