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Beyond Likes and Shares: The Search for Meaningful Connection in a Hyperconnected World - Why Online Friendships Don't Fill the Void
Beyond Likes and Shares: The Search for Meaningful Connection in a Hyperconnected World - Why Online Friendships Don't Fill the Void
Beyond Likes and Shares: The Search for Meaningful Connection in a Hyperconnected World - Why Online Friendships Don't Fill the Void
Ebook49 pages40 minutes

Beyond Likes and Shares: The Search for Meaningful Connection in a Hyperconnected World - Why Online Friendships Don't Fill the Void

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Modern life is a suffocating illusion. We're bombarded with manufactured happiness on glowing screens, constantly chasing "likes" and building facades of perfect lives. Yet, beneath the carefully curated photos and witty comments, a hollowness festers. This isn't connection, it's a cruel trick.

This book is a wake-up call. Beyond Likes and Shares exposes the ugly truth: our hyperconnected world is breeding a generation of isolated zombies. This book isn't for the faint of heart. It's a call to arms. We'll dismantle the façade of modern connection.

Release dateMay 11, 2024
Beyond Likes and Shares: The Search for Meaningful Connection in a Hyperconnected World - Why Online Friendships Don't Fill the Void

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    Beyond Likes and Shares - Jeremy Johnson


    Jeremy Johnson

    Jeremy Johnson

    New York

    Copyright © 2024 by Jeremy Johnson


    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher.


    This book isn't your typical exploration of the Mafia. Forget linear timelines and predictable narratives. The structure of this book is disjointed to reflect the disjointed world we are discussing. It seems the world is mafia.

    The Mafia world, after all, thrives in the shadows, a tangled web of violence, loyalty, and secrets. Here, we delve into its chaotic heart, mirroring its unpredictable nature.

    Prepare for a journey that twists and turns like a back-alley chase. We'll delve deep into a single theme, only to find a hidden doorway leading us down a new, unexpected path. Just like a knock in the dead of night, a seemingly unrelated detail might suddenly unlock a crucial secret.

    This disorienting structure is no accident. It's a reflection of the very world we're exploring. The Mafia operates in a realm of whispers and coded messages, where power shifts and loyalties can change on a dime. We'll follow these twists and turns, just as authorities have for decades, piecing together the truth from fragmented clues and buried whispers.

    So, if you crave order and predictability, this book might not be for you. But if you're willing to embrace the chaos, to navigate hidden passageways and witness the often brutal dance of power, then step inside.

    Human beings are creatures that individually feel all alone in this world. Aloneness feeling is not a pleasant feeling. Thus, human beings struggle to feel connected to each other. In in-groups where people feel joined to one another folks tend to feel happy.

    The psychotherapist Helen Schuman believes that our fear of aloneness is rooted in the fact that originally, in spirit, aka God, we are unified. As she sees it, our true nature is union with all creation and our creator, God. We are, therefore, happiest when we are in union with all people.

    Today, we live in mass society and do not always see eye to eye with our neighbors. It is a fragmented depersonalized world. You may think that social media platforms are avenues of friendship and human connection. Actually, there are the opposite of friendship. Or community.

    So here we are going deeper into the 21st century and the deeper we go the more scarry and dark the world seems to be. There is a profound unease and disconnection. That disconnection is experienced on three fronts, first we see more people are disconnected with their authentic selves.

    The fact that people do not have internality – the internal locus of control. It would seem people have stopped being driven from within but rather are driven by the chaotic noises out there. And because of that there is gloom and glum in their lives. Because genuine strength comes from within – the disconnection with the authentic self from within creates a sense of weakness. And hence we see the rise of stress, depression and anxiety.

    That is the first front of profound disconnection people are feelings. The next profound sense of disconnection experienced by the 21st century man and woman, boy and girl is the lack of human friendship and love in

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