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Erich Fromm: A Bridge Between Psychology and Religion – Deeper Peace in an Insane World
Erich Fromm: A Bridge Between Psychology and Religion – Deeper Peace in an Insane World
Erich Fromm: A Bridge Between Psychology and Religion – Deeper Peace in an Insane World
Ebook68 pages58 minutes

Erich Fromm: A Bridge Between Psychology and Religion – Deeper Peace in an Insane World

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Erich Fromm: A Bridge Between Psychology and Religion – Deeper Peace in an Insane World

Do you feel lost in a world teetering on the edge?

Erich Fromm, visionary psychotherapist, dares to offer a path to deeper peace amidst the growing insanity. This book dismantles the walls separating psychology and religion, revealing a powerful framework for understanding yourself and the world.


Unveiling the wisdom of Christianity, Judaism, Zen, and more, all woven into a unified force for healing.

Grasping the roots of your anxieties and the path to true freedom.

Discovering Fromm's profound ideas, made accessible by leading scholars and thinkers.

This book is your guide. Delve into Fromm's groundbreaking work, illuminated by insightful commentary. It's not just about understanding him; it's about unlocking your own potential for a more meaningful and peaceful existence.

Are you ready to build your bridge to a saner world?


Release dateMay 23, 2024
Erich Fromm: A Bridge Between Psychology and Religion – Deeper Peace in an Insane World

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    Erich Fromm - Jeremy Johnson

    Table of Contents

    Erich Fromm: A Bridge Between Psychology and Religion – Deeper Peace in an Insane World

    Erich Fromm: A Bridge Between Psychology and Religion – Deeper Peace in an Insane World | By

    Jeremy Johnson

    University of California at Los Angeles | Student Group | Los Angeles

    Erich Fromm: A Bridge Between Psychology and Religion – Deeper Peace in an Insane World

    Erich Fromm: A Bridge Between Psychology and Religion – Deeper Peace in an Insane World


    Jeremy Johnson

    University of California at Los Angeles

    Student Group

    Los Angeles

    Copyright © 2024 by Jeremy Johnson


    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher.


    Mental Health

    The Art of Love and Loving

    Escape from Freedom


    In a world teetering on the edge of madness, few have illuminated the path to sanity as profoundly as Erich Fromm. Renowned for his pioneering works like The Art of Loving and Escape from Freedom, Fromm's wisdom transcends his written words, offering timeless guidance on achieving mental clarity and emotional balance.

    Eric Fromm: Insights Beyond the Books is a meticulously curated anthology that delves into the hidden treasures of Fromm's legacy. This book goes beyond his celebrated publications, capturing the essence of his interviews, lesser-known essays, and expert analyses that have remained in the shadows until now.

    Erich Fromm: A Bridge Between Psychology and Religion

    Erich Fromm stands out as a pioneering psychotherapist who dared to bridge the gap between psychology and religion. Unlike many who see these as separate spheres, Fromm sought a comprehensive understanding of the human experience.

    He achieved this by integrating insights from various traditions, including Christianity, Judaism, Zen, Taoism, Hinduism, and even primitive religions. The result? A unique psychotherapeutic approach that transcends the boundaries of spiritual and secular, forming a powerful, unified whole.

    Fromm's Brilliance and the Challenge

    One could argue that Fromm's brilliance lies in this very integration. He doesn't simply borrow from various religions; he weaves them into a coherent framework that sheds light on the human condition. This, however, presents a challenge.  His ideas, like a dense forest, can be difficult to navigate for the uninitiated. Grasping the depth of his work requires dedication and effort.

    Making Fromm Accessible: Your Golden Mine

    This is where your contribution becomes invaluable. You've unearthed a treasure trove – a network of researchers, reviewers, scholars, and public intellectuals who have dedicated themselves to unpacking Fromm's complex concepts.

    These guides, through their insightful papers and analyses, offer bite-sized pieces of Fromm's wisdom, making his profound ideas more digestible for a wider audience.

    Illuminating the Great Ideas

    Your book serves a crucial purpose. By bringing together these diverse perspectives on Fromm, you create a powerful lens through which readers can access his groundbreaking ideas. This illumination allows them to not only understand Fromm's work but also potentially apply it to their own lives, fostering personal growth and a deeper understanding of the human experience.


    The question, what can we do to improve the level of our mental health? Mental health

    is not a subject that can be consigned to interminable debates in the local legislature over the local asylum. It's a problem for all of us.

    For what is mental health? Freud defined it as the capacity to love and to work, and how many of us do these things to the full?

    When we put it this way, we see that mental health is never more than a matter of degree.

    To some extent, bitterness, frustration, and inner conflict dissipate the powers of all of us.

    Like every American who had read the newspapers, I was aware of the high incidence of mental illness in our society.

    But I wanted to begin my search by getting a clearer picture of the facts.

    I had been told that Professor Redlich, chairman of the Department of Psychiatry at Yale University, could help me on this point as much as anyone.

    So I drove to his home in... Hamden, Connecticut, a suburb of New Haven.

    It was a pleasant early spring morning, but I'm afraid I didn't appreciate that fact as much as I might have. My mind was on my questions.

    Dr. Redlich, let me begin with a couple of questions concerning statistics in this area of mental health.

    Do you know about how many or what proportion of our population will receive some kind of psychotropic, psychotherapy, during their lifetime?

    Well, psychotherapy and other psychiatric treatment together probably will be received by one out of seven or eight persons in the population.

    One out of every seven or eight? Yes. Over a lifetime. If you think of, for instance,

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