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Viral Customer Experience: How to Build Irresistible Customer Journeys
Viral Customer Experience: How to Build Irresistible Customer Journeys
Viral Customer Experience: How to Build Irresistible Customer Journeys
Ebook262 pages3 hours

Viral Customer Experience: How to Build Irresistible Customer Journeys

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In the groundbreaking book "Viral Customer Experience: How to Build Irresistible Customer Journeys," readers are invited to master the art and science behind constructing customer experiences that transcend mere satisfaction to become viral phenomena. In a market overflowing with options, this guide illuminates the path to making your brand not just memorable but ardently promoted by those who experience it.

This essential read delves into why creating an unforgettable customer experience is crucial in today's competitive landscape, where a superior product or service alone doesn't cut it. It reveals the common oversight many businesses make—underestimating the power of the customer experience— arguing that neglecting this critical aspect can result in missed opportunities for organic growth through word-of-mouth, a marketing channel renowned for its effectiveness and authenticity.

"Viral Customer Experience" is packed with insightful takeaways designed to elevate your brand above the cacophony of the marketplace. It provides a deep dive into the psychology behind what compels people to share their experiences and how to harness this understanding to turn casual customers into fervent brand evangelists. The book offers practical strategies for embedding social triggers into your customer experience, enhancing the likelihood of your brand being talked about and recommended.

Moreover, this guide doesn't just stop at theory. It provides a detailed, step-by-step approach to crafting customer journeys that are so compelling and memorable that they naturally encourage customers to return and, crucially, bring their friends with them. From leveraging the nuances of human behaviour to implementing actionable tactics, "Viral Customer Experience" equips you with the tools necessary to transform your customers into your most powerful marketing asset. Become a brand that's impossible to ignore, a brand that people can't help but talk about.

Release dateMar 19, 2024
Viral Customer Experience: How to Build Irresistible Customer Journeys

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    Viral Customer Experience - A. Ruotsalainen

    1.1. The Changing Landscape - Like a Raindrop in a Thunderstorm

    The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence – it is to act with yesterday’s logic.

    – Peter Drucker

    We’re zooming headlong into a digital wonderland, with businesses hustling to stake their claim in the online world and grab their target audience’s attention. But, amidst all the digital dazzle, many businesses are turning a blind eye to the heart and soul of their enterprise: the customer experience. While companies are investing heavily in strategies to raise product awareness and lure people to the top of the sales funnel, they’re missing the forest for the trees. The true prize lies in nurturing the entire customer journey, not just the initial touchpoints.

    Today’s individual is bombarded with an overwhelming 4,000 to 10,000 marketing messages every single day2. It’s a relentless assault on our senses, and it’s no surprise that people are growing increasingly exhausted and resistant to this constant barrage. Can you recall that moment when you pretended to be deeply engrossed in an unimportant text message to avoid the flyer distributor on the street? Have you ever spontaneously developed an intense fascination with the ceiling to avoid eye contact with the TV infomercials? Do you have a drawer full of unopened mail labelled Special Offer or You’re a Winner!? Future archaeologists will be baffled.

    As the digital landscape expands, online marketing has become one of the most overlooked and ignored methods of reaching customers. With endless ads, promotional emails, and social media campaigns vying for attention, individuals are developing a virtual blind spot for anything that even remotely resembles marketing. Opening an article and seeing it littered with ads? Time to play Spot the Actual Content! That momentary sense of achievement when you successfully skip a YouTube ad after the mandatory 5 seconds? Getting retargeted ads for a product you already bought, Nice try, but I’m ten steps ahead!

    Still, a majority of businesses continue to break their banks by shovelling money into the seemingly bottomless pits of digital marketing.

    As the sun sets on the era of traditional marketing, a looming storm gathers on the horizon. Business owners, marketers, and entrepreneurs alike find themselves grappling with an array of challenges, as the foundations of marketing tactics that once stood the test of time begin to crumble beneath their feet. Reaching the target audience has become increasingly challenging with traditional marketing methods for various reasons. Moreover, these traditional methods primarily scale in relation to the depth of your wallet.

    The first dark cloud that casts a shadow over the traditional marketing landscape is the sheer volume of competition. The digital age has given rise to a global marketplace where businesses of all sizes are vying for the attention of an increasingly overwhelmed audience. The constant barrage of messages, promotions, and advertisements has left consumers feeling numb, making it harder than ever for businesses to break through the noise and establish a meaningful connection. This phenomenon gives rise to another dark cloud: the ever-rising cost of digital advertising. As platforms grow more saturated and algorithms continue to evolve, businesses must dig deeper into their pockets to maintain visibility and reach their target audiences. This unsustainable trend is leaving many entrepreneurs disheartened and searching for new ways to connect with their customers without breaking the bank.

    Depending on a single channel (digital, print, etc.) casts yet another shadow on the modern marketing landscape. Placing all your eggs in one basket makes businesses vulnerable to shifts in technology, consumer behaviour, and even algorithm updates. A prime example of the consequences of a single algorithm update is Facebook’s significant change in 2018, which favoured content from users’ friends and family over businesses, brands, and publishers. This update greatly affected businesses that relied on Facebook for organic reach, compelling them to reassess their marketing strategies, invest more in paid advertising, or diversify their presence on other social media platforms.

    Consider, for instance, "Little Things." This online publisher once stood as a major lifestyle hub, predominantly catering to women with its uplifting and feel-good content. By 2017, they boasted a considerable monthly viewership. However, with Facebook’s algorithm change in 2018, LittleThings saw a massive dip in its organic reach. Their traffic dropped by approximately 75% almost overnight due to their heavy reliance on Facebook for content distribution. This change in the algorithm severely affected their advertising revenue, and despite attempts to diversify their traffic sources, the damage was too significant. By February 2018, less than two months after Facebook’s announcement, LittleThings ceased operations, laying off its entire staff. They cited the algorithm changes as the principal reason for their abrupt shutdown. Relying solely on one marketing channel is a risky move that can undermine marketing efforts and hinder creativity and growth.

    In the eye of the storm, the power of emotions is often underestimated and downplayed. Modern marketing has become increasingly transactional, focusing on features, benefits, and pricing rather than forging a genuine, emotional connection with the customer.

    Failing to look beyond the surface level poses a significant threat to businesses in today’s competitive landscape. By solely focusing on superficial aspects like features, benefits, and pricing, companies risk losing sight of the deeper emotional connections that drive customer loyalty and engagement. This shortsighted approach can lead to missed opportunities, as customers may feel unappreciated or disconnected from the brand, ultimately seeking more fulfilling experiences elsewhere.

    Moreover, businesses that neglect the emotional aspects of their marketing efforts may find it increasingly difficult to differentiate themselves from the competition, as their messages and offerings become indistinguishable from the masses. This lack of differentiation can stagnate growth and hinder long-term success.

    Take, for example, the realm of real estate; trust isn’t just a bonus; it’s the currency. And yet, the dominant marketing tool remains sterile, transactional property listings. It’s a missed opportunity. Rather than cold transactions, real estate professionals should be storytellers, evoking the emotions and memories a home can hold. Their true role? Not just to sell houses, but to match souls with sanctuaries. When they embrace this—prioritising genuine relationships and holistic customer experiences—the ripple effect of word-of-mouth and glowing testimonials will do the marketing for them. After all, a home is a story — and stories are meant to be shared.

    It isn’t a surprise that you, as a marketer or an entrepreneur, might feel like your voice is a single raindrop in a thunderstorm; standing out and making a genuine impact is more challenging than ever. To be heard, one must break free from the conventional and overused tactics that saturate the online realm. Embrace a fresh approach, tell a unique story, and dare to be different—these are the keys to cutting through the clutter and connecting with an audience desperate for a reprieve from the mundane.

    A curious paradox is taking shape in an era increasingly dominated by artificial intelligence (AI). On one side, AI offers the allure of streamlined living, automating everything from grocery shopping to travel arrangements. Yet, as our lives become more digitised and convenient, there’s a growing yearning for genuine human connections and experiences.

    Why the contradictory trends? The answer is straightforward: as AI takes over routine tasks, we start to miss the nuanced human interactions that a machine simply can’t replicate—the warmth of a genuine smile, the understanding of a sympathetic ear, or the exhilaration of sharing a new experience with others.

    Another evolving trend mirrors transformations we’ve seen in various industries. Similar to how retail shifted from in-person stores to online platforms and movies transitioned from theater-going to home streaming, the food industry has also undergone significant change. Services like Wolt and Foodora have redefined our dining experiences by bringing restaurant meals straight to our homes. But the convenience of doorstep delivery has created a new challenge for traditional eateries: convincing people to step away from the comforts of home for a dining experience that’s a cut above. Today’s consumers are searching for more than just great food; they’re hungry for genuine experiences and authentic interactions worth sharing— elements that can’t be delivered in a takeout box.

    These trends are manifesting themselves in a variety of ways. People are seeking out more social experiences, from intimate gatherings with friends to large-scale events and festivals. They’re placing a premium on authentic, high-quality products and services crafted with care and attention to detail. And they’re looking for ways to connect with others meaningfully, whether through volunteer work, mentoring, or simply taking the time to have a real conversation.

    As marketers, business owners, and innovators, it’s imperative we heed this emerging shift toward authentic human connections. Whether we’re crafting immersive digital interfaces or creating physical spaces designed to foster genuine interactions, our offerings must resonate emotionally with consumers. This isn’t just about meeting an emotional need; it’s also a smart business strategy, crucial for differentiation in an increasingly crowded market.

    While a strong digital presence remains indispensable, it’s only the starting point for attracting and retaining customers. Modern consumers are looking for far more than slick websites or eye-catching social media feeds. They seek a seamless, memorable experience that not only meets but exceeds their expectations. They want businesses to understand and value them as individuals, not just as clicks or conversions.

    Too many companies, especially those in the service sector, are missing this crucial point. They invest heavily in digital marketing and advertising to attract new customers but neglect the customer experience that turns a first-time buyer into a loyal advocate. By doing so, they win the battle but lose the war, capturing attention without building meaningful, lasting relationships.

    It’s crucial for businesses to strike a balance between maintaining a strong digital footprint and delivering an outstanding customer experience. A robust digital presence sets the stage, but it’s the captivating, memorable customer experience that turns visitors into loyal patrons and sets you apart from competitors.

    The financial impact of focusing on customer experience is not merely anecdotal; it’s backed by solid research. Studies indicate that 86% of buyers are willing to pay more for a superior customer experience3. Especially in the realm of luxury and indulgence services, consumers are ready to pay a premium—up to 13% to 18% more4. A personalised touch can even drive spontaneous purchases, with 49% of buyers making impulse buys after experiencing customised interactions5. Importantly, 81% of organisations acknowledge that customer experience is a key differentiator in today’s competitive market6.

    Therefore, elevating the customer journey is not just ‘nice-to- have’; it’s a business imperative for those looking to not only survive but thrive in the modern business landscape.

    1.2. Why Just ‘Good’ Doesn’t Cut It Anymore

    Marketing and customer experience unite with a single goal: to help customers easily find, acquire, and continue using the right product.

    Many conflate ‘customer experience’ with mere ‘customer service,’ picturing it as a limited slice of the whole pie. In reality, the customer journey is the entire cake, starting from the moment someone discovers a brand to the point they become its most ardent devotees. It encapsulates every touchpoint, interaction, emotion, and impression. From the first advertisement, they see to the post-purchase follow-up and even the stories they later share with friends—each step is a crucial ingredient in the full customer experience recipe.

    Customers are flooded with options and have become connoisseurs of the brands they cosy up to. That means, for businesses to rise above the noise, they’ve got to make the customer experience their top priority. But hey, a good customer experience isn’t the finish line anymore. Customers crave more than just the usual buy-and-sell tango. They’re on the hunt for a sense of belonging, a platform to express themselves, and the feeling that they’re making an impact.

    Focusing on the functional value of the customer journey is crucial, but to make it truly memorable, it’s vital to emphasise the experienced value. By incorporating emotional, psychological, and social elements into your customer journey, you can create a more profound connection with your customers, leading to greater satisfaction and long-term loyalty. This holistic approach to customer experience not only addresses the practical needs of your audience but also enhances their overall perception of your brand.

    On the way to work, a customer spots a sign for a local coffee shop and decides to stop in for a morning pick-me-up. The barista greets them with a friendly smile and promptly asks for their order. The coffee is skillfully prepared and handed over in a clean, standard takeaway cup. The customer thanks the barista, leaves the shop, and continues on their way to work, coffee in hand.

    In today’s competitive landscape, merely satisfying customers isn’t enough to drive active word-of-mouth recommendations or sustain long-term loyalty. Think about it: when was the last time you raved about a perfectly adequate grocery shopping trip? Satisfaction, while essential, rarely spurs people into becoming vocal advocates for a business.

    This brings us to a significant flaw in relying solely on traditional metrics like the Net Promoter Score (NPS), which hinges on the seemingly simple question: Would you recommend? While the question appears straightforward, it actually obscures a more complex issue.

    Giving a high NPS score is as easy as clicking a button, but that click rarely correlates with real-world behaviour. Just because someone says they would recommend a service doesn’t mean they’ll actually do it—especially when it comes to experiences that meet but don’t exceed expectations.

    Adding another layer to the problem, NPS is often misapplied. Fred Reichheld, the man behind the NPS metric, has pointed out that some companies misuse NPS as a self-affirming score rather than a tool for genuine improvement7. Businesses get caught up in boosting their NPS number without considering the qualitative feedback and context that should accompany it. This tunnel vision limits their ability to capture nuanced customer insights that could lead to meaningful improvements in products or services.

    Therefore, while traditional customer satisfaction metrics like NPS have their place, they should not be the be-all and end-all for understanding customer behaviour. These metrics often fall short in capturing the dynamism and complexity of customer experience and should be complemented by a more holistic approach that takes into account not just whether customers are satisfied but whether they will become true advocates for your brand.

    Enter the concept of customer activation—moving beyond mere transactions to create a meaningful, enduring relationship with your customers. This approach aims to make customers not just buyers but stakeholders in your brand. Customer activation involves providing uniquely engaging and memorable experiences that satisfy and inspire customers to share and evangelise your brand.

    Why does this matter? Because activated customers don’t just stick with you; they become your most passionate advocates. They amplify your brand’s message, driving organic growth that’s far more authentic and impactful than traditional marketing channels. This kind of customer-driven buzz not only enhances your brand’s reputation but also fuels long-term business success.

    However, the benefits of customer activation extend beyond immediate marketing gains. As technology continues to evolve at a breakneck speed, businesses need an edge to stay ahead of the curve. Companies that excel in customer activation are better positioned to adapt to market changes, benefiting from a highly engaged customer base that provides real-time feedback and robust word-of-mouth support.

    So, customer activation isn’t just about deepening relationships; it’s about future-proofing your business. What could be more powerful than a company supported by a thriving, active community of customers?

    Mary finds out from a friend’s social media about a new seasonal taste, Spring sprouts, the coffee shop is offering. A customer visits the local coffee shop and is greeted warmly by the barista. The barista engages the customer in

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