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Clinical Anatomy Dictionary: Grow Your Vocabulary, #10
Clinical Anatomy Dictionary: Grow Your Vocabulary, #10
Clinical Anatomy Dictionary: Grow Your Vocabulary, #10
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Clinical Anatomy Dictionary: Grow Your Vocabulary, #10

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2nd Edition of my Human Anatomy Part 2 Dictionary which focusing on Clinical Anatomy. Covering over 1850 words and phrases.


Embark on a captivating journey through the intricacies of the human body with the meticulously crafted Human Anatomy Part Two Dictionary.


Clinical Anatomy: Delve into the application of anatomical knowledge in clinical settings. This section bridges the gap between theory and practice, offering a comprehensive exploration of how anatomical structures intersect with medical conditions and clinical procedures. Gain invaluable insight into the correlation between anatomy and pathology, enhancing your understanding of diagnosis, treatment options, and surgical interventions.


Explore detailed anatomical illustrations and descriptions that highlight the anatomical basis of common medical conditions, from cardiovascular diseases and respiratory disorders to musculoskeletal injuries and neurological disorders. Understand the anatomical variations that impact patient care, learn about diagnostic imaging techniques, and uncover the anatomical landmarks crucial for surgical precision.


Whether you're a medical student, healthcare professional, or anatomy enthusiast, this dictionary is your indispensable companion for navigating the complexities of clinical anatomy. Enhance your clinical reasoning skills, deepen your anatomical knowledge, and gain a holistic perspective on the intricate relationship between structure and function within the human body.


Prepare to embark on an enlightening journey that blends anatomical science with clinical practice, empowering you to make informed clinical decisions and contribute meaningfully to patient care.

PublisherBlake Pieck
Release dateFeb 18, 2024
Clinical Anatomy Dictionary: Grow Your Vocabulary, #10

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    Clinical Anatomy Dictionary - Blake Pieck

    Clinical Anatomy Dictionary


    Abdominopelvic Cavity   -   Pathological Anatomy, Anatomical Regions   -   The combined region of the abdomen and pelvis, housing many vital organs including the digestive, urinary, and reproductive structures. 

    Abdominoplasty   -   Surgical Anatomy, Surgical Procedures   -   The surgical correction and improvement of the abdominal contour by removing excess skin and fat, often after significant weight loss or childbirth. 

    Abductor Muscle   -   Pathological Anatomy, Muscular System   -   A muscle that moves a limb or other part away from the midline of the body or from another part. 

    Aberrant   -   Pathological Anatomy, General Terminology   -   Deviating from the usual course, such as an aberrant blood vessel or nerve. 

    Ablation   -   Surgical Anatomy, Surgical Techniques   -   Removal or destruction of tissue, often using heat, cold, or chemicals. 

    Abscess Drainage   -   Surgical Anatomy, Surgical Procedures   -   The surgical procedure to drain pus collected within a tissue cavity. 

    Accessory Nerve   -   Surgical Anatomy, Nervous System   -   The eleventh cranial nerve, which supplies certain neck and shoulder muscles. 

    Acetabulum   -   Pathological Anatomy, Skeletal System   -   The concave socket in the hip bone that holds the head of the femur, forming the hip joint. 

    Acromion   -   Pathological Anatomy, Skeletal System   -   The lateral extension of the scapula, forming the highest point of the shoulder. 

    Acromioplasty   -   Surgical Anatomy, Surgical Procedures   -   A procedure to remove or smooth out a part of the acromion, a bony projection on the shoulder blade, often to relieve impingement. 

    Adenectomy   -   Pathological Anatomy, Surgical Procedures   -   Surgical removal of a gland or part of a gland. 

    Adenoidectomy   -   Surgical Anatomy, Surgical Procedures   -   Removal of the adenoids, often due to chronic inflammation or obstruction. 

    Adenopathy   -   Pathological Anatomy, Lymphatic System   -   Enlargement of glands, especially lymph nodes, due to disease or infection. 

    Adenotomy   -   Surgical Anatomy, Surgical Procedures   -   Surgical incision or removal of a lymph node or gland. 

    Adhesiolysis   -   Surgical Anatomy, Surgical Techniques   -   Surgical separation of adhesions, which are bands of scar tissue that bind together internal body surfaces. 

    Adhesion   -   Pathological Anatomy, Pathological Conditions   -   Bands of scar tissue that form between organs, often as a result of surgery or inflammation. 

    Adhesion Barrier   -   Surgical Anatomy, Surgical Techniques   -   A physical barrier, often in the form of a gel or film, used to prevent post-surgical adhesions. 

    Adipose Tissue   -   Surgical Anatomy, Tissue Types   -   Connective tissue in which fat is stored. 

    Adrenal Gland   -   Pathological Anatomy, Endocrine System   -   A pair of endocrine glands situated above each kidney, producing hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol. 

    Afferent   -   Pathological Anatomy, Nervous System   -   Referring to neurons or pathways that conduct impulses toward a central structure or region. 

    Afferent Arteriole   -   Pathological Anatomy, Cardiovascular System   -   The small artery that carries blood toward the glomeruli of the kidney. 

    Agnosia   -   Pathological Anatomy, Nervous System   -   The inability to recognize familiar objects, sounds, or shapes, typically due to brain damage. 

    Allograft   -   Surgical Anatomy, Transplantation   -   A graft of tissue between two genetically non-identical members of the same species. 

    Alveoli   -   Pathological Anatomy, Respiratory System   -   Tiny air sacs in the lungs where the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place. 

    Amputation   -   Pathological Anatomy, Surgical Procedures   -   The removal of a body part, especially a limb, usually for medical reasons. 

    Amygdaloectomy   -   Surgical Anatomy, Surgical Procedures   -   Surgical removal of the amygdala, typically done for certain neurological conditions. 

    Anal Fistula Repair   -   Surgical Anatomy, Surgical Procedures   -   Surgical treatment of an abnormal connection between the skin surface and the anal canal or rectum. 

    Anaphylaxis   -   Pathological Anatomy, Immunological Conditions   -   A severe and rapid systemic allergic reaction to an allergen, which can be life-threatening. 

    Anastomosis   -   Pathological Anatomy, Surgical Techniques   -   A surgical procedure that involves creating a connection between two blood vessels, intestines, or other tubular structures to restore normal flow or function. 

    Anastomotic Leak   -   Surgical Anatomy, Surgical Complications   -   An abnormal connection or leakage at the site of an anastomosis. 

    Anastomotic Ulcer   -   Surgical Anatomy, Surgical Complications   -   Ulceration at the site of an anastomosis, often in the gastrointestinal tract. 

    Anconeus   -   Pathological Anatomy, Muscular System   -   A small muscle located at the back of the elbow joint. 

    Aneurysm   -   Pathological Anatomy, Cardiovascular System   -   A bulge in the wall of an artery due to weakening, which can rupture, leading to life-threatening bleeding. 

    Aneurysmectomy   -   Surgical Anatomy, Surgical Procedures   -   Surgical removal of an aneurysm, which is a bulging, weakened area in the wall of an artery. 

    Angiography   -   Pathological Anatomy, Diagnostic Procedures   -   A medical imaging technique used to visualize blood vessels using a contrast agent. 

    Angioplasty   -   Pathological Anatomy, Surgical Procedures   -   A procedure to widen narrowed or obstructed arteries or veins, often involving the insertion of a stent. 

    Anisocoria   -   Surgical Anatomy, Eye Disorders   -   A condition characterized by an unequal size of the eyes’ pupils. 

    Ankylosis   -   Pathological Anatomy, Skeletal System   -   Immobility and fusion of a joint due to disease, injury, or a surgical procedure. 

    Anomalies   -   Pathological Anatomy, General Terminology   -   Deviations from the normal structure or position of an organ or body part. 

    Anoplasty   -   Surgical Anatomy, Surgical Procedures   -   A reconstructive procedure to repair or reshape the anus. 

    Anoxia   -   Pathological Anatomy, Respiratory System   -   Absence or severe deficiency of oxygen in the body tissues. 

    Anterior   -   Pathological Anatomy, Directional Terminology   -   Referring to the front or forward-facing side of the body. 

    Anterolateral   -   Surgical Anatomy, Anatomical Direction   -   Pertaining to the front and side of the body or a body structure. 

    Antiseptic   -   Pathological Anatomy, Medicinal Techniques   -   Agents that kill or prevent the growth of microorganisms, often used in wound cleaning. 

    Anuria   -   Pathological Anatomy, Urinary System   -   Complete absence of urine production or output. 

    Aorta   -   Pathological Anatomy, Cardiovascular System   -   The main and largest artery in the body, originating from the left ventricle of the heart and extending down to the abdomen. 

    Aortotomy   -   Surgical Anatomy, Surgical Techniques   -   A surgical incision into the aorta, the main artery of the body. 

    Aphakia   -   Surgical Anatomy, Surgical Outcomes   -   Absence of the lens of the eye, usually after cataract extraction. 

    Aphasia   -   Pathological Anatomy, Nervous System   -   Loss or impairment of the power to use or understand words, usually due to brain damage. 

    Aplasia   -   Pathological Anatomy, Developmental Disorders   -   The failure of an organ or tissue to develop or to function normally. 

    Apnea   -   Pathological Anatomy, Respiratory System   -   Temporary cessation of breathing, especially during sleep. 

    Appendectomy   -   Pathological Anatomy, Surgical Procedures   -   The surgical removal of the appendix, typically performed to treat appendicitis, which is inflammation of the appendix. 

    Arachnoid   -   Pathological Anatomy, Nervous System   -   The middle layer of the three membranes (meninges) that cover the brain and spinal cord. 

    Arterial Graft   -   Surgical Anatomy, Vascular Surgery   -   Utilization of a vessel, either autologous or synthetic, to bypass an occluded or damaged artery. 

    Arteriography   -   Surgical Anatomy, Diagnostic Techniques   -   Radiographic visualization of arteries after injection of a radiopaque substance. 

    Arterioles   -   Pathological Anatomy, Cardiovascular System   -   Small arteries that lead to capillaries. 

    Arteriotomy   -   Surgical Anatomy, Surgical Techniques   -   A surgical incision made into an artery, often done to access and repair damaged blood vessels. 

    Arteriovenous Fistula   -   Surgical Anatomy, Vascular Surgery   -   An abnormal connection between an artery and a vein, often surgically created for hemodialysis. 

    Arthritis   -   Pathological Anatomy, Musculoskeletal Disorders   -   Inflammation of one or more joints, leading to pain and limited movement. 

    Arthrodesis   -   Surgical Anatomy, Surgical Procedures   -   Surgical fusion of a joint, rendering it immobile, often to relieve pain or correct deformity. 

    Arthroplasty   -   Surgical Anatomy, Surgical Procedures   -   Surgical reconstruction or replacement of a degenerated joint. 

    Arthroscopy   -   Surgical Anatomy, Surgical Techniques   -   A minimally invasive procedure utilizing an endoscope to visualize, diagnose, and treat issues within joints. 

    Articular   -   Surgical Anatomy, Joints   -   Relating to a joint or the action of the joints. 

    Articulation   -   Pathological Anatomy, Skeletal System   -   A joint or the action of joining, especially in speech. 

    Ascites   -   Pathological Anatomy, Digestive System   -   Accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity, often due to liver disease. 

    Asepsis   -   Surgical Anatomy, Surgical Principles   -   The practice of maintaining a sterile or germ-free environment in surgical settings to prevent infection and complications. 

    Asphyxia   -   Pathological Anatomy, Respiratory System   -   A condition arising when the body is deprived of oxygen, leading to unconsciousness or death. 

    Aspiration   -   Pathological Anatomy, Surgical Techniques   -   The removal of fluid or tissue using suction, often with a needle. 

    Astigmatism   -   Pathological Anatomy, Ophthalmological Conditions   -   A defect in the eye’s lens or cornea causing distorted vision due to irregular curvature. 

    Asymmetric   -   Surgical Anatomy, Descriptive Terms   -   Not identical on both sides of a central line; not symmetrical. 

    Asystole   -   Pathological Anatomy, Cardiovascular System   -   The absence of ventricular contractions, commonly known as flatline in an electrocardiogram. 

    Ataxia   -   Pathological Anatomy, Nervous System   -   Lack of voluntary muscle coordination, leading to shaky movements and unsteady gait. 

    Athetosis   -   Pathological Anatomy, Nervous System   -   Slow, involuntary, writhing movements, especially in the hands. 

    Atresia   -   Pathological Anatomy, Developmental Disorders   -   The absence or closure of a normal body orifice or tubular organ. 

    Atresia Repair   -   Surgical Anatomy, Surgical Procedures   -   Surgical correction of an abnormal closure or absence of a normal body orifice or tubular structure. 

    Atrium   -   Pathological Anatomy, Cardiovascular System   -   One of the two upper chambers of the heart, receiving blood from the veins and pushing it into the ventricles. 

    Atrophy   -   Pathological Anatomy, Muscular System   -   Gradual decline or wasting away of muscle or tissue. 

    Audiogram   -   Pathological Anatomy, Diagnostic Procedures   -   A graphical representation of an individual’s auditory sensitivity at various frequencies. 

    Audiometry   -   Surgical Anatomy, Diagnostic Techniques   -   Measurement of hearing ability, typically using specific equipment to assess both volume and pitch perception. 

    Audioplasty   -   Surgical Anatomy, Surgical Procedures   -   Surgical repair of the ear or its parts. 

    Auscultation   -   Pathological Anatomy, Diagnostic Techniques   -   Listening to sounds within the body, typically using a stethoscope. 

    Autograft   -   Pathological Anatomy, Surgical Techniques   -   A graft of tissue taken from one part of a patient’s body and transplanted to another site in the same patient. 

    Autologous   -   Surgical Anatomy, Transplantation   -   Originating from the same individual. 

    Autopsy   -   Pathological Anatomy, Post-Mortem Procedures   -   Examination of a body after death to determine the cause of death or study disease processes. 

    Avascular   -   Pathological Anatomy, General Terminology   -   Lacking blood vessels or blood supply. 

    Avascular Necrosis   -   Surgical Anatomy, Surgical Complications   -   Death of bone tissue due to lack of blood supply. 

    Axial   -   Surgical Anatomy, Anatomical Direction   -   Relating to the central part of the body or an organ. 

    Axilla   -   Pathological Anatomy, Anatomical Regions   -   The armpit or the region beneath the joint connecting the arm to the shoulder. 

    Axillary Dissection   -   Surgical Anatomy, Surgical Procedures   -   Surgical removal of lymph nodes from the axillary (armpit) region, often in the treatment of certain cancers. 

    Axon   -   Pathological Anatomy, Nervous System   -   The long, slender projection of a nerve

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