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Dream Symbols Dictionary: Grow Your Vocabulary, #16
Dream Symbols Dictionary: Grow Your Vocabulary, #16
Dream Symbols Dictionary: Grow Your Vocabulary, #16
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Dream Symbols Dictionary: Grow Your Vocabulary, #16

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1st Edition of the "Dream Symbols Dictionary". We are exploring over 1700 symbols one can dream about and what they mean.


It provides an in-depth exploration of the meanings and significance behind a wide array of symbols that one might encounter in their dreams. The dictionary is structured to offer readers an easy-to-navigate guide through the complex and often personal world of dream analysis. Each symbol is meticulously explained, providing insights into the subconscious mind and how various elements in dreams can be interpreted to reflect on one's daily life, emotions, and innermost thoughts. This book serves as an essential tool for anyone looking to gain a deeper understanding of their dreams and the symbolic messages they convey.

PublisherBlake Pieck
Release dateNov 19, 2023
Dream Symbols Dictionary: Grow Your Vocabulary, #16

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    Dream Symbols Dictionary - Blake Pieck

    Dream Symbols Dictionary


    Abacus   -   Historical Instrument   -   This may symbolize an analytical approach to a situation or a return to basics in problem-solving.

    Aberration   -   Phenomenon Symbol   -   Seeing an aberration in your dreams may point to underlying fears or worries about something unusual or unsettling occurring in your life.

    Abutment   -   Architectural Symbol   -   Dreaming of an abutment could represent support, foundation, or taking a stand in a situation in your life.

    Abyss   -   Mythical Symbol   -   Might indicate the unknown, the subconscious mind, or fear of failure.

    Abyssinia   -   Historical Symbol   -   It might represent ancient civilizations, a rich history, or the roots of humanity.

    Academia   -   Knowledge Symbol   -   This symbol might point to a period of learning and growth, or a longing for knowledge and understanding.

    Accolade   -   Recognition Symbol   -   Receiving accolades in a dream might symbolize a desire for recognition and success in your personal or professional life.

    Accordion   -   Musical Instrument   -   It might indicate harmony, the blending of different elements, or nostalgia.

    Aconite   -   Plant Symbol   -   Could indicate danger, poison, or a potentially harmful situation or person.

    Acorn   -   Natural Symbol   -   Symbolizing potential, growth, and the early stages of a project or idea.

    Adulation   -   Emotional Symbol   -   This could represent a desire for praise and admiration from others, or it might indicate a tendency toward vanity.

    Aegis   -   Mythical Symbol   -   Can symbolize protection, guidance, or being shielded by a higher power.

    Afterlife   -   Spiritual Symbol   -   Might represent the unknown, rebirth, or transcendence from the physical world.

    Agapanthus   -   Plant Symbol   -   Dreaming of this plant might symbolize love, harmony, and spiritual connection.

    Agate   -   Gem Symbol   -   Can symbolize grounding energies, stability, or layered and complex experiences.

    Aikido   -   Martial Arts Symbol   -   This might represent the need for defensive strategies in your life and the harmonization with forces that come against you.

    Airplane   -   Modern Symbol   -   It might indicate a journey, or rapid change in your life.

    Alarm   -   Common Symbol   -   Being alarmed in a dream might symbolize sudden awareness or a wake-up call in your waking life.

    Albatross   -   Animal Symbol   -   Could imply freedom, a journey across emotional seas, or a burden (as in albatross around your neck).

    Albino   -   Rare Phenomenon   -   Might symbolize uniqueness, purity, or feeling different from others.

    Albite   -   Rare Symbol   -   Seeing or encountering this mineral in your dream might represent purity and clarity in a situation.

    Alchemist   -   Historical Symbol   -   Might indicate transformation, magic, or turning something base into something valuable.

    Alchemy   -   Historical Symbol   -   Could imply transformation, blending different elements, or seeking the elixir of life.

    Algae   -   Natural Symbol   -   It might represent growth, proliferation, or things that grow in obscure places.

    Alley   -   Urban Symbol   -   It might represent a hidden path or a shortcut in your life.

    Aloe Vera   -   Nature Symbol   -   Dreaming of this plant can represent healing, rejuvenation, or self-care.

    Aloof   -   Emotional Symbol   -   Might represent distance, detachment, or a need for self-preservation.

    Alpenhorn   -   Musical Instrument   -   Can represent communication over long distances or connecting with natural forces.

    Altar   -   Religious Symbol   -   Could symbolize sacrifice, devotion, or a deep personal commitment.

    Altruism   -   Virtue Symbol   -   Can indicate selflessness, generosity, or a focus on helping others.

    Amaryllis   -   Flower Symbol   -   Might represent beauty, pride, or determination to succeed.

    Amethyst   -   Gem Symbol   -   It might represent spiritual growth, protection, and healing energies.

    Amphibian   -   Animal Symbol   -   Might symbolize transformation, adaptability, or being able to navigate different environments successfully.

    Amphitheater   -   Architectural Symbol   -   Can indicate a place of learning or a space where important events unfold.

    Amphora   -   Antique Symbol   -   Seeing an amphora in a dream might symbolize the connection to ancient wisdom or cultures.

    Amplifier   -   Technology Symbol   -   Might represent the enhancement of feelings or ideas, or encouraging open communication.

    Amulet   -   Historical Symbol   -   It might represent protection, magic, and spirituality.

    Anaconda   -   Animal Symbol   -   This snake might symbolize a significant threat, danger, or overpowering force in your life.

    Anarchy   -   Social Symbol   -   Dreaming of anarchy could symbolize a fear of losing control, or desire for freedom and independence.

    Ancestor   -   Family Symbol   -   Could imply wisdom, heritage, or past influences affecting the present.

    Anchor   -   Nautical Symbol   -   Representing stability, hope, and a secure foundation.

    Androgyny   -   Gender Symbol   -   This might represent the integration of masculine and feminine traits within oneself or understanding a more fluid aspect of your identity.

    Anemometer   -   Instrument Symbol   -   Seeing this instrument in your dream might indicate that you are measuring the forces influencing your life carefully.

    Anemone   -   Flower Symbol   -   Might symbolize fleeting beauty, anticipation, or protection against evil.

    Anesthesia   -   Medical Symbol   -   This can represent a desire to numb pain or avoid a troublesome situation in waking life.

    Angel   -   Mythical Symbol   -   Often symbolizes purity, protection, and divine guidance.

    Anglerfish   -   Animal Symbol   -   Dreaming of this deep-sea creature might symbolize danger lurking in the unknown depths of your subconscious.

    Ankh   -   Egyptian Symbol   -   It might symbolize life, immortality, or divine wisdom.

    Ankle   -   Body Part Symbol   -   This could symbolize support and stability, or a lack thereof, depending on the context in the dream.

    Annex   -   Architecture Symbol   -   Dreaming of an annex can symbolize expansion in some area of your life.

    Anomalies   -   Phenomenon Symbol   -   Witnessing anomalies in a dream might indicate feelings of confusion or fear of the unknown.

    Ant   -   Animal Symbol   -   Could imply teamwork, diligence, and hard work.

    Anthill   -   Animal Symbol   -   Seeing an anthill can represent structured society or teamwork.

    Antique   -   Object Symbol   -   Dreaming of antiques can symbolize the value found in the past or old wisdom.

    Anvil   -   Occupational Symbol   -   It may represent hard work, crafting, or forging your path.

    Aorta   -   Body Part Symbol   -   Seeing an aorta in a dream can symbolize life force and the central role of the heart in your physical existence.

    Apartment   -   Urban Symbol   -   Can symbolize a part of your personality or a specific period of your life.

    Apathy   -   Emotion Symbol   -   This could represent feelings of detachment or indifference that may be affecting your waking life.

    Aperitif   -   Food Symbol   -   Might indicate preparation, whetting one’s appetite, or a precursor to bigger events.

    Apex   -   Geometric Symbol   -   Reaching an apex in a dream can represent a pinnacle of achievement or understanding.

    Aphrodisiac   -   Substance Symbol   -   This might symbolize desire, attraction, or endeavors to improve your romantic relationships.

    Apiary   -   Nature Symbol   -   Dreaming of an apiary can represent hard work, community, and the sweetness of success.

    Apocalypse   -   Catastrophe Symbol   -   This could indicate fear of sudden change, end of a phase, or the need to radically rethink your approach to life issues.

    Apollo   -   Mythical Symbol   -   Seeing Apollo in a dream might represent a connection to beauty, art, prophecy, and healing.

    Apology   -   Social Symbol   -   This can symbolize regret, reconciliation, or the desire to make amends with someone.

    Apostle   -   Religious Symbol   -   Can symbolize guidance, spirituality, or being chosen for a special path or mission.

    Apostrophe   -   Literary Symbol   -   Could imply communication, addressing absent persons, or objects as if they were present.

    Apotheosis   -   Spiritual Symbol   -   Might indicate attaining a higher level of consciousness or reaching one’s fullest potential.

    Apparition   -   Supernatural Symbol   -   Dreaming of an apparition could represent fears, unresolved issues, or messages from your subconscious.

    Apple   -   Common Symbol   -   It might symbolize knowledge, temptation, or forbidden fruit.

    Apprentice   -   Role Symbol   -   This might symbolize learning, development, and the initial stages of a journey toward mastery.

    Apron   -   Domestic Symbol   -   Might symbolize nurturing, domesticity, or a protective barrier.

    Aquarium   -   Nature Symbol   -   It might represent contained emotions or observing life from a safe distance.

    Aqueduct   -   Architectural Symbol   -   It might symbolize the channeling of resources or directing the flow of emotions and energies.

    Arbor   -   Garden Symbol   -   It might represent growth, shelter, or a portal to a lush, hidden world.

    Arborist   -   Occupation Symbol   -   Seeing an arborist can symbolize care and maintenance of personal growth and wellbeing.

    Arcade   -   Entertainment Symbol   -   This could symbolize fun, nostalgia, or a desire to escape into simpler times.

    Arcane   -   Knowledge Symbol   -   Dreaming of something arcane might indicate a quest for knowledge or exploring the mysterious aspects of life.

    Arch   -   Architectural Symbol   -   It could signify a passage, a new beginning, or a gateway to a new phase in your life.

    Archer   -   Role Symbol   -   This can symbolize focus, determination, and setting one’s sights on a goal.

    Archives   -   Knowledge Symbol   -   This might represent accumulated wisdom, the past, or seeking information from a reliable source.

    Arena   -   Venue Symbol   -   Dreaming of an arena can indicate a feeling of being tested or challenged in public view.

    Argonaut   -   Mythical Symbol   -   Can indicate adventure, seeking a golden fleece, or pursuing one’s destiny despite challenges.

    Argyle   -   Pattern Symbol   -   This pattern might represent tradition, stability, and the interconnection of different aspects of your life.

    Aria   -   Music Symbol   -   Hearing or performing an aria can symbolize expression of deep emotions or inner harmony.

    Arm   -   Body Part Symbol   -   This could represent strength, capability, or the ability to reach out to others.

    Armada   -   Naval Symbol   -   Might symbolize strength in numbers, preparation for conflict, or a massive undertaking.

    Armillary Sphere   -   Astronomical Symbol   -   Seeing this in a dream might indicate a deep connection to the cosmos and ancient wisdom.

    Armistice   -   Historical Symbol   -   This can represent peace, reconciliation, or the end of conflict in some area of your life.

    Armor   -   Historical Symbol   -   Might represent defense, protection, or emotional barriers.

    Aromatic   -   Sensory Symbol   -   This can represent attraction, comfort, or the desire to enhance your environment.

    Arrowhead   -   Historical Symbol   -   Can indicate direction, ancient knowledge, or a focus on goals.

    Arrows   -   Historical Symbol   -   Can imply direction, focus, or moving forward with speed and precision.

    Art Gallery   -   Culture Symbol   -   Dreaming of this place might indicate appreciation for beauty and a desire to be inspired.

    Artichoke   -   Food Symbol   -   This might symbolize layers of personal experience that need to be peeled back to find the heart or truth of a matter.

    Artifact   -   Historical Symbol   -   Seeing an artifact can represent a connection to the past or valuing the lessons of history.

    Artisan   -   Occupation Symbol   -   This could symbolize craftsmanship, skill, and dedication to a craft.

    Ascension   -   Spiritual Symbol   -   This might represent spiritual growth, enlightenment, or moving to a higher level of consciousness.

    Ash   -   Nature Symbol   -   Seeing ash in a dream can signify the end of something and the potential for new growth.

    Ashram   -   Spiritual Symbol   -   This place could represent a search for spiritual enlightenment and self-improvement.

    Asparagus   -   Food Symbol   -   Dreaming of asparagus might indicate nourishment and focusing on the healthy aspects of life.

    Aspen   -   Tree Symbol   -   It might symbolize community, interconnectedness, or the sharing of resources and knowledge.

    Aspirations   -   Mental Symbol   -   This can represent your goals, desires, and what you aspire to achieve in your waking life.

    Assassin   -   Danger Symbol   -   Seeing an assassin might indicate fear of betrayal or unexpected changes in your life.

    Assembly   -   Social Symbol   -   Dreaming of an assembly can symbolize community, collaboration, and coming together with others for a common purpose.

    Asteroid   -   Cosmic Symbol   -   It might symbolize disruptive forces, unexpected events, or significant change coming from outside influences.

    Astronaut   -   Modern Symbol   -   Might imply exploration, adventure, or venturing into unknown territories.

    Astronomy   -   Scientific Symbol   -   Can represent exploration of the unknown, celestial influences, or seeking deeper knowledge.

    Atlas   -   Mythical Symbol   -   Could imply bearing a heavy burden or feeling weighed down by responsibilities.

    Attic   -   Architectural Symbol   -   May represent stored memories, secrets, or things you have outgrown.

    Autumn   -   Seasonal Symbol   -   May represent maturity, reflection, or preparation for a period of decline or rest.

    Aviary   -   Architectural Symbol   -   Can indicate a safe space for growth, nurturing potential, or protecting fragile ideas.

    Avocado   -   Food Symbol   -   Can indicate nourishment, richness, or enjoying the finer things in life.

    Awning   -   Architectural Symbol   -   Might indicate protection, shelter, or a shield from external influences.

    Axe   -   Tool Symbol   -   Can indicate separation, cutting ties, or readiness for action.


    Baboon   -   Animal Symbol   -   This could represent primitive instincts,

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