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Eat So What! and Eat to Prevent and Control Disease Collection (6 Books in 1): Smart Ways to Stay Healthy Vol 1&2, The Power of Vegetarianism Vol 1&2, Eat to Prevent and Control Disease & Cookbook
Eat So What! and Eat to Prevent and Control Disease Collection (6 Books in 1): Smart Ways to Stay Healthy Vol 1&2, The Power of Vegetarianism Vol 1&2, Eat to Prevent and Control Disease & Cookbook
Eat So What! and Eat to Prevent and Control Disease Collection (6 Books in 1): Smart Ways to Stay Healthy Vol 1&2, The Power of Vegetarianism Vol 1&2, Eat to Prevent and Control Disease & Cookbook
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Eat So What! and Eat to Prevent and Control Disease Collection (6 Books in 1): Smart Ways to Stay Healthy Vol 1&2, The Power of Vegetarianism Vol 1&2, Eat to Prevent and Control Disease & Cookbook

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A collection of 6 books for reducing dependency on medications and leading a healthy and disease-free life with over 80 delicious and mouth-watering recipes.


Do you know your medicines might make you ill?

These books tell how you can reduce your dependence on medicines. The sooner you adopt, the healthier you live. Go disease-free!

In Eat to Prevent and Control Disease, research scientist and registered state pharmacist La Fonceur will tell you how foods that work with the same mechanism as medicines can naturally prevent and control disease. How can you build your body in such a way that you do not need medications even in your 40s, 50s, 60s, or 70s? How can you prevent disease even if you have a family history of that disease? How can you control chronic diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis, and many others?

With a better understanding of the disease, you can control it yourself. When you follow the advice and preventive measures given in the book, If you do not have any disease, then in the future also you will not have any disease. If you are already suffering from a disease, you can control it without medicines. If your disease is chronic and you are dependent on medicines, then you can reduce the dose of your medications as well as their side effects.


This cookbook comes with 70+ vegetarian recipes of Indian cuisine featuring herbs and spices with medicinal properties and superfoods to prevent and control chronic diseases.


Eat to Prevent and Control Disease Cookbook brings you tangy beverages, savory snacks, main courses and mouth-watering desserts to prevent and control diabetes, hypertension and arthritis. Reduce your dependence on medications and their associated side effects with the dedicated recipes for these chronic diseases.

Certain foods become more nutritious when combined with other foods by increasing the absorption of nutrients into the bloodstream. This cookbook features several tempting recipes for combining the ideal nutrients so that you can get maximum health benefits from them. Plus, this fully colored cookbook comes with eye-catching images of each recipe that make your eyes sparkle and make you drool.


With the Eat to Prevent and Control Disease Cookbook, you can now eat delicious food without worrying about your health!


BOOK 3,4,5 and 6: EAT SO WHAT!


Understand Your Food Scientifically

Eat So What! series mainly focuses on macro-nutrients. How essential nutrients can be a solution to your routine health problems and how you can boost overall health with the help of a balanced diet. Eat So What! explains the nutrition value of foods, gives direction on what to eat, and gives smart tricks and tips to make life healthier. It also shows how you can eat everything provided you follow some simple rules.

Eat So What! provides you with guidance on what you should eat to:
✓ Get younger, smoother skin
✓ Improve your digestion
✓ Get rid of anemia
✓ Overcome nutritional deficiency
✓ Muscle boost
✓ Eliminate allergies and diseases
✓ Control diabetes
✓ Low blood pressure
✓ Build strong bones and joints

With the Eat So What! series lose weight without dieting, strengthen digestion, boost skin health, get rid of nutrition deficiency, learn why alcohol is a big no-no, why fat is not the enemy, and many more.

PublisherEmerald books
Release dateMay 23, 2024
Eat So What! and Eat to Prevent and Control Disease Collection (6 Books in 1): Smart Ways to Stay Healthy Vol 1&2, The Power of Vegetarianism Vol 1&2, Eat to Prevent and Control Disease & Cookbook

La Fonceur

With a Master’s degree in Pharmacy, the author, La Fonceur, is a research scientist and registered pharmacist. She specialized in Pharmaceutical Technology and worked as a research scientist in the pharmaceutical research and development department. She is a health blogger and a dance artist. Her previous books include Eat to Prevent and Control Disease, Secret of Healthy Hair and Eat So What! series. Being a research scientist, she has worked closely with drugs. Based on her experience, she believes that one can prevent most of the diseases with a nutritious vegetarian diet and a healthy lifestyle. Website: Health Blog:

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    Eat So What! and Eat to Prevent and Control Disease Collection (6 Books in 1) - La Fonceur


    General health problems like indigestion, skin problems, nutritional deficiency, etc., are distressing. They do not interfere with our day very much but at the same time do not let us live the day with complete satisfaction. We expect these health problems to go away over time, and if they do not, we accept them as a part of our life. We tend to think maybe my skin is naturally sensitive or my digestion is naturally weak, which is why I am having these problems. The fact is, you do not have to live with these problems. These common health problems are the result of an imbalance in the body. Sometimes, this can result from hormonal changes or stress that go away on their own when the stress period ends. But if these problems persist or you continue to have these problems regularly, then it means that you now need to modify your diet. If you are not stressed, then these everyday problems mainly result from an imbalanced diet or lack of important nutrients in your diet. By eating the right foods, you can boost your skin and hair health, strengthen your digestive system, prevent weight fluctuations, get rid of nutritional deficiencies, and boost your overall health.

    Eat So What! series mainly focuses on macronutrients. How essential nutrients can be a solution to your regular health problems and how a balanced diet can promote overall health. Eat So What! explains the nutritional value of foods, gives direction on what to eat and gives smart tricks and tips to make life healthier. It also explains how you can eat everything provided you follow some simple rules.

    With Eat So What! series, lose weight without dieting, strengthen digestion, promote skin health, overcome nutritional deficiencies, learn why alcohol is a big no-no, why fat is not the enemy, and many more.

    BOOK 1




    Description: 10 Reasons You Should Never Give Up Carbohydrates

    The main function of carbohydrates is to provide the body and brain with energy. Just like your car needs fuel to make it run, your body needs carbohydrates to make it go.

    What are Carbs?

    Along with protein and fat, carbohydrates are one of three macronutrients that your body needs daily. Starch, fiber, and sugars are the three main types of carbohydrates.

    Description: 10 Reasons You Should Never Give Up Carbohydrates

    Starches are usually referred to as complex carbohydrates. They are found in starchy vegetables, such as potatoes and corn, and also in grains and legumes (Preferred carbs).

    Sugars are known as simple carbohydrates. Vegetables, fruits, honey, and milk contain natural sugars. Added sugars are found in syrups, sweets, sugary drinks, and processed foods such as cakes and biscuits (Avoidable carbs).

    After you enjoy a meal, the carbohydrates from the food you consume are broken down into smaller sugar units. These sugar units get absorbed into your bloodstream. Blood sugar is transported through the blood to supply energy to your muscles and other tissues. This is an important process; in fact, providing energy to the body is the primary role of carbohydrates.

    You must get at least 200 to 400 grams of carbs every day. Still not convinced carbs are fine? Then pay attention to these 10 important benefits of eating carbs:

    10 reasons you should never give up carbohydrates:

    1. Want to Increase Your IQ Level? Eat Carbohydrates

    Your body cells require the simple carbohydrate glucose for energy, but your brain particularly needs glucose as an energy source. So, we can say that supplying energy to the brain is an important function of carbs. If you have ever followed a low carbohydrates diet and felt like your brain was foggy for a few days, then you have experienced how important carbohydrates are for proper brain function.

    Description: Want to increase your IQ level, have carbohydrates

    2. Carbohydrates Can Help Boost Your Mood

    Carbohydrates promote the production of serotonin, a happy brain chemical. Serotonin is a mood regulator. It keeps you happy and away from depression. In a study, a very low carbohydrate diet was found to increase depression, fatigue, anxiety, and anger than a low-fat, high-carb diet that focuses on whole grains, fruit, and beans.

    Description: Carbs can help boost your mood

    3. Carbohydrates Can Promote Weight Loss

    Increasing your soluble fiber intake is an excellent way to promote weight loss. Many carbohydrates contain indigestible dietary fiber, which is a complex carbohydrate that digests more slowly. Soluble fiber dissolves in water and converts into a gel that digests more slowly, making you feel fuller for a longer period. This helps to curb hunger, and you consume fewer calories. As a result, you lose more weight. Make sure you drink enough water with soluble fiber-rich foods to prevent constipation.

    Description: Carbs can help prevent weight gain—and even promote weight loss:

    4. Good for Your Heart

    Carbohydrates-rich foods like oatmeal and beans contain soluble fiber. Research suggests that increasing your soluble fiber intake by 5 to 10 grams each day could drop your LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) levels by 5 percent. Similarly, people who eat more whole grains (brown rice, bulgur, and quinoa) tend to have lower LDL cholesterol levels and higher good HDL cholesterol levels.

    Description: carbs Good for your heart:

    5. Carbohydrates Improve Sleep Pattern

    Slow-digested carbohydrate-rich foods increase serotonin release and contribute to restful sleep. Serotonin is not only a mood-enhancing neurotransmitter, in fact, it also helps ensure a comfortable sleep experience. When your diet is low in carbohydrates, your body has a hard time synthesizing serotonin, resulting in insomnia. This is why drinking a glass of warm milk at night is considered good for restful sleep, even though it is not the best carbohydrate option. 

    6. Carbohydrates Reduce Cancer Risk

    This is a catch-22 and depends a lot on which carbohydrates you opt for. While most people will think of potatoes when considering carbs options, in reality, there are many more options of carbs that might not have crossed your mind. For example, onions, tomatoes, bell peppers, and hundreds of vegetables can all be considered carbohydrates at their core, even though what they bring to the table are vastly different. These are the carbohydrates you should be aiming for. These are loaded with antioxidants and help to combat abnormal cellular growth.

    The high fiber content of these foods also helps to promote waste and cholesterol removal from the body. These wholesome carbohydrate foods also fight early-stage cancer, as the cells require glucose as their primary source of fuel. Consuming foods that very slowly convert to glucose can reduce the supply of nutrients to them, and cell death or apoptosis may occur.

    7. Carbohydrates Improve Digestion

    Getting enough fiber-rich carbohydrates is the key to prevent digestive problems, such as constipation and indigestion. Carbohydrates rich foods contain insoluble fiber, which does not dissolve in water and is left intact during digestion, which is also known as roughage. It pushes other foods through the gastrointestinal tract, speeding up the digestion process. Also, it adds bulk to your stool, making it easier to pass stool. Without sufficient intake of carbohydrates, you may not get enough fiber to keep your digestive system regular.

    8. Carbohydrates Improve Blood Pressure

    High blood pressure is among the significant risk factors for stroke and heart disease. Therefore, lowering blood pressure is an effective way to reduce the risk of heart disease. Studies have indicated that diets rich in carbohydrates lowers blood pressure in overweight or obese individuals.

    9. Carbohydrates Increase Energy Levels

    Carbohydrates are the primary energy source of the body. Carbohydrates are eventually converted into glucose which is necessary for the production of ATP- the main energy currency of the body's cells. When you eat a diet low in carbohydrates, your body uses other alternative energy sources to produce glucose to provide you with energy. If you feel lethargic, a meal with high-quality carbohydrates is usually sufficient to get you out of the rut.

    10. Can Improve Your Lifespan

    Carbohydrate-rich foods stimulate two anabolic hormones, insulin and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1). IGF-1 plays an important role in cellular recovery and rejuvenation that helps keep your cellular age well beyond your chronological age. Moreover, carbohydrates stimulate growth hormone production, a key to slowing the aging process.

    My Thoughts

    Carbohydrates have many health benefits, but you need to make sure you are eating them in moderation. Although carbohydrates-containing food groups boast a host of vitamins and minerals required by the body, eating too much of any food group can result in weight gain. Consulting with your doctor can help you determine the amount of carbohydrates best for your health goals and existing health conditions. 



    10 Best Foods for Better Skin. Eat so what. Smart Food Blog by La Fonceur

    Our life seems to be speeding up and becoming less empathic and increasingly stressful, which puts extra stress on our skin health. Our dependence on processed food is increasing day by day. Processed, refined, and manufactured foods and snacks fuel inflammation in the skin. Skin inflammation can cause redness, acne, and wrinkles.

    But nature has the solution to all the problems. We are blessed with some magic food that protects skin cells from the sun's rays, some keep skin hydrated, and some limit skin damage from harmful molecules known as free radicals and build strong cell walls for smooth and firm skin.

    Below are the 10 best foods for better and healthier skin:

    1. Almonds

    Almonds are a great source of vitamin E and antioxidants, which fight free radicals and reduce inflammation, preserving your skin healthy and young. People with dermatitis problem should eat almonds daily. Antioxidants in almonds can fight the damage produced by UV rays, pollution, and a poor diet on the skin. Almonds fight against aging, malnourished skin and prevent skin cancer. 

    Almonds. Eat so what. Smart Food Blog by La Fonceur

    2. Dark Chocolate

    Chocolate is derived from cocoa beans, which are rich in flavanols, a potent antioxidant that protects the skin from UV damage, prevents dark spots, premature aging, rashes, and skin cancer, and boosts blood circulation for a healthy glow.

    Dark Chocolate. Eat so what. Smart Food Blog by La Fonceur

    Make sure you avoid any chocolate with less than 70 percent cocoa, like milk chocolate, containing loads of sugar and dairy, which can be terrible for your skin. Look for high cocoa concentrations for the highest concentration of antioxidants to hydrate your skin and improve circulation, leading to healthier, younger-looking skin.

    3. Peppers

    Yellow and green peppers are an excellent source of beta-carotene, another antioxidant that your body converts into vitamin A.

    Yellow, Green and Red Peppers. Eat so what. Smart Food Blog by La Fonceur

    Bell peppers are also one of the best vitamin C sources necessary for creating the protein collagen, which keeps skin firm and strong. Carotenoids decrease sun sensitivity, diminishing the appearance of fine lines around the eyes.

    4. Walnuts

    Walnuts have both omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids more than any other nuts; these are the fats that your body cannot make itself.

    Omega-3 fatty acids may improve psoriasis condition or eczema by reducing the inflammatory compounds in the body.

    Walnuts. Eat so what. Smart Food Blog by La Fonceur

    Walnuts contain zinc, which is necessary for wound healing and combatting both bacteria and inflammation.

    Zinc helps your skin to function properly as a barrier. Walnuts also provide small amounts of antioxidants, vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium, and protein.

    5. Tomatoes

    Lycopene gives a bright red color to tomatoes. It is a carotenoid pigment and phytochemical, a potent antioxidant that protects the skin from UV damage. It may also help prevent wrinkling.

    Tomatoes. Eat so what. Smart Food Blog by La Fonceur

    Tomatoes are also a great vitamin C source. Fat increases the absorption of carotenoids. Consider pairing tomatoes with a source of fat, like olive oil. Add tomato paste in your face pack paste for instantly glowing skin.

    *Read 10 Nutrient Combinations You Should Eat for Maximum Health Benefits in the book Eat to Prevent and Control Disease.

    6.  Green Tea

    Green tea protects the skin from damage and aging. Green tea has potent compounds found called catechins, a type of polyphenol, making it an antioxidant and an anti-inflammatory that improves your skin's health in several ways. Green tea helps lighten dark circles under your eyes as it is rich in vitamin K.

    Green Tea. Eat so what. Smart Food Blog by La Fonceur

    Drinking green tea every day could reduce redness from sun damage. Green tea is great for healing scars and blemishes and flushes out toxins. It also improves the moisture, roughness, thickness, and elasticity of the skin.

    Avoid adding milk to your tea, as milk could reduce the impact of green tea's antioxidants. 

    7. Oranges

    Oranges are citrus fruits packed with vitamin C, minerals, and dietary fiber, which reduces wrinkles and age-related dry skin. Body needs vitamin C to produce collagen, a protein that keeps skin firm and fights the appearance of aging. Vitamin C boosts immunity, thereby protecting the skin from infections and diseases. Due to the high citric acid content, oranges help to dry out acne and aids in skin exfoliation, improving your skin's overall look.

    Oranges. Eat so what. Smart Food Blog by La Fonceur

    Drinking orange juice regularly increases skin carotenoids, an antioxidant that can help protect the skin from harmful radiation, pigmentation and prevent inflammation. A single medium orange has more than enough of the daily recommended intake of vitamin C.

    8. Papayas

    Papaya. Eat so what. Smart Food Blog by La Fonceur

    Papaya has skin-lightening properties that help clear blemishes and pigmentation. The delicious papayas contain enzymes papain and chymopapain, vitamins A, C, and B, and dietary fiber. Papaya improves bowel movement and digestion. This means you will be flushing out toxins that can prevent acne and pigmentation and help you get fresh and infection-free skin.

    9. Avocados

    Avocados help prevent sun damage while also strengthening and rejuvenating the skin. Avocados are high in monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats, which are healthy fats. It is necessary to obtain a sufficient amount of these fats to keep your skin flexible and moisturized. These unsaturated fats benefit many functions in your body, including your skin's health. Avocados protect skin from oxidative damage caused by the sun, which can lead to signs of aging.

    Avocado. Eat so what. Smart Food Blog by La Fonceur

    Avocados are high in vitamins A, C, E, K, B6, folate, niacin, pantothenic acid, riboflavin, choline, lutein, potassium, and magnesium.  Getting enough healthy fats is critical as they help maintain cell integrity and aid in healthy aging.

    The antioxidants vitamins A and E guard against UV rays and keep skin moisturized. Avocados are also a good vitamin E source, an important antioxidant that protects your skin from oxidative damage. Skin needs Vitamin C to create collagen, which is the main structural protein that keeps your skin healthy.

    10. Olive Oil

    Olive Oil. Eat so what. Smart Food Blog by La Fonceur

    Olive oil consists mainly of oleic acid (approx 83%) monounsaturated fatty acids, which may play a role in the youth boost. The antioxidant polyphenols in olive oil help flush out the toxins and could also quench damaging free radicals.

    Olive oil is rich in vitamin E, which acts as an antioxidant that preserves your skin healthy and young. Topically applying olive oil can protect the skin from UV radiation and reduce the risk of skin cancer. 


    Who doesn't want clean, clear, and supple skin? Foods, as mentioned above, are readily available in the market. It would be a wiser decision to eat these foods instead of spending on cosmetics for better skin. Why go for a temporary solution for your skin when you can have permanent healthy, better-looking skin for life without any fuss. Think again!



    10 Fiber Rich Foods For Better Digestion. Eat so what. Smart Food blog by La Fonceur

    You should eat more fiber. You've probably heard it before. But why is fiber good for your health? Do you know that? Let's dig deeper into it.

    What is Dietary Fiber?

    Dietary fiber is plant-derived food that digestive enzymes cannot completely break down. It remains unchanged and passes relatively intact through your stomach, small intestine, and colon and out of your body.

    Types of Fiber

    Soluble fiber – This type of fiber dissolves in water and forms a gel. Soluble fiber is readily fermented in the colon into gases and physiologically active by-products. It is viscous, maybe called prebiotic fiber, and delays gastric emptying, which, in humans, can result in an extended feeling of fullness.

    Insoluble fiber – This type of fiber does not dissolve in water. It remains unchanged and is inert to digestive enzymes, and provides bulk. Bulking fibers absorb fluid as they move through the digestive system, easing defecation.

    How does Fiber help in digestion?

    Fiber plays an important role in keeping your digestive system healthy. The colon cells use fiber to keep them healthy. Soluble fiber dissolves in water, forms a gel, and attaches to cholesterol particles to take them out of the body, reducing the overall cholesterol levels and heart disease risk. Insoluble fiber helps to keep the digestive tract flowing by keeping your bowel movements soft and regular.

    Below are the 10 fiber rich foods for better digestion:

    1.  Chia Seeds

    Chia seeds are tiny black seeds that form a gel when they come in contact with water. They are highly nutritious, containing high amounts of magnesium, phosphorus, and calcium. Chia seeds are very high in fiber.

    Chia Seeds. Eat so what. Smart Food blog by La Fonceur

    The fiber in chia seeds absorbs a good amount of water and expands in the stomach, keeping you feeling fuller for longer. Chia seeds are rich in fiber, protein, and minerals and are perfect for lowering cholesterol levels, boosting bowel movement, and reducing inflammation in the body. Soak chia seeds overnight and eat them in Breakfast by adding them to your favorite smoothie to get your daily recommended intake of fiber.

    2.  Oats

    Oats. Eat so what. Smart Food blog by La Fonceur

    Oats are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They contain beta-glucan, a powerful soluble fiber that has beneficial effects on blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Soluble fiber from oatmeal binds with bile acids in your gut, helping excess cholesterol go out through waste, ultimately lowering your cholesterol level. As soluble fiber goes through your digestive system, they absorb water and turns into a gel that slows digestion. As a result, you feel fuller for a longer period. Oats increase the growth of good bacteria in the digestive tract.

    3.  Chickpeas

    Chickpeas. Eat so what. Smart Food blog by La Fonceur

    The chickpea is a type of legume which is loaded with nutrients, including protein and minerals. They are rich in prebiotic fibers, which act as food for healthy bacteria in your digestive system. This can lead to a reduced risk of some digestive conditions, such as irritable bowel syndrome and colon cancer. The protein and fiber of chickpeas work synergistically to slow digestion, which helps promote fullness. Chickpeas contain soluble fiber; it blends with water and forms a gel-like substance in the digestive tract.

    4.  Lentils

    Lentils. Eat so what. Smart Food blog by La Fonceur

    Lentils are very high in protein and loaded with many important nutrients. Lentils contain both insoluble and soluble fiber. That means they promote weight loss by making you full by expanding in the stomach and absorbing water. Additionally, their fiber carries waste, excess fat, and toxins out of the body and can improve heart health, digestive, immune, and metabolic function.

    5.  Apples

    Apples. Eat so what. Smart Food blog by La Fonceur

    Apples are relatively high in fiber and among the tastiest and most satisfying fruits you can eat. Apples contain a type of fiber called pectin, which has been shown to improve digestion because of its soluble nature and ability to bind to cholesterol or toxins in the body and eliminate them. Due to the high fiber content, apple makes you feel full; Eating an apple half an hour before a meal results in eating fewer calories in the meal.

    6.  Sweet Potatoes

    Sweet Potatoes. Eat so what. Smart Food blog by La Fonceur

    Sweet potatoes are super healthy and have a delicious sweet flavor. They are very high in beta-carotene, B vitamins, and various minerals. They are best had with their skins if you want to benefit your digestive system. With the peel on, their fiber content gets better. The starchy texture of sweet potatoes contains fiber, which aids digestion. They are soothing to the stomach and intestines, so they are easily digested and prevent constipation.

    7.  Kidney Beans

    Kidney Beans. Eat so what. Smart Food blog by La Fonceur

    Kidney beans are good for digestion. Kidney beans contain both soluble and insoluble fiber, which keeps your digestive

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