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It seems like the quieter you become the more you hear “In the silence spirit speaks to you”.

Spine chilling events of real paranormal cases.
Release dateOct 13, 2023

Denise Burroughs

Denise Burroughs, is a business woman and self employed. She is a seasoned author of several books currently published. Denise Burroughs is a paranormal researcher and investigator, and the founder of Paranormal Investigations of North Florida. She was also featured in Haunted Hospital on T&E and Travel Chanel. She is married and currently resides in the Sunshine State of Florida. You can find Paranormal Investigators of North Florida on Facebook, along with her Haunted Florida Community. You can find her on her podcast Haunted Florida, where ever you listen to your podcasts, Spotify, Amazon, i Heart, Apple or Google. You can reach out to Haunted Florida at Also there is a YOUTUBE Channel at

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    Ghost - Denise Burroughs

    © 2023 Denise Burroughs. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 05/08/2024

    ISBN: 979-8-8230-1446-5 (hc)

    ISBN: 979-8-8230-1447-2 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2023917339

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    Chapter 1 My First Case

    Chapter 2 Fort Lauderdale

    Chapter 3 Seven Signs Of A Haunting

    Chapter 4 Loxahatchee

    Chapter 5 Tallahassee, Florida

    Chapter 6 Georgia

    Chapter 7 Lake Jackson

    Chapter 8 Mallard Trace

    Chapter 9 The Greystone Manor

    Chapter 10 The Cemetery

    Chapter 11 Rosewood

    Chapter 12 Cassadaga

    Chapter 13 A Haunting On Wilcox

    Chapter 14 Haunted Objects

    Chapter 15 Cross City

    Chapter 16 Monticello

    Chapter 17 The Natural Bridge

    Chapter 18 The Triangle Hauntings

    Chapter 19 Shiloh Road

    Chapter 20 The House In The Woods

    Chapter 21 The Ninth Floor

    Chapter 22 The Ward

    Chapter 23 The Haunted Inn

    Chapter 24 Rome, N.Y.

    Chapter 25 The House On Wright Road

    Chapter 26 The House At 161

    Chapter 27 A Haunted Brothel

    Chapter 28 The O’Quinn Drug Company

    Chapter 29 The Equipment

    Chapter 30 The Train To Nowhere

    Chapter 31 Robert The Doll

    Chapter 32 The Haunting Of The Saint Augustine Jail

    Chapter 33 The Conclusion


    Special Acknowledgement

    To the Spirits,

    Who inspired me to write this book

    Without your presence in this world

    This book may have never come to pass

    In Loving Memory


    Mitchell Kingston

    My friend and Team member







    It’s what goes bump in the night, that caught my attention and from that moment on, I never looked back.

    Spirit and the paranormal seemed so natural to me. What was once thought to be my imaginary playmate turned out to be so much more.

    I was beyond fascinated by my own ability, to see, hear and feel that energy from the living and to those that have passed on. It became so clear to me that something more was going on with me. I knew I just had to keep searching and pushing myself to get a deeper understanding.

    It became clearer as time went on, that I had a gift to communicate with spirits. I really had to adjust my life, my mind and my thoughts to accommodate my new friends from the afterlife. Challenging at times, yes, but very gratifying at the same time.

    My conversations with spirits are no different than when I speak to a living person. The only difference is they don’t always respond, making the conversation more one sided.

    I learned to use my ability to communicate with the spirits, not only to help the living, but to help those who were no longer here, to either help them move on or to understand the attachments they still have here in the physical world.

    It’s more than that I realized over the years that I did not walk alone. I am guided by my spirit guide, who made herself known to me at a young age. She was like an angel. As crazy as it sounds I know her by name, Agnes. As the guide made herself known to me, I later realized how symbolic her name really was.

    She has been with me ever since I could remember. When I started to open myself up that’s when things really started to become clear to me, and my spirit guide became a huge part of my journey.

    Starting everyday like normal, that’s what I do thinking nothing about what’s inside me, or what’s going on with others. My heart, my soul and my feelings are guided gently by sense. I feel very drawn to people that are in need, I always have. I have always been able to pick up on things, not always listening to that inner self. I have made many bad choices, we are not perfect, gifts are not always perfect either.

    In my travels through this country, I’ve had a chance to meet people from all walks of life and many who have shared the same things I have. Let’s face it we all have that natural ability built in, to protect ourselves with. Some just need more time to learn how to use it.

    Speaking of traveling, I have traveled around the country and made some places home. It was during those times I did a lot of soul searching, and I needed to understand I wanted more. The paranormal was everywhere, but not talked about much. I grew up in the 70s and 80s. Things were still on the hush, but it was out there. Just hidden, so no one knew about it.

    Yes, we did have 800 hot lines for psychic advice and those private readings, and tea leaves. I had my tea leaves read by a woman named Laura, she was English. It’s crazy looking back on it now, she told me so much about myself and my potential. She honed in on me like radar and after every reading, she would tell me You’re going to go far. You will help many along the way; you’re special. I thought to myself She got all that from tea?

    Laura was very gifted and truly amazing. She helped me in so many ways to understand life and to accept my own gifts, even at a young age. She knew that although I went to her for guidance, I already knew I just needed to trust and accept. I realized I had to get focused, I remember so much looking back, all the visitations, dreams and more. It was my world beginning to unfold in the years to come.

    As I finally settled back to my roots and the state I call home, I began to accept all of this in my life. I began working with people to help them, like I was guided all those years past. It felt so natural once I agreed with myself and stopped worrying, about what anyone thought. Once that door opened up, it never closed. I realized my light was on and it was staying on.







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