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The Poems that Awakened the Dead
The Poems that Awakened the Dead
The Poems that Awakened the Dead
Ebook17 pages10 minutes

The Poems that Awakened the Dead

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In a world where the boundary between life and death is thin, poems take on a magical and dark power. In this mysterious and thrilling work, the author takes us on a journey through ancient and forgotten poems that have the ability to bring the dead back to life.

A história se desenrola em uma cidade sombria e antiga, onde segredos antigos são enterrados em cada esquina, e os habitantes vivem sob o peso da tragédia e do luto. O protagonista, um jovem poeta em busca de inspiração, se depara acidentalmente com uma coleção de poemas proibidos e esquecidos.

Ao mergulhar nesses versos enigmáticos, ele descobre que cada poema tem o poder de ressuscitar os mortos, mas a um custo terrível. A cada ressurreição, o tecido da realidade se desfaz um pouco mais, e o mundo começa a se desintegrar.

O jovem poeta se vê em uma corrida contra o tempo para desvendar o mistério por trás desses poemas e encontrar uma maneira de restaurar o equilíbrio antes que seja tarde demais. Ele encontra personagens sombrios, criaturas místicas e segredos profundos que o levarão às profundezas de sua própria alma.


Este livro desafia as noções convencionais de realidade e oferece uma profunda reflexão sobre o preço de buscar poder e explorar os limites da vida e da morte. Uma experiência de leitura que despertará a imaginação e a contemplação, "Os Poemas que Despertaram os Mortos" é uma obra literária que permanecerá na mente do leitor muito depois de virar a última página.

Release dateSep 29, 2023
The Poems that Awakened the Dead


"Chindole is a contemporary writer whose work has captivated readers around the world. Born in an exotic and mysterious country, their writing is deeply influenced by their rich cultural heritage and unique life experiences. Their prose is known for its eloquence and ability to describe lush landscapes, complex characters, and exciting situations. Critics often praise their ability to transport readers to entirely different worlds where myths and reality intertwine in intriguing ways. Chindole is equally skilled in creating memorable characters. Their protagonists are often ordinary people who find themselves in extraordinary circumstances, and readers connect deeply with their journeys of self-discovery and personal growth. Furthermore, Chindole is a master at exploring universal themes such as love, identity, belonging, and redemption. Their stories often transcend cultural boundaries and touch the hearts of people from all backgrounds. Their poetic writing is praised for its ability to convey complex emotions in simple and accessible words. Their works are often described as a fusion of magical realism and lyricism, creating a unique and engaging style that is distinctly 'Chindolian.' Chindole is an author whose legacy in contemporary literature is undeniable. Their books are translated into dozens of languages and are a must-read for those seeking a profound and enriching literary experience. Their ability to touch the souls of readers and make them reflect on life and the world around them is truly remarkable."

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    The Poems that Awakened the Dead - Chindole

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