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The Royal Order of Christian Knights
The Royal Order of Christian Knights
The Royal Order of Christian Knights
Ebook168 pages2 hours

The Royal Order of Christian Knights

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In the midst of the current chaos, fear, uncertainty, and unprecedented division in this dark and fallen world, there is an army rising up. An army of true believers who are full of love for God and love for one another. An army of the Lord full of the Holy Spirit and power! Soldiers for Christ who are dedicated to the great commission and preparing the way for the return of the King of kings and the Lord of lords. Based on the signs of the times around us and the remaining biblical prophecies being fulfilled before our very eyes, time is short. No one knows the specific day and time, but we are certainly in the season of the end times! Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand! Join our revolutionary movement to change the world by bringing the love, power, and light of the Almighty Everlasting Father into the hate-filled darkness evident in the world today.

Join us, pray with us, serve with us to change the world around us one act of kindness, one human interaction at a time. We stand together forever united, shoulder to shoulder without regard to denomination, race, income level, or any of the countless divisive elements that the principalities of darkness used to weaken the body of Christ and slow the march of the army of God. Together, edifying and equipping one another and helping one another to fight the good fight and run the race set before us, we are stronger than hate, stronger than fear, stronger than addiction and sinful temptations, stronger than any disease or virus, and stronger than anything Satan or the world can throw at us! If God be for us, who can possibly stand against us? We are invincible, and we are on the march. Will you join us? Put on the full armor of God and join the Royal Order of Christian Knights and ride to eternal victory with us!

Release dateAug 3, 2021
The Royal Order of Christian Knights

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    The Royal Order of Christian Knights - Christopher Christon


    The Royal Order of Christian Knights

    Christopher Christon

    Copyright © 2021 by Christopher Christon

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing, Inc.

    832 Park Avenue

    Meadville, PA 16335

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    The Invitation

    The Next Step

    Seek First the Kingdom

    Time Is Short!

    The Power of Your Words / Better Watch What You Say

    Love Conquers All

    Your Faith Can Move Mountains

    What Is Jesus’s Last Name? / The Yoke-Shattering Anointing

    These Things and Greater

    A Heaven to Gain and a Hell to Pay!

    Know God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit

    Know the Enemy

    Know Yourself

    Your Mission / Be a Witness

    Give Thanks to God!

    The Royal Order of Christian Knights

    Chapter 1

    The Invitation

    Congratulations, my friend, you hold in your hands an invitation to the greatest party ever thrown in the history of mankind! It will last forever and will make all the other celebrations since the beginning of time combined pale in comparison! It will bring you continuous unspeakable joy, unshakable peace, immeasurable prosperity, unimaginable health, unbelievable happiness, and everlasting life! It is an invitation to the eternal wedding feast with the Creator Himself. It is Almighty God’s invitation to you. You have been chosen, you have been called, and you have been invited to join us. Will you answer His call? Will you RSVP yes to the eternal wedding celebration, or will you throw away the invitation and choose to be cast into the outer darkness outside of the banquet hall looking in? The choice is yours.

    God has already chosen you, you must now either choose Him or reject and deny Him and disregard His invitation. It is God’s desire that all be saved (1 Timothy 2:4 KJV) and that all enter the gates and join the wedding celebration that will never end, but you must respond to the invitation. Maybe you have already gotten the invitation and wisely chosen eternal life, or maybe you have gotten the invitation already and foolishly thrown it away. This is another chance; please, don’t throw it away. It would be the most costly mistake you have ever made. Maybe you once got the invitation years ago and have forgotten or misplaced the invite and backslidden to early cares and pleasures instead of eternal thoughts and seeking first the kingdom.

    Life’s pleasures are fleeting and do not last. No matter how hard you party on this earth and how hard you play or how hard you work, it will always end and leave you wanting for more, feeling incomplete, depressed, fatigued, lonely, empty, and down. Maybe you have never heard the good news and have never gotten an invitation. Well, you have one now and must make a choice. Once you choose to join the eternal celebration of Christ’s wedding feast, then not only will you celebrate in eternity, but you will be able to celebrate here on earth, right now! There is only one way to accept the invitation, only one way into the party. It cannot be crashed; you cannot sneak in or bribe your way in or earn your place at the table. You must know the groom and answer His call.

    Jesus Christ is the truth, the light, and the way; no one comes to the Father but through Him (John 14:6). He is the groom, and He has sent you the invitation. He invites all to join His church. If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, then you can do so right now and secure for yourself a seat at the table of glory. All that is needed is for you to believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is your Lord and Master. Accept the invitation, accept Jesus as your Lord, and join His wedding feast now and forever.

    Jesus is either the Son of God and Savior of the world or He was a completely insane liar along with all those who walked with Him for years and chose to die and be tortured in horrible ways, losing everything for believing in Him as the Son of God. The very same people who fled and saw Him crucified quickly changed direction and started spreading the truth after they saw Him resurrected. They gave their all for the truth. Search your heart and you will know the truth, and it will forever set you free and reveal your awesome and amazing destiny. The truth is that God loves you and wants to have a daily and constant relationship with you. He wants you to prosper and have an abundantly blessed and wonderful life on earth and in eternity. That is why He created you to fellowship forever with Him. Religious tradition and slavery will keep you from the truth, only a relationship with the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit will forever set you truly free!

    There is an absolute truth that everyone has sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23), and everyone has been separated from God by their sin. He has sent this invitation out to all mankind. Even if you were or are a murderer, thief, liar, prostitute, homosexual, transsexual, bisexual, porn addict, pedophile, drug addict, alcoholic, wife beater, child molester, politician, drug dealer, if you are ashamed of what you have done in the past, or if you feel you are the lowest, evilest person that ever lived (definitely not true by the way!), He has chosen you and died for you, and He gives you a personal invitation to repentance, forgiveness, and eternal life. Jesus is the provision; He is the only way to your God-given destiny and to unimaginable glory and unspeakable joy! Once you accept Him as your Lord and Savior, all your sins are forgiven, no matter how many you have committed or how bad they are. You become a child of God and receive eternal life. You are born again and get a second chance, a fresh start! As you study His Word, assemble and fellowship with other believers, and pray continuously; you will draw closer and closer to Him and you will never be the same!

    It is not by chance, coincidence, or luck that you hold this book in your hands and are reading these words at this very moment but by divine appointment and destiny! The time has come for you to make the most important decision of your life. Time is short, and a choice must be made. God is calling you, He is seeking you out—will you answer His call? This is a written invitation to His eternal wedding feast, will you RSVP and come to the eternal party? The time has come for you to awaken from your slumber and to step up to be the man or woman that you are made and destined to be! Don’t you realize who you are? You are royalty, you are a son or daughter of the King of kings and Lord of lords, and He is inviting you to live and reign with Him forever! Royal blood flows through your veins! He wants you to reign now, here on earth and forever in heaven.

    Right now, is your life all that you want it to be? If you’re like most people, it probably isn’t! Isn’t it about time you do something about it before it is too late? The hours, days, weeks, months, and years seem to speed by, yet nothing changes! Time is literally running out for you to achieve the life you always dreamed of and the life you are destined and meant to live! God has put dreams and visions in you and has given you gifts and talents to achieve your destiny, but you must first seek Him and the truth or you will never reach your divine destiny!

    Are you bored with your current life? Do you feel empty or alone? Do you have guilt about your past, fear about your present, and worry about your future? Have you ever felt that you do not belong to this world and are not a part of it? Are you happy with who you are, where you are, and what you are currently doing with your life, or is something missing or seem not right? How do you feel when you are alone? What do you think, do, and sometimes say when you are by yourself? This is probably when you are your true self. If you don’t like what you think, say, and do, then you must do something about it. Your life is about to change forever, and you will never be the same! Now is the time for eternal change; now is the time for you to act. Having this book in your hands and reading these words at this moment is no mistake. You are on the edge of eternal change! You can live with confidence, joy, peace, power, and boldness in this dark and chaotic world. God Himself wants to bless you with divine health, unspeakable joy, unshakable peace, and superabundant prosperity right now! Will you let Him? If your life is not as it could and should be and you are ready for a permanent positive change, then read on!

    Have you ever thought that there must be more to your life than what you are currently experiencing? Does it seem like something is missing from your life? Do you feel satisfied where you are and who you are now or are you bored, lonely, unhappy, depressed, sad, or angry at your current situation and circumstances? Are you willing to take a few minutes of your time to do some soul-searching in the quiet of your room or somewhere you can be alone and ask yourself these very important questions that could change your life and your family and friend’s lives forever? God didn’t promise you a perfect life, but He did promise a long, satisfying life (Psalm 91:16).

    This book presents the source of all truth and of life-changing knowledge and revelation that will impact every area of your life far more than you can ever think or imagine. It will positively impact everyone you meet. It will reveal the conspiracy to keep you from the truth of who you really are and what you are meant to be doing. After this source of truth is revealed to you, you will never be the same! Some of the questions you should ask yourself are: Am I truly happy and satisfied with who I am now and what I am doing? Do I wake in the morning feeling refreshed and looking forward to the day ahead with excitement, joy, and great expectations? Do I go to sleep at the end of a prosperous and exciting day, thankful for such a wonderfully joyful, peaceful, and totally awesome life? If you answer no to any of these questions, taking the time to explore the reasons why you don’t feel this way can change your life.

    Such a life is attainable and indeed should be expected! The world would have you think otherwise. Trials and tribulations will come your way, but they should not disrupt your love, peace, and joy. You can be stable in all your ways and weather any storm that comes. Sometimes, you just have to go to the back of the boat and follow Jesus’s example. He curled up and went to sleep when the storm came. His peace was unmoved while the disciples had fear enter their hearts and were madly scrambling to survive the storm. The underlying problem is that you don’t realize who you really are and what you are meant to be doing! You may feel alone, but you are not! Everyone has been created for a specific reason. You have a divine destiny and purpose. You are meant to walk in the realm of impossibilities and walk in absolute dominion in every area and in every aspect of your life from health to wealth, from birth to natural death, from womb to tomb and beyond. You are made to do amazing exploits for the King of kings and Lord of lords!

    God is calling you now, will you answer? Time is running out. Look around the world today and compare the news with the book of Revelation and other prophetic scriptures and know that Jesus will soon rapture His people; it could be at any moment if it hasn’t happened already. COVID-19 is just a type and shadow of the darkness to come. Read the book of Revelations and see what is coming. The end times make COVID-19 and all other previous historical epidemics pale in comparison. You must be ready right now before it’s too late. You must be on fire for Him and not be caught lukewarm! He is reaching out to you at this very moment; He is holding out His hand, will you take hold and let him lift you out of your current circumstances into glory and an everlasting life with him? If you’re at the end of your rope or preferably before you get there, reach your hands to heaven and be lifted out of your situation into who you are meant to be!

    Many people feel that they are in an endless loop, doing the same thing day after day, week after week, month after month, and year after year, without accomplishing anything, getting anywhere, or helping anyone. Are you one of them? Nothing seems to change or to improve; every day is Groundhog Day. Others think they have it all but still feel empty and lost. Before they realize it, they are at the end of their life and just want the end to come quickly to end their suffering, complacency, or boredom. Many people feel that they aren’t making a difference in the world and that they aren’t impacting those around them. They believe that they don’t have anything good to offer the world. Well, they are wrong as we will soon see! Many millions suffer needlessly from depression, alcoholism, obesity, sex or pornography addiction, drug addiction, workaholism, and a host of other sicknesses, addictions, and diseases. Many people worry about their

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