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I, Psalmist: A 365 Day Devotional
I, Psalmist: A 365 Day Devotional
I, Psalmist: A 365 Day Devotional
Ebook390 pages4 hours

I, Psalmist: A 365 Day Devotional

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I, Psalmist is a 365-day devotional. This book provides reflection, prayer, and scripture reference for each day of the year. It may be started at any time. It is a truly inspirational book.

Release dateJan 10, 2018
I, Psalmist: A 365 Day Devotional

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    I, Psalmist - Rick Corum


    In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth (Gen. 1:1). This is the first verse of the first book in the Bible. This single verse reveals two huge facts, facts that most Christians are comfortable with. First, God is the creator, and second is that God is eternal. Let’s focus on the first four words of this verse, In the beginning God. Do you put God at the beginning of everything you do? Do you put Him first in your day? How much of the day goes by before you think of God? Putting Him first can have some huge benefits in your life.

    Father God, I joyfully acknowledge your creative powers and eternal nature. Thank you for your majestic creations, the heavens and the earth. I do want you to be first in my life; I know without you I am nothing. There is nothing or no one more important than you in my life, and I will acknowledge this at every opportunity.

    Genesis 1


    Do you ever stop to think how blessed we are to be in fellowship with God? The most powerful force in the universe knows your name. It is up to you as too how strong that fellowship is and how it develops. Make no mistake, our God is not a genie. We do not simply ask Him for something and expect to receive; rather our prayer life needs to be relational in nature. Just as we cultivate our earthly relationships, we need to do the same with God—not for His sake but for ours. Let’s build our relationship with God through prayer and Scripture reading.

    You are so wonderful, my mighty God! You have given me life, you have given me many blessings, and most of all, you have given your Son Jesus Christ for my eternal salvation. I find it difficult finding the words to show my appreciation and my love. My heart belongs to you, my sweet majesty, and I look forward to praising you for eternity.

    First Corinthians 1


    Are you different than non-Christians you know? You should be. The closer you are to the prevailing culture, the further you are from God. There are certain movies and television programs you should not watch. There are certain people you should not associate with, certain Web sites you should avoid, and certain activities you should not participate in. Neighbors, relatives, and friends can assure you there is no harm to something, but deep in your heart, you know it is wrong, turn away, and strengthen your walk with God.

    Lord, it is so easy to fall to temptation. It lurks at every turn. Satan waits to pounce on your people. So many people have fallen to the allure of sin. I want to keep myself, my life worthy of your love. Help me to stay focused on you, lead me not into temptation, and keep evil from my door. I am weak but I know I can rely on your strength to get me through.

    First Timothy 6:11–21


    Do you have any idols in your heart? Is there anything or anyone that you have given a high place of honor? It is not necessary that you put idols above God, just putting them on the same level you are sinning. It is easy to fantasize about people or things that will bring you great joy, yet understand that this joy is only temporary. Our one true source of all joy is found only in Almighty God. The false idols will eventually lead to sorrow and death. Put nothing or nobody before God.

    Sweet King, only you are worthy of all praise. Some people will position various idols throughout their life; many will put the idols above you, oh Lord. I have no idols in my life anymore. You alone are my God. I know that no idol or idols can provide the grace, peace, and mercy that you offer, forever. Lord, help me to share the idea that having idols is only for the fool or the wicked.

    Ezekiel 14:1–11


    The glory of the Lord will be revealed! We can know a lot about God through Scripture, but I truly believe that we cannot fathom the glory of our God; our senses cannot handle nor describe it. Personally, I cannot even imagine it; oh I know that He is glorious, but what does that mean? To be able to be able to fully comprehend His glory we may have to wait until we meet Him in heaven. Suffice it to say that, in my opinion, His glory will be the most fantastic feeling we have ever had on earth. Come, Lord Jesus!

    Your glory, oh God, is beyond human comprehension! There are no words that can come close to fully describing you. If I had a thousand years and knew hundreds of languages, I could not define your greatness. We have nothing that can compare to you, oh Lord. I long to see your face. The feeling alone will warm my heart and my soul.

    Isaiah 60:1–22


    Who knows you are a Christian? Do your neighbors, colleagues, golf buddies, carpool moms believe you are Christian? How would they know? The fact that you go to church is a good step; that you do not drink, swear, or do drugs are also good indicators; but guess what, lots of non-Christians do those things as well. It is important that we let the light of Jesus Christ shine through us in everything we do. Every day we need to be kind in thought, word, and deed. We need to love our neighbors (even when they seem unlovable) and always give thanks to God for the many gifts he has given us.

    Lord, I want to shout from the rooftops that I belong to You. I want everyone to know, regardless of what the cost for that might be. I will not be ashamed of your teachings and your words. I will publicly acknowledge you always. My love for you will only be outdone by your love for me. I will rejoice in that love forever.

    Exodus 15:1–21


    Are you giving your God the best you have every day? You know deep in your heart that He deserves the best you have to give. Do you pray when you get a moment of free time, or do you have a special time for prayer and the Word? Do you put forth any effort to share his Word with nonbelievers? Do you go out of your way to help someone in need? Do you pray for an enemy? Only the best of everything is an appropriate offering to our God. Don’t try to make Him settle for second best.

    Oh Lord, help me to focus on you every day. I long to give only the choicest gifts to my King regardless of the sacrifices required on my part. My second best is never worthy to give to you. You have always given me your best, including giving me the salvation that your Son Jesus offered to me. Let me offer you everything I have; even though it is trash before your holiness, take what you like and let me use the rest to praise you.

    Malachi 1:6–14


    God is very gracious about warning people of incoming judgments and punishments. The problem is that so many people do not heed His warnings. Some people choose not to hear the warning; others may feel that they have plenty of time to do what the Lord commands before the judgment is carried out, and still others may choose not to believe the warning or the messenger. Whatever the reason, God has sent his warnings out, and be sure that God will deliver punishment as warned. Scripture is full of people who did not heed the warnings of God and fell victim to God’s wrath.

    Almighty God, I listen to your every word and strive to obey at all times. Just as you have warned others in the past, you warn us today. Help me to be a messenger of that warning. Your punishments are just; we are an evil people by nature. It is only with your help that we can obey you. My great desire is to be an obedient servant to you, oh my sweet King.

    Genesis 19:1–26


    As followers of Christ, we are not immune to the pain and the suffering of this earth. You may hear people ask, Why do bad things happen to good people? or If there were a God, there would not be so much suffering. It was Jesus himself who said that nobody is good, except God. The suffering of this is not a result of what God has done (or is doing) rather it is a result of our sin. From Adam’s fall, to our own failures the results of our actions are pain, suffering, and death. Even Jesus suffered pain and death as a penalty for our sins, not His.

    Oh Lord, I know you are near me always, even when I am suffering. Earthly pains are a mere inconvenience in comparison to the great joys I will receive when I am in your presence. I beg you. Give me strength to preserve through times of trials and suffering, reminding me that as your child this is all just temporary.

    Second Corinthians 1:3–11


    So many Christians expect God to answer some of their most specific questions, yet they are not familiar with His word. God is not likely to send you any great revelation, if you have not read the one’s He already sent in His word. Often time’s answers to an individual’s question or concern can be found in Scripture, but to be able to discern the answer you have to be spending time in the word and in prayer. Are you ready to hear what God has to tell you, or are you just hoping that God will say what you want to hear? To really hear what God is saying you not only have to listen with your ears, but more importantly you have to listen with your heart.

    Oh Lord, please help me to be fixated on you every day. I want to be close enough to you so that I will hear you when you whisper. Keep my heart and my ears open to you all day, every day so I may hear and obey your every wish.

    First Samuel 3:1–10


    Jesus said He would return one day. Ever since Jesus left the earth, probably that very day people began to wonder when He would come back. Despite Jesus’s Himself saying that nobody knows the day of His return, many said that they figured it out. Take Jesus at His word that nobody knows, yet do not forget that He will return. He could even return today, before you finish reading this page. Please be sure you are ready for the triumphant return of Christ Jesus. Spend time telling family, friends, and everyone you meet to be sure they are ready, and if not help them get ready by sharing the saving power of Christ, salvation is in Christ alone.

    Oh sweet Jesus, my Lord, how the earth longs for your return. Without you here, the earth is an evil, warring place where hatred abounds, and people take great delight in destroying those who love you. I know that the very moment you return all who love you will be vindicated and evil will reign no more.

    Revelation 1:1–8


    Do you trust God? You should, He has never given us cause not to trust Him. Everyone on the earth will let you down at some point. I love my child very much, but I will let him down at least once in his life (pretty sure I have done that more than once already) when I die. No matter how much you love people, you will let them down, and yes, people will let you down. God does not fail ever. Trusting God will give you great courage in life and in death. Nobody who has trusted God has ever been disappointed. Like the old hymn say, Trust and obey.

    Jesus, my Lord, the longer I know you, the more I trust you. Everything else pales in comparison to the promises you have made. I believe with all of my heart that your promises are true and that I will see them fulfilled one day. Your true promises are made to all that believe, love, and trust you. There is no room for doubt in the heart of your believers.

    Second Corinthians 3:1–6


    Having a forgiving heart is a very important part of being a Christian. Jesus showed us the great importance of having a forgiving heart and how to demonstrate having a forgiving heart. Jesus forgave the people who tortured and crucified Him. Today I believe that being perceived as having a forgiving heart is to be perceived as being weak, and that perception is seriously flawed. To forgive is to create an environment where one can move forward, getting rid of the negative energy and preparing to face future challenges. Try to emulate Jesus and forgive those that have hurt you. Both you and they will be better off for it.

    Jesus, when you responded to the request to teach us to pray, you included forgiving others, as we have been forgiven. The depth of your ability to forgive is immeasurably deep, and I pray that you help me develop that strength of a forgiving heart. I know that by forgiving, I am showing an example of your eternal love. Help me to be that beacon to the world.

    Micah 7:17–20


    How brave are you? Being brave in God is a powerful tool. The prophet Nathan went to visit with King David at the height of his power. Nathan then had to tell the king that he had sinned against God with his dalliance with Bathsheba. I am sure Nathan would not have had the courage to do this on his own, but with God, he had the courage. Likewise, Esther risked her life presenting herself before the king while not being summoned. The king received her and she was able to save her people the Jews. So I ask again, How brave are you? Would you risk your life to obey God?

    Great King, you have made me one of the bravest people on the planet Earth. You have given me courage to face anything, What is the worst thing that could happen to me? Death is the thing most people fear, but you have shown me that you overcame death and so can I. I am strong and brave in this evil world because of you, for this, I am eternally grateful to you.

    Joshua 1:1–7


    There are a lot of people preaching and teaching false doctrine in the world today. Some may do it to be true to the teachings within their denomination, some may do it for personal gain, and still some may do it to appease the people who do not want to hear God’s perfect truth. Whatever the reason, they are wrong, dead wrong. These preachers and teachers are leading people to their deaths and must stop. People must be wise within themselves, pray for discernment, and be in the word in order to avoid false teachers and prophets.

    Oh Holy God, your Word and your precepts are like the sweetest music to my ears. I understand the great value of your teachings and pray that I will always represent them honestly and with a loving spirit. Please grant discernment to those who seek to know you that they may avoid false teachers, prophets, and preachers. May they know the true and benevolent nature of you, Most Holy God. Help the false teachers see the error of their way and return humbly to you, Lord.

    Ezekiel 13:2–9


    When it comes to God, do you have faith? Before you answer that question, let’s explore exactly what that means and what are the costs. Corrie Ten Boom says that faith sees the invisible, believes the unbelievable, and receives the impossible. Our world today is not comfortable with the statement made by Corrie Ten Boom. Our culture believes that seeing the invisible is a sign of a mental disorder, that believing the unbelievable is idiotic, and receiving the impossible as, well, impossible. The costs in today’s can include your family and friends, your job, your credibility, and even your life. So how would you answer the question from the first line, do you have faith in God?

    Oh, Mighty God, all of my faith is in you. I trust in your everlasting love and I know what it means to have a solid faith in you. You are my King and my God, all I have is yours and all that I am is yours. I am fully prepared to pay whatever price my faith in you is required by the culture. I know that if my faith in you is strong, you will be strong in me.

    First John 5:1–12


    Joy! According to Christian Reference Bible Site, he word joy appears 155 in the Bible (NIV). One could argue that is a lot of joy! What is all of the joy about? The joy is all about Jesus. The promise of Jesus, the manifestation of Jesus, and even the promised return of Jesus all foster great joy for the ancient Jews and for the entire world. Those of us who love Jesus understand that feeling of joy and we experience that feeling of joy. Joy is beyond happiness, to some it is an indescribable feeling, to others it is happiness magnified. Nobody tells us to feel joy. We just do.

    My heart is overflowing with joy because of you, my God! Feeling your spirit about me is so joyous to me. The great promises from you fill my soul with an immeasurable joy. To be in your good graces is be joyful. Despite whatever else is going on in my life, the joy I get from having you as my King supersedes everything. I love you, my Great Lord.

    First Peter 1:3–9


    In times of great crisis, even the most ungodly people cry out for help from God. Other people blame God for disastrous situations and conditions. People disobey or dishonor (blaspheme) God until hard times come. People who love God understand that his ways are higher than ours are and we need to pray for a higher level of understanding. God’s people view even death differently. Death for a child of God is not an ending; rather it is just a glorious transition into the physical presence of Almighty God.

    Almighty King, you are always with me, and I am always with you. Because I always seek to be in your holy presence, I do not have to go looking for you when times become difficult. Those who do not know you and love you are quick to blame you in bad times but fail to recognize you when times are good. Even the people who refuse to acknowledge your existence will eventually cry out to you. May I always acknowledge the goodness you give to the world.

    Jeremiah 2:29–37


    Do you believe in angles? God has used angles throughout the history, and many of those events have been recorded in Scripture. From wrestling with Jacob to angles ministering to Jesus after Satan’s temptations, angles have been useful tools for God to use in dealing with people. As messengers and warriors, God utilizes angles for specific purposes—both in past and present events. Angles have acted as messengers of God, and that is something we can have in common with them, we can transmit God’s message to a needy world. Never underestimate what or whom God will use to get His message across.

    Angles have proclaimed your glory; dear Lord, let me proclaim your glory as well! You have used your angles in many

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