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Nostradamus Volume 5 of 17: And Explanations of Afterlife Experiences
Nostradamus Volume 5 of 17: And Explanations of Afterlife Experiences
Nostradamus Volume 5 of 17: And Explanations of Afterlife Experiences
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Nostradamus Volume 5 of 17: And Explanations of Afterlife Experiences

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This series of books entitled "Nostradamus" is a publication of William Dudley Pelley’s original "Soulcraft Fellowship, Letters from Home, The Nine O’clock Sessions, Survey of Probabilities, Purposes of the Infinite, Letters from the Heavenly Home and Halls of Light Illumination" representing over 1500 legal-sized, single-spaced typewritten pages originally written in 1955 but never published in its entirety before now.

This material, thought to be unique in Pelley’s writings, was channelled by him and mailed weekly to his subscribers in five-page sets. One unknown individual in Washington State assembled these sets (minus issue #1) and bound them into the manuscripts. We at TNT Publishing obtained the manuscripts, digitized them and are publishing them herein, beginning with Letter Number 2.

While the majority of this material was received psychically from Nostradamus, other Steller historical personalities also "tuned in" to provide (absolutely awesome!) knowledge and valuable communication while Pelley was in contact with Nostradamus, Democritus, Henry Ford, Benjamin
Franklin, Thomas Edison and others...
Release dateDec 19, 2021
Nostradamus Volume 5 of 17: And Explanations of Afterlife Experiences

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    Nostradamus Volume 5 of 17 - William Dudley Pelley


    And Explanations of Afterlife Experiences

    Volume 5 of 17

    William Dudley Pelley


    Sister Thedra

    Copyright © 2021 by Halls of Light, LLC

    All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

    ISBN: 978-1-716-14571-1


    LETTER No. 86

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    LETTER No. 86

    War Reaching a Stage, Says Nostradamus, Where It is Unworkable for Anybody


    So many items are arising in the Near East to puzzle or distract you that I deem it expedient this week to send you a communication that clarifies somewhat the procession of events as we on this Fifth Plane see them. In fact, it may not come amiss for me to talk to you for a whole letter on War itself as the nations now groan, writhe and contort under pressures which have every appearance in the end of making it inescapable. Particularly do I wish to discuss the possibility of it from America's standpoint . .

    The main things it might be expedient to talk about are these: The position of the United States in the military drama that well may open at any time; the position of your United States in the all-world lineup, white against red or white against yellow; and the position of your United States after hostilities have ceased. Let's take the first one, first.

    The position of your United States when the attempt is ultimately made to seize Formosa is going to be one of general exasperation. I do not think there will be any enthusiasm whatever to enter a war in the Far East after the debacle in which the Korean conflict ended. The sentiment throughout America will be that she has no business going so far afield to settle another continent's troubles. This will especially be true if she find herself on Russia's side . . if Russia executes a maneuver making it appear that China is her enemy as well as America's. This last is going to be very difficult for the American people to swallow, particularly so as Israeli is due to force herself to the front and endeavor to dictate the terms under which things happen in the Near East. In fact, Israeli is going to overplay her hand badly, get herself excoriated and left more or less to her own destiny. Already Israeli is suspect for being the prime mover behind the recently acclaimed Eisenhower Doctrine. Not to put too fine a point on it, the subconscious reaction to the Eisenhower Doctrine throughout the world has it that Mr. Eisenhower is more or less making advance preparations for supplying Israeli with assistance that will not call for the support of Congress openly. Personally we Up Here don't see it in precisely that light as we know of the operatings of your Chief Executive's mind privately. However, I may go into this with you more at length in a later letter . .

    The American people do not wish to see this war happen. They will not approve any gesture openly to antagonize the Chinese until it is clearer to them what the whole Russian-Chinese hookup or interrelation is, They are going to be wary of sacrificing blood and treasure either to protect Russia, or for that matter Israeli, and pull the chestnuts of either out of the international fire. There will be no business to be executed against the Arabs, whom the American people have no quarrel with. The whole war when it comes is going to have such a synthetic and manufactured aspect as to leave the United States in a somewhat dangerous position, dangerous in suspense of not regarding China as so dangerous an antagonist as she may prove to be before the conflict ends. China is not known to have any air force, certainly no shipping bottoms of consequence, and the American people can be expected to take the viewpoint that the width of the oceans make any attacks on the North American continent more or less of an absurdity. On the other hand, the military will do everything in its power to confine the conflict and keep it pretty much to Southern Asia. Certainly I do not see any such great concentrations of manpower as distinguished World Wars One and Two in the American scene. The whole thing would be rather ridiculous were it not for the countries who will try pulling chestnuts out of the fire, chiefly commercially, and gain an edge on America while she is embattled. Probably it will take the explosion of an atom bomb, whether dropped from invading plane, launched from submarine, or contained in guided missile really to arouse your nation to fever pitch. To see any American city assailed by atomic devastation will bring the severity of the whole situation home to the average American in such a way that he will demand a scapegoat and the people who have been responsible for giving China, to say nothing of Russia, its growing military formidity will be looked upon as enemies of the Republic in ways not happy to contemplate. It may very well be that there will arise an anti-racist hue and cry as well, that will focus the Marxist issue in a deadly way, who has been chiefly responsible for its establishment and promotion, who was responsible for getting Russia diplomatically recognized, what elements have assisted in today's equipment of Russia that she now becomes powerful enough to equip the Chinese armies. If it were a case of the two great Soviet republics joining arms to assail the free nations, the issue could be understood and met clearly and quickly. But Russia could not afford to have China use her as a jumping-off place to the western world because there would be no way to command the Chinese ultimately to get out and go home. Furthermore, concentratings of Chinese troops in Russia would attract nuclear-fission bombs from your own aircraft that would only make the Russian devastation worse insofar as Russia saw her role before she finished with all of it.

    "The War as a war is a lost cause before carnage,

    Damage shall have no recompense but research of those guilty;

    The industry of Mischief for Gain shall come to halt abruptly,

    The Ram is torn asunder and consumed of the Dragon.

    I do not see America asserting her fullest to sail into the Red allies till there has been a severe fission explosion over American territory. But it will quickly subside because the demand for retaliation will be so terrific that well nigh chaos can be created if the American military refuses to accede.

    Britain's role in the coming embroilment is not going to be either an honorable nor happy one. She does not want air bombs coming out of Russia or even the Near East to drop on her possessions because she is still too close to the Hitler bombardment ever to go through that time of nerve-strain again. Only now there would be the increased havoc wrought by nuclear energy. The result might be that she would make a gesture at neutrality, pleading her island position, also as having an eye out to acting as mediator to both sides because if the whole lineup comes as I have suggested it to you there would be almost no mediation forces able enough and powerful enough to function with any degree of success after a few sample hydrogen bombs have taken their toll. If, on the other hand, your United States trade atom bomb attacks with the Red forces no matter how chalked up, a bargain might be struck quickly abandoning that type of warfare because of the whole earth. A temporary armistice might come, to be broken subsequently when hostilities were resumed in guided missiles. The whole thing is so fraught with devastation of a universal character that humanity may easily lose its nerve in this third climactic war and never want to fight any more, figuring that any type of settlement is preferable to exposure to any fresh form of aerial bombardment.

    "The Dragon with the Bear eateth suppers of revelry,

    But he weigheth his allies through slotted eyelids;

    Only is he restrained because his iron larders have an emptiness,

    He filleth them and moveth, and there is alarm at midnight.

    You will notice that I have kept away from minute descriptions of events leading up to this imminent carnage because the whole program of death and terror is so unwelcome to hear about on the earth-level, pardonably and understandingly. I do not think I need to prophesy week by week developments. Internal strife, however, are going to be acute. I mean, persecutions of individuals suspected as being non-trustworthy or given to double-dealing and espionage. This will exceed anything which has accompanied earlier conflicts, only now the element to be suspect and chastened will be found heaviest in the pilot-seat of earlier altercations. The public nerves are raw on all this overseas double-dealing, so raw that it is going to require men like yourself who have the background of persecution to do anything of a remedial nature. The rancors of half a century are constructed to towering proportions. Races who long have sought to rule the earth through occult guile, thereby attaining a leadership for themselves, are to have the folly of it demonstrated so that the youngest child understands it.

    "A mightier Nuremberg openeth than any men have thought of,

    Fomenters of mischiefs between States shall sit with taut lips;

    All who fed thalers to the Bear shall receive sentence with him,

    The Anti-Christians know their worldwide day of infamy.

    Neither China nor Russia have the military potential as yet to wage any such aerial war as America, plus England, and to a degree France, could carry on against the forces of the Levant never mind how composed. The military potential of the Moslem world is well nigh mil. Japan is a factor that may decide matters conclusively in the Far East more conclusively than the military forces of the United States because she still harbors her constitutional grudge against the Chinaman for taking away Manchukuo, likewise knowing that if America abandons the whole Far Eastern conflict she stands an excellent chance of winning back her former prestige -- which she calls face -- before all other orientals. She may make a gesture to represent the United States, or substitute for the United States, in the overall Far Eastern military picture. But we will see that happen if, as, and when it does. I think you are going to see your famous General MacArthur come out of retirement before another six months have passed and practically take overall charge of the oriental embroilment under your President. General MacArthur will probably be recalled from private life to be head man again, and he will not be found wanting. The only thing that could deter it would be the Master's need for him in some higher position on This Side. But there are no signs of such summons of him as yet.

    The Japanese in such connection will want to recoup on their ignominious defeat of 1945 and the Americans will be more or less content to let her do so in respect to China. This will put Japan in a leading position in the Far East and make her a Grade One nation again in the eyes of the world. Fortunately she will have learned a pretty severe lesson from World War II and make her a little more humane in her military maneuverings. But she will want to be counted among the free nations, that is, with America, Britain, France, Germany, and Turkey, by no means excepting Italy.

    "Make not the mistake of thinking absence of news in the journals

    Meaneth that pressures have departed from those of State;

    The Two Fools find their travelings slippery of progress

    And hold off event lest it ensnare them fatally.

    "One of the Fools hath committed his last faux pas already,

    While the pressure growth daily under his podium of power;

    Some day the real cause of Antony's resignation shall be known

    And Christians shall bite their knuckles in chagrin.

    Now as this period of military tension comes upon America it is going to flay the American nerves to an unhallowed degree. Americans could stand a bombing from planes such as London took during the German blitzkrieg but they are too imaginative a people, and too ebullient or excitable to stand for long a continued strain of wondering when the next bomb was due to fall and wreck a city. The demand will be, therefore, for a swift and savage paralysis of these Red maniacs and woe betide the politico-military group or personnel that fails to heed it. America, in fact the whole free world, my dear earth-kin, is going to discern suddenly that War has reached a stage wherein it is no longer workable for anyone connected with it and an entirely new idea must be born out of the impasses which the Near-Eastern world will indulge or be caught in. It is time for an entirely new Advisory Council of the Nations to be permanently formed, not like United Nations, not a super-government nor yet a relief society but more after the pattern of an International Public Welfare Department whose main objective at all times is the planned well-being of all peoples of the world, without force being employed to discipline either the lowest or highest. It must be the kind of or organization that gains its way by absolute economic boycott and diverting of supplies as between civilized countries. In other words, it must be a totally new concept of an international body, with a new name, a new idea, and a new executiveship, which of course requires a totally new constructive mechanism. If you will let your mind wander over the many expedients which have been adopted from time to time to cure the rapacities of great commercial cartels, you will have something like the new extremities of control that are to be adopted in the wake of these present or coming upsets to assure lack of causations toward further international embitterments.

    "You are upon the cusp of reordering your international world.

    You shall raise the outstanding of character to power;

    What those of Hungary have started, five others will finish,

    But it spelleth the death-knell of calculated despotism.

    "The Iron One proclaimeth an Eastern 'Doctrine,ꞌ

    But four around him have their skulls in pawn;

    He shall rue their counsel yet not disclaim it,

    The crusade persisteth under one named Joseph.

    All is not of peace because there are no cannon,

    America's Retreat from Victory marketh a fateful one;

    He giveth Truth handclasp like the Publisher's son

    And integrity is born to ride in state again.

    It is time to replan the world in ways that take into account war's causes back all the way through modern history. The world can best be served by a Perpetual Welfare Committee that is not a governing board but a Council of The Three Wisemen, each renowned on his continent for pursuing the whole world's good. War itself is coming to its terminus. Peace shall be pursued not only through the remainder of this century but for a thousand years in future. The men are alive in mortality today who make the arrangements that assure it.

    The position of United States after hostilities have ceased, therefore, can only indicate the final pattern of international society after the arrangements perfected by the Seven Beggared Years. By arrangements I mean the wholly rational expedients and pursuits espoused by the higher white races of the earth for the conduct of their affairs without military intimidation being the primitive ultimate penalty. Always remember that military intimidation rarely punishes a government, it punishes the lay citizens under a government . . persons, by the way, who may never have had the slightest responsibility in fixing policies and not too much to say about the literal identities of those who might. Indeed, the situation of the past has not been unlike punishing an institution of student-children for the mistakes or stupidities of a malicious teaching staff of adults. This your United States and some of its outstanding mentor-leaders are going to set about remedying. And the real remedying results from more constructive proposals for the States of the world acting together, thinking the whole global program out in advance, than from any one nation or even group of nations suddenly issuing fiats for the conduct of affairs. If such proposals come from great and powerful America and it is to the advantage of lesser national powers to take note of them and acquiesce in them, then America leads by merely exercising the intellect to keep global complications minimized. I propose to expend no little time and effort clarifying such leadership for you as the remaining months of winter permit.

    Not only America but the whole world, I tell you, have had enough of the primitive settlements between peoples known as Wars. Already they are ripe for embracing alternatives. But alternatives by no means imply mere peace resolutions or accord in sentimental idealisms. The alternatives should comprise practical plans and maneuverings that make the military condition forever needless. This in turn comes about by intelligent study of the condition and dilemma of every nation in the list, then formation or an improved system that shelters and assists the weak at the expense of the strong so that the stimulus to War is removed. Unless, however, this is done by the right individuals and executed with the properly disinterested motives, it means that just another palliative has been advanced with maximum cynicism resulting when it fails through its inadequacies to suffice. The reason that the Founding Fathers of the American Republic made such a splendorful success of their cosmic assignment for the time in which they labored was because they were characters of adequate integrity activated by motives that were properly sincere. They were seeking solutions for the problems of the original Thirteen Colonies, not striving to put over a western hemispheric scheme by which the peoples of the rest of the world would be perpetually left to such equal opportunism as they could embrace. If the same type of mentor come forward into the prevalent global situation, transcendental solution to common humanities problems will prove equally as noteworthy.

    The hecklements and concernments of the next seven years will be of such nature that the nations of the world will harken to any counsel, authoritatively pronounced, that not only brings assured peace to all nationals but ways of conducting their international business that minimizes all rancors accruing from mercantile dealings. The true secret behind the whole of it, of course, is to elevate a different breed of executive to positions of global influence. His psychology should be, not to assure the ascendency of peoples of one racial or religious philosophy to all the strategic posts but to see all nationals first as human beings faced with the common problems and perplexities of mortality with racial and religious axes for grinding, secondly. As a matter of fact, in the new school of global

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