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ENERGY AND WEIGHT LOSS The "Weight Loss Pill" to Understanding Dense Energies from Humans, Environments, Ghosts, and Past Lives that Cause Weight Gain!: The "Weight Loss Pill" to Understanding Dense Energies from Humans, Environments, Ghosts, and Past Lives that Cause Weight Gain!
ENERGY AND WEIGHT LOSS The "Weight Loss Pill" to Understanding Dense Energies from Humans, Environments, Ghosts, and Past Lives that Cause Weight Gain!: The "Weight Loss Pill" to Understanding Dense Energies from Humans, Environments, Ghosts, and Past Lives that Cause Weight Gain!
ENERGY AND WEIGHT LOSS The "Weight Loss Pill" to Understanding Dense Energies from Humans, Environments, Ghosts, and Past Lives that Cause Weight Gain!: The "Weight Loss Pill" to Understanding Dense Energies from Humans, Environments, Ghosts, and Past Lives that Cause Weight Gain!
Ebook215 pages3 hours

ENERGY AND WEIGHT LOSS The "Weight Loss Pill" to Understanding Dense Energies from Humans, Environments, Ghosts, and Past Lives that Cause Weight Gain!: The "Weight Loss Pill" to Understanding Dense Energies from Humans, Environments, Ghosts, and Past Lives that Cause Weight Gain!

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Energy and Weight loss "The Weight loss Pill" to understanding dense energies from humans, environments. ghost and past lives that cause weight gain! Inspired by true events of Kerri Hermary, a survivor of 30 years of family violence, she couldn't walk away but learned through her guide, "M

PublisherKerri Hermary
Release dateSep 21, 2021
ENERGY AND WEIGHT LOSS The "Weight Loss Pill" to Understanding Dense Energies from Humans, Environments, Ghosts, and Past Lives that Cause Weight Gain!: The "Weight Loss Pill" to Understanding Dense Energies from Humans, Environments, Ghosts, and Past Lives that Cause Weight Gain!

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    ENERGY AND WEIGHT LOSS The "Weight Loss Pill" to Understanding Dense Energies from Humans, Environments, Ghosts, and Past Lives that Cause Weight Gain! - Kerri D Hermary


    Kerri was inspired to write Energy and Weight Loss with her spirit guide Melchizedek, or Mel for short, so that together they could educate others about the process of how to become one within yourself through understanding the importance of the energies all around you. This book is their combined work to share this information for every human’s growth and integration.

    Kerri and Mel were inspired to share Kerri’s life story to help humans understand their own purpose through Kerri’s. Kerri spent years wondering why she couldn’t leave a mental and physical abusive marriage.

    We have written seven books of Kerri’s journey to discovering the purpose of her life, and we present them all here.

    Book One explains how you are first an Energy Being and then a Physical Being. You will learn how the Energy Being enters into the shell of the Physical Being and how the Energy and Physical systems come together as one complex unit.

    In Book Two we discuss how humans’ belief systems create a routine lifestyle in adulthood and that the Energy Being is in control of the blueprint of the steps the Physical Being must complete. Energy agreements with helpers are also covered in this section.

    Book Three is about weight loss for men and women and discovering the power of your own thoughts so you can lose unwanted weight within the physical body.

    Book Four outlines the signs, symptoms and effects of mental and physical abuse within the family.

    Book Five tells of the effects of dense energies of ghosts and other discarnated energies.

    In Book Six we talk about Kerri’s journey of learning through teachers for clarity of lifetime challenges resulting in you finding the Real You.

    Book Seven speaks of how past lives, if not completed in previous lifetimes, are carried over into another life.

    Kerri’s purpose in the first chapter of her life was to discover how her thoughts, created from suffering from mental and physical abuse, affected her daily life and why she couldn’t leave her unhealthy relationships. Kerri didn’t realize that everything she went through were the stepping stones included in her blueprint of this present life time.

    Kerri had no clue back in her twenties how she was going to change her life. Her Physical Being was overweight, depressed and sick and her heart was broken. Throughout the abusive times when she wanted to die, something always kept her going. Kerri’s belief was that it was her children, but dying wasn’t part of the blueprint.

    Kerri couldn’t hear the voice in her teenage years, but through desperation and wanting change after discovering meditation during her thirties, Kerri finally heard the voice, her guide Mel.

    Every unpleasant experience she had helped Kerri to hear the voice more.

    Over the years Kerri was guided to teachers who helped her understand the next step to her purpose. First, Kerri followed her sister to spiritual workshops. Then she met Julie at the animal totems workshop and then Gamma way, which opened Kerri up to the spiritual realms so she could begin to clear the dense energies within her Physical Being. Learning to get into Gamma brain waves was an amazing experience of going to a higher vibration and feeling safe and all humans can achieve the same experience.

    Then Kerri met Norma Crowie and got clarity on her psychic abilities. Learning how to see and feel then unconnect from other people’s energy within her energy systems.

    Kerri’s experiences of living with ghosts and seeing Orbs all around her taught Kerri about more energies that cause humans weight gain.

    Most important was the past lives Kerri needed to see and feel to heal in the present lifetime of physical and mental abuse that was attached to her Energy Being blueprint.

    Kerri knows her Energy Being pretty well now, after all the situations and experiences she went through and survived.

    Energy and Weight Loss has been in the making for over thirty years as Kerri learned her purpose in this lifetime of fulfilling the previous lifetime blueprint of mental and physical abuse.

    Without the helpers in this lifetime doing their jobs with the energy agreements, Kerri wouldn’t have been able to heal her past lives. Kerri is very grateful for her ex-husband, children, family, teachers, friends and everyone else that has crossed her path up to this point of her life. Kerri looks forward to her new path and meeting her next helpers as she works through another blueprint agreement for this lifetime.

    Kerri and Mel hope you enjoy Energy and Weight Loss. Our mission is for humans to understand that your weight loss pill is in your energy. Becoming aware of how dense energy from other humans, environments, ghosts, your thoughts and past lives can cause weight gain.

    It is our intention that as you read these pages, you will learn about your own Energy Being and Physical Being, and discover more joy, health, light and love in your own life now. GOD BLESS!

    ~ Kerri Hermary and Mel

    Book One

    The Energy Being and the Physical Being

    1-1. Introduction

    Essentially, you are two Beings: an Energy Being and a Physical Being. GOD created the two Beings so the spiritual plane and physical plane could come together.

    GOD’s plan is like stepping stones, and each plan gets your Physical Being closer to your Energy Being. Once there has been a connection between the two, the bigger plan comes into play. But the Energy Being is the only Being who has the wisdom of the bigger plan within the blueprint for this lifetime.

    The Energy Being and Physical Being play an important part in this spiritual embodiment. Many humans don’t know these parts or the effects of energy or how to take care of their Physical Beings.

    It is the world around us that gives us education on how to function in the world of dense energies. These dense energies that the Physical Being walks through are the stepping stones to meeting their Energy Being.

    Your Physical Being is developed in a light dense vibration and can’t function correctly within heavy dense vibrations from other Energy Beings which then your Physical Being’s physical parts become energetically overloaded with extra weight. Humans believe they need to diet but the weight loss can only happen through energy weight loss.

    The Physical Being’s body is designed to carry your Energy Being and is strong enough to carry extra weight. GOD created the Physical Being’s body to expand, to compensate for growth. Many humans are overweight because they don’t understand that the Energy Beings around them are making their Physical Being overweight through very dense vibrations.

    Humans resort to diets to lose weight, but this rarely works because becoming overweight doesn’t start in the Physical Being’s body. It starts in the human brain with thoughts and which then end up in the Physical Being’s body as extra weight.

    It is the thoughts that humans tell themselves and end up believing, that becomes the excess weight.

    These thoughts are just energy, a vibration and Humans don’t realize thoughts and words do create the Physical Being’s body to become overweight in energy.

    Excessive eating of food makes the Physical Being’s body fat in the cells. The Physical Being is flesh and food is solid both can be seen. The fat cells only grow so big then multiply in that area. This is done through excessive eating food. The physical body is only overweight in that area like the stomach or legs where the cells have multiplied not the whole body. Over time it does affect the whole Physical Being.

    Think of a balloon. The more thought or energy you put into the balloon the bigger it gets. As the physical body parts grows so does your self talk.

    1-2. Cause of Weight Gain

    Kerri heard over and over from her helper she was fat and once her thoughts matched his words and she believed her thoughts, her Physical Being had to obey. Her body became what she was hearing, thinking and saying in her mind. Kerri was nowhere close to being fat but believed and felt fat because her energy in her mind was getting fat.

    Human brains don’t come with this conditioning. It is the Physical Beings around train humans and then they take that information and train their brain’s.

    When we think of an idea or thought it comes in an energy form because it hasn’t manifested. Everything that we think about starts as an energy thought, and then thoughts become pictures so you can see it by visualizing it in your mind.

    We will see pictures in our heads easily because we all see things daily which end up in our mind as a memory as an image or experience. How we picture ourselves is already in our energy field and manifests into our reality at a young age. The thoughts and the beliefs we have stored in our layers for many years becomes the excess weight.

    As we put more focus energy towards our thoughts, things begin to manifest more rapidly. Everything is energy and energy never stops moving!

    Kerri’s journey of learning to listen to her Energy Being and retraining her thoughts has been the most rewarding schooling she has ever attended.

    Kerri’s Energy Being chose to experience physical and mental abuse in this lifetime from other Physical Beings to fulfill an energy agreement. Once Kerri became desperate to stop the family violence for several years, Kerri’s Physical Being was trying to communicate to her that the physical and mental abuse was causing the health issues.

    Thanks to the teachings from her Energy Being and Physical Being, she learned the most important lesson: both her Energy Being and Physical Being needed to be aligned with each other in order to live a disease-free, stress-free healthy life.

    1-3. We Are All Energy Beings

    We are all Energy Beings! We are all one!

    GOD created us in his image.

    Each human is made up of two Beings: one, the Energy Being which is the real you, the unseen, unsmellable, and untouchable you that contains the energy systems; and two, the Physical Being, which contains the human physical body that is your vehicle on this planetary visit. Energy Beings and Physical Beings are parts of GOD’s universal energy of intelligence.

    Each part is independently and uniquely designed to complement each other. The Energy Being has a very high vibration of wisdom that is always connected to GOD. The Energy Being communicates intuitively through Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Clairsentience and Claircognizance. The psychic abilities that all humans have when born.

    Clairvoyance means clear seeing and it is the psychic gift to see spirit forms which are seen in the mind’s eye (spiritual eye).

    Clairaudience means clear hearing and it is the psychic gift of hearing spirit voices or noises inside the head (spiritual ears) or as external sounds.

    Clairsentience means clear feeling is the psychic gift of feeling others’ emotions or physical energy. Gut instinct falls into this gift.

    Claircognizance means clear knowing is the psychic gift of knowing something without being told.

    The real you is very psychic and intelligent and knows everything that you require to communicate with higher vibrations of knowledge.

    GOD’s universal energy is full of ancient wisdom about you as an Energy Being. It is not the Physical Being that carries from life to life, it will be shed off when the physical experience comes to an end.

    For each new adventure, a new Physical Being is designed to fit that vibration. Humans need to understand that the Physical Being is just temporary, while your Energy Being experiences what they need to do on this earth plane.

    Your Energy Being has total control throughout this experience and the Physical Being’s main job is to house and carry your Energy Being during this earthly experience.

    Humans always ask: What is my purpose? The human’s purpose is to carry your Physical Being and through the experiences discover your Energy Being. All humans go through the same stepping stones but at different times. All humans are equal, but it is their mind that makes them different.

    Humans are all looking for the magical pill to a successful experience. Humans: the magic pill is the Energy Being! GOD created two complex Beings to come together to experience GOD’s beautiful earth plane!

    Your Energy Being is capable of travelling outside your Physical Being while on the earth plane. Your Energy Being can see your Physical Being’s every move and knows the future. When GOD created Energy Beings, they were a duplicate of GOD’s energy of love and light.

    1-4. A Perfect Energy Being

    You have always been a perfect Energy Being from creation. Your Physical Being is very intelligent as well. GOD designed each part to work hand in hand. The difference is your Physical Being can’t communicate to higher vibrations without your Energy Being. And the Energy Being can’t travel on earth without the Physical Being.

    The Physical Being was designed to be able to communicate to lower dense vibrations through seeing, hearing, smelling and touching. The Energy Being can psychically see, hear, smell and touch through the Physical Being.

    Most Energy Beings aren’t sure what to expect when they choose to enter the physical realm. Along their journeyed experiences , humans begin to understand their purpose while on earth. Kerri has been on this journey of understanding her own Physical Being and over the years of trial and error, she has come to realize she doesn’t control her Physical Being. It is her Energy Being driving, which lays within her Physical Being.

    All Energy Beings are pure loving light and we all come from one source, GOD, the universal energy that surrounds each one of us, and everything on this physical plane.

    We are one! Energy Beings are aged by the many lifetimes and physical planes which they have experienced. Energy Beings enter this physical realm over and over again.

    On entry, each Energy Being chooses other Energy Beings to join them on the journey. Each Energy Being has a role, which GOD and other higher vibration Energy Beings have carefully planned for the Energy Being while on the physical plane.

    Before entry into the physical, the Energy Being

    knows the plan and can see the bigger picture,

    as well as the plans of other Energy Beings who have

    joined the Energy Being on this physical plane.

    With each earth experience, the Energy Being has total control of the experience. Remember, each of us Energy Beings are a high vibration, and we never lose our connection to GOD.

    Our Energy Being becomes human through the Physical Being. The Energy Being is a very complex system, which interconnects with your Physical Being.

    Each Physical Being is designed specifically for each Energy Being and is designed for this lifetime. The blueprint is developed before entry of the Energy Being with GOD, guides and your Energy Being.

    When an Energy Being wants to experience the physical plane, each Energy Being must be able to sustain the vibrations of the physical plane. This is why the Physical Being takes nine months to develop within another Physical Being. Making sure it is perfect for the Energy Being.

    The earth plane has several different vibrations, and when an Energy Being enters the earth plane, they go through the higher vibrations of outer space to the lower vibrations on the earth plane. That’s why each Energy Being has a unique vibration within their Physical Being. The journey of the entry to the earth plane plays a significant role in the Energy Being’s first experience of dense energies on the earth plane.

    All humans are equal within their Physical Being. It is the Energy Being vibration that is unique.

    You may finally realize, as Kerri did, that each one of you went through a lot of different planes to reach the earth plane.

    All Energy Beings are multidimensional.

    Being in the physical is just one plane

    that surrounds your Energy Being for this one lifetime.

    Humans talk about awakening to remembering who they

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