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Drunk-Drive Deterrent: Mind Travels Amid Purpose Revealed
Drunk-Drive Deterrent: Mind Travels Amid Purpose Revealed
Drunk-Drive Deterrent: Mind Travels Amid Purpose Revealed
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Drunk-Drive Deterrent: Mind Travels Amid Purpose Revealed


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Started life in a fairy tale childhood, lived with Mum and Sis, moved from another country before I was one year old. When I was seven little did I know but my life was about to alter forever when a man moved in.

This man I say determined my life the most until I was adult, he too changed the upbringing attitude of Mum who was trying her utmost to raise two children in the best possible atmosphere, so not only him but Mum have had gigantic influence on my character.

We moved home lots while I lived in the family home. Lost friendships ruled my mind, this fact, health and lack of proper education led to life feeling like it was falling apart.

I turned carefree and rebellious, till nearly 22 when I had another life determining event, as a regular drink-driver I had an always on the cards, devastating car crash. I went into a-coma, one point from brain death.

Mum, I really believe now I have learnt the powers of belief and creation, had early on, the biggest effect on my recovery. She from day one, even when I was unconscious never questioned my return to health.

With all the odds against me, my determination that I was not going to live life like this, with Mum by my side for the early days. She still even today is amazing as the best support in the industry! Except she does not get paid.

I moved out the family home at about 24, this was delayed for the obvious reason plus I did not grow up and move away from my troubles. In horrendous disabled reality, miraculously I found love. After a what I considered an end to life, I was so happy we laughed so much.

We never broke up, I went away for rehabilitation, never saw her again. Think about her lots, I am crying right now!
A year into my rehabilitation after being totally born again, to better feeling than ever, I had my mind taken. My, amazing, visual, articulate, quick, humorous mind.

I was born again to feel like a king, I attempted suicide three times the following week. I missed my mind, had been the best company my whole life.

I was admitted to various psychiatric units for years, all this was reasoned as a mental health problem by everyone.
So, life was amazing, then at seven this takes a dip, never raises to contented levels, at nineteen takes another dip for health and social reasons. Then at twenty-one nearly ends. Twenty-three I am the happiest I have ever been in love. At twenty-six I am reborn to one hundred times this happiness!

The week after I attempt suicide, doing some very serious things.
Twenty-seven I begin public speaking about my life lessons involving disability and drink-driving.
Very successful but my blank mind was still receiving messages, started following my thoughts.
End back in hospital.

Released. Used. Taken advantage of. Continue what I started years ago, writing and making a blog and designing posters.

Start my research, have to find answers. The ups and downs and the research continued until forty-one when I finally publish this book.

Herein contains a wealth of personal and learned experience. You want to learn the one thing in the title of this book, you’re in the right place, or you want to learn a wealth of little known secrets, you are also in the right place.

You shall not think the same about anything once you complete this book.

All the best JDR
Release dateMar 2, 2021
Drunk-Drive Deterrent: Mind Travels Amid Purpose Revealed

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    Drunk-Drive Deterrent - JD.R

    Copyright © 2021 JD.R.

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    ISBN: 978-1-9822-8314-8 (sc)

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    Balboa Press rev. date: 02/15/2021



    Divine territory


    Life time takes allsorts

    Therapeutics tried and failed


    Motor learning and imitation

    What goes for me...

    Briefly the setting...



    Language of your mind


    Pass the feeling silence the room

    If you fail tell others

    Visual mind

    Mind travels, Purpose uncovered

    Diamond seeds

    Had a colossal drunk-drive car crash

    Began life

    Lived life

    Realizations always known but taken for granted

    Man has control over creation

    Observer consciousness

    Bend reality become limitless

    Some things are in our control, some things are not

    Make conscious rational decisions

    Tips to benefit from neuro-plasticity

    Free to breeze through daily living

    Poem just written explain my difficulty

    Realizations always known but taken for granted

    Societal Restoration

    Rightly or wrongly, it was my mind, mine!

    A truth

    Drinking stats and disability preview

    Beliefs and Purpose Holistic Followed

    Acceptances and denials

    One thing, raise your awareness

    Drunk driving facts and figures


    Senses and aspects

    Emotion and feeling

    Aspects of personality

    Adopted an invisibility cloak


    Action and power

    Facts and myths about alcohol

    How Much Can I Drink and Stay Under the Limit?


    Beginning Orphan Phase

    Good beliefs to program

    Scripts from a lost mind

    Truth desire became ignition

    Just one more


    Let’s live

    Trust Love

    Presence remains always and leads me on the right direction

    Help the World Evolve

    Your stories


    Man on bench

    We still have a way to go

    One thing, raise your awareness


    Reason why I am having difficulty

    Once New A Man Pots of Gold

    Dream the Big Dream it Comes True

    Biological, transitional encapsulation

    Honesty and truths are powerful

    My time is for a Higher-purpose

    I had been emotionally hijacked

    Nature is full of fears

    Careful imaginings

    Dedicate my life to this cause

    Focus and deliver

    A new world

    Orphan, explorer and warrior


    About and My Worthy Goals

    Diamond seeds

    Jesus said enter by the narrow gate

    Societal Restoration

    Refreshed Views

    Do you want a drink?

    What is it I want to do?

    What can I do?

    What did I do and what can be done about it?

    What will I do now?

    Take a look at yourself

    My future is unclear


    About Me

    How Can I Assist?

    The light

    A sense of where I am coming from

    Suggested topics I am somewhat skilled in after learning the hard way

    Divine prosperity


    This will help you decide

    May you all have the best you can


    I have a vision


    Man on bench

    My good friend, call him Jack

    Think of your family, relationships and existence

    My intension

    Ask the universe

    Over the years

    What is the moral of the story? What exactly am I getting at?

    Divine Prosperity, drink-driver learns the hard way


    We are all Gods of our reality

    Began life

    Want A Drink… We Get Taxi. Hallelujah


    What is the moral of the story? What exactly am I getting at?

    A disabled boy is crossing the road,

    About and My Worthy Goals

    Life lessons you’ll want to teach your kids

    Jesus said enter by the narrow gate

    Some things are in our control, some things are not

    This is some of how life works

    Do you want a drink?

    What is it I want to do?

    What can I do?

    What did I do and what can be done about it?

    What will I do now?


    Beliefs and Purpose Holistic Followed

    Your stories

    My good friend, call him Jack

    One thing, raise your awareness

    How can it be even better?

    He looks at life and spies God in all

    Miracles and Divine intervention


    Drunk driving facts and figures

    Master the Master Plan

    First day of my mission

    Aspects of personality

    Regards, Misinterpreted Power,

    Trust, Loyalty, Love will remedy

    Spiritual Lessons


    Beginning Orphan Phase

    Middle Explorer/Wanderer Phase

    End Warrior Phase

    Acceptances and Denials Life Lessons

    This day

    Everyone deserves rehabilitation trauma or not

    All facets should be considered

    Prevention and cure

    The Placebo is real

    Language of your mind

    The placebo is real



    Survey drink drivers under the spotlight

    Does the advent of self-driving cars allow for drinkers to drive?

    Self Help Alliance

    Ask the universe

    I am focusing

    Get in contact

    Have a think

    Try this

    accepting and acknowledging your perfection

    Why Do People Drink and Drive?

    Adopted an invisibility cloak


    Drunk driving facts and figures



    How this began



    Do not agree with books full of filler fluff, we are straight in.

    Myself, I deeply offend people some of the time while having best intention at heart. Without meaning this at all. Just one result from drunk-driving long ago. I am lonely, have been most my adult life, just another result from the onset of disability, awkward mental health, difficulty aclimatising with society partly because community in general had such trouble aclimatising toward myself now being in a minority group, albeit the biggest minority group in the world. These are other issues that will arise due to just drunk-driving.

    Winge, moan I have a lot but not for my sake. When you tell people a story, put them into a metaphorical place, saying they cannot comprehend this themselves, while many people assume they assume they know, no-one will get the picture unless they are painting it actually living this in some form. Different for every occurance, while exposure to differing elements familiarizes, myself has found absolutely no one, not the best doctor can fully acknowledge and appreciate realms they will never enter, this is the same for any dictatorship and anyone. Listeners soon admit to not wishing for the same in they’re own experience with my style of deliverance. Have found this method of delivering a larger message very affective.

    Drunk drive and dive into an abyss, guaranteed, saying you live. Theres no guarantees on returning to life let alone any form of health where you can still integrate, with family and friends even. The so-called friends assume advantage taking by thinking he will not remember that or he has injured cognition I can get away with thisor that because he will not comprehend. Well, I sense more than your sorry self can comprehend. I get this because they assume a higher social rank than the disabled one, as soon as someone else enters the conversation, says exactly what I say to them they bowe down and come out with an accepting reply as apposed to my usual argumentative answer.

    Friends make my world but friends like these, I am not wasting my breath talking about them anymore.

    There is illness and other accident to measure the odds of remaining in fitness, drunk-driving is never a measuring the chances of collision of any scale, this is a waiting game. Wait and see if that first drink was enough, if ya live, if ya consider your life now not worth living. No-one can possibly judge which predicament you will possess, any one is assured though and I have not listed many of them just the obvious surely.

    Shall endeavor for my lifetime to seclude drunk-driving to a vast minority, my goal, you want to know my, I am calling this, a realistic goal? Is to cease drink-driving in 97% of the drunk-drive offender communities.

    Me and others will do just this eventually but will be ongoing unless I can make a film/video, hardhitting and forever available. This is another desire of mine. I have spent my money in attempt to broaden message but now require assistance. So I figured to publish another book, different but best. Will take a step back and just write.

    One of my early writings demonstrated lack of organization, memory, diligence and persistance. All know the type of driving that found this arena for me, as well as the others. I am not trying to find a scapegoat, I know this was my fault. Made worse by so called accumplices but they would have not showed saying my path stayed correct and myself not needing they’re input.

    Do you really know what it means to rely on people for the vaguest most life determining event?

    This book at this stage I am thinking may not contain much content, certainly will not be as lenthy as (Drunk drive deterrent, Mind travels amid a mission endeavored) but my method gets better every time. Hey, brain-wave, this is not a book, is an article. Wanted to best influence so will send to magazines and papers.

    Have to witness, will soon witness my work having effects in society.

    Think enough here to fit a news-paper article. Have no money left so will check if these want to help or hinder a cause, 27.8million people admit to partaking in, how many go unrecognized?

    I know my work, my style and its affects, this will make you think just this short piece, do not need to write 107,000 word book again. Can you visualise having that much to say for a message as simple as do not drink drive?

    Because you will when you categorize as tragic accident survivor. Though thats only a chance thing. Live or die? Drink driving is simple, are you very simple? You wanna try, say you’re still alive, how simplicity once ruled and will never give in?

    Hey ego whats your self-talk like now? Enhance or destroy biology with thoughts alone. Scientific fact!



    Is this a truthful outcome? I was led, tried to be led by mysticism but believe me or not, though I haven’t been a pristine role model over the course of my life, I did not practise anything I totally disagreed with or felt was entirely double faced, mind you I have spoken about facades and narcissism so perhaps these were sheilded from myself, by myself.

    The very divine I was to follow encouraged lies and deceit. Example; I was in a pub, went to sit at my usual vantage point, there was a bank card on the table with a girls name resounding in my cover. This was square onto where I was sat, looked at it just as I had the thought for you, for me?

    Even though I was not to know just how much I knew I needed money soon for my cause, I never had a second thought, liked to do exactly what I would expect if someone found my cash card, I handed this in. Very quickly I realized I should have taken longer deliberance, it was for my use, a purpose helped in everyway, the pin was certain digits on the card a later recall from my prophecy.

    I am not that much utterly dishonest, although my upbringing is charged for my battles with integrity. As a seven year old I was left competing with a grown man I was very uncomfortable with. I had free reign where a mother trying her best was not up to my standards of parenting right untill the crash. I deserved only best and got very good but I picture elite children of elite parents. She did teach much morals later demonstrated to a proud Mother. Just there were life lessons that I know kids get taught, things of vital importance that todays more experienced self much regards necessary such as true dignity, wisdom, you do get wise kids and some morals, what a child learns while growing stays with them. Perhaps I am totally not comprehending the generation gap of when I was a kid and today, though I heard some fantastic parenting styleswhen I was 15 years old. Although I want to be understood here, she did an amazing feat despite her lessons in her own life largely coming from experience and life itself. I am not laying blame here just now know what I lacked and lessons I would impart, which is minimal admittedly for half the experience. There could have been more disciplin.

    I learned from a young age to be wary of men and, this was obviously so wrong as well, that women are easily amenable to my wants and desires. How was I ever to grow into a self-respecting person? Life would teach much but not every intracusy can be covered.

    Relocasion at integral and affecting parts of life continued, people today talk about respect and the sort of no questions ask friendships they have made by living in the same town all their life. Just one of the many, many life attributes I yearn for but likely will never attain because left my hometown multiple times and slight remaining disability and mental health, if I can use such words to describe such difficulties as mine, has made the difficult nye on a challenge to feel mighty because of facing, certainly when you overcome this.



    Life; a process

    This is the start of a new era for my work, this is going to the next phaze. I have had my life lesson, my trauma, my recovery and mystical encounter, have done the rehab years and self-healing with much research. Moved into looking to gain money to fund the sharing of my learnt lessons my life has been and will continue to act as the best classsroom, not only do I teach to watch out for the big hazards but I am in the place to assist with the processes of overcoming, accepting, and dealing with, healing and continued life ailments, return to earning money goals.

    Did not mature until a foolish near death experience at 21 forced me into a new totally unexpected, unrealized realm of existence.

    But we start at the beginning of my class, I talk from the reception of acts not an expert or parent or deliverer but self-experienced knowledge growth.

    Be very mindful what you are teaching children, what they learn while growing stays with them all their lives. Do not try and subdue the affects of a dismal situation by painting a rosey picture and acting out leneancy. The kid will learn with or without your guidance, (just take longer without), coping strategies to look for the good aspect and to search other attributes.

    Learn how to get important lessons implanted in your children, do not believe them if they deny ever partaking in negatives, not only are children easily misguided by others they are cheating themselves sometimes by really believing they would never partake in such and such but their illusional upbringing does not prepare them for an event filled life with all its testing and training so succumb to change in their characters and attitude. They may and often do practice exactly what they adimentally denied in their youth, they really believed their words at the time. This is how you can prepare them best to be independant and realistic and fore bearing for a steadfast preparation for experience and all its eventualities. This I know seems impossible but as they say parenting is the hardest job in the world, and you must consider not only how you yourself learnt, things you enjoyed or avoided but also the effects of the bigger picture, ongoing lessons and things considered not debatable or childhood teaching material or even necessary. Life will teach all eventualities differing for everyone so perhaps you are quite acceptably not able to even know about all of them, who is? All I am saying is to prepare them and youselves for the unexpected and unprecidented, continue your learning and teaching in areas you know were not covered and keep up with differences as you and your child grow, do not surpress the truth no matter how extreme or fanciful.

    If you know what is causing a childs discomfort do not deny this trying to compensate with your largely false rosey sketch of life, this is no preparation. Teach them the qualities and potential misdirection of the experience and the quality this will endow them with. Do not just sit back and allow a childs evolution to unfold as the life you created about them unfolds, get them thinking and acting for themselves. Do not deny what you consider obvious this will lead to gaps in our wholism. I talk from living all these missing anticdotes so am only well aware that you would not dream of imposing these on a child. I accept not everyone is equipt for my ideas of successful parenting, that is all they are, suggestions afterall, who am I to talk about parenting? Well I have suffered greatly because of wisdom generated missing facts, all the strategies I mention and I have a parent so can speak from a possession angle. I will not go on much more about I do not intend to write about something out of my grasp, I am sure you get the picture, this is within any receivers grasp, how to and not to and would like to have and this would have been perfect or that was not so good. All are equipt to maintain an equal possition because all have been parented or raised by someone or something or some belief or faith. Just because you do not fit the definition of a word does not imply you are not going to learn all about its intricusies, fair enough you and I will miss the demonstration of why parents often regard each other but will sure enough learn those things out of any parents appreciation.

    Look between the lines of what children say and do, I realize in a perfect world this comes naturally to parents and they could teach me equally as much, probably more unknown to me about parenting. I am not preaching just I am very aware, with training, guidance and working alongside some very skilled minds, what was missing and what would have made life best. So instead of taking me as an ignorant preacher in a seminar please see my best intended goals of guide to those who are looking for any additives to their childs upbringingand life. This book does not comprise solely this segment of a life, you will learn faculties to enhance your own lives at any age whether a parent / teacher or not.


    This has been said to me much, I tend to delay just sometimes, my learning. I am starting to appreciate my own experience as one of the best educators. They say you learn best and have better recall, memory is at its best when you have actual experience to egrain.

    This is why psychologists and other specialists use demonstration as treatment. Practice instead of tell, the same goes for successful child upbringing.

    With the onset of unwithstandable wisdom generated over these years, albeit some harsh realities attained, I comprehend the definition more. Think this is wisdom mounting, I with heinsight and disbelief of what I recall can remember practising activitys or deeds that I now find infantile, to think I was, during some of these, a teenager mingling with other teenagers I recognized these unadmirable acts or thoughts when I am middle aged. Told you I was late to mature, yes I agree the accident just enhanced that which never developed in me but that is not exactly what they call self-asteem solidifying when you catch yourself executing manouevers that are of personal distaste.

    I truthfully do not want a way out by finding blame, I am contended with my life lessons, they have made me a good person, ok with some unprowd traits but these have other influences to consider. But childhood prepares a child to grow and prepare for life. I am absolutely being honest when I say this material can help others, even minimally I am trying to educate those who are looking for the full story and avoidable propensities, because I am sure you will agree, everyone would avoid some of my experiences if at all possible, here I am making just that a possibility.

    When a child grows the most they grow the best. I have had to discover and mend my own teaching for the missing agendars no life is ready without. I love Mum dearly and we have haddifferent difficulties to comprehend which made our journeys uncomprehendable to some but not a speck to others, life; it takes and really contains allsorts, kinds of varying people with differing minds, thoughts, opinions, beliefs and lessons.

    Another attribute gained because of these facts, also what life has taught me is to; never ever be surprized at what you can be shown in any which method, at any age or time.

    Factors in my own experience, uncomprehendable to some but effecting to me, have meant that I find the best way to achieve less of my unwanted traits is to interact less while I am out. Undeniably this has led to, and yes I recount days of assuming the same of others now it is my demonstration, led to what could be deemed as rudeness and lack of manner, but just have considerasion that all people have their reason for acting however they do, however misplaced and out of character, this might be due to health or belief but know they are trying their best. Some people require less stimulating for wellness, I can only assume, haven’t thought about this much but I think stimulation or lack of will change mental reaction, you’d be surprized at the scale of reaction a to yourself minor stimuli deed can create in another.

    I sense a proper psychological perspective from a lot of what I say, whether or not I fully appreciate this who can say, all I am advising is to grasp as much as you can from each angle of perspective and really think about topics mentioned even if you immediately assume an understanding just think some more with a different attitude and you might find your abundance multiply.

    Just by realizing and really accepting responsibility has outwieghed old fears, I am going forward!

    So I felt one time, but the next is telling. I try so hard not to upset people with my idiosyncrasis, except they are not without cause.

    I have a dream! After an overwhelming abnormal experience, I still have found it a lifesaver to advise and help others. My, I think realistic ambition for this series is to educate people, help traumas whatever the diagnosis throughout the world.

    I am no trained expert you might say, but life was my educator, this is the best kind. Life does not have an opinion, beliefs or tastes so will not judge, it does not play favourites.

    Have realised that even after head-injury I have a photographic memory when it comes to actual experiences.

    I am well aware that memory can be distorted and imagined truth can be believed to be real, I am not denying I have not ever distorted a memory to equalize in my two hemispheres and fragmented selves, and that right brain which is the side that relates to trauma has never played tricks on me because I have witnessed trickery of disbelief even to me, could not believe what was happening to me.

    It is difficult to have accurate memories about traumatic experiences, you may remember the entire thing inaccurately. Negativity bias has a tendency to prioritize negative stimulation faster than a good memory, resulting in long term astuteness to everything related to previous dangers. Even unobvious cues can stimulate implicit memories and cause distorted uninvited remembering.

    Traumatic memory I know can be very unreliable, my experience was not traumatic at the time. The results were what I class as a worse trauma than the tragic car crash I had. I have made phenomenal improvements in my recovery, I suspected from a young age there was something with a super aura about my life. Never had patience though and when life started falling apart I gave in very quickly. What I once thought super natural though has taken years to evolve to prominence, this rules life now even though I was denied.

    If you doubt you can learn here you are quickly decisive, give me chance, I will prove that personal experiences are stong evidence, all the proof you need to give something a go.

    I made a physical disability dissolve and mental-health problems cease. I am sorry if you were born with disability, I am not sure if the same processes can help, you can try, who’s to say not? You will still gain a wealth of knowledge here.


    People including myself can report trying many therapeutics and that some of them don’t work.

    They do just not everything is for everyone; this is why you should keep searching, you will find the one or more that resonate even maybe you get early results. I have a big story behind me, so I am not fully confident in saying ‘a lot of things worked for me’, because I had other facets responsible. I am not saying that others do not just I was amid an intended process.

    I am confident in saying this, visualization is the most broadly effecting procedure. Even if you cannot form a picture in your mind, I can tell you that you have 99.7% (my figures), chance of having a more visual mind than I do, not many would have equalled this ability to visualize before I was 25 but something happened to end this. It was not the head-injury that was three years earlier the ability remained until I was 25.


    Discovered in 1992 by Dr. Rizzolatti Are not as was first thought just active in the motor cortex, since this discovery the motor cortex in the brain is not considered merely the producer of movements but is suspected to affect cognitive functions such as space coding, motor learning, action understanding, and imitation.

    Visual properties and observed actions are layman terms for theses Neurons. They can also take action to things that you hear.

    The match between an observed motor act and its internal representation allows one to understand the goal of that movement.

    At this point the recruiting of the neuronal substrate behind the organization of an intention action allows one to have a predictive representation of another’s intended movement in a similar situation.

    The context to the exact observed action is important, I was in a behind closed doors time of vital importance and I felt I needed to please this man with my responses. Whether or not a situation is feasible/accessible and if social rank is not objected to all allow facilitation. The fact I found this accessible shows what confidence I had in my mind’s abilities.

    I have had personal evidence of something else regarding Mirror Neurons, I did not know what or why, something causing me to copy acts I observed. Even traits I always found disgusting! I was becoming someone else; I did not know who or how, I had to find out.

    I will tell of some totally out of character actions now.

    Disability is more personally affecting than the visible difficulties, a deduction in confidence enhances brain to have overpowering control over my chosen functions, I was unknowingly in survival mode because of what I put up with every day from an understanding society.

    Thing I found identifiable to desperate people attached to and needing to be liked, to be honest I found needy and a bit pathetic. They would offer someone they have just met things that you would give to a best friend, even reluctance here, or even things you would not give to them or even family even your Mum!

    I explained this with a need to be liked and obviously it’s hard for us to make friends. It is very hard but you will get there I did, at least for a bit but my experience is still offering me evidence, I started making friends (I only have one of the original left and sometimes I even consider him less but just today he offered me advice that I was glad to take).

    He has changed much, I have known him for 8 years, before you say anything I do try to regard rightly but we have been through much, some silly behaviour.

    I have been utterly used me in the past I will not forget this fact.

    I am still waiting to ever being totally connected with someone, this is honestly me. I won’t trust many, because of my times I won’t trust any at least at first for a long time they have a lot to prove.

    This might seem like I expect, I think I am guilty I expect from others what I don’t/can’t practice myself. I have tried to demonstrate how head-injury will affect and I have been reborn, before the turning point anyway. I quite expect you to be unsure of me I was unsure around people that behaved like I do sometimes, I have said I would not put up with me if I were others. I am lucky to have some understanding people who visit. I have better explained how a brain-injured survivor with so called mental health problems, with prior structural dissociation and mystical encounters may act. You may act similar when your past unhinged programming made things seem the opposite to agreeing with your trying to live a quiet everyday life. - to put it very mildly.


    The things I felt sorry for when people displayed, I started recognising when I did exactly the same! I imitated what I observed in disabled people when young, offering someone I’d just met a great gift right down to facial expressions. The biggest most effecting thing was how my mind vanished.

    I won’t go into detail I will just say a powerful man was given permission to take my mind, I thought this an impossibility my whole life, I first heard the story when I was about 15.

    He exaggeratingly shook his whole body after some hypnotic talking no doubt.

    A few days later he prepped me with more hypnotics, gave me the trigger word and I uncontrollably mirrored the exact same. This was so uncomfortable and involuntary. I forgot everything he advised the few days before and thought that’s my life over, I can’t live with an empty mind.

    I threw myself out a house window the next day after deeply slicing my arms and wrists four times, then when in a free access hospital, I did a massive ridiculously big overdose, no wonder I was sick. Still planned to end my misery when admitted to psychiatric ward. I grabbed the fire extinguisher and sat contemplating throwing it through a window then jumping out. It would have just bounced of the reinforced glass anyway.

    In the next town when finally released from hospital, I was getting used to my new vague mind but lost my cares, I drank petrol n all sorts.

    I have written this entire series with nothing but a void in my mind! This displays at times I am sure, but I want to emphasize that all my experience mentioned had one catalyst and that was having a few too many drinks that night twenty years ago!

    Cannot describe the feeling I had when I discovered Mirror Neurons, I thought I was going to get my mind back, there was a reason and I’d found it. I was relieved to have justified my involution.

    I would love to get an EEG or an MEG scan of my brain, the things it would or wouldn’t show will amaze, not even 0.001% of people have experienced what I have and I still consider I have, for a blank mind, an amazing brain.

    What behavioural functions can mirror-like neurons in brains and minds subserve and what should

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