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Mordecai & Joseph: Heuristic Hierarchy Urban Version
Mordecai & Joseph: Heuristic Hierarchy Urban Version
Mordecai & Joseph: Heuristic Hierarchy Urban Version
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Mordecai & Joseph: Heuristic Hierarchy Urban Version

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Once I let go of the idea of being in love and receiving the open arms of my first love, my Redeemer Christ, it was then that I was able to see what had not only been happening to me, but what was going on all around me in my world of Christendom. This world is also a jungle within itself. Only, those who persevere and endure will survive this race. It’s not because you are swift and your ability to flexion, as long as you’re able to outlast the treachery, sinister plots and politics in the world of what we call church, you can have what you’re purposed to bring forth in this world called life, as you’re living among those who proclaim godliness. No there is none righteous no not one, so keep your eyes on the one who awakens you each day. Glean and grasp the good of the grapes from the vine when it’s being poured, chew what is for you as you savor the meat then spit out the bones, drink from your own cup, which is to work out your own soul salvation from the Source of Life, “as it is written,” the Lord’s will be done as it unfolds receive.
Release dateNov 24, 2020
Mordecai & Joseph: Heuristic Hierarchy Urban Version

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    Book preview

    Mordecai & Joseph - Sonya Samuels

    PART 1


    In the relationship, no it’s not taboo, ta-boo. You know when you have entered into snake territory. In this zone everyone is in your business like it’s nobody’s business, and the door is open for just about everything. If you think back, this affect began due to those effects. This one certain person, one incident, and the unforgiveness that was allowed to come in, and because of it is keeping you entrapped. Don’t you realize at this point that you have to guard your heart, your mind, and your relationship? In an instance your instinct warns you just as bell’s and whistle’s. The coffee, tea, and social brunches keeps getting better and better by the paycheck, especially when the tab is not left up to you. Being bought is another way to ciphon information ultimately this leads to deception and the bite stings. Keep your guards up to the right one, not her, not him. The relationship will become weakened due to the mindset of those in the relationship, with the inclusion of the outsiders, the busy bodies who make your relationship their business. Once you’ve been dubbed a super couple this is exactly what you want everyone to continue to view you as. You believe that you are, you know that you are, but the clouds are pouring on paradise to the point where you do not feel as though you are. Your ride or die’s will have your back until their love is gone then they will begin to try to destroy your home-front, mainly when you are becoming too BIG for comfort and civil celebratory acceptance. The goal is to get your fizzle to drizzle into the fog of a split out of your life. The division begins every time you decide to go hang with the girls, to talk, and gossip by letting your words rip from the top to the bottom, and from the bottom to top with everything that is going on in your home life and relationship. Again they truly appreciate when you’re paying to disclose all they need to know to work on what you hold dear, yet you dangle loosely providing to their fingertips the hands that will do everything to see yours crumble. Haven’t you noticed when the say ummmh, this comes right after you volunteer to pay for everything? They feel for you dear and do not want to hear you disclose what isn’t going right and why it’s going wrong. The ummmh indicates their envy, beware of the ummmh. Their niceness isn’t because they care about you, it’s merely a tolerance of convenience, since after all they are not interested in you as a person, but to destroy what you have since you do not lovingly embrace what you have. Telling everything opens the entrance for others to want what you have, and this also leads them to connive and undermine to cause confusion and turmoil in paradise. You begin to wonder why things have gotten even worse than before, but the only thing that comes to your mind is when you hear the girls say oh we wish you well, what’s behind this is a little more envy, and a sprinkle of jealousy as they chip away at your relationship hoping to see you get your forty-five minutes of fame on divorce court. You give them forty-five minutes of telling them how much you try to make things better when you’re on your social girls night out twice monthly, but you know you’re not giving your everything to make it better. Since you have now begun to entertain your girls in your home you are noticing how things are dramatically out of order. You wonder to yourself why did you allow those snakes’ in your home. Those who prayed with you, stroked you and wished you well, you fed the snake and gave them a place to lay their head when she was going through, but the snake was after you and what you possessed. Now that you have pushed your man right out the front door you continue to call on those to pray for you to help you to get your man back as you said, any god-blessed body help me to get my man back, he’s gone. It may not be a done deal for you, but you did go down that road, you know now what it feels like to have your man abandon you emotionally and physically. Did you get what you had been asking for or is this something that he wanted to do all along because of your doings and what you’re not doing? Thinking positively and prayerfully for him to return home very soon you now realize to keep the snakes at bay, and you continue to pray for your household, and keep what is your business sound and sealed shut to the outsiders, your girls and anyone else whom it most certainly does not benefit. This is a stage of being in a place in your relationship that you do not want to be in so close the door to the nonsense and keep the door closed. It began when sis told you something about someone that was not true, it was a test of your faith. You thought that it was a valued truth, sis looked you in your face and told you to keep your eye on another sis because she wanted your man and you believed the nonsense. Why would you allow these imaginations of a planted seed get to you? Get you some sulfur and moth balls to keep the snake at a distance (pray without ceasing) believe none of what of see and partially that of which you may see because misperceptions are very deceitful. Cut off the girls and stop spending ridiculously unusual and unprofitable time together with them and leaving your family on thin ice. As long as you are laughing and chuckling with them, they are winning, because you lack the necessary conscientiousness of discerning that they are not for you, but against you as they smile in your face. Your husband is gone now, you’re in a mental ring, tangibly all alone, telling your girls everything has caused you to be in a lonesome pit of disgust, due to your mistrust, being with them gave you a false sense of robust. You’ve acted foolishly, you don’t see the spell, nor the hook in your jaw, putting your girl’s words over his words, where was your trust? Yes, he believes that you have left your sane sense of competence, into this hypocritical, delusional frame of thinking. Being classified as being battier than a bed bug, more annoying than a gnat or biting fly, or the aftermath of a mosquito bite is what you’re being compared to behind closed doors, and these terms are all too familiar to you at this point. You are to him a thorn in the flesh, despite the fact that he loves you. Pleading for space he recommends that you leave and give him some time to go into his closet as he proceeds to call you a dizzy broad before he curses his God to die because of your atrocious behavior towards him, you put the girls on a pedestal. He frantically shouts, get out of here now woman then he says softly from a broken heart Lord please forgive me." When he’s at his worse emotionally and mentally you desire to beguile, him for a lack of expression for intimate foreplay only to go right back to the same scenario afterwards, whining and compromising. It’s time to start praying again sis, the intimate half- hearted play will not set things in order permanently, but change and casting down evil imaginations, bringing your thoughts into the obedience and captivity of Christ, and being loosed from the captivity of those who put you in this mental entanglement, must be removed from your heart, mind and soul. The shopping and sipping never fails.

    Onto the next phase of the relationship will you live in a disaster of damaging disappointments leading to divorce or salvaged love? There has been some micromanaging cause and effect for some in their relationships although longevity abides, from the beginning he did not love you, it was the hook up! You didn’t just catch his eye, it wasn’t an act of God, but it was a plot of micromanagement that pulled the strings for this relationship, you see. Someone else’s eye being privy to a situation announced, I see I don’t have much time to do what I need to do, and his scheme began. It is certain that you were indeed in the right place at the right time. In essence, you got the man with a half foot in, a halved heart, being stuck going through the cultic motions, verily it has been said unto thee. No, it isn’t hard to play the role card, going along to get along, after a while it becomes natural and real, a part of you. No-one knows like the heart knows and you do as well. It was she who informed you to tell her that it wasn’t anything for me to say to you. As he stated it was no problem responding to the sent mail this was all good at this point, with humbled acceptance and much respect, because it was clear as to what was taking place, this person was following instructions. And it is good to be obedient but, when one is not aware that there is a plot working behind the orchestrated instructions. One will concur that God is good all the time but, be sure your deeds will find you. A home-grown relationship is what many find themselves in seeking to be like someone else. It occurred to me once after saying being like someone is what I wanted, but after coming to an understanding of what others go through, having what is for me is all that is needed. Being like someone else isn’t your originality and what is about them that you are not able to make happen for yourselves so be you and get all that is for you in his timing. My life will no longer be the product of a slick trick. This is no different than when Rachel caused division and separation in her household because of favoritism. Rachel caused one of her sons to receive the blessing instead of the son who was supposed to inherit the blessings by the grace of God. Rachel used the time that she had to plot and connive her husband so that the son she favored would receive the blessings from his father, which was rightfully his. Rachel interrupted this blessing with deception, and the son who received the blessing was coined the trickster. An unwillingness to submit to purpose of the Creator, subjected others to a figment of pieces to puzzle. Isaac knew the smell of his son Esau, and how but he felt, he heard the voice of Jacob as he pronounced the blessing. He was deceived and the blessing went to someone else. God knew it would be this way and he foretold what would happen because he knew what was in the heart of man but, this was not the purpose of God, but the fulfillment of the protocol of flesh. God is forgiving and his repercussion do not fail, yet we must thank him for his mercy. She is a trickster and she has borne the characteristics of Jezebel cloaked in sanctification, one of whom many may least suspect. Jezebel wanted what she wanted, and she did whatever was necessary to accomplish what she desired by assuring that her schemes would propel her to her levels of ambitious greed. God’s house doesn’t stop greed and every evil work from transpiring within a building framework, this is a place where sin is perpetuated, and confusion and evil works draws darkness that defames the name being proclaimed. In many cases the character of Jezebel is reflected among many in the house of God, who are heads of the organization, rendering it useless from functioning as an organisms, because it is the culprit for a den of thieves to carry out their own agendas, deceiving many and doing whatever it takes to keep Christ out because they are the heads of the church. You may believe that it is the house of the Lord but, it is their house, it may not be clear to you, so watch and pray. When the Holy Spirit is no longer in control, the power rest between the thighs and the voice of another’s opinion. Because for many they are not listening to God they are serving the flesh of their desires, needs, and wants and not that of which has been mandated to be fulfilled according to plan and purpose of God Almighty. It’s a network to net-worth in the first state of the adamic nature to manipulate subliminally, who’s partaking of the apples?

    Back to the micromanaged relationship conception, he just didn’t meet her, although she thought he was a God send. She did not just catch his eye, he did not just fall in love with her and that was that but, it was a modern hook up. On the other hand, one may say what’s wrong with that? Who partook of those apples? The orchestrations of the deceptive and devised plan to parlay the hook up, food for the belly, those who helped to aid in the capture. The seed planted to move and prevent what could have been is the principle heart of the matter. Well, let’s begin to celebrate the lucky ones it bears no burden. This is every woman’s idea of being in an elated state of the treatment: hand and foot catering is this true for you? These can be destroyed as well with a lack of appreciation and being to far in the clouds and become a turn off when you’re so high you wish to be in an unrelated phase of being to the point of inwardly despising those who are in their residue. This becomes a weakened element causing drift that you fail to understand because it’s been too much like a dream for you, lacking the luster to be compelling. There have been some major cover ups of wet butts in the church, love may cover hide and prop the pants and panty drop but, he knows and it’s okay, no stones are being thrown, identify. There have been many busy bees those (considered as blameless) that has tasted their church honey, those who have been covered in their major mess ups, when others were completely shut down. These continued to operate as they fell again and again and got back up and washed their dirty slutty hands comparing themselves more worthy than those who were treated as dirty and slutty in the church. Yes, we’ve all been forgiving and trust you are loved. In relationships, listening to everyone and allowing other to come into the space of where only you and your partner should have is when there is an open door to intimacy, not to be confused with the innocence of a thing (not a damsel in distress).

    In the relationship when the man saw you, you caught his eye, he fell in love for you with his heart, mind, and soul, yet you do not understand that you are not taking him at his words. You have no consideration for him, and everything someone brings to you it’s their word over his word. This is unfortunate because the micromanaged has more consideration and understanding when it comes to keeping the snakes of drama out. She destroys her house through grandiosity, you through the pettiness of hanging with the girls. The uptown girls are ready to do and swop and swing with you in a hot second. They would exchange yours on front street and give you theirs in heartbeat. The uptown girls knows that love will make you do right, and that love will surely make you do wrong. Instead of checking yourself, you’re ever so diligent at wrecking yourself. Everyone knows how much you want your husband back. To you who was found by love from the heart and soul of the matter, why don’t you seem understand that you were chosen? The if’s, and why’s and why not’s should not matter, the how could you accusations after its all said and done should not be relevant, one thing for sure you are giving your love away, you really want this man to leave you. She would have been glad to have him, why don’t you think of what you were saying on your honeymoon, then maybe you will quickly resolve the imaginations and evil thoughts now that are centered in your mind because of what others are trying to persuade you to believe. You did say that you know that God sent this man to you so stop pining away at believing that you have been living what could have been someone’s life, based on you believing that you missed out on choosing who you now believe would have been more ideal for you and for what reasons preferably image. Your conscious was your guide so do not have any regrets now because you could have said No! You knew this other man really wanted you, but you were in perhaps get back flesh mode and did not see the hand of God at that time. Now you sound as if you’re complaining about having to drink water from a toilet bowl when you could have otherwise been drinking from a fresh fountain. Fast and pray find resolve because your actions speak louder than your words. Saying I love you does not matter when your actions say I wish I were with someone else. Get it together, you formed this by allowing what others said to you about your significant other, your man or the one you claim as your man is sending you over the edge, you’re ready to swing the bat, hammer the javelin, you want to rip pages, getting wired up for nothing because what you are living is a lie. You know that this isn’t real, there’s no truth to this. In the relationship is it now too late to become angry when you know you’re willing to stay with your partner? Why now would you be so upset over who you should have or should not have married. Is it that hard to be happy with the one you’re with? Some are still allowing jealousy to interfere with their happiness, this begins to blind the magic of love that you have, in actuality where is he going, where is she going? If there is reason for jealousy then let them go, now how does this sound. These actions cause messiness in marriages, pray about the situation, confront your spouse by communicating to him about how you feel about what is offsetting your relationship. Do not consult any outsider before you can come to a conclusion with your partner about anything. Don’t allow selfish flesh to get in the way of your ministry by demanding that your spouse does not pray for a certain individual because you feel as though he will be tempted or persuaded to sin, exclaiming the single women in the church are thirsty Don’t allow your flesh to fall for this weakness, because this comes from the root of Jezebel. To love your spouse is to know him. In ministry it shouldn’t be about theatrics or image, it should be about the move of God to bring change in individuals lives, although church has become a disclaimer to whoever looks good and whomever has the most to offer. In ministry you may also ask who did you marry? Or who did you marry? Although you are married you keep the purpose of God in the forefront without ever neglecting who you are in a union with. His purpose is like a marriage and he expects you to come through for him in your relationship with him so as to not to neglect what he has for you to do and to give, and to forsake. In ministry relationship he doesn’t give us away, but in our relationships, many strive to push the other person out of their lives because of minute persecutions. Hold on to your ministry love, relationship love, family love it is the enemy that wants to tear you apart, stay because you know you have the love of Christ in you which will sustain you. Sometimes awful words are said and these words hurt and cut to the core of our beings, and others may leave us for another person, this hurts, but are you willing to forgive, will this person choose to stay with you upon your forgiveness? Receive them and don’t worry about what anyone else is contributing to keep you divided, come together and let God be God in the relationship. But, when it’s over it’s over let it be done according to your will so shall his will be done for you according to his good pleasure. Ladies, celebrate your King when you know you have a King, Ladies celebrate him anyway and you will see the King rise up! Celebrate the King of Kings and he will make him be the King of your heart in a manner in which you can truly appreciate. As you’re celebrating remember that there is a place of undefiled, your bed, do not withhold your love. Let the veil rip from the top to the bottom. Have you ever listened to the daisies and the lilies? We will say as a point of reasoning that they have possibly had only one man, and this is phenomenal. There are not even a few women in the church who can say this not even the first of the first. To be clear, the daisies and the lilies may say that they find some things disgusting, and some things may be disgusting, but to each his own. You should know what it takes in your BED. Once upon a time it may have been disgusting but now you have some bulls in china cabinets who does not find somethings TABoo. For some time, she’s been whipping and getting it whipped and that’s good, it’s your boldly extracted details (bed). This territory can bring out the worst in some because it creates this wall to be built in the most unnecessary fashion. Feverish jealousy can be produced when there is a misleading notion that everyone who you don’t like or know you begin to feel as though someone wants your husband, man, partner, significant other, bread winner, it doesn’t matter the classification, he’s yours yet you treat the relationship with a shallow significance. Now why would you think he would be so willing just to carry on outside of your relationship? Where does this weakness stem from? Has there been infidelity in the past in which you are privy? Too many people are trying to live in holiness, yet their ways and actions are contradictory to what they are professing. You’re married, you’re claiming salvation, but are you insecure? What will your husband do, or what will someone do to him, what is it that you are uptight over, what’s with this woman or any woman who you say you do not trust around your husband? What can they possibly do to him, will he rendezvous? Have opportunities of disdain begun to present itself because of your ugliness (behaviors), or are you inferior to what someone else is presenting inadvertently? Have you come close to cheating? Maybe your flesh has been tempted in a way you did not ever imagine it could be so therefore, the over protection serves as a barrier to protect, and there is no harm in caution. Speaking from my journey, this is truly a turn off for someone who has a spouse there is no room for me in this situation and no interest of wanting to become entangled. Teach those whom you fear instead of using your treachery to run them from your presence (minister). When the daisies and he lilies claim that they are sold out there are still overwhelming issues of treachery and word curses that befall their victims because of their treacherous mindsets to belittle those who they believe are not worthy to stand in the holy place of acceptance and justification. Many souls have been lost because of the deteriorated mindsets of the entitled Christians who have split churches and many other things yet they see not the wrong they have done as they stand to hinder others from entering into their calling of ministry. Women do not worry about what the dignitaries are saying and doing, keep your faith in the Lord, and do not put your confidence in them. The veil of fellowship has been ripped from the top to the bottom and professed holy women of Zion are acting as women in the streets. Trust and confidence went out the window when he went down on you. You’re now displaying the same type of hate and phoniness towards those who are calling on the same name of Jesus Christ. To those who have been beaten, battered, abused, and abandoned, you are jealous and suspicious thinking that these kinds of women want your men. Your spirit lady of Zion (daisy and lily) is as one who has low self- esteem, and utter insecurities. After coming down off of your swinging chandeliers from your boldly extracted details (bed) you forget about how to treat single women, poor women and destitute women possibly because you associate them with those moments, and the images may reflect what has been associated with once was called taboo by these and you feel as though you are on the same level somehow in this manner and choose to shut them down and push them out because you’re reminded of what you love so much and at the same time how dirty it makes you feel in their presence. Giving regardless to any feelings or reminders of such, can be pacified with giving of gifts only to receive them consistently and without no further due. Honoring is one thing but, giving to pacify a gratification or to win the slim factor of attention is not considered an honored benefit. I do honor marriages, this is a no trespassing zone, take this to the bank as you strut in your red bottoms.

    Have you felt as though you wanted to lose your cool with one of the ladies? Every lady should maintain her self-control especially in public, and behind closed doors, although sometimes it may be difficult. Dispel the skepticism she’s holy and unspotted. Wanting your man is a falsity, get this out of your heart, mind, and soul. You can see too much, think that you know too much, sound so intelligently, and speak forthrightly without even realizing that you’re rude and not making much sense at all. It’s a fact that women get weak in their relationships, and many women will attest to this, once they begin to put their trust and confidence in others outside of their relationship. Your partner is your go-to person, your advisor, and your counselor. Hear, trust and believe in your spouse’s especially when they’re seeking and serving God with all of their might, lifting up holy hands even when you know they are not rock solid, honor them for being your spouse, listen to your spouse. Outsiders, your girls should not have a stronger bond with you than you have with your spouse by influencing your decisions from within your household. All rules apply to the marital relationship, however it remains true that someone will attempt to make you feel a type of way about what you are doing within your relationship, don’t worry about what they are saying because they are bulls in a china cabinet themselves, and birds singing in cages, trying to conduct kingly affairs when they’re deeply on the verge of sliding on a banana peel, because of the effects of the thrill. It’s all good just remember that 99. 9 % of the time a situation isn’t what it looks to be depending on your environment that woman doesn’t want your man. Breakthrough, blessings, and benefits to live better and overcoming the mushy stuff from under the soles of your red bottom shoes is what you should be trying to get rid of, and not him, trust. Thank God I am not the one, keep me heavenly Father unspotted from the drama, and every act of sin and indiscretion. Learn your lesson from trading spouses in the house of God, like somebody changing shoes and purses.

    PART 2


    You’re now exclaiming how could she go there, well for one thing, as you remind yourself it’s politics, however, it’s nobody’s business! From the next mode of the relationship you come from the let it rip standpoint, let the veil split from the top to the bottom in the marriage bed which is exactly the key to opening the doors to a more perfect union. Now you’re about to make your significant other go nuts, losing his (wives) her (husbands) natural mind because of you being intimately untimely. When all of the (LOZ) Ladies’ of Zion the inner circle has been staying on top of things, keeping their home fronts intact in every way then begin to slip in and out of sync in the marriage’s (BED) boldly extracted details, which you don’t even realize because you’re okay. You say that your business is nobody’s business, yet it someone else’s business because you have been talking to the inner circle about what goes on in your house and in your bedroom, to the degree now you’ve become a mere nursery rhyme to those you’ve disclosed your innermost thoughts. Jack and Jill went up the hill then Jack fell down and broke his crown, and Jill went tumbling after him. The break- up is imminent IF you continue to think about what you should have done instead of what you have done. Don’t bring him down like that, love the one you’re with and stop wishing on that which did not manifest because you already said yes, I do. You’re consenting with the snakes every time there are trigger words used to remind you of what you could have had, the person of image who you think would have been the best thing ever for you, will have you imitating Delilah to the degree of holding out on him in a manner to cause him to suffer because you refuse to boldly extract details. You lull him into a deep sleep of sorrowful nights, weeks, months, and years of wondering why and what is wrong with this woman, if he is who you wanted you could have told me No then, and it would have been respected and accepted. But to take me through this now after umpteen years and decades later is something disgraceful, a trick of the enemy. Strip the penetrating force of Delilah in this manner, you say you love him although your actions show him something entirely and completely different. You have the discrepancy to deceive in your heart because of your lust for another man. This attempt of withholding to cause your husband to step out and fulfill a sinful act would be your entrapment to use against him as a means to get who you lust after, the one who you could have married if you had only said No. By any means necessary you are meant to be taken out of the equation as well with the triggers and the false hopes of hooking up, because it appears as though he wants you too, but don’t be so sure of this. Even if he did why do you think you would end in a better place being with this person? You two have outshined the (master) too many times

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