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Yoga for Beginners: Your Complete Guide for Using Effective Mudras and Yoga Asanas to Relieve Stress and Being Healthy Now
Yoga for Beginners: Your Complete Guide for Using Effective Mudras and Yoga Asanas to Relieve Stress and Being Healthy Now
Yoga for Beginners: Your Complete Guide for Using Effective Mudras and Yoga Asanas to Relieve Stress and Being Healthy Now
Ebook242 pages4 hours

Yoga for Beginners: Your Complete Guide for Using Effective Mudras and Yoga Asanas to Relieve Stress and Being Healthy Now

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About this ebook

Welcome to the wonderful world of Yoga. 
here's a sneak peak of what's inside this book:
what is yoga
the mindset you need to have
the Benefits of Doing Yoga
Yoga Poses: Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced
A Yoga Diet
A Yoga FAQ
The World of Mudras
and much much more!

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Release dateMay 16, 2021
Yoga for Beginners: Your Complete Guide for Using Effective Mudras and Yoga Asanas to Relieve Stress and Being Healthy Now

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    Yoga for Beginners - loren carillo


    Welcome to the wonderful world of Yoga. In here, you will find mantras and there is also perseverance and effort. One does not achieve greatness by merely wishing for something. You will find here the book, "Yoga for Beginners: Your Complete Guide for Using Effective Mudras andYoga Asanas to Relieve Stress and Being Healthy Now" teaches you how to master this intricate artand reap the benefit from the comfort of your home.

    Indeed, to the uninitiated, there is a whole world to explore. Right from Mudras to Bandhas and Breathing Practices, one must master each step to gain complete control over one’s body. You have a whole range of poses - Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced that reveal the secrets to unending youth and happiness.

    So, what are you waiting for? Take the first step toward a healthier and fitter you now!

    A Word of Caution

    When you begin, take a real-life class and learn the rudiments from an actual Yoga master. If you do, it will help you understand what to do in a clear manner. Also, it is more fun learning by yourself!

    Here are some other dos and don'ts. First, for the dos.

    Practice yoga on a level floor on a yoga mat.

    Keep doors and windows open for good light and air.

    Sit facing the sun when you do your yoga.

    Do yoga calmly and deliberately.

    After your yoga class, pass urine. It will remove dirt from your body.

    Do Pranayama after Asanas and meditation after Pranayama.

    Now for the don’ts:

    Women must avoid doing yoga when they are pregnant or menstruating.

    Don’t do yoga on a full stomach. Wait for 2 hours after having food to begin your yoga.

    People with blood pressure issues or having heart problems must not do yoga.

    Wait for 30 minutes after doing yoga to drink water or have a bath.

    During illness, or if you have bandages for injuries, don’t do yoga.

    Don’t do yoga in places with a foul smell.

    Kids below five years must not do yoga.

    Don’t drink alcohol or consume drugs before doing yoga.

    At any time, if you feel pain in any form while doing yoga, stop doing the exercise. Consult your guru or doctor before you resume.

    Chapter 1

    What is Yoga?

    We see miscibility in all nuances of Yoga that makes it adaptable to all sorts of theological and philosophical systems. The ultimate implication of Yoga lies in liberation (moksha) which has different connotations for each system one uses.

    Definitions of Yoga

    Many Yoga experts have defined it to conform to their own evolutionary process. Jacobsen defines Yoga as having five principal aspects:

    Proficiency in control mechanism of mind and body.

    A conditional approach to attain a goal.

    A goal of doing all Yogic practices.

    Specific methods of practicing Yoga (especially those with terms having prefixes such as mantra- or hatha-.

    A Philosophy system or school associated with this practice.

    Diversification in Yoga

    For his part, David Gordon White says Yoga had its principles in place since the 5th century CE itself. ¹ Many variations developed in time as given here:

    A means of meditative discovery of cognitive and perceptive functioning that were out of place. We overcome these to let go of suffering and attain salvation and inner peace. This is amply illustrated in Hindu texts (Yoga Sutra, Bhagavad Gita), Buddhist Mahayana writings and Jain texts.

    Coexistence with everyone by expanding and raising consciousness with everything around us explained in the Vedic literature (Mahabharata), Buddhism (Niyaka texts), and Jainism (Prasamarati Prakarana).

    A way to enlightened consciousness and omniscience that allows us to discern the permanent and impermanent reality. Permanent is that which is true while the impermanent is elusive. This is highlighted in different ways in Buddhism (Madhyamaka) and Hinduism (Vaisheshika and Nyaya).

    Supernatural feats such as entering other bodies, making multiple bodies, and the like.

    These remain described in Tantric literature in both Buddhism and Hinduism.

    A differing school of thought also exists (James Mallinson) that such practices are not a part of mainstream Yoga practices. In mainstream Yoga, meditation is the way to get liberated as per religions in India. An explanation for these practices says that these are ‘yogi’ practices and not ‘Yoga’ exercises.

    Schools of Thought Related to Yoga

    Essential differences existed in the way Buddhists and Jains practiced Yoga. Here are the branches as seen in the Hindu tradition:

    Jnana Yoga

    Hatha Yoga

    Laya Yoga

    Karma Yoga

    Raja Yoga was a form symbolic of samadhi, the final goal of Yoga. Vivekananda made this popular through its common name of Ashtanga Yoga. In this, we see eight limbs of Yoga that was originally described by Patanjali.

    Subject of Yoga

    In Hinduism, Yoga constitutes the philosophical school. Among astika schools that number six, it becomes one. Followers of this precept accept Vedas as their knowledge source. Until the 20th century, Yoga Vasistha and Bhagavad Gita formed the central core of Hinduism. Hatha Yoga and Tantric Yoga had predominance over Ashtanga Yoga.

    Classification according to Vivekananda

    On the matter of Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and Raja Yoga, Vivekananda considered them the same. ² In Hindu Philosophy, Yoga school has those Yoga Sutras as its central text. Main aspects of both had the following:

    Methods of self-development of one’s mind, spirit, and body.

    Systematic exercises.

    Ethical methodology.



    In the same vein, they both held the knowledge to be sourced through one of these:

    Perception - direct observations through one’s senses.

    Inference - that which may be detected.

    Statement from a dependable source.

    Both are dualistic in nature. A personal god or essentially inactive deity is acceptable in Hinduism. It differs from the Samkhya school that follows an atheistic and rationalist approach. Yoga school has ethical precepts called Yamas and Niyamas. It sees life from an introspective perspective with the aim of perfecting one’s spiritual, mental, and physical states of existence.

    Viewpoint from Buddhism

    Buddhist pursue meditation as a path toward Nirvana and Enlightenment. It includes many kinds of meditation methods each designed to improve concentration, mindfulness, and insight. The yogi also develops tranquility and supramundane powers. Buddhist texts detail these core techniques and it is spread principally through a teacher-student bonding. In Buddhism, Bhavana or Jhana are terms used for meditation.

    In Tantra, as per Hindu and Buddhist texts from the 9th century, yogic practices involved visualization of deities through the use of geometrical arrays with elaborate drawings. It has fierce male-female deities, elaborate use of mantras and chakras, rituals related to life-stage, and sexual techniques, aimed at liberty and long life.

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    Chapter 2

    The Mindset of Yoga Practitioners

    The Eight-Limbed Yoga is based on Patanjali’s writings. In the Yoga Sutras chapter Book 2, we find this in the 29th Sutra.

    Yama: It stands for the five abstentions. ¹

    Ahimsa: Practice of nonviolence and not hurting any other living creature.

    Asteya: Not stealing.

    Aparigraha: Non-possessiveness, or being without avarice.

    Satya: Not given to falsehood, truthful always.

    Brahmacharya: Being faithful in marriage, leading a celibate life.

    Niyama: This stands for the five observances.

    Santosha: Acceptance of circumstances, that of our own and of others, being content.

    Svadhyaya: Study of Vedas, self-reflection, introspection.

    Asana: It means seat. According to Patanjali, it is the seated position used to meditate.

    Pranayama: This means breathing exercises (prana - breath; ayama - extend, restrain, stop, stretch).

    Pratyahara: It translates to abstraction. One must remain distant from external objects.

    Dharana: This means concentration. It means we give attention to one object alone.

    Dhyana: Meaning of this term is meditation. We spend time contemplating about the aspects of the object we chose for our meditation.

    Samadhi: It means liberation. This means our consciousness merges with an object of meditation.

    Yoga and its Relation to Vedanta

    In the Hindu tradition, Yoga along with Vedanta remain the two largest surviving schools. Both have many common concepts, thematic principles, and beliefs. But, each has its own style, depth and variety in some of their methods.

    Differences and Similarities between Advaita Vedanta and Yoga


    Advaita Vedanta


    We have three methods to acquire knowledge.

    There are six ways to get knowledge.

    Salient Aspect

    Opposes monism of Vedanta.


    Attaining Moksha

    An individual attains moksha and discovers his independent identity in a liberated form. This is bliss.

    Moksha is a part of Oneness with things around a person and with the Universal Self.

    Free Conscience

    Believe it is in free liberated form. It is transcendent and makes one self-aware.

    Believe it is in free liberated form. It is transcendent and makes one self-aware.

    Attaining Jeevan Mukti

    One must use Yoga practice as taught by Patanjali along with a reading of the Upanishads.

    One must use Yoga practice as taught by Patanjali along with a reading of the Upanishads.

    In the Yoga Yajnavalkya, a classic Yoga treatise, we have a dialogue between Yajnavalkya, a Vedic sage and Gargi, a famous philosopher. This text contains 12 chapters and has origins in the second century BCE. It forms the basis for many other Yoga texts like Yoga Tattva Upanishads, Hatha Yoga Pradipika, and Yoga Kundalini. These texts borrow or make references to the Yoga Yajnavalkya often. We find many breathing exercises to make the body clean along with meditation in it. It discusses eight Yoga Asanas. They are Mayura, Mukta, Bhadra, Simha, Padma, Gomukha, and Swastika. ²

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    Chapter 3

    The Benefits Of Yoga

    Health Benefits of Yoga

    People practice Yoga mainly because it is so beneficial to one’s health. Moreover, it is easy to do and gives you astounding benefits that some notice overnight but many feel over the passage of a couple of weeks. If you have been practicing Yoga for a while, it is likely that you noticed some benefits like better sleep quality or improved digestion. It is natural that you will be more relaxed and your life will be without tension.

    Explaining the same thing to a newcomer is tedious. This is mainly because of the technical terms involved - Make your spine supple and feel the energy flow out downwards or Keep your eyes soft while raising your torso. It is likely that you will feel an increase in prana. Nevertheless, due to its immense benefits, many people from all cultures are embracing this practice. Here are some useful things of doing Yoga.

    Better sleep quality.

    Improved digestion.

    Resistance to diseases.

    Removes tensions.

    Heightened self-awareness.

    More People Want to Get Benefitted through Yoga

    Of late, western science has investigated and discovered why and how Yoga benefits us. Knowing the mechanism has made people from the West to become motivated to step out on to the Yoga mat and get ingrained in this culture. It is important to realize that Yoga transcends beliefs and cultures and passes on positive benefits to all. One will understand Yoga better when one reads how it helps a person live a better life.

    Experiencing Yoga First-Hand

    Yoga’s healing power needs to be experienced first-hand. If you have a problem such

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