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The Successful Woman’s Mindset: Unlock the Secrets of Success, Activate Your Power
The Successful Woman’s Mindset: Unlock the Secrets of Success, Activate Your Power
The Successful Woman’s Mindset: Unlock the Secrets of Success, Activate Your Power
Ebook133 pages2 hours

The Successful Woman’s Mindset: Unlock the Secrets of Success, Activate Your Power

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About this ebook

The Successful Woman's Mindset will take you on a journey to activate the power within to have the success you desire in your business, job, and life.

With 21 characteristics you can implement into your life effortlessly, you will find the Successful Woman's mindset is already within you and ready to burst out and grab the success you deserve and desire.

If your gut is telling you, "You were meant for more," this is the book for you.

If you have the taste of success and are ready to embrace YOUR Strengths and accept your weaknesses, this is the book for you.

If you believe you are a work in progress and are anxious to learn more, this is the book for you.

Success can be yours and begins and ends with your mindset.

Isn't it time you opened up your mindset to the possibilities and opportunities that are right in front of you?

Discover how to:

  • Turn Fear into Determination
  • Get Comfortable with the Unknown
  • Be Open to the Possibilities
  • Embrace Your Value and more

When I came up with the topic for this book, I started doing research. What I found was Carol Dweck, Ph.D., a psychologist and a pioneering researcher in the field of motivation. An expert in growth mindset vs. fixed mindset, she looked at why people succeed (or don't) and how to foster success. As some of the most famous people in the world have said, "If you believe you can or can't, you are right."

"It doesn't matter who you are, where you come from. The ability to triumph begins with you - always." –Oprah Winfrey

You might be asking, "How can I have the successful woman's mindset? How can I be like Oprah?" or someone else that you look up to. What I have found interesting in speaking to many women is there really isn't that much of a difference between them and Oprah or somebody else they might find admirable. One of the main differences is associated with their mindset and not believing in themselves.

In this book you will learn the characteristics you can embody to have the success you desire, in your definition. You will also have activities to ask the important questions necessary to get you to your desired level of success. The limits you may think you have are often the limits you place on yourself. A large part of your success comes from this awareness and will help you implement what you learn in this book.

The chapters in The Successful Woman's Mindset are:

1. She has a Growth Mindset

2. She Knows Her Definition of Success

3. She Knows Oprah Status is Achievable

4. She Levels Her Waters

5. She Understands What Matters

6. She Embraces Her Value

7. She Knows Her Why

8. She is Open to the Possibilities

9. She Believes She Can

10. She Uses Her Past Successes to Overcome Future Obstacles

11. She Gives Back

12. She is a Leader

13. She Turns Fear into Determination

14. She Gives and is Open to Receive

15. She Owns Her Mistakes and Failures

16. She gets Comfortable with the Unknown

17. She is Visible

18. She is Always Open to Learn

19. She Never Fears Competition, She Learns From it

20. She Does What She Loves

21. She is a Work in Progress

BONUS: When you purchase the digital or hard copy of the book, you will receive a code to download a personal workbook to go along with the exercises mentioned in the chapters.

Release dateDec 10, 2018
The Successful Woman’s Mindset: Unlock the Secrets of Success, Activate Your Power

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    It's a very inspiring but I need to read it up to the end for me to get best out of it

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The Successful Woman’s Mindset - Galit Ventura-Rozen


She Has a Growth Mindset

"Y our thoughts should be your biggest cheerleader." —Galit

Successful women know the growth mindset is imperative for happiness, fulfillment and success. It sets the guidelines for our initiating beliefs and attitudes and it results in effective action. A growth mindset is the belief that your thought process is for learning and expansion, and that you are not limited by what you know today.

When you wrap your head around the growth mindset, which is a large element of this book, you begin to understand there are no limitations to what you want. You are your biggest limitation.

I am a pretty sweet person. I can smile all day long and share with you the things you should improve. I am also told often that I can be tough, and I can be. I will always tell you how it is, and telling you that you are probably one of your greatest obstacles to having a growth mindset is just me being honest. There just is no other way that I will write this book. I wouldn’t even know how to cookie-cutter it or sugarcoat it.

It is important for you to recognize that a lot of the attitudes and beliefs you have will only turn into effective action once you yourself recognize where they come from, why you have them, and how to get past them. That really is what a growth mindset is. Those limiting beliefs could have been imposed by family or friends, a significant other, or even our children. Maybe they just didn’t give you the support that could have helped you develop more confidence, positivity and beliefs that you could be and do what you desire.

This book recognizes that may have happened, but doesn’t spend a lot of time on it. Why? Because today is about you. This book is about you. It’s your turn. If you’re reading this book, it’s possible you’re ready to take action to remove those limited beliefs. You’re ready to embrace The Successful Woman’s Mindset characteristics and incorporate them into your daily life. You’re ready to start seeing the domino effect that will happen when you embrace your growth mindset. The possibilities and the potential are endless.

What is the Mindset? It is the established set of attitudes that define what you believe about yourself and what you believe about your most basic qualities. Moreover, the Mindset is what can motivate you or stop you from what you want to achieve in your life. At its essence, it’s your thoughts and how you think of yourself.

This statement boggles my mind most days and I know that when I figure out the answer to this next question, I will make sure to share it with the world.

They are our thoughts, right? Then why can’t you control them? Do you ever feel like your thoughts are your own worst enemy? Now connect that to mindset.

One of the things that pushed me to go back to school and get my master’s degree at the age of 38 was this actual question. While getting my master’s in therapy, much time was focused on how to teach someone how to change their thoughts about themselves. I knew this was a valuable piece to help women be successful in anything they desire to accomplish in their lives.

Let’s look at the Growth vs. Fixed Mindset. When I was preparing to give my first keynote on The Successful Woman’s Mindset, I spent time researching studies on my theories. What I found was Carol Dweck, PhD, a psychologist and a pioneering researcher in the field of motivation. She looked at why people succeed (or don’t) and how to foster success. With over 6 million views of her TEDx talk, you could say she is an expert in growth mindset vs. fixed mindset. I had never used this terminology before, but I knew there are people in this world who believe they can’t and those who believe they can. It was Henry Ford who said, If you believe you can or can’t, you are right. I agree with that statement.

Fixed mindset. You believe your basic qualities. This is how intelligent I am. This is how talented I am. The extent of these qualities is fixed. Nothing else can be taught to me. You spend time documenting instead of developing. You worry about how adequate your talents and your intelligence are. You’re always worried about proving yourself to somebody or something.

Growth mindset. You believe your basic qualities can be developed with dedication and hard work. It’s just a starting point. Wherever you are today can be whatever you want it to be. You must find the tools, find a support system, or find a way to get there, but there’s always a way. All successful people have a growth mindset. They know if there’s something they want to accomplish, they don’t always need to know how right away, they just need to believe they can.

Simply put, a fixed mindset is the belief that you are limited by your current knowledge. A growth mindset is the belief that you are not limited by the things you know today. The great part of understanding the fixed vs. growth mindset is knowing that this is all your perception of how things are at this exact moment.

For example: If today you have a high school education, you are 40 years old and working in what you consider a low-level job, and you believe you are stuck in this place for the rest of your life due to the limitations of your knowledge, experience and education, then you are living in a fixed mindset world.

However, if you understand that this is your position today but you can learn, gain knowledge and grow to apply for that dream job and change your life, then you are in a growth mindset world.

Seems simple, right? Then why do so many of us women ALLOW the fixed mindset to stop us? Instead of believing we can do more, we stop and settle. Why are some women open to challenges, overcoming obstacles, and finding a way to accomplish what they want, while many women are not? The answer to this question is YOU. You are the reason. We could look back at your upbringing, your limited beliefs from the environment you grew up in, we could look back at your teacher’s, relationships, parents and so on.

We could spend an entire book just looking for the reasons many women have a fixed mindset. I do not believe in looking to the past for excuses. Yes, excuses, these are all excuses. I understand and sympathize with anyone that has a reason or multiple reasons to have a fixed mindset and I am sorry for the negative experiences you have lived. What if, instead of focusing on this is why you are this way or that way or why you aren’t accomplishing the things that would be your definition of success, today you make a different CHOICE? Instead, today you acknowledge, I have a fixed mindset and am ready to have a growth mindset! Repeat after me: I make the choice today to have a growth mindset!

Now what? You’re aware you have a fixed mindset. You’re ready to be open to having a growth mindset. A mindset where you are ready to explore limitless possibilities and ways to grow, to have the things that you want in your life. It could be a job, a business, a relationship. There are many things that are out there for you once you make a choice, yes, a choice, to be open to having a growth mindset. Once you do, you will know the how exists. Once you figure out what you want to learn, and what you want to grow within yourself, the possibilities are endless.

If you already have a growth mindset, commend yourself. Let’s keep it growing with The Successful Woman’s Mindset characteristics.


She Knows Her Definition of Success

"A woman has the potential within her to succeed at everything she desires." —Galit

The measure of success is different for everyone. I do not believe in writing a book that tells you what success should mean to you or if you can consider yourself successful. Rather, in this chapter, you will learn quite a bit about the idea of success by your definition. When I hold workshops to teach the blueprint of success, I start out with wanting to understand what success means and looks like for you. It could have many definitions, depending on the person. I could compare two different women with completely different lives and they both could be considered equally successful. I believe each person has their own definition of success. If you don’t know what that looks like or you don’t know what that is right now, that’s okay. There is a reason you picked up this book, there’s something you’re craving to learn, something you want more of for yourself in your life or your business. Keep at it until you learn what your own definition of success

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