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A Deer's Diet
A Deer's Diet
A Deer's Diet
Ebook23 pages12 minutes

A Deer's Diet

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A deer, and a moose are eating forage from underneath ice on a snow-capped mountains, with this simple form of food, it grows larger, stronger and fattens really fast, the bears and wolves then come in trying to prey on the deer's young, or if possible the deer itself. Why does it have to wait for the dear to finish up the grass before it swallows them whole? Why can't it just chew the fodder directly? When lion king misses or fails to catch his meal he simply eats grass like a buffalo, he then grows stronger and gets to live longer.

PublisherDode Sescri
Release dateSep 11, 2016
A Deer's Diet

Dode Sescri

Let me tell you a story, it goes like this..."Once upon a time there lived a rat and a cat, they were very good friends, they lived happily in their wooden shack, they shared everything between themselves, when one of them got some food, he would share it with the other. One day the rat did something very bad, he annoyed the cat who then out of rage slapped him very hard, the rat was seriously injured by the blow and then died. That’s the end of my story..."Yarn spinning is a skill that is deeply ingrained in our blood, we are descended from a long line of great story tellers, there is no story we don’t know how to tell, we always find time to amaze our audiences with great tales, both the contemporary and the legends of the old...My old time friends Jiji and Kaki are the two fellows that have greatly influenced my writing and life at large, when you hear them speak you are led to think they know everything, Jiji was very good at debates, I don’t remember a single day when he lost a contest. Kaki on the other hand was a great story teller, I don’t know where he got his stories from, we simply enjoyed them, we never cared about his sources either, he had lots of them too. One thing I loved about this little fellow was that I never got bored around him. He would flood your ears with thousands of stories at a time and there is no single moment when he will tell you the same story twice. Jiji was somehow a fanatic. When there is a discussion then individuals get stuck at a point where nobody has any further information, all are ignorant, that’s when he jumps onto the dance floor, claiming he knows it all, I have never met anyone who loved arguments more than Jiji, even a simple discussion he would turn it into an argument. He had a strange way of convincing people to believe his claims, even though you had with you solid facts that proved him otherwise, you still couldn’t beat him...

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    A Deer's Diet - Dode Sescri


    You are comfortably seated in the living room, while the host prepares something for you (the visitor) in the kitchen, but as they begin to cut the fruits, their scent gets to reach you right in the kitchen, once you smell the mangoes you start feeling the sourness in your teeth, you start to feel you are already chewing a slice and the mouth begins to water, slicing oranges feels sour in your mouth as though you have it clenched in between your teeth. You see why do people enjoy eating food others cooked for them more than that which they have prepared themselves, is it because they prepared it with their own hands they have grown contemptuous of

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