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Dazzling Riches
Dazzling Riches
Dazzling Riches
Ebook56 pages39 minutes

Dazzling Riches

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When someone shows off their wealth by adorning their bodies with jewels, driving flashy cars and going on expensive vacations, it sends one message, this fellow is not really rich, he may be owning only a few homes, and therefore tries to show off to his other neighbors that he is equally rich just as they are by weighing down his body with shiny jewels, if he was really rich, he won't be showing off this way, really rich fellows never put their wealth to the display, in fact they try to hide it from others, secondly he could be a custodian, a steward in possession of someone's else wealth, he tries to make the most of it before the true owner returns, or thirdly he is buying time with his recently acquired wealth, he struck it rich so quickly and profited so immensely that the experience overwhelms him, he simply doesn’t know where to start or what to do, that’s why he stretches his hands into his money bag pulls out a bundle of notes and throws it into the air flying in all directions. This is his way of celebrating success.

PublisherDode Sescri
Release dateAug 6, 2016
Dazzling Riches

Dode Sescri

Let me tell you a story, it goes like this..."Once upon a time there lived a rat and a cat, they were very good friends, they lived happily in their wooden shack, they shared everything between themselves, when one of them got some food, he would share it with the other. One day the rat did something very bad, he annoyed the cat who then out of rage slapped him very hard, the rat was seriously injured by the blow and then died. That’s the end of my story..."Yarn spinning is a skill that is deeply ingrained in our blood, we are descended from a long line of great story tellers, there is no story we don’t know how to tell, we always find time to amaze our audiences with great tales, both the contemporary and the legends of the old...My old time friends Jiji and Kaki are the two fellows that have greatly influenced my writing and life at large, when you hear them speak you are led to think they know everything, Jiji was very good at debates, I don’t remember a single day when he lost a contest. Kaki on the other hand was a great story teller, I don’t know where he got his stories from, we simply enjoyed them, we never cared about his sources either, he had lots of them too. One thing I loved about this little fellow was that I never got bored around him. He would flood your ears with thousands of stories at a time and there is no single moment when he will tell you the same story twice. Jiji was somehow a fanatic. When there is a discussion then individuals get stuck at a point where nobody has any further information, all are ignorant, that’s when he jumps onto the dance floor, claiming he knows it all, I have never met anyone who loved arguments more than Jiji, even a simple discussion he would turn it into an argument. He had a strange way of convincing people to believe his claims, even though you had with you solid facts that proved him otherwise, you still couldn’t beat him...

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    Dazzling Riches - Dode Sescri

    Glittering-1-money a bad master. 

    This bad master called money has managed to gain control of every aspect of our lives, it has made us (the entire humanity) slaves to its shiny streak and lustre, and you simply can't do anything without it. You can't eat, walk or sleep without it, neither could you stay a whole day without it ever crossing your mind. "Even my freedom of thought you want to take away? You are such a mean formless creature! How I wish I could send you away from my life for good, never to see you again.’’

    ‘’Why should I waste away my life working for you and worry myself to depression thinking about you? Why should I have too much concern for you and take great care of you as if you are my child? You have made yourself so special and important that men all over the world run after you, the sight of your elegant walk drives them crazy, and can't stop thinking about you till they have you in their possession. Even after they get shiny treasures from you, you make them hunger for more. They will even kill one another because of you. You corrupt everyone that falls in love with you.

    You ill wretched devil! How come you have brought this unbearable misery to the world? You put on a queen’s dress to capture the attention of others, from the outside you look beautiful, but deep beneath your skin is covered with scales, and your shiny lips are hiding terrifying fangs.

    You brought jealousy, lust, anger, hatred and violence into the world, all kinds of evil you brought them with you. Yet you still have the desire to hide your true identity and mess up life out here. You still want men to continue to adore you, as if you came from the stars. You want to have absolute control over them. Their thoughts, their actions, their feelings. In everything they do, you want them to remember you.

    How I wish I could turn you into a donkey so that you would carry me on your back, how I wish I could turn you into an ox so that you would plough my fields, or turn you into a dog so that you will guard my house. Without that you are worthless, your shining jewels are of no use to me. I am not that fellow whom you can easily fool.’’

    ‘’How I wish I was born in a world where people got all their basic needs without having to use money." 

    The cavemen did not have money nor complex lifestyles, but at least they were happy, the simpler your life is, the happier you are.

    Glittering-2-Society old and new.

    Those nations that feel very little to no impacts of planetary economic tsunamis are communities where the societies have cleverly merged the old and the new, there's a good number of people who aren't so much reliant on state sponsored employment programs. They grow their own food, produce their energy and educate their children, they have learned never to live beyond their means. The highly industrialised nations are ones affected the most whenever there is an economic downturn. So, the industries

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