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Things Collected Along the Way
Things Collected Along the Way
Things Collected Along the Way
Ebook386 pages1 hour

Things Collected Along the Way

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About this ebook

Sometimes challenges in life have a way of making us feel like we are all alone. Like no one could possibly understand our troubles. In Things Collected Along the Way, Wykinnya Whitehurst shares daily wisdom on how she overcame hurtful and disappointing experiences encountered throughout her life. Her soul is poured out on each page to inspire readers to press through obstacles along their journey towards victory. You don't have to face your challenges alone because God has sent hope through the words in this book... from Wykinnya's heart to yours.

Release dateApr 10, 2014
Things Collected Along the Way

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    Things Collected Along the Way - Wykinnya Whitehurst

    Take inventory of what you have in your possession and at your disposal, and bask in the greatness of it. Instead of complaining, appreciate the things that are right in your life, and God will give you more of what you need and desire.

    January 2

    God is always ready and willing to lead and guide you. When you’re at a loss and you don’t know which way to turn, ask God for guidance and He will show you the way. First, you have to ask. God is a God of choice. He will never force Himself on you. He patiently waits for an invitation.

    January 3

    Instead of having people try to come up to where you are, why not bend to meet them where they are and start from there. Sometimes in our efforts to help others, we mistakenly try to fix, mold, and change them into whom and what we think they should be. Meeting people where they are in life allows them to be exactly who they are…flaws and all.

    January 4

    On average, most people are good and they choose to do good. Feel good about the good deeds you’ve done. A proud moment evolves from doing well and you should feel nothing less than pride. Anyone that makes you feel bad about doing well is actually bad for you and shouldn’t be close enough in your circle for you to care.

    January 5

    You are responsible for the way people treat you. When you allow people to disrespect and mistreat you, you can’t fully blame them. You have to take responsibility for the role you play. You may not have control over the actions of others, but you definitely have control over allowing them in your space or being in theirs, thereby allowing them to affect you in a negative way. There is enough negativity in the world that’s beyond your control, focus on the things that you can do something about.

    January 6

    The power of forgiveness is a force to be reckoned with. We are all capable of forgiveness; even though it may seem like an impossible task. As long as you continue to hold onto hate, animosity, pain, and hurt, you are giving your power to that person. It’s as if you’re shackled to that person through non-forgiveness. They are dragging you everywhere they go. Forgiveness releases the hold that connects the two of you. Once you release the pain forgiveness will come naturally. Once you forgive, you are free to move forward.

    January 7

    Just as seasons change, so do people. Some people come into your life for a season, which means when their time with you is over they have served their purpose. You may have some people that come into your life to stay a while, they will take up residence and eventually it begins to feel like they will never leave. When a person has completed their mission they must leave…it’s part of the plan. Always remember what’s for you is for you; and everything happens for a reason. People that are meant to stay in your life - will be right there.

    January 8

    Pain and hurt have nothing to do with love, they are in fact opposite; love never hurts. Love is sweet; love is kind, love understands, love is sincere. Love never demands its own way. When someone professes to love you, yet turns around and hurts you - that is not love. You should run as fast as your legs can carry you. It is imperative you learn what true love really is, and only at that time, will you be able to recognize a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

    January 9

    Take responsibility for the energy you bring into a room as well as the energy you allow into your own space. In the game of your life you are the most valuable player; the visiting team is just that, visiting, and they should have to earn the right to play your game.

    January 10

    Whatever the change you wish to see in others, make that change within yourself. If you think someone’s attitude needs changing, try altering the way you respond to their attitude. The way others act or don’t act has nothing in the world to do with you. It’s very hard not to be affected by someone else’s bad behavior. However, do everything in your power to make sure their bad behavior stays with them and does not affect you.

    January 11

    Get tuned into your internal alarm system. God has graced all women with it. It’s there to protect you, its called women’s intuition. This system is made up of several alarms that let us know that danger is lurking, or that something connected to us is off balance. You know that knowing feeling you sometimes get in the pit of your stomach that just won’t go away. The feeling that something is off, but you can’t quite put your finger on it. Pay close attention to those subtle nudges from God; He is trying to get your attention.

    January 12

    The people you love should know it without a doubt. Make sure the people you love, know you love them. This should not be a guessing game. If it is, you’re not doing it right. When a person passes away, they can’t smell flowers on their graves. They can’t hear nor see you kicking and screaming about how much you love and miss them. Cherish your loved ones and show them your love as often as possible.

    January 13

    Sometimes you have to have faith in something beyond what the eyes can see. We would all like to believe that we have control over what goes on in and around our lives, but there are some things we just don’t have any control over. Try this on for size; the next time you get stressed out about something beyond your jurisdiction, just say, Lord, I surrender all this to you. I leave it at your feet. Once you have done this, go on about your business, and take care of some other things. I challenge you to do this just to see what happens. What do you have to lose?

    January 14

    The grass isn’t always greener on the other side. Being born with a silver spoon in your mouth won’t necessarily make your life some glorious adventure. We all have very different paths we are destined to take. There is no way humanly possible for us to know what our lives would be like if… Embrace the life you hold and make the very best of it.

    January 15

    Sometimes you

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